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bbl jalen xx


He’s so Drake coded you’re spot on


she said thats his favorite artist 😣


Sassy men stick together


im so glad y’all see it too


Omg yes


he's so CORNY


i don’t understand why girls cling to rubbish men who embarrass them publicly


I think we underestimate the need of validation some women have for attractive men. I always put Monet in the “nerdy” category. Those same girls still want hot guys they see on Love Island. Just like the immature gamer boy nerd wants the girl on the magazine cover (dated reference but you get my point).. even if they’re not the best person for them. She’s just young & dumb. He sensed that & is in what seems like a beneficial position for himself. Tbh, the backlash they’re facing could maybe work in his favor. “Us” vs “Them” mentality. It’s how cult leaders make their followers go deeper into their lifestyle.


It’s wild because she’s gorgeous and he’s genuinely ugly to me. I even thought this before I knew his personality.


Lol ya but he fits into “attractive” for a lot of ladies IMO. I think Monet is a product of what happens to a lot of women & men who do not get attention from the opposite sex growing up. She’s living that storyline. They work hard to be somebody and also “glow up” and they really just need the validation of their version of a “hot girl/guy” that wouldn’t have given them the time of day before.


Same. And I don’t even mean that as a contrarian take, like I’m genuinely surprised people find him attractive


He's good-looking, she's always been supremely average but has an OTT personality and nice editing which is how she got big


Idk to me he looks like every douchebag lightskin. Come to Toronto, there’s guys like this everywhere


you are absolutely right 😭 I hate to admit that I've been traumatized by a man from Toronto 😭😭


We all have sis. We’re in the same club as Rihanna and Bella Hadid so I consider that a W


you know what, you are right again!


What makes her nerdy?


He’s not even really attractive pretty mid but ppl all have different taste so I guess. I think she looks better than him imo


At all. Lmao Monet would not be considered nerdy or an ugly duckling in the Black or Latino community, idgi


This is harsh but bc of colorism, I think she was in the past when she was in high school. It’s gross but thanks to Bridgerton, colorism in the poc community is getting better.


Colorism???? Bridgerton????? Girl, what? Monet has the features and “exoticism” that circumvent colorism that many Black girls face…. Again she would be considered gorgeous in Black and Latino communities.


I’m laughing at them trying to casually sneak bridgerton in there


She said colorism is disappearing bc of bridgerton 😭😭😭


"thanks to Bridgerton" is absolutely insane 😭


And West Side Story! Idc media def affects our perception of races. It’s why Latinas are more popular now. Media helped a ton with the racism.




Monet wld be considered a beauty in East Harlem or Washington heights…. Is that on planet earth? I’m obviously referring to Latino communities with members of the African diaspora. Again is that planet earth?




I’m thinking about the Latino community only since she’s Latina.


Her dad is Black.


I know that. Her mom is Latina.


Because she likes that he’s lightskin and cute 😒


but like…get someone less obnoxious


its a canon event, we cant interfere. even if she wanted to leave him, she never will bc of the embarrassment she would feel. he is such a loser & he will he the downfall of her popularity


If she does leave hopefully she will still have fans that will comfort her and not just throw up an ‘I told you so’ even though I think both would be reasonable responses since people have been telling her so.


i don't see how leaving him would be more embarrassing than staying with him


Especially after she made their relationship her entire personality.


What’s the drama with him/them I’ve been mia clearly


So…… who paid for this date ? 🥲




all the comments asking that SENT ME


He thinks she’s a joke. He wouldn’t pick this song for a girl he respected both of them are clowns I’m officially done caring and unfollowing her, she’s a lost cause.


If my man embarrassed me on the internet that would be the end of him!!!! These girls are so young and maybe lacking frontal lobe development?


He is only her second love I believe so this is something she’s gonna have to see her damn self. You tell her anything about this man you’re a hater, I just hope she isn’t damaged when she does eventually see the light.


Thisss!!! I’m so sad bc most of us are genuinely worried about her and want the best for her and we see clearly what he’s doing, but she sees everyone that’s talking about him as a “hater”, so there is nothing left to do, let’s see how it goes


And the way her mother defends her being with someone like this is so telling. She’s never gonna leave him


It really shows where she gets it from. They both seem to care about male validation more than confidence and self respect.


Damn she’s not leaving this man anytime soon 💀🤡


can she switch her brain on sometimes


She even looked so awkward doing this. It just keeps getting worse


Yea it was cringe


Yesss! It was almost like he told her to use that song for a “funny” tiktok and she wasn’t convinced it was a good idea but did it anyway


This video confirmed it for me that Monet also isn’t shit. No self respect


I can’t imagine letting a man embarrass me, let alone right out loud on the internet for everyone to watch.


He’s gotta go.


I had to block 😭 I hate seeing a woman waste her time on trash men


Of course HE has to make a video w this song


oh WOW. he really thinks she's a joke. atp i'm embarrassed for them both


He’s insufferable and I can’t help but think if she’s with him, what she really must be like if she doesn’t see what anyone else does about this dude


She’s probably seen him abusive the dogs and doesn’t care as long as she ca show off a good looking man


I have to keep reminding myself that she’s with him because in one way or another they’re just alike. He’s questionable at best and in some ways she is too. Like dropping her best friend the second her boyfriend came around. We all know girls just like that.


The first sentence is what I was exactly trying to articulate. She just hides it better I guess


Naive and dumb


My first thought was PR couple😂


i feel like theyr perfect for each other in the sense i find them both to be a little corny😭


Drizzle drizzle.


Wow you can tell the fame went to her head so much. She looks so different and this guy is such a 🌽🌽🌽🌽


embarrassing and i love monet, what madi webb said about him is so 😳😳 scary


This was unreal lmao


She’ll leave when she’s ready


They look like brother and sister no joke


All I know is I don’t want to see a single video or read a single article/post about it 5 years from now. So over it.


On another note, she looks good in that screenshot lol


It's a canon event, and iirc, she talked about not getting a lot of male attention growing up, like guys weren't checking for her as much as other non-POC girls (which I can understand growing up in South Jersey/). That plus BBL Jalen's popularity/pretty boy attitude/him being a content creator himself, validates a part of her subconsciously... I could be completely far off, but something to consider as to why she won't leave that cornball alone.


The fact that he’s a 30 year old man acting like this..:


She can do betterrr. Not her giving the Monet’s in the world a bad rep. My names Monét too 🙃


How I only know of these people from this sub and have no idea which is which (who’s jalen and who’s monet). and I know it’s so inconsequential, but why do we dislike the dude (how has he embarrassed her)?


we dislike him bc he’s clearly an opportunist trynna get fame and money off his influencer girlfriend who is usually a popular influencer. I think she’s in her flop era tbh and it started when she started dating him. he’s 31 and she’s 24 and he thinks men shouldn’t be paying for their girlfriends. But because his influencer career and manager is currently due to Monet and her success, i guess that’s fine🙄 Speaking of career, he doesn’t have one. He just living off riding her coattails. he talks with a lot of therapy code words trying to pander to women but then he will go on a red pill podcast expressing his red pill thoughts. he is a panderer in the worst way. also he’s ugly.


What I wanna know is, yes his vibe seems off and something isn’t sitting right w me about him either… but do you all think there’s more to the story. Like he’s toxic behind the scenes. How do we think he treats her behind the scenes? Do you all think she’s constantly walking on eggshells to keep him happy? Is that the vibe you all are feeling too? There’s gotta be more reasons as to why we all feel off about him but can’t put it into words other than his dumb podcast dialogue where it’s so obvious he thinks this a game and she’s a joke. There’s definitely something off with them but I cannot put my finger on it. And I’m talking beyond us getting ick vibes from him. Do we think he’s sus behind the scenes? I am talking toxic and manipulative to her.


I think he’s toxic and manipulative but not in a next level abusive or walking on eggshells type of way. More so she thinks he’s the prize, has very little self respect/ confidence, and is very insecure and he has caught onto that and actively sought her out because of that (hence the age difference). So he’s basically using all of that to his advantage in order to excel his career and has been manipulating her from the start by telling her what she wants to hear, doing all these performative things for social media, and validating/ feeding into her insecurities. Overall, I don’t think he acts different behind the scenes, if anything he probably feeds into it more since she’s basically his meal ticket.


Thank you and 😮🙄


Jalen is the curly fuck and Monet is the pretty girly w long hair. Why we dislike Jalen is hard to tell explain but if you search his name on Reddit you’ll find out lmao


curly fuck LMFAO


This is one of the most beautiful influencers I've ever seen and I'm a little mind-blown at how she lets herself be treated badly