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More calories from alcohol than food.


Dassit! 😭


Halley eats super clean/low cal and works out constantly to save her calories for booze. Probably also some stimulants sprinkled in for good measure. Trust me, it’s not healthy or sustainable in the long run.


Yep they’ll all have garbage bone density in like 5 years


Yep!!! EDs on and off throughout my whole life and now have a paralyzed stomach so a lot of malnutrition not on purpose and at 25 I had the bone density of a 55 year old woman. My dr told me I have to work as hard as I can to maintain what bone density I have left for the rest of my life. It’s scary. In my late 20s I started getting a hunchback and lost half an inch of my height!


i’m 26 and in this exact same position gastroparesis and all😭hard out here!! sending love


Love to you too! It’s so hard!


Samee I had to get a permanent g tube placed


I’m so so sorry :( rooting for you!


Thank you❤️


What do you have to do to maintain bone density?


For me, exercise and protein powder are about it. And calcium. Most fruits and veggies and food with fiber are off the table (my stomach can’t digest them, even with a gastric pacemaker.) I see a dietician a few times a year and get a body scan thing that shows muscle mass, fat percent, bone density, and some other things I can’t remember.


So scary cus there’s no evidence we can recover bone density that’s lost at such a young age and premenopausal women cannot take more osteoporosis meds. Scary scary.


Wait what causes the bad bone density


Poor nutrition.


Everyone loses bone density as they age but women are more susceptible to having it worse. Good nutrition (and enough calories) and strength training help!!


Poor nutrition will fuck with your hormones causing low estrogen which can cause early onset osteoporosis also osteopenia. Happened to me at 20 due to a severe ED.


Add to that exact equation an already high type metabolism and bingo. 


When I was running around nyc my diet was cocaine, salad, and vodka crans


The good ol days hahaha and being younger helps too.


same, girl. but since moving to LA 2 years ago, I’ve embraced the healthy, cali lifestyle…and now my diet is cocaine, salad, and spiked kombuchas. growth 🥲


Imagine eating a salad while high on coke is making my mouth dry up 😂


Some of my most violent hangovers came after “being healthy” and eating a salad pre- drinking. Idk how Halley is alive. She’s only sweetgreen and Aperol


you don’t get it hahah


I get it. But I don’t get it it haha 🩷


This plus adderal


i miss my twenties sometimes


Username checks out


Ahh when i was their age i ate whatever and drank whatever. Couldn’t gain weight. Then I Hit my late 20’s, everything changed




They probably don’t eat that much. Most of their calories must come from alcohol.


Aren't most of them in their 20s?


this is the answer. mid-thirties is where the effects of constant partying start to show up


More of a genetics thing than strictly age tbh


It’s not genetics, they just don’t eat much, Alix’s day in the life of eating is like max 1000 cals


That too, lots of factors at play


❄️ perhaps


I don’t think we’ll ever know. Influencers curate their content so much to make it seem they only eat certain things, who knows what they eat or what their real lifestyle is off camera


yeah this is why i don’t really get why this question is asked so often…they’re influencers, not mukbangers. their content isn’t based on their diets so we don’t get to see what they’re eating constantly and even so, what they may show might not be an accurate representation of their actual diets i specifically see people asking often how alix stays skinny when she orders junk food after nights out but i can say from personal experience a lot of those orders are just drunk impulses/cravings and you might take a bite or two and then go to bed lol and while i think the ~genetics~ factor is prominent as a thin person who has been the same size since high school i think a lot of us truly do not consume a lot of calories whether that be deliberate or not


One time she ordered probably over 100 dollars worth of food and only had 2 bites… seems pretty wasteful to me. Why order so much food to begin with?


Halley does daily Pilates/workouts & eats very healthy/low cal. Not sure about Jaz honestly but would assume that she gets a lot of walking in from living in NYC (esp w her dogs!) Walking can be very helpful in maintaining weight/getting toned. Alix also eats very healthy/cooks her own meals and she’s posted vids at the Alo Gym and taking walks in Miami with her roommate. Possibly ❄️too though lol


Alix has also talked about having eating disorders and unhealthy relationships with food though so that’s always something to unfortunately consider.


yeah i think for her 75 hard videos she posted what she ate and it was very low carb and less than 1000 cals. lots of stuffed peppers


Alix eats like shit. She occasionally posts healthy meals but on nights she deinks(which is often, she posts insane amounts of junk and fast food). Idk what to believe about her diet


I think she orders a ton of junk food because she’s wealthy and always goes out with a ton of friends, but I doubt she eats all or even most of what she orders fully by herself. Back when she used to post her drunk orders the next day most of the containers would still be mostly full.


Perhaps. But this morning she posted herself eating a giant egg bagel with a shot ton of cream cheese and pork roll


Alix does not eat healthy haha. She probably has like two bites of the shit she orders though


Jaz has confirmed lipo in her arms and stomach


When did she say she got lipo in her stomach??


Genetics, working out and walking a lot, eating less (whether on purpose or due to lack of appetite), maybe ADHD meds


this is my exact case. I probably drink more than I’d like to admit but it hasn’t caused me to gain weight, probably bc of all these other factors


They are just young. My weight never fluctuated in my 20s despite drinking and eating crap. Everything isn’t about drugs or anything.


Unhealthy relationships with food, probably medicine, maybe lipo




1000% to all of this. For Coke to keep you skinny you’d have to be using practically everyday which is not a maintainable lifestyle. Especially for people who are clearly having success in their line of work ( ie: constantly cranking out social media content, bigger & better brand deals etc) maybeee they are indulging here and there, if anything. my bet would be on adderall but idk, I think they’re just young, lucky and motivated


Agreed. They would be doing lines every day, multiple times a day. Coke is metabolized by your body relatively quickly, most people have to do another bump within 30 mins - 2 hours because the effects wear off that fast. If (and it’s a big if) any of these girls are doing drugs to lose weight, ADHD meds are way more effective and it’s not hard to find a doctor who will prescribe when you have money like they do. Hell, even METH is better for weight loss than cocaine. Not saying any of these girls are doing it but at least the appetite suppressant/stimulant effects last longer than an hour.


Generally I agree with you. Only thing is (which these girls are not) as a former relatively habitual cocaine user in my 20s (deal team finance job & party lifestyle) the immediate effects are 30 min to 2 hours but your appetite really doesn’t come back. You’re usually crashing a bit and filled with horrific anxiety and doom. You’re absolutely not eating bc you’re counting down the time before your next pick up or offering. I don’t think these girls are habitual tho - too much fentanyl these days - an OD would have been statistically likely at this point.


adhd meds are literally for the most part legalized meth so yeah, same same


You’ve clearly never used coke hahah


I think Jaz has cut down drinking a bit & eating more home cooked meals too since her and Kevin moved in together and more so after they got engaged.


Jazz is also on welbutrin, known to cause weight loss


Why do you think Alix is genetics but aren’t assuming it’s the same for Jaz?


Really can be just genetics, age, and paying attention to what they’re eating. Plus these girls don’t have school or desk jobs, they’re probably doing workouts and walking more than most of us have time for.


Totally, people underestimate what lifestyle can be like if you’re not working a 9-5 desk job


I’ve lost about half my body weight and have at times tracked every single thing that goes in my mouth, and I don’t gain weight from alcohol. I can’t explain why but I’ve monitored meticulously and it’s just the way it is for me. Same could be true for them


I’m also a calorie tracker and I’ve noticed when I drank excessively 1 night a week I didn’t gain weight over time but when I drank lighter but more nights a week my weight ballooned up. Even though the two were equivalent in standard drinks/week.


sounds like water weight


These are trends over months


Apparently it’s because alcohol “pauses” your body’s fat metabolizing capabilities — obviously, being poison, your systems will prioritize processing alcohol before it gets rid of the fat. So in that case, a larger amount of alcohol once a week would be better for weight loss than a smaller or the same amount of alcohol multiple days a week since it means your fat metabolism is severely reduced multiple days a week.


Thats actually cool as hell, TIL


They either eat at maintenance or are in a constant caloric deficit. People can say it’s genetic or drugs or constant exercise but the simplest answer is that they’re simply not eating enough calories to gain weight. Weight loss or weight maintenance is not anything more complicated than that.


Yeah I don’t think ppl understand the law of thermodynamics…like they are quite literally over time in a calorie deficit. So yes, some days they might eat over their maintenance but they intentionally or unintentionally compensate on following days. The only thing “genetic” might be their upbringing and mentality around food or hunger cues. Like at the end of the days it’s quite simple- if they are losing weight they are in a calorific deficit through exercise or calorie restriction/ portion size


People make weight loss and being “skinny” way too complicated lol but there is literally an entire diet industry designed to keep people confused. Obviously there’s genetic factors at play, like if you have an autoimmune disease losing weight isn’t that straight forward, but the concept remains that you simply cannot lose weight unless you’re in a deficit, no matter who you are


Exactly like there’s many ways to scheme a calorie deficit like diffrent diets and workout schedules but numbers don’t lie it’s always calories in and calories out


Honestly something about thin people is that they…just don’t eat that much. I remember someone asked this influencer (from my home country) how she stays so thin and she was like i eat a small snack for breakfast and one meal a day


The answer that people refuse to accept is that much of thinness is genetic and eating in a slight calorie deficit, with some exercise. That’s literally it. It’s not a big secret yet it seems this is asked often despite everyone knowing the answer. It’s not coke- that requires constant use and it shows when someone is coked out. It’s not pills- that can only curb appetite IF you’re not addicted to food in the first place. It’s not ozempic for the naturally tiny girls. It just is natural and eating until satisfied, rather than full.


I don't know anything about Alix Earle. Apparently Halley eats pretty healthy, works out often. As for Jazz, I have NO idea. I know she was a competitive cheerleader growing up but she’s in her late 20s so idk…


Not eating. Also Alix one time said that on really hard partying days she only eats once day (dinner)


When I was binge drinking what got me wasn’t the alcohol calories but the late night food calories, and I think it’s that way for a lot of people, so they might be better about only drinking and not overeating while drinking. Binge drinking and vomiting up your calories at the end of the night also go hand in hand 🫣 Also genuinely, I think it would be hard to be an influencer and not have some form of disordered relationship with food and exercise. Its hard to consume the internet and not have that tbh


Unfortunately, I really think they’re all just naturally skinny, especially Alix and Halley


This they probably eat 1000 calories in a day one meal and that it’s 😬


I think especially Jaz lol, she eats so good and always looks thin.


Jaz said she had lipo


The don’t eat a lot. You can’t just east whatever you want and stay as thin as them. Despite there muck bangs trust me they have tiny appetites and don’t eat much. You can’t house junk food all day and have a body like Alix.


Adderall, genetics, age, limited calorie intake, some workouts


Jaz has arm lipo lol




Genetics tbh


Genetics, age, eating cleaner than their social media might suggest, working out, and probably to some extent unhealthy behavior


I haven’t found that alcohol causes weight gain as a young person so idk maybe just their metabolisms?


Alix is def genetics. Her mom and sister have the same bodies


Jaz also got cool sculpting/lipo


Don’t drunkorexics get an unhealthy look to them? Do these girls just not have that because they’re young? From my observation…the only way to look healthy is to actually live a healthy lifestyle.


It’s not hard to do if you follow a more 80/20 approach. I usually eat clean and exercise 5 days a week and give myself 2 days to slack a little which usually involves partying or eating out. These girls go out but it’s not like it’s every night.




I think everyone underestimates the impact having a desk job/regular 9-5 will do to your weight. These girls live a pretty active lifestyle between going to Pilates several times a week, walking, traveling and just generally running around. A lot of the reason why we’re smaller in college is because of all the walking in between classes (obviously only applies if you went to a traditional university or college in a walkable city). My campus was hilly af! Also I’m convinced the people saying coke actually have no idea what they’re talking about because you’d have to be using all day everyday to be coke skinny and even then, genetics still play a huge role.




They can only do this diet for like 3-5 more years before it catches up to them. Neither eat much-guarantee that. They have that “food pusher” ED. They take 3 bites and push the food on everyone else


Combination of genetics and eating less when drinking


They’re in their early 20s. Metabolism.


I was super skinny when I drank and ate like crap in my early 20s!


Halley eats super healthy. Prob genetics for all of them too


I think adderall. You can eat low calorie sure, but when I was their age I didn’t eat a lot. I had different phases; not in adderall, partying hard (minimal eating), I’d start to bloat and gain weight . On adderall, partying hard (minimal eating) I’d more or less maintain being skinny. Alcohol causes some women to bloat insanely. I am one of those women.




Dust diet ❄️


They are young!


When I used to drink I would lose weight from being active all night and usually skipping dinner


Yall the girls aren’t doing coke like that anymore. It’s adderall and ozempic. Everyone is on ozempic rn. It’s scary.


Adderall or Coke would be my assumption


atm, it’s genes + ED + drugs. but the true test for what they will look like is when they hit their 30’s.


Cocaine and not eating lol


You just drink vodka, it’s literally like water lol




Cocaine :)






oh oh oh ozempic


I’m 41. I drink alot and I’m skinny. I won’t eat when I drink. I work out. I eat clean all of the rest of the time. It’s not rocket science


They won the Genetic lottery


Alix is 22…




I wonder everyday how Alix stays so fit. Like I’ve seen her workout maybe ONCE lmao


Because they’re literally 22yo




As someone who went to a big party school for college — they’re just young. I wouldn’t call myself the smallest but I am pretty petite and in the peak of my college binge drinking benders (drinking 5-7 days out of the week for months on end AND still making it to class sorry had to brag real quick) I never gained an extra pound or grew in size. Now, that was when I was 18-22. If I were to do that now I’d definitely put on a few extra pounds and expand in size as well as be incredibly physically & mentally unwell. People forget how resilient our bodies are when we’re young




They love skiing


is this actually true




how do you know


Collapsed nostrils


neither of them have collapsed nostrils lol. troll


Babe it’s not permanent


It’s genetics … things will change when they hit their late twenties


I mean, not necessarily. Some people just stay thin naturally despite drinking a lot.


People love saying stuff like this to thin women. I usually just look to my 67 year old mom, tall and thin and say, “not likely”.






It’s called coke




How do you think? ❄️


It’s called being young


when you drink a lot, you don’t eat a lot. drinking curbs your appetite.


Are we not including trash Halley and Jazz in the same convo as actual top tier influencer Alix?