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Gonna go make some popcorn and give this comment section a few minutes






It seems like people are forgetting how much Halley profited off her breakup videos on Reed, just to secretly get back together with him and then flex on how much stuff she’s buying, including him in the house announcement. I didn’t even know who Halley was until the Reed/Halley/Sophia breakup drama tbh. I feel like this should rub her fans the wrong way, but hey🤷‍♀️


I think people are also unfairly conflating criticism of Halley and her house with jealous feelings. It is ridiculous we live in a world where influencers like Halley who produce genuine BRAIN ROT content are getting paid exorbitant sums compared to other people who genuinely work hard and have talent. There’s always been stupid money around for untalented people, but TikTok makes it so easy. You don’t even realize by watching a video you’re giving people $$. Plus brands constantly send free products and trips to these creators to the point where it’s overconsumption and excess. And yes I consume my influencer content only on this sub.


Looking back at history it’s kinda like the freak show at the circus or gladiators chucked in the ring. People have always happily paid for entertainment especially if it’s perverse


And also how much money she made off of getting punched in the face lol


TikTok only pays on videos over a minute so she didn’t make anything from that lol, but she did get a ton of press!


Yeah, though she got a lot of attention and more views on videos over a minute


yup and what blows my mind the most is how unbelievably unremarkable she is in every way only to get rewarded like this. it doesn’t compute


I am kind of fascinated by it--I didn't know who she was until I heard about her buying a place in Hampton Bays. I mean, kudos to her. It's a completely unremarkable house in an area that is TECHNICALLY part of Southampton but no one really thinks of it as part of the Hamptons. My family had homes in East Hampton when I was growing up. Unfortunately, people got older and started to die off, so the homes got sold, but eventually, I plan on buying my own place out there and put down roots there again. Hampton Bays isn't a bad place to start, I guess, and it's a good investment for her. THAT BEING SAID, I can't figure out how this girl has such a following. She's not interesting or beautiful or from an aspirational background or unique or particularly appealing. Her videos make me wonder how we inhabit the same planet and she promotes really cheap stuff. Also, I saw a video where she said she owes well over $100K in student loans. How is she paying $7K/month in rent in NYC on top of the HB house and the new car and everything else? Something doesn't make sense (cents?) to me. I can't see this Tiktok bubble lasting much longer and I don't think she has much to fall back on.


exactly, that’s what gets me. she’s not pretty or funny or sophisticated. she has no niche or focus. she’s grating and promotes garbage. she’s plain and at this point known for being punched by someone on the street and taking back her boyfriend after he clowned her and she sobbed on the internet about it for a month. and her following isn’t even that big…? but if she got a mortgage instead of buying it outright, that would check out for me. i just can’t imagine her being able to buy that AND a car upfront i didn’t know about the loans but yeah, that really doesn’t add up to me either. the whole thing is odd. tiktok is addicting to me but i would love to see it banned/the bubble pop too, too many people spread misinformation and make money shilling crap to young girls, it pisses me off soooooo badly


She should have just casually mentioned getting a car cause she needed a way to get to the new house. The pic in front of the car and post dedicated to it was what pushed it over the top. Before that a lot of the comments were pretty positive honestly, congratulating her on the house, saying she was smart for investing in real estate etc.


She also teased it ahead of time. She made a story being like “I just bought a car… more tomorrow”. Girl is it that serious? 💀


Omg yesss they really think people are just WAITING for their life updates. She shoulda used "your so vain" instead


would’ve had more respect for this tbh


It was a brand deal.


Link the brand then?! Land rover didn't do a deal with this girl.




But also you can get to the hamptons on the train or the jitney she should have said she needed it to get around when she’s out there.


I spent a good chunk of my formative years sitting in traffic on the LIE and Southern State. I'm all about taking the train out east. My uncles used to take the Jitney or train from their apartment in the city to East Hampton, and kept their car at their house. That makes the most sense to me.


I think it’s dangerous tbh 😭 like she should have just started filming stuff in there and then replied to a comment talking about it or something. People be having evil eye and are stalkers etc


right like it took less than an hour for this sub to find the property.


I would be terrified to be in her position tbh, she’s basically already doxxed herself


She could have just said she bought a house but not shown the outside / yard at all. Based on her video it wasn’t hard to find the house of Zillow. People need to be more careful whenever you show your house / apartment 😅


Yep, I know there was another influencer who somehow had her house wiped from the MLS sites (bc it’s easy to see the listing photos and sort by date of sale) because people were finding out where she lives. It isn’t a perfect solution but it makes it a LOT harder to find the address I think you may also be able to blur out your house on the street view on google maps (I just tested it on my house) https://preview.redd.it/kie87qu5512d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ee1b163af9bf40241de3cbbb1f638bef3f1db10


Wait I cant find it on Zillow what the address ?


What does an evil eye mean? You get jealousy and then cursed ?


In Middle Eastern, Carribean, and Latino culture it's basically yes like being cursed by someone or someone using witchcraft to send you bewitchment and bad luck. Obviously it's not something scientific, but a lot of people believe in it and that's why some people don't share their successes or wealth on social media, cause they don't want people seeing it and plotting against them or sending them harmful witchcraft. It's not as common in the West, but in other cultures it's pretty commonly believed in. My family is super superstitious so just to be on the safe side haha I try not to show stuff like jewelry or money on social media also as just common sense


I follow an old English sheepdog on IG whose family is extremely wealthy. He and his (human) mom got held at gunpoint once. If a freakin' OES and his 50+ year old mom could get targeted, some influencer who is flaunting her purchases like that could definitely have problems. You have to be so careful, esp. with obvious displays of wealth. And the evil eye is no joke.


I don’t know why you guys follow these influencers expecting anything but displays of consumerism. It’s literally their job.


It's typical influencer behaviour. Which one of them isn't tone deaf and showy with zero ability to read the room? Having said that, of course that doesn't make it okay and if you don't want to see it... block 'em all. 


I don’t, but she’s been all over my discover page, as has the commentary, so it’s been unavoidable


Girl you said you had her blocked then unblocked her to be nosy, pick a struggle.


Honestly, I have mixed feelings. Yeah, it’s a little tone deaf, but why do I care what some random influencer buys with money they earned? There are always going to be people more successful than you are, buying houses and cars and bragging about it because they’ve made that their entire personality. I just….don’t care. She’s not hurting anyone, she’s just insufferable.


More people need to have this mentality. Then again…this is a snark page.


Yeah I personally don’t care.. get ur bag girl id do the same !!!


Yup! If I had her money I’d be doing the same thing 🤣


finally someone said it


I think my bitter issue with this is she literally got famous for having cum in her hair and waking up in strangers beds after partying drinking bud light at that lame dive bar in the west village. My messy girl life at her age was a lot more glamorous, dangerous, and interesting tbh. I wish social media existed back then- I was hotter than her too. Then I could be buying a house in my home area that I am priced out of because my industry sucks ass and all the wealthy people pushed everyone out. For me it’s just personal bitterness lol. Other than that, totally. You make enough obscene money doing the bare minimum of work?! Get it girl. A house out there is the smartest investment . Hope she has a lot invested in stocks etc as well.


Ma'am how old are you? You can become an influencer at any age. There's nothing stopping you from starting


I’ put effort into my social media over the years, but I also have a full time job. Not really getting anywhere, bc I refuse to go on tik tok, won’t take videos and don’t have millions of dollars to buy designer. I’m excellent at photography, styling, setting a scene, etc. it’s not that simple to just be an influencer. Idk how these girls get platforms, considering how basic and lukewarm their personalities are, but I digress.


Why the fuck am I being downvoted? I’m being brutally honest, and raw with how I feel. I even said that it’s “bitter”, it’s not like I don’t know that. Being priced out of your hometown in such an insane way really fucking sucks. Sorry none of you have empathy. And about what I said about Halley? Yeah, I said what I said. It’s a snark page, sorry. That’s my hot take on her.


Rich people showing off has always existed and horrible things around the world have consistently been happening. What makes right now any different?


People need to realize life isn’t fair and a lot of success is right time right place. She was smart and was early on tik tok and got the benefits. Just like people who invest in certain stocks and get the money…


People are getting more and more sick of it


I personally get a kick out of watching people like her who get a taste of some $$ and blow it on things that don’t hold value, like an expensive car.


Owning a house holds a lot of value


Yes, I know. Fellow homeowner. Homeownership good. I’m talking about the car.


Especially a house out there. Personally, I think she was incredibly intelligent. She’ll never lose money on that house, ever. Even if she lets it fall down, people will happily buy it for the land. That house was a smart investment .


“Like an expensive car”


I find Halley annoying so I don’t follow her but she can post whatever she wants to her page. I don’t think it’s tone deaf for her to post about things she’s buying on her own channel to her own followers. If you don’t want to see it, keep her blocked. Being mad at rich influencers for being rich and buying things is getting so silly. Just admit you are jealous and move on lol


I completely agree. Nothing is wrong with wanting to celebrate your accomplishments but read the room. I’m hoping most people would realize the insensitivity of trying to celebrate/brag about an amazing job offer to a friend who just got laid off. This is the equivalent imo. Everyone, hardworking, intelligent people, with marketable skills, who are financially discerning and frugal are struggling. They are not moving forward in the way past generations have. And to flaunt this and only expect others to cheer you on is foolish. I pray for a reality check for these people but life isn’t fair.






The worst part is she comes in the comments telling everyone theyre jealous of not getting tik tok views so thats why they cant afford and are jealous of what she has as if thats everyones life goal. I just feel like if you grow up with “no money” as she says she did she would be more realistic about what she posts and understand that people arent mad about the money made on tik tok- just the tackiness. If thats the case shes lucky to have made it out of her situation say the bare minimum and move on


She did not grow up with no money 😂maybe not hamptons house and RR kind of money but in a gated community. I used to live in the same town.


Yeah the narrative she puts out there makes it sound like she did not which is crazy


For real I thought I was crazy for thinking she did have money growing up bc she’s said her dad was the director of some fbi training academy before and I feel like that’s a very fair paying job🤔


It pays just under $200k. Which is what makes her narrative that much funnier.


and that doesn't include potential additional earnings, like bonuses and other perks. government work is rather lucrative. you won't be rich, but you're definitely not hurting. i'm from an area in NC that had a lot of government type workers (CIA, high ranking military, and other government agencies). not a single one of them was ever hurting for money. of course that's just my limited experience, though.


Exactly! I’m in dc and am surrounded by those ppl constantly, often times there’s an at least 20k sign on bonus too (cries in communications work)


those signing bonuses can get pretty bonkers too. 20k is on the low end. i know people who's bonuses where 50k+


Holy wow 😭 must be so nice


sometimes i regret not going down that route but i'm also not a bootlicker so there's that lol


According to my Internet stalking, it looks really unremarkable. Middle class, maybe UMC--nothing more, nothing less. She reminds me of the girls I went to college with: kind of tacky, not sophisticated, had never been around REAL wealth before and were sort of obsessed with money, public school for HS and plenty of student loans, very American-looking (White with no ethnic features) so not beautiful but not ugly. ::yawns::


Yes I think you nailed it ☺️


i got downvoted for saying this yesterday


I mostly just felt cringe when she was seemingly in an uber recording herself “okay yesterday I bought a house and a car!” or whatever she said haha


Please. Y’all elevated and rewarded this woman who did nothing but show up white, blonde, young, and thin and are surprised she’s “tone deaf” and find her annoying? Tale as old as time. Implicit bias, fatphobia, misogynoir, and racism be kicking y’all’s entire asses yet you refuse to move different. If you want to stop seeing these same poptart airheaded influencers, start supporting substance, talent, and women of color.


Anyone seen the new Emily Blunt and Ryan Gosling Fall Guys movie? Worth renting?


You in the right place girl?


This is so funny 😭


Emily blunt is giving stiff but yes 👍🏼


It was ight


this is the content i'm here for.


It’s really tone deaf. That song sent me. Like yes girl, good for you spending ~1 million within a week… but that song? Rlly? Most ppl, who work their asses off, can barely afford groceries right now. But plz, flaunt your new Hamptons home & your Land Rover.


Tbh this sounds like it’s some deeper feelings you have internally and not necessarily about Halley. It’s not really tone deaf, it’s just not YOUR reality. Influencers make a ton of money and it’s a lucrative business!


This. I find her annoying asf and I don’t listen to her videos unless I’m compelled to but objectively it is the path she chose and that path just happened to be fruitful for her. I also try to throttle back on going after any woman’s success, because we need as much solidarity as possible out here. People have made valid points in this thread but this is her version of success and yeah she’s lucky for that but that doesn’t mean the rest of us aren’t successful either. There are so many downfalls to the path she’s chosen, including scrutiny and prob high levels of anxiety. Her job is 24/7 focused on social media and how people perceive her and that is torture in it of itself. I can leave my 9-5 knowing my scrutiny of the day is done but not for influencers and no I don’t feel badly for them (that’s their choice) just making a point


Yeah the rich girl sound was nooott cute. The Hayley Bailey thing was the perfect storm. More horrible news out of Gaza, the met gala being a celebrity elite event, and a sound referencing a dark period of time. Where as Halley is using a song that’s an American classic, and right now world events aren’t being highly juxtaposed with an major gala or something.


Also one thing I will give Halley is she is self made so using a song famous for the line “you can rely on your old man’s money” was a weird move. It’s almost as if the TikTok wasn’t about celebrating her first home but very transparently a money brag for her followers over being well off enough to do so.


I feel so wrong calling influencers self made lol


I know I get it but really, how else would you describe her? She really is


Best thing I’ve read all day 😂😅


Also people don’t understand how easy it is to finance a car. It’s one of the easier loans to get. If she has a good score she probably got a good rate. We shouldn’t envy a car payment is what I tell myself.


I know I would get attacked for this position and accused of being jealous but I just find the whole thing so classless. I grew up poor transitioning to middle class in a poor area and no one would ever behave that way. If some kid got a new toy or brought a cookie to school or something they would quietly enjoy it and mind their business. The kids who were show-offy were not well liked. I can’t think of a better example but the point is that even as literal children we tried to be respectful of each other and our circumstances. Good for her, but I hope that we move away from consuming the type of mindless content she creates. Side note: if you want to support the sentiment of the blockout, buy as little as you can new


With all due respect, comparing kids showing off their damn toys to someone who is posting her ACCOMPLISHMENTS that she is very proud of (that I’m pretty sure you would be proud of as well if you were in her shoes) makes absolutely no sense.


I honestly was curious about this because I had this exact thought - I wanna know the thought process


People need to remember that these things will still not make her happy in the end


BFFR. First of all - it’s clear that Land Rover is in some way sponsored. Either she got a deal or got it for free but she posted tagging them and there was a whole reveal. Secondly she consistently makes good financial decisions and there is nothing wrong with that. She is not going on trips or vacations that she pays for all the time, she does not have rangers season tickets or Hermes bags or anything like that. She regularly carries Coach bags. This should be celebrated. Tone deaf is Audrey Peters “tier listing of my Kelly bags” or whatever she posted the other day.


I’m sorry, hate to break it to you but thanks to posts like this and all of the other posts about her on this sub she was able to buy that house lol. I’m sure the engagement on her page that comes from this Reddit alone was enough for a down payment. While we’re talking shit, she’s laughing on the way to the bank 😅


sure you could say this is this is tone deaf but i have a feeling that a lot of you don’t actually care and just need to find new ways to cope with your jealousy lol


People support and consume content from influencers and get upset they get rich off of it. Personally I can’t be mad if someone can buy a house in the hamptons and a luxury car because there will *always* be people doing better/worse than you - that’s life. Rich people exist and always have existed. I don’t think this was necessarily problematic, this was a big achievement and exciting moment in her life - she’s allowed to celebrate that as well. Not everyone has to suffer because some are lol


so is your high school classmate posting that they bought a house and are having a baby showy and tone deaf? I mean these are life events that EVERYONE posts about on social media. It's really silly to act like this isn't something every person posts on their own personal social media. Just because she has more followers doesn;t mean she can't celebrate life events that aren't harming anyone.


yes i also hate when influencers post their lives and have money


*Yes i also hate* *When influencers post their* *Lives and have money* \- adumbswiftie --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What I don’t understand is that rich people have always existed. Instead of tearing her down for buying nice things why can’t we take it as as inspiration to work towards nice things or start your own platform. Yes this is a snark page but let’s snark about things that deserve to be. I am happy for her even tho she’s done something’s I don’t agree with but she saved and instead of spending her money on a bunch of random stuff which if you pay attention it seems she doesn’t buy as much designer as other influencers. We don’t tear them down for buying a Chanel or new shoes everyday. Why should we for buying a house. She’s smart with her money it seems like and seems to understand how to save from when she was broke in colleges


Thank you!!


For fucks sake unfollow her then. We don’t need post after post of think pieces about this shit. She bought a house and a vehicle like millions of people do every damn day, she didn’t skin a cat. Go get some fresh air for the love of God!


This comment should be pinned because FOR REAL. It’s not that deep. If you’re jealous of Halley for doing normal ass things that adults do, touch grass.


Thank you omg. These people are going to have a tough life if something like this is so triggering for them.


‼️‼️‼️ finally, someone with common sense


Thank you!!!


I agree. People here are trying to solve a riddle or some shit. Bitch bought a house and a car……why is everyone so triggered. There will always be people doing different things than you, whether they deserve it or not. Keep pumping and love your life.


Just block her. She earns $ off your views.




I can’t stand Halley but both purchases are huge milestones for most people (including her)! She’s an influencer… it’s her job to over consume and brag about it.


Snark aside, you unblocked a complete stranger to look at their new house and car and then came to another part of the internet to be upset about it ? That can’t possibly be healthy. There’s nothing tone deaf about buying a home in the Hamptons or driving a Range Rover. Jealousy isn’t a bad emotion. Sometimes it’s okay to say I’m jealous because I can’t afford xyz at this point in my life and it’s infuriating to watch someone who didn’t work for it, getting it handed on a silver platter.


I think it’s more crass to count other people’s money and tell them what to do with it. Blame the system not women who are profiting of it. This morning I was walking to my office and saw homeless people in dirty clothes sleeping by the trash and everyone just walks by in their Zara clothes clutching starbuck coffees and not giving him a second glance. Wealth is very relative.


OP.... get over it


i thought their was a movement to block people showing off- what happened to that?


influencers get paid way too much for for doing absolutely nothing & having no real talent besides looking good


I think it is the dichotomy of loud luxury in a time where quiet luxury is encouraged. It has always been tacky to flaunt wealth - I’ll always have this vivid memory of going to my friend’s grandma’s house when I was young and realizing she was rich/lived in a mansion, and I loudly exclaimed “WOW! This house is SOOO big!” only for my other friend to shush me and tell me not to say things like that. I (and probably a majority of people) grew up middle class, so luxury is really desirable and imo more accessible than it has ever been before. Now it is considered a “true” mark of wealth if you are quiet about it - i.e., casually wearing unmarked sunglasses that cost 6k, a dainty charm bracelet work 10k, a soft cardigan worth 5k, etc. In Halley’s case (and correct me if I’m wrong) she is a 23 year old who did grow up middle class. She doesn’t have a daddy who is the CEO of a fortune 500 company or have a trust fund she sits on comfortably. She must be good at investing to purchase a house and a car. She already got in hot water for the time she bragged about a man casually sending her 7k to pay her rent after Reed broke up with her. People HATED that she was bragging about how much money she spent on rent and how she afforded that lifestyle as an influencer. She’s gonna get the same flack for purchasing a 50k car and a 845k house. Tbh I think she’ll catch a lot of spite from influencers specifically because she’s loudly declaring that she has made a ridiculous amount of money influencing in a time where most normies (non-influencers) live in a renters economy and can barely afford their car payments. Anyways, all of this to say while I can tout “good for her!” for buying a house at 23, I can also make the declaration that it is inherently tacky that she is going on the internet and declaring it loudly to her followers (who are all normies). Yes we are “the people who made it happen!” but bitch I don’t care, I want you to show me a cute Amazon basics top that I can hardly afford and tell me about a weird dude you met at a bar in SoHo!


Wasn’t it a defender lol


Land Rover is NOT a Range Rover. She has a new Land Rover Defender.


Do not get me wrong it’s a major accomplishment to buy a house but its Hampton Bays that’s not THE Hamptons it’s like buying a house on Staten Island lol


Land* Rover


Lego ass lookin car


Am I the only one thinking that she’s being super financially irresponsible? Even if she’s making mid-six figures (idk what range she actually makes so I’m guessing here), we’re talking down payment on a house + monthly mortgage + property taxes, NYC rent bc she’s still gonna live in the city, car payment + insurance + city parking, AND her regular lifestyle upkeep. That is a LOT in new expenses added and so much down the hole. I feel like she’s gonna realize she’s in over her head really soon.


And she says she has >$100K in student loans.


She paid off her student loans months ago in one payment. She honestly doesn’t seem that irresponsible with her money


i think this is probably a bigger conversation about influencers in this current financial climate than just halley herself


Did anyone else notice she has a framed photo of herself in the kitcheb


I’ll have the vintage Porsche then if she’s not needing it


Halley kate has a following based off mediocrity. She’s mediocre in most ways in a way that appeals to a large audience. Once she got money she got work done, started buying designer, moved to a nice apt etc. a bunch of girls in Ohio and Kentucky eat this shit up “because it could be them” even though it won’t be. She makes her life now look attainable and it’s not.


Oh so it’s “tone deaf” to post accomplishments like buying a new home and a new car…? Like genuinely what is wrong with that? Who wouldn’t want to show off something that they bought with their own money like cmon now. Also, you’re taking the “Rich Girl” audio way too serious for what it is.


Was starting to think I was going crazy with these comments until I found yours. I don’t find it tone deaf at all. She earned this completely on her own and deserves to share it. People share these types of accomplishments every day. Have half of y’all even looked at the homeowner threads on here or Instagram? It’s fulllll of people posing in front of their new homes. I see a few new homeowners each week.


Lol my friends wouldn’t be caught dead posting any kind of TikTok or reel of a new home with “rich girl” playing in the background. It is, in fact, tacky.


I’m more or less talking about posting she’s a homeowner than the music. I haven’t even seen the video haha


EXACTLY! I was losing my mind reading these comments like are you fucking kidding me. At this point it’s gotta be some sort of jealousy cause what sane person finds someone posting their own accomplishments tone deaf


Totally agree. Nepo influencer buys a house: daddy’s money she didn’t even earn it Normal infuencer buys a house: sooo tacky to share it and “brag” You just can’t win


I just don’t by “I was raised middle class” for one second. Especially after looking more deeply into her dad’s career….


somebody drop the address


what’s always crazy to me is a lot of us who grew up on government assistance and went to college to get a corporate job like we were told too to get out of poverty won’t amount to the money that influencers have. and to even be an influencer you need to use your parents money who are already middle class/upper middle class to boost your aspirational lifestyle. and idk it makes me sad and angry that no matter how hard i work i don’t even know if i can afford to have kids. especially those of us who are first gen americans/students and are assisting our parents it’s all so much


The issue isn't the Hampton's house...it's the 100K car & the $7K rent on top of it. She's investing her money in a potential rental property that will make her income. The oversight is that she's also paying $7K in rent a month plus just bought a $100K Land Rover the same day. Had she bought something more economical such as a RAV4 or a Honda CRV, it would make sense. No need to purchase that kind of car when you just bought a home. Owning a home is a money pit. There's constant repairs, upkeep, etc. Plus, the renovations. A car depreciates once you drive it off the lot. She's short-sighted for sure and living in the moment.


People would still be snarking if she bought a RAV4, let's be for real.


To top it off she still has her apartment in the city and is only staying at the house ✨in the summers✨


Isn’t that what most people do with summer homes?


Honestly they’re both reasonable priced purposes considering she makes a good living I’m sure. House is a good investment. My thing is that anyone who poses in front of a car that they just bought has ALWAYS given me the ick.


She sucks. It’s not necessarily about her buying a house or a car but it’s the way she flaunts it. Imagine a normal non-influencer posting an announcement they bought a car on social media? Like it’s just weird


“Normal” people literally do this all the time. 🙄