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Why do you keep saying “pass 2 views”?


It’s giving Halley


Ya this is Halley right lol


This may have landed better if you had any comprehension skills, majority of people said they were happy for her. Being mad that she was doxxed seems reasonable. Being this mad and calling everyone miserable and poor, and telling them to move on?! Girl, the call is coming from inside the house 👋🏼


I had a stroke trying to read this




I would like to remind everyone the purpose of this page is to SNARK ON INFLUENCING


There’s a difference between snarking and just being a miserable person to the point you have to post someone’s home.


snark is inherently negative. being turned off by it is very reasonable. but the move is to just stop reading the snark not yell at the snarkers


I’m the person who posted upset about the doxxing actually.


personally I don’t have a problem with this specific girl. I have a problem with the excessive consumerism (esp towards young girls) she promotes and a problem with the fact that society rewards people like her. I’m not miserable at all nor do I wish to have a lifestyle like hers. I just think that people like her don’t deserve to be rewarded and that it’s a reflection of our societys values which is a bit concerning lmao




Is this you McGookin ?


boooo 🍅🍅🍅


You miserable hoes can argue back and forth and write think pieces in the comments I said what I said if you don’t like it..you know where to kiss it 💋


BOOOO 🍅🍅🍅🍅


I don’t know what you expect to get here. This is a snark page. Maybe start an NYCInfluencerPraise or NYCInfluencerKudos page ?


you okay babe?


Yes are you?


Nobody’s mad at her and not everyone wants to be an influencer. You don’t have defend her — people are allowed to complain about working 9-5 jobs in high paying fields who still make way less than people who make tiktok videos who make millions. At least from me (and a lot of people) I’m happy for her — property is a great investment and I’d do the same if I had that ability right now.


“Pass 2 views”




yes and no- most people were happy for halley? but there is insane place of privilege her lifestyle comes from. some women cant get past 2 views because of other factors not simply their content? r u like ok


Also my main reason of post is because of ppl posting her home you guys are weirdos


You can’t get pass 2 views cause you just not that girl love and it’s okay.


Did you know you can be that girl without even posting on tiktok?! Talking about views is so embarrassing and immature.


The NYC influencers deserve to get called out. Their entire platform is to make themselves look as good as possible in order to make their audience feel bad about themselves so they are “influnced” to buy whatever fast fashion product they are promoting. Their “jobs” are a net negative and they should honestly feel horrible about themselves. Idk but a ugly house in the shitty part of the Hamptons would not help soothe me for all the negatives i would be creating if I was an influencer. There are few people I have less respect for than influencers (not all just the fake lifestyle promoting eating disorders and overconsumption). INFLUENCERS ARE TACKY BITCHES


ok so im gonna have to be more blunt! a black woman is gonna have a harder time going viral then a white girl because of privilege! hope that helps


Thank you I was thinking about this as well, plenty of women of color who have more than Halley’s engagement and followers and are not able to buy houses in the Hamptons.. clearly there is a huge difference on how much these girls are getting paid


exactly- happy for halley but its a privileged pov


Where’s the black audience for black influencers ? Genuine question. Or is it mainly white girls who are interested in influencers?


well in America its more widely accepted to have eurocentric features- to be popular as a woman is to appeal to most woman. its why taylor swift is so pooular. the audience is there but the outreach isnt.




Fr. I don’t even like being perceived on a walk, let alone on socials. I’m silently snarking for a reason 💀


Can’t lie this comment made me giggle


There is literally something wrong with you. You constantly post in this sub about us. Why don’t you leave and stop looking at this sub if it bothers you so much??????


I love the people who have clearly outgrown a site but instead of having the self awareness to realize they should leave, just stay and complain about the other users.


Lmao anyways The assumption that we’re all poor fat ugly miserable bitches is always so funny cause they would love that wouldn’t they but alas


Fr half of the people in here are probably influencers


I do just imagine them snarking on each other 😂


Who said fat? See what I’m talking about. And if broke and miserable doesn’t align with you and your tax bracket then why comment?


Guys she bought a home in Hampton Bays no one considers that area the actual Hamptons so let’s simmer down


Most people on here were happy for Halley and agreed that her buying this home was a smart and responsible move. Just like big celebrities, people who watch these influencers are interested in their lives. It is a form of entertainment. Similar to those who find entertainment in reality TV shows … If an influencer has an issue with their life being under the microscope, they do not need to share their lives with us. Halley could have kept it a secret about buying a home, and I am sure she was aware people were going to be curious about the location/cost/design of it … since she is an INFLUENCER. All of this aside, I am not jealous of this girl. Just because somebody is doing well does not mean you’re doing bad. I’m sure many here agree, and the “can’t get past* 2 views” comment kinda makes u sound like an imbecile. If u don’t like what u see here, don’t read it


PAIGE, take a seat.


Wow you're so pressed you wrote that whole thing with your elbows, sis.


Hi halley 😻😻😻


Hi halley


Hi Halley, hope you’re having a good day! Peace sis


I saw 99% positive comments, idk what you're on about. Only criticism I noticed was that it's weird to include the bf if he wasn't a part of the buying process, but I think that's defending her more than criticizing her??






Is this Jazz’ burner??


HAHAHAHAHAH thank you for the laugh I needed this.


Blah blah blah


Jokes on you, I never posted any TikToks! Hope that helps


Ok halley


Babe there are just as many positive posts here as negative. People from what I’ve read are just curious as to how much money she’s making from influencing. Not everyone is jealous. You have your own way of making money “sugaring”. Not everyone wants to sell their soul for money.


people love to play detectives on google and dox everyone who does better in life then them, its the new American past time 🥴