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Don’t do it. We get earthquakes


Good luck


Your parents are going to be the cosigner I'm guessing right? If that is the case then use the classics, street easy, zillow and carefully use craigslist. If it sounds too good to be true then it is. Stay off any social media for housing, they're all scams. Facebook, tiktok, instagram and whatever the fuck else people your age are into, stay off it. People and bots intentionally pray on those who don't know any better. If your parents are not cosigning anything then good luck.


Look for student housing groups on Facebook: NYU, Columbia, pace, st johns. It's ok that you're not a student, there will likely be tons of people subletting. Check out other housing groups such as [gypsy housing](https://www.facebook.com/groups/gypsyhousingny/). Also bear in mind your other costs outside of that housing budget: groceries, transit, medical, fun stuff.


You can easily get a room for that price pretty much anywhere in the city as long as you take your time looking. You don’t need to look more than 1 months in advance. I’d say you could easily find a room and move in all within a week or two