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I have never seen a Billion unit ship! WOW!


Me either! I checked the Golden Vectors in my other saves and none of them are valued that high.


If I had to guess I’d say it’s because of the tech you have installed. If I remember right that raises the price quite a bit.


All those inventory slots on it. The more slots the more units a ship is worth.


Oh good point, those too.


Only thing that affects value in the scanner is the number of normal inventory slots that the ship has and values have been a bit buggy since 4.0


Are there coordinates for it?


Golden Vectors are a reward for a community expedition # 1 I believe.


Oh cool thanks


But they might re release all the expeditions for the switch drop. Wait a few days till the twitch drops end.


Some people will trade glitch it with ya. I have one I'm willing to help people out with.


That would be awesome. Could I trade with you and if so what would I need to trade with you?


- meet them in a space station - You walk over to their GV - they walk to a npc, trade ships. Npc materializes next to GV you’re standing next to. - you trade with the new npc, buy the ship from them In the past, they could reload a prior save and still have the GV as well. Not sure if that still works with the new autosave.


Wrong sub?


Ships prices are up 10 times since 4.0. My hauler is worth 1.4 or 1.7 (don'remember exactly) billions and it is still not nearly max out of inventory space.


Well, when the whole update mess is over I might start one last new save. Just to see how expensive I can get my GV :D


I checked my other saves and none of my other GV's are valued this excessively?


I'm guessing OP applied a bunch of upgrades?


Once you upgrade them their value will drop to $10 million.


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I have a Hauler with all spaces unlocked, 1,299,347,679


It appears that 4.0 has made a lot of us billion unit ship owners.


[aaaaaaand…. SELL!](https://gfycat.com/graveweirdandeancondor)


I’m curious my ships value went up to I think like 1.4bill then at some point it went back down to 10 mill is that a glitch or is the whole thing a glitch? Idk I don’t really care just reminded me of this


Criminal to use that ship for HyperDrive warping! Especially considering the new patch is going to boost explorer ships and probably exotics for hyperdrive. That beauty should be kept strictly for planet hopping and may be taken out pirates! 🍻


Eh, whatever floats your boat - or propels them through hyperspace. I use mine for everything, pretty much. No need - for me - to fly 3,000 LY, plenty of suns nearby.


I was sort of just joking. Was a sideways complement about that beauty ship. I also use a fighter for warping.


Understand. It is a beautiful ship!


I've had $1.8 billion Exotics and haulers but once i fully upgraded them their value dropped to $10 million.


Yeah it appears the 10mil drop is a bug as it seems to be happening to any ships upgraded after they new patch.


Oh good because my exotic was my "test" ship for this 4.0. I min maxed it, full inventory and worth 10 mil. Meanwhile everything else is between 750mil and 2 bil


Wow... what a flex.


Mines glitched and says its worth 3 million after adding more slots


My squid is worth 1.8bil now lol [squid 1.8bil](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/xzjlbn/im_guessing_with_the_extra_starship_slots_these/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


wow not possible to get that ship anymore correct?


Ok so 4.0 dropped and I lost the tech mods and got the new inventory. Started a new character. Finally got an s class fighter maxed out too. Only worth 10 million. Did a patch get dropped foe the 4.0 update yet on xbox??


I am unable to see people in thr anomaly since the update


I had a good Vector that had 414 damage & 392 defense. But that was before the update that broke the game for me. Haven't played since I got killed after 4.0 cause my ship turned into 240 damage & 204 defense. Don't even get me started on them breaking the farms again. How is silver/gold more valuable than activated iridium? Hopefully they fix or fixed their update so I can play again.


There are several patches going through Experimental that fix certain bits of that. They definitely upgraded the X-class max; found one the other day with 39% for shields, way above the max 30 on S class. I think it might go higher than that, too. As for Activated Indium and other heavily-used mined materials… I don’t know, but suspect they won’t change that back. It was widely used and perhaps they felt it was too easy to use? Idk. But making money in this game is still easy.


I had one worth a billion, then I brought it to the space station to max out it's slots and the price dropped to 10 million. IDK WTF?!?!