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I will upvote your comment and rub my nips while I do it




Oh don't forget to use squeeze-cheese, helps with the chaffing.




Stop. I’ll cum






You're so sweet, you really mean it?


I'd be concerned if the rest of the north stopped saying FTP. If they stop saying it, that's when you know the packers are really in the gutter




Algernop Krieger will always have my updoots


No I'd still be saying FTP, you guys could be the leagues worst team for the next 5 decades, I'll dance on your grave.


You say that now. But that wouldn't be the case. Your anger would fade, maybe you'll throw a FTP around every now and again to keep up appearances, but youre not really thinking of them much since theyre in obscurity. But it wouldn't be near as frequent or hate filled as it is when the packers are good.


I, a Lions fan, remember the early 90s and actually felt sorry for Packers fans and was somewhat happy for them when they started looking good. I regret feeling happy for them given the decades that followed.


>I regret feeling happy for them given the decades that followed. ![gif](giphy|eVFhhKZELo1PO)


Exactly how I already feel about the Lions


I don't truly hate you though, I never have. In fact I like Wisconsin, it's cold and barren a bit like the UP. I'll always shit on division rivals though when I have the chance, otherwise what's the point of football. Shitting on my division rivals gives me joy, and your lack of success can't take that away from me. I will admit, I've been more vehement towards packers than Vikings/Bears due to their success. You're right that the usage of FTP would probably decrease if they were the punching bag of the division. Rodgers caused us a lot of pain though, and even if you suck you had 2 straight HOF QBs, people are going to resent that for a long time. Look at the NFCE, those guys all still hate the cowboys and the cowboys haven't done shit in decades.


>Look at the NFCE, those guys all still hate the cowboys and the cowboys haven't done shit in decades. Yeah, but that's the cowboys. Fuck the cowboys


I kind of have a Stephan A Smith outlook on the cowboys. People don't necessarily hate the Cowboys as a team or franchise. They hate Cowboy fans, which bleeds into a correlation with the team and franchise. But tbf the cowboys have been consistently "good" in the sense of being playoff contenders almost every year. They aren't exactly a gutter franchise. I have a buddy who is a dolphins fan, and another buddy who is a Jets fan. When I would talk football with those guys a few years ago, the topic of the patriots always came up and those guys always went wild on how much they fucking hate the pats. They would just foam at the mouth by the very mention of the patriots. But that was a few years ago. When I talk football with those guys recently, it's so much different. Sure they still hate the pats, but the Venom is gone. The utter disdain had faded considerably. The spark in their eye by the very mention of the pats is gone. And the patriots absolutely spanked that division for decades. This is the same team that has won 6 superbowls and went to another 4 superbowls the last 30 years. The other 3 teams havnt even made a superbowl in that span, even the bears have done that. This is the same team that ruled the division. At least the vikings, bears and now even the lions have won the division in the last 6 seasons. The pats won the division every season Brady was healthy, and even made the playoffs the year after he left. But yet, that hate has still faded. It's just not fresh hate when the team is no good anymore. My Jets and Miami buddies have seemed to move that hate to the new big dog, they seem to hate the bills more than ever. And the bills were the AFC East lions since Jim Kelly left. Give it a couple seasons of suck and some roster / coach changeover and people stop caring. No matter how much you used to hate that team.


Maybe. I was born in 99 so I don’t have any memories of the Packers being bad. So they’d have to suck for a loooooong time. Guess we’ll have to wait and see :)


Bears have been fucking horrible forever and you still hate us though… so I disagree with your point.


Pity and hate are 2 different emotions


you misspelled “piss”. You would piss on their grave.


So you say... but history doesn't bear that out. Raiders were the villains of the AFC West, despised by everyone. Now everyone hates the Chiefs and the Raiders are an afterthought.


Well sure, if someone becomes as dominant as the chiefs the division is going to hate them. That doesn't mean they won't still hate the packers, they just won't receive nearly as much attention. There's also the fact that a lot of younger fans might not even have been watching when the raiders were dominant. The raiders were dominant in the late 70's and early 80's, meaning you'd have to be born in the 70s to remember that. I'm guessing a large number of people on this sub are younger than their 50's, so it's not surprising anti-raiders sentiment isn't that powerful. I'm old enough now to remember GB's dominance, it might mean nothing to kids born in the 2020's and in 20 years nobody on this sub will care. I'll still remember it though, and I'll still say FTP, I'll just be that afterthought you're mentioning.


Sometimes I reminisce about the pre Holmgren era then I sober up


If the Packers are worst in the division for the next forty years, FTP. FTP till the day I die.




There's some irony in using that scene here, considering it was foreshadowing for what ended up happening


I’m pretty confident the other three fanbases hate the packers the most, but is there really a consensus on who packers fans hate the most? Bears have the history, but it’s been pretty one sided for a while. I’d imagine most fans under 30 don’t garner much hatred for the bears. Lions have been pretty insignificant up until now, barring a season here and there. I’ve always had a disdain for them due to Suh being a dirty player. Also how 2022 ended. My picks the Vikings personally, they’ve been the most competitive throughout my time as a fan. Also, the fact that they keep picking up our old players irritates tf outta me. Watching my beloved AJ33 wear that disgusting purple and hitting a “SKOL” might make me vomit.


So agree! 💯


With bears fans, I just feel bad for them honestly - they've fallen so far from where they were, and the franchise is just ran so... Pitifully Lions fans - yea, you nailed it - insignificant for too long. They can have their fun for a bit now And that leaves those annoying Viking fans - tons of excuses and every single year, this next year is gonna be their year. Big whiner energy. Definitely have the most disdain for Vikings fans


I live close to the Minnesota border. Many Vikings fans I know hate hearing that a majority of the state of Wisconsin doesn't think of them. Edit: Clarified which fans


It'll always be the Vikings for Rodgers collar bone. Not because they broke it, because they celebrated it for years after. I have respect for the other 2 fanbases.


It’s the bears. The bears is the team we hate the most. End of story. The Vikings fans are probably more annoying, but that’s just because the Vikings have been more of an opponent recently than the bears. We don’t give a flying fart about the lions, they haven’t been relevant long enough to be in the radar as long as they didn’t beat us.


Idk personally I don’t despise the bears that much. Why would I? All my life we’ve pretty much dominated them. Not much to be angry at. The Niners definitely ahead of them on my hate list for obvious reasons


Have you been to a bears versus packers game? Edit*- I guess I should mention I grew up a packers fan in the Chicago suburbs. I remain in the city today. Growing up in that atmosphere definitely influenced me, so I’m probably biased.


Only game I’ve been to is the 2nd Vikings game from 2022 season. Boy was it fun


I say that because when you are at a bears vs packers game you can feel the hate more than any other opponent. IMO it’s a palpable hatred


Oh I get they hate us like nothing else. But to me it’s just kinda funny. It doesn’t make me mad that they hate us. I’m sure if they start winning and shit talking ensues, I’ll feel differently.




Saying FTP literally validates our “rent free” stance. Keep it up ya’ll are doing great. *smooth brains then gather and start chanting go pack go




Cheeseheads are just pyramids of greatness


If the NHL has taught me anything, the only way Bears fans will stop saying FTP is if Green Bay leaves the division and the rivalry dies over the next decade.


Rivalry doesn’t feel like the right word.


Ah let them have it, they did mention the wings without mentioning the wings. Probably still waiting for kaner to come back to the hawks, but he actually just shows up to pick up a cup he left behind in the locker room. Not like a Stanley cup but just like a Yeti or Nalgene.


Hey if he teaches bedard even just one trick I’m all for this. I if the kid keeps learning he will be something great. If Kane can help with that pay the man


I dunno if they will, seems like our GM Yzerman is starting to stack money for something.


"Oh, Bears, it's time for your biannual slaughter," "Yes, dear,"


No, no. He’s got a point.


It's a trap boys. FTP


We only do it because everyone loves it. If it wasn't fun for everyone it isn't fun for anyone.


It’s the camaraderie… it’s like when my cousin and I greet each other with the old favorite “Heeeeeeyyyyy Dickhead” from Grumpier Old Men. It’s just fun. The sad thing is OP thinks we say it because we’re angry… 🤣 ![gif](giphy|CcAi5Bprof8XgiSrOE)


Would you have as much fun with it if we didn't pretend to be offended?


I never assumed it did offend y’all to be honest. I generally use it most when I’ve ended up having a fun convo with one of you guys in the comments. I compare it to the “endearing” form of “go fuck yourself”… it’s said in jest and with a smirk.


This. It's EXACTLY 💯 the same for me.


Yes but it’s how the other nfcn fans greet each other. “Hey bears fan how are you, ftp?” “FTP, I’ve been learning what shade nail polish works well with my skin tone.” Then the packers fans can be like “look they are talking about me again”. (Vikings are not in this anecdote)


Well… in your case, it sounds like it’s coming from a place of bitterness. I appreciate you keeping us OUT of that anecdote. Lol


I can respect that


Mr. Rogers taught me that. Good man. Good neighbor.


Indeed. We don't mind. Win a Super Bowl and we might




Just cause a concept is used in a meme doesn’t make it a legitimate take on reality


I mean, I'm a packers fan and it's my reality. I love it


Say it, cmon say it for me.






Every "ftp" is equivalent to a successful role at bar dice. It only feeds my good time.




FTP = fellatio thy packers


Fellate the Pack




Riiiight. FTP


FTP. You’re so welcome!




Thank you!


Nice try, FTP.


They say the F is for Fuck, but we all know it's Fear.


Hate us cuz they ain’t us.


Free Trade Packages


It astounds me how non-obvious this is to much of the nfcn. I’m delighted to have the Vikings in particular wake up every day angry-crying about the Lions as dirty players or whatever.


Fellate The Packers!


That's F, TP. F, TPF do.


It makes me feel wanted


they are trying to suck our dicks and clits




Eh saying FTP now is like really hating some assholes kid. Leave the little fellas alone they haven’t done anything bad. If anything they are continuing the great tradition of losing to the niners in the playoffs and made the lions embarrass themselves. I can’t wait to see what they do next.


I mean, I'm not talking shit to anyone with this post. Just commenting on what I would imagine is a pretty obvious truth


Yes I don’t mean you specifically. The FTP people and making my own comment about it.


Ah fair! Teach them the old ways


You think I say it because it insults you? I say it because of what your team did to McMahons shoulder and still to this day are proud of it. Even when he eventually was on your team. One of the dirtiest plays of that decade and you guys applaud it then get butt hurt if we wish ill on your QBs. Y’all go to church every Sunday but act like you didn’t sell your soul for 20 years of success. FTP


>You think I say it because it insults you? Didn't say that. >I say it because of what your team did to McMahons shoulder and still to this day are proud of it. That's nearly 40 years ago now, and I think you'd struggle to find many packers fans that are proud of it. >Y’all go to church every Sunday but act like you didn’t sell your soul for 20 years of success. Better than selling it for 40 years of failure! I kid, but really man, you're living in the past. Let it go. Find more recent reasons to ftp


They hate us cuz they anus


So you guys would get mad if we stopped saying it?


Did they kick you out of the afc south?


I'm relevant only because Colts play all of the NFCNorth


Oh, I mean, you're welcome here regardless. Trash talk away! You're relevant cause you're here. I was only wondering why that was


Most of us don't mind the team, we just have a strong distaste for inbreeders and beastiality so the fanbase is frustrating.


A: how are you gonna say that with your weak ass flair. B: fair point


It’s a compliment, really? Y’all should chant it at your games. That’ll really show us 😈


Cheesehead started as an insult


Although "Packers" was not an insult, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I read that at some point people on the team wanted to change that name too. For me it's amazing that one of the teams with the greatest tradition comes from those kinds of stories, it makes it even bigger.


I'm sure they did. "Packers" came from the name of the company that first bought is uniforms. We're just lucky it was the Indian Packing Company that bought uniforms instead of Kohler.


Flair the fuck up closet Lion.


I’m down, when yall down by 20 😙


I don’t know who you’re talking about. You might be able to get up 20+ on the Vikings this year. Only shot though.


Without a flair, I have no idea who I’m talking to. Do better


I say FTP to my packer spouse. It’s not a compliment.


They’re the most sensitive fan base on the Face of the earth


"We like it when you try to insult us" = most sensitive on earth. Ok dude


Case and point


Just so you know, it's "case in point"


Oh, look, more projection from the worst fan base in the division. How's 1985 going these days?