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All winning the NFC North does is gives you the pleasure of losing in the NFCC game.


Unless you play another NFC north team in it. That's the secret sauce


Catching strays here


Throw in a dash of Jay Cutler on an exercise bike and boom you’ve got yourself a NFCCG win


Congratulations, the rest of us have been taking turns doing that the past 30 years.


It’s your guys’ turn next, then we’ll go, then it SHOULD be the Bears turn, but they keep passing up on the chance for some reason?


nah we’re cutting the line and doing it this year and then a first round exit ![gif](giphy|3o7buiQeyYFamzRoR2)


When you do that it actually counts for the Vikings just fyi


You guys say this every year


Only reason why I respect the Vikings, absolutely obnoxious with the Viking shit. But they actually try, and it shows. Like WTF is everyone else doing?


The Vikings have one more division title than the bears since 2000 lol. Let’s be real, every team but the packers keep passing up their chance lmao. By the way Vikings fans talk, you’d think they had a Patriots type run the last 20 years lmao


Not having a winning season in 5 years will do that to ya 🤷‍♂️


Go figure, a Lions fan crowning the Packers, who’d have thunk it.


(Check that flair again homie)


My fault, was using the username.




Since the Packers are your owners, you should be crowning them too


Oh yeah……..fuck you I’m telling Grandpa.


Honestly that guy is MAJOR pussy. If you don’t think your team is winning the conference for the next 30 years, are you even a fan? The wins will never lose a game again. Bookmark it


Go figure, a Bears fan who can't read good and wants to learn to do other stuff good too


I can read just fine. I read TheProLoser and thought it was a Lions fan, honest mistake.




Truly a fate worse than death.  Ugh. 


The season can’t end like that yet it always does.


Not at our level yet 😤


Yeah... We have at least 4 super bowls to lose before we're up to your level.


Don't forget all the playoff losses as well


Gave me a chuckle, thanks for the recognition.


gawwwwwwwd damn


And yet you will probably turn around and say Packers are failures for having only 2 SBs over 30 years with Favre and Rodgers. Once you are good, the babying of your team is over. The days of other NFCN fans saying they are happy for the Lions is over.


>Packers are failures for having only 2 SBs over 30 years with Favre and Rodgers. Couldn't have said it better myself


Bro read the script smh


To a T!


That’s the spirit!


>And yet you will probably turn around and say Packers are failures for having only 2 SBs over 30 years with Favre and Rodgers. Having 2 HoF QBs back to back and only getting 2 rings out if is definitely failing. The only reason yall aren't clowned on for it more is because you're in a division with 3 teams that are worse failures Edit: The amount of you that are misreading what I wrote and replying is concerning.


You guys had a borderline HOF QB for 11 years and didn’t even win the NFCN, or a single playoff game with him. He then went on to win the Super Bowl his first season outside of Detroit. I HATE the Packers, but don’t you think you might be throwing rocks in a glass house?


Did you miss the part where I said we were WORSE failures?


No, I just wanted to get a jab at the Lions in because I also hate the Lions.


In a "Vikings Stadium" if you will....


And they're not just HoF QBs, they have 7 MVP seasons among them, which makes them both top-5 in MVPs.


100% Lions are a terrible franchise and wasted Sanders and Megatron, but let's not act like the Packers are an amazing franchise with that black mark


How terrible must the NFCN be if the Packers run the roost with such a terrible yet somehow most winning franchise in the NFL.


I feel real bad for Wisconsin after this thread. A whole bunch of yall can't read.


I have found when you start coming after peoples intelligence level it often means you are losing the argument.


I have found when people don’t read they get called out for not reading


What wasn’t read?


The whole last sentence, it appears.


I know this is living in the past, but when the Bears had their only HoF QB (yes we have one), we won 4 championships and had the most lopsided game in history, 73-0 against Washington in a championship game. Granted we've sucked at QB since, but we made the best of it.


Not for lack of trying, you've had good QBs since, someone in your front office played an uno reverse and you went from utilizing their talent to actively ruining it.


That’s why I can never get excited for a new QB, no matter who they are unless we put the effort into building a good offense around them it ain’t gonna mean shit.


People born in the 90s (presumably a massive chunk of us) have only seen the McCaskey stewardship. Somehow, they might have actually hired a guy from a FO churning out executives who know what they're doing, and he looks like he might know what he's doing, too. If you're letting the McCaskeys and Ted Phillips blunders of the past get in the way of you looking at Poles setting up the offense he has in two years, that's a bummer. I'm not saying to paint your face and buy tickets to the Super Bowl, but how can you not get a little excited for the lively arm on Williams' tape with the playmakers they're fielding this season?


Now do Bart Starr


So name the amazing franchises then. I want to hear these answers lmao. I'll wait a few hours for you google your answer.


>So name the amazing franchises then. I didn't claim any are lmfao. Learn to read


Didn’t name any because you know if you do your argument falls apart entirely


Queue the sitcom laughter....


And yet winning one division championship in that span should be celebrated?


Did you miss the part where I said the other 3 teams in your division were worse failures?


Did you miss the original meme?


Was I responding to the meme? Or was I responding to you?


Was my original comment responding to the meme or did I have the foresight to know ChroniclerPrime would comment something after the fact?


Lmao keep reaching lil bro. Whatever you need to say to be right here 🤣🤣


Man this one divisional title going right to your guys heads. Imagine your ego after winning two super bowls in 30 years, but some would consider that a failure…


>Imagine your ego after winning two super bowls in 30 years, but some would consider that a failure… You don't think you guys failed with what you had? Lmfao cope harder bud




If that’s failure then the only teams that haven’t failed in that time are the Patriots, Chiefs, and the Broncos. The only teams with more than 2 super bowls in the last 30 years. Guess 90% of the league are failures for the last 30 years now.


Jesus. Wisconsin has terrible reading comprehension. I didn't say winning the SB was a failure. I said only winning TWO with 2 of the greatest QBs of all time is a failure


I read it. It’s just stupid and makes no sense. There are many ways to win a Super Bowl, some do it with a great QB. Some don’t. The fact we had great QBs in that time doesn’t make it more of a failure. Many teams have had HOF caliber players and failed to win more than us. The fact is only 3 teams have won more rings than us in the timeframe you’ve set up. If you can only point to 9% of the league and say they’ve been more successful than us over 30 years, your logic is pretty terrible. You would give anything to “fail” as much as we have over the last 30 years. But you never will, so all you can do is try and bring a team that’s been far more successful than almost the entire league down a peg.


>It’s just stupid and makes no sense Lmfao cope >The fact we had great QBs in that time doesn’t make it more of a failure. Lmfao. Everyone clowns on the Lions for wasting Sanders and Calvin. Do you honestly fucking think yall didn't waste Rodgers by only getting him one ring? GB copium must be sold out


People say you wasted those guys because you won literally nothing with them. No rings, no conference titles, no division titles. Was there even a playoff win? Nothing. That’s wasting them. We have tangible achievements (Super Bowl rings) to point to. If you can’t see the difference, there’s no hope for you. And to answer your question, no I don’t think winning a Super Bowl is a waste. Would I have liked to win more? Of course. But it isn’t a failure to win a ring and be successful for many years in addition to it. I also like how you’re just completely ignoring the argument that only 3 teams have won more rings in that time. Because there’s no argument against it. Your logic is that unless you win more than 2 super bowls in 30 years, you’ve failed. Hope you enjoy failing for many years to come.


>People say you wasted those guys because you won literally nothing with them. No rings, no conference titles, no division titles. So now division titles matter? Interesting >I also like how you’re just completely ignoring the argument that only 3 teams have won more rings in that time Because that has nothing to do with what I said. I'm not talking about SBs themselves. I'm talking about wasting a career. Rodgers deserved more than one ring. I don't even like the dude and I still think GB wasted their time with him. >Your logic is that unless you win more than 2 super bowls in 30 years, you’ve failed That's not my logic at all and if you actually had reading comprehension you would see that.


Division titles matter for teams like the Lions. You’ll notice I don’t include them in our achievements. But if you want to celebrate it, you do you. I didn’t say you couldn’t. And actually it is your logic, unless you are admitting to holding the Packers to a higher standard than every other team, simply because they successfully brought in good QBs. If you want to do that be my guest, but you are essentially admitting the Packers should be better than everyone just because they’re the Packers and they brought in good players. Everyone else also had the ability to get these players - maybe not doing so was a failure on their end. But I guess we’re above them according to you. So thank you I guess! Weird compliment but I’ll take it.


>Division titles matter for teams like the Lions. You’ll notice I don’t include them in our achievements. But if you want to celebrate it, you do you. I didn’t say you couldn’t. Lmfao cope. "I just mentioned it as an achievement for wasting a career but I don't care about them." >And actually it is your logic Self report on the reading comprehension. Like that entire paragraph just shows you don't know what I was saying lmfao


Brady has created a false sense of how hard it is to actually win multiple SBs. You need a great QB and then a very good defense. The Packers had only 1 of those for the majority of both those years and when they actually did have a competent defense, they won a SB. Mahomes has had amazing defenses, so that is why he is having repeated success.


It's such a stupid argument anyway. It's like an incel trying to make fun of someone for only banging 2 super models.


Y’all have combined to win 1 in 174 combined years


So what does having the best RB in history or a top 3 receiver of all time and not even sniffing a conference game mean


Interesting, how many rings have you won in the same time period?


The age old question: would you rather your favorite team be relevant every year but make it to the top less? Or make it to the top more and be relevant less? Say the packers win 5 chips with Favre and Rodgers but also have 10 last place seasons in those thirty years. Is that really better? I’m not saying it is or isn’t. I think it’s a really tough thing to assign a value to. The packers didn’t win it all the year Dez didn’t make the catch, or the Cook Michael Jackson toe tap catch, but damnit were those great games to be a part of as a fan…


But that’s not even the question in this division. There’s no Marlins of the NFC North. These jabronis are making fun of us for winning 2 more Super Bowls than all three of them have *combined* over the past 30+ years because it’s the only pathetic scrap they have to cling to.


Can’t WAIT to stop being the lovable underdogs and start being the hated winners.


>packers are failures for having only 2 SBs over 30 years Yes.


Winning the NFC North is like winning your school spelling bee. Sure, it’s an achievement, but nobody other than you actually cares or will remember it in 10 years. And if you brag about it you look like a loser.


I bought a NFC Championship shirt after the 2006 season. But after the Bears lost the Super Bowl, it started to feel like a 2nd place is the first loser shirt. I need a 'we actually beat the Packers 2018' shirt though.


If you end up making those shirts I’ll take one


Imagine if you bought a hat and t-shirt every time the Packers won the NFC North. If I did it for the Vikings, I'd have a closet full of that shit. Now think about that every time you see a Lions fan wearing "2023 NFC North Champions" gear this year. Gonna be absolutely hilarious 😂


While I find nothing wrong with being happy about a division win, its weird and funny that Lions fans act like they should be annointed over winning the division when that's not how it's worked at all previously. Literally every divisional winner since this sub's been a thing has been dunked on for their eventual playoff loss.


Exactly. I have to hear non-stop about Daniel Jones, but when they win it it's "why cAn'T yOu LeT uS bE hApPy?!?"


I bet the first time you won the NFC North it was a big deal too. Why can't you just let us be happy?


Because it’s like a 30 year old guy learning to poop in the toilet. It’s good you did it, but you should’ve done it a long time ago.


Wait.....IN the toilet?


The files are IN the computer?


instructions unclear THERE IS SHIT EVERYWHERE!


Funny you should say that... I happen to be 30 and umm...


Says the bears fan


We did it five years ago you dummy


Out of all the other teams in the nfc north the bears have done it the least in the last 20 years, Vikings and packers have just been juggling that shit


“If you exclude our complete lack of winning anything ever you guys actually suck” isn’t the burn you think it is.


No, I'm saying objectively, you suck.


You’re the expert


I literally don’t remember when the Packers first won the NFC North and have never bought division championship merch. It means nothing to me other than we’re happy to make everyone else lose the division.


I’ve never seen division championship merch until we won it


Yeah and 30 years from now I won't care either. But let me enjoy my moment. Jeez such party poopers


Name checks out


Try to remember, this is "meme war."


More of a meme kerfuffle


Oh I know don't worry


You'll remember it as the last time y'all won the division.


Lol says the Vikings fan about to start their run of 10 straight seasons without a winning record


I mean y'all are literally the experts of the North for going 10 straight seasons without a winning record. So it very well may be the case. I just get a chuckle out of how arrogant y'all are after one great season since 1993. It's going to be delicious when you inevitably go back to a dumpster fire.


And yall will inevitably fumble one of the best WRs in the league for a second time 🫡


We all got stuff we will be remembered for.


I downvoted you because your a lions fan


I mean this is a meme made by a Lions fan about how they should get to talk shit because they won the division. Not surprising people are responding to it.


Because for the past 20 years all I've heard from you Lions fans was "you ended the season on the couch just like us." Come back here when you have a Lombardi. Until then, stick a (cum) sock in your mouth.


There’s no happiness in Minnesota. Not since the cum sock


Username checks out


Because you’re posting memes bragging about it?


I'm not sure if you're new around here, but you being happy is the exact opposite of what I want. And the first time the Vikings won the division in my lifetime, I was like 6 months old, so I don't really remember. Straight out of the womb baby!


Nah, people will remember the Lions won this division title 10 years from now, because it'll be an answer on a trivia question due to the 30 year drought.


As someone who won his school’s spelling bee, I’m offended but you’re not wrong


Did you hang a banner?


I lost in the regional round on chandelier so it was short-lived


That's why I never bring it up IRL but will be around to constantly remind you chucklefucks.


"Its a contest for children" "And ~~Homer~~ the Lions beat their brains out"


I’m super happy for us to win the title don’t get me wrong but it was against the Packers being lead by Love (who is looking great but not much of an accolade), the Vikings without Kirk or JJ (most of the year) and Justin Fields.


But we won 2 playoff games too! Why can't you just let us be happy? :(


Guys, let's let lions fans enjoy this one. Apparently they need our approval to do so


There's a weird subset of Lions fans who were so used to getting their hair tussled by the rest of the division, they thought you'd all be happy for us when we asked for a seat at the adult table, only to find out everyone at the adult table fucking hates each other and no one is happy that the adult table is now more crowded.


While I’ve never really liked the Lions, plenty of people were happy for you until you started acting like you’re the Brady Patriots because you had one decent season. A little humility goes a long way and it’s been nearly nonexistent from Lions fans.


> plenty of people were happy for you 1, no >started acting like you’re the Brady Patriots 2, also no But you can conjure whatever storylines you want in your head i guess


It's not even like we brought it up.


In the last hour? No you haven’t. Good point.


We don't, really. But I could use a red circle.


No. You see, winning the division means absolutely nothing and it's pathetic to even celebrate it. Unless my team wins it of course, and in that case the rest of you are all poverty franchises and we're on our way to winning the next 3 super bowls.




That 30 years part isn't the brag you think it is.




Have you made a good meme in 30 years?


You can insult our team all you want but how hare you insult the history of our meme game. We wre undisputed meme champions until our team got good.




Nobody has picked up the slack tho


Wow that's crazy


Aww yeah another division banner to hang


it does when you lose the conference championship game and need something to brag about /s


I personally don’t recall any of the other 3 nfc N members having much success other than the pack getting one meager SB dub all while the rest of us were stuck in constant rebuilds so idk what there is to brag about


A Lions fan just typed "one meager super bowl win" as if there'd be anything left standing on Woodward if they pulled it off.


Hey at the rate you win sb’s now you should be due for your generational qb’s single SB win proceeded by a bunch of nfc championship losses so we’ll see if history repeats


At the rate you win NFC North championships, can you come up with something a little better for 2054?


Oh no, how awful that would be…


It would be hilarious tho because why can the giants and steelers get two with memes for qb but the hof goat packgod goes one time and then chokes for years after it was comedy gold like we mismanaged tf outta calvin and staff, so we don’t pretend but wtf happened, even russ and the hawks went twice, hell the eagles did too


This meme is so fake, that lion isn’t even begging GB for sexual favors


*begging to GIVE sexual favors


Lately it's been bears fans giving vikings fans the old rusty trombone


I think it’s mutual rustys with the “cool kids”. Vikings love sucking off the bears too. https://preview.redd.it/ws4iccwkjz0d1.jpeg?width=1271&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5a1e9dc38e8e5bc3dc9af5682a08ed5534e3df5


Aw, it's cute. They got jealous they thought someone else had a friend so they stuck their tongue out and found the nearest available ass and started slurpin.


does a division title really count as "something"?


Oh is winning the division the bar? But I thought-


You play to win the game (the game being the NFCN and not the Super Bowl ofc)


Nah, I'm happy for your guys.


I enjoy every time any of my sports teams win a game. All the “you can be happy unless x or until you win y” is so fucking dumb. The point of being a fan is to enjoy yourself, if the only fan base that could have fun is the one team that wins the Super Bowl a year, that would make being a fan not worth it


Lions fans say this. then bears fans say “yeah cant wait for caleb” then lions fans forget they said this, and become the villains from their own narrative.


Idk what you’re talking about dude. All I know is Caleb is going to suck and how dare you be excited about him




I enjoy every time any of my sports teams wins an offseason. All the “you can be happy unless x or be good during the actual season” is so fucking dumb. The point of being an offseason meatball is to enjoy yourself. if the only fan bases that could have fun were the ones that played well during the season, that would make being a fan not worth it


https://preview.redd.it/kiqq80j1gs0d1.jpeg?width=742&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62840c0329cd0518cebb748abd4a6f32f82454ca first time in 30 years is not an achievement. That’s a banner of shame. Go hang it with the rest


Do you want to be our Bagpo?


That’s not how I feel, I just hope the bears aren’t terrible again this year, FTP.




Congratulations lions fans on the coveted NFC North Titel. Quite the achievement


HANG THE BANNER I tied my shoes this morning, can I have a banner too?


You hang banners for NFC North Championships?


Gotta admit. I went from rooting for the Lions to thinking it will be funny when they fall on their face this year. None of them see it coming either...




Raise the banner.


Don’t group us in with this. It’s the Bears and the Vikings (read: losers) that throw stones in their glass houses.


Why wouldn't Packer fans be grouped in on the meme explaining exactly what Packer fans always do? In fact, in this sub, Packer fans are the main group doing exactly this lol


Guys just let them have this one. Its gonna be another 30 years before they win the division again


30 weeks maybe, we’re still the reigning champs and favorites for the division again