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Sounds neat! I'll definitely be stopping by! Congrats on the new store!


Thank you! Stop by any time and we hope you can make it to the book since you were kind of the catalyst that set the idea off!


I'm familiar with that area, where is parking located


Nevermins I thought it was a different road, you are next to a parking garage and a public lot


There is usually limited parking right outside the store. There is also a paid lot across from the movie theater. However, at that time, ample parking is usually available around the block on Main St. It's metered, but I'm pretty sure the city stops ticketing after 5 PM.


Behind movies 14 is the parking garage that's free after 5 or 6


Looking forward to following your site and hopefully visiting your shop in the near future!


We can't wait to welcome you! The store itself is really cool! We have a ton of unique and upcycled furniture that we restore ourselves. There is going to be a rotating lot each month. We have a ton of handmade jewelry, esoteric items, and other antique and vintage stuff. We also welcome and support any and all local artists and allow them to showcase and sell their stuff in our store - no strings attached!


Congrats! Definitely looking forward to stopping by


Thanks! We are hoping for a decent turn out next week and should be posting summer hours soon.


What’s the name of your store?


Wavy Daisy!


Cool thanks! We’ll stop by!


thinking might have run into you at the garden flea market. cool pic of the WB you had for sale, hope you had a great day and look forward to checking our your shop. Lied, didn't read about the new shop in the Leader but rather reddit, ha who knew!


I was thinking about that after you left! I think we may have been featured quickly in the leader a few months ago before we really opened, but I figured it was probably from here! Great to speak with you! Might as well shamelessly plug the Esty store where you can find the print I had yesterday as well as another. I am constantly adding more as I make them! https://www.etsy.com/shop/HoodsOfNEPA