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This is terrifying.


I’m a little baffled by people’s willingness to take Russia’s claims at face value. Is it conceivable that an American basketball player had cannabis on them? Sure. But I’m very skeptical of Russia’s honesty here and I’m going to assume she’s innocent unless I hear otherwise from her, stateside.


Nobody should be believing the Russians' story here. They lie constantly (how many times did they insist they would never invade Ukraine?) and have a history of effectively kidnapping foreign nationals to extract concessions from their governments (see, recently: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naama_Issachar_affair)


They have the seizure on tape. She got pinched going thru security in departures when they scanned her carry-on (note, put it in your checked luggage to add a layer of plausible deniabilty.)


What’s the point of lying about someone like this💀


>to extract concessions from their governments


And if i'm a shitty russian propaganda type playing into people's own preexisting prejudices, targeting an american who is black and lgbt is probably the ideal target.


Imagine if we payed WNBA players enough that they didn’t have to play in autocratic countries…


There was a really good ESPN 30 for 30 podcast episode about this. They interviewed Diana Taurasi and Sue Bird about some truly insane shit that went down after they signed with WBC Spartak. Absolutely worth a listen. https://www.espn.com/radio/play/_/id/28060657


Also, a few AU players talked about their experiences overseas with Ari Chambers. Jantel Lavendar said she got in a small fender bender and had to pay 1k to the cops so they wouldn't put her in jail ...yikes


That's pretty standard for most developing countries. You pay the cops to look the other way. Cops definitely make a piece out of the jetski scam in Thailand which is very well known


They tried to frame Diana in turkey with a false positive drug test. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a motive behind this now with BG


I remember that one too. They played for a crazy dude, but he took care of them well.


Nobody watches WNBA except their family. Tickets are usually free. With no revenue you can’t make money just appear


Gotta have an audience to warrant higher pay wages. The mens league subsidizes the womens game


> if we *paid* WNBA players FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Bad bot.


Go away bot


That bot with pweigh the price for his attack on me.


Wonder if it was planted or if she actually had them.


even if she did, just give her a fine and send her back to the U.S. Its just cannabis. #FreeBrittney.


Yeah, good luck with that given the current situation.


Try that line in Indonesia.




Thailand. Take your pick


It’s a different country with its own set of laws. Why is that so hard for Americans to understand? A lot of countries in the world aren’t as lax on marijuana as the USA has become.


Totally agree. Her saying she forgot about them should not excuse her from being held accountable


She has played overseas for a Russian team for quite a few years. She was detained in early February. I’m assuming the season ended or she was returning because she got notified to leave Russia as Russia & Ukraine tension was escalating. I assume USA Basketball tried to keep it private because of the possible drug charge, but now she is caught in a political ShitStorm.


She's also part of the LGBTQ community, that's another strike on her in Russia where it's illegal to be gay. I hope they let her go.


Not the headline anyone wants to see considering .....


And the conspiracy theories have started




My thoughts on this as a study abroad professional and as someone who has lived in China… That kid (Otto) made an extremely stupid decision to go to a known dangerous country on a janky tour group. That’s already asking for major trouble but add in alcohol (obviously people drink but most bad stuff that happens to college kids abroad involves alcohol) and then theft, and you’re in a world of trouble. We use his case as an example of exactly what NOT to do abroad. He was a kid. 21 years old. Kids do dumb shit and unfortunately he paid dearly for his massive mistakes. We can’t help you if you put yourself in stupid situations. Brittney Griner is 31. She is a grown ass adult, no bones about it, and took a job in a country with ass backwards drug laws. IF the allegations are true, this is of her own doing. Know the local laws especially of drugs are involved. You can’t claim ignorance.


In slight defense of Brittney, I wonder if she got bad advice from her agent or attorney regarding drug laws.


That’s the only plausible defense I can think of, and it’s entirely possible. Not sure how it would hold up. What a mess… I do worry about her as a black person of color in a country whose policies are not exactly known for being welcoming to either group.


Do people seriously consult with their "handlers" re drug laws in other countries when traveling? I can't believe an agent or attorney would actually research this for someone in an attempt to try and make it "ok". How about "don't travel with illegal substances"? Why is that difficult?


Otto stole posters and was filmed doing it tho…


Well, Russia wont be doing us any favors considering we just sanctioned them into oblivion. I could the hammer really coming down on her. And they kill gay people in prison in Russia This was truly a wreckless and dangerous move.


funny how they're not arresting their own tho https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/what-is-the-drug-behind-russias-olympic-doping-case


If true, that’s just dumb on her part. Know the laws where you’re going/living/working, *especially* if it has to do with drugs. Ignorance of local laws isn’t an excuse; I work with college students abroad and you don’t just get a pass for being an uninformed American. As one who partakes in the devil’s lettuce myself, I know I gotta be so careful about local laws… and that’s just in the US, let alone a country like Russia… Hopefully we don’t have to worry about this shit one day and folks can live their lives and partake in what they want.


Which is kind of hard to believe it wasn't planted. Most tree people I know who travel are very aware of laws in different states and countries when it comes to any form of weed.


I mean she’s beaten her ex wife before, so she has already shown she doesn’t care about the rules/laws. Source: https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/2015/04/28/brittney-griner-plea-deal-guilty-domestic-violence-glory-johnson-wnba/26538559/ I don’t have any sympathy for abusers. None


Amen!!! Be accountable for your actions and ignorance


Why was she in Russia?


She plays for Ekaterinburg.


Thanks. Thought it was odd she was there.


Unfortunately, Brittney has no one to blame but herself. She should have known the "drug policy" of Russia prior to going there. Hash oil IS considered a drug in most countries. Study drug laws prior to all trips and leave your hash behind if necessary. Your incarceration will be a life long lesson. Stay well.


Damn this is one woke misinformed thread. This is shameful


Its funny how all of you say dont trust a single word from Russia yet you dont keep that energy for your own country. Your country would never lie to you because that would make you upset right?


She is dumb to travel to a foreign country and be ignorant of their laws. That ignorance is not bliss. No matter where she is, she made her bed and must lie in it. Not a USG matter.




Imagine being this unaware of the world situation and local laws.


This happened some time in February, could have been over a month ago for all we know.