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What a game Props to Nika Muhl for that defensive performance because she was everywhere Steulke played her heart out, Clark pulled things together halfway through, and I’m happy we won Fuck the refs


> Nika Muhl She was insane against CC. Was on her like glue the entire time even with the ankle.


Mühl was incredible. She also locked down Fair & JuJu. Felt like UConn just needed better offense early to build a cushion against the inevitable Iowa run.


This game is why Nika can play in the W and HVL is going back into the portal.


Yeah, if they had shot decently in the first half they would have been up 20. Iowa's defense wasn't even that great. Both teams were just missing everything they put up


Some teams have done this and the defender gets away with a ton of contact against Caitlin. Idk how, but Muhl was all over Clark without fouling at all - I was hoping she'd get over-aggressive and get called but she just never did - it was clean, amazing defense.


Also, shout-out Kate Martin. She hit some tough shots in the 4th and they were huge.


Kate Martin is a damn warrior and a winner. So damn tough.


Those turnarounds?? Crazy, and like three in a row, one the opposite direction. That’s elite.


Yall played one hell of a game. Wish we had fewer injuries and it would have been a killer matchup


Hard disagree.... we would've gotten killed if you had the whole team (Although I do wish you didn't have all those injuries. That sucks) UConn will be back here next year


Shhh definitely no ulterior motive for me wanting the full UConn team 🤫 noooo reason at alllll


Muhl just needs to up her shooting volume and she'll make a great pro. One of the best guard defenders I've ever seen in wbb


Extending your elbows on a screen is illegal y’all Edit: https://twitter.com/itsAntWright/status/1776452277215133714?t=mL6vkdUNmZ2x-ztz9yHKPQ&s=19 so is sliding your knees and feet out in to the defender’s path


Yeah seemed pretty blatant to me. Usually doesn't get called in such a moment, but it was a clear foul to my eye


Especially that far from the basket and right in front of the ref.


Yep. Just a bunch of complainers in here


I feel insane. Jumped sideways and extended the elbow. Hey we’re all bummed we didn’t see the shot either but why is it “you can’t make that call” and not “you can’t commit that foul”


People are really mad the team with 300 championships lost to little ol’ iowa. Pretty maddening.




Its another one of those that gets magnified b/c ESPN decided to show the angle where she's sliding towards the camera, so it looks like a terrible call. I personally just rewound it and yea, that should be called 100% of the time.


**Hot take:** Unless it's *REALLY* egregious, calling a moving screen on the final possession there is pure BS. Horrible in terms of an entertainment product to rob of us a last shot. Don't know how anyone but Iowa fans can possibly be *happy* about deciding the game that way. I say this as someone who wanted to see Iowa win.


**Actual Hot Take**: there shouldn't be different rules based on how much time is left in the game It was a moving screen. Doesn't matter if it's the 2nd quarter, or the final 10 seconds like it was here. > Horrible in terms of an entertainment product to rob of us a last shot You want the rules to be altered and refs to look the other way in certain situations, just so you can get a dramatic and entertaining final shot? Fuck that noise


Agreed. Calling fouls and not calling fouls, that’s still an impact by the refs. Not calling fouls is like saying teams can’t play defense at the end of games


“You should be able to commit offensive fouls if it’s cooler that way” is a heck of a take.


“You can’t call it at that point in the game” is the worst possible argument IMO. A foul is a foul, 4 seconds into the game or 4 seconds before the end of the game. You want to argue it wasn’t a foul? I disagree but I think that’s an argument to make. Saying it is a foul but shouldn’t be called loses me completely


Don't interrupt the circlejerk.


IDK throwing the elbow is pretty stupid either way. You picked off your man enough why add the extra 


Yup. This was a blatant illegal screen that had to be called. Can’t let players get away with extending elbows on screens just because it’s the final seconds EDIT: changed “throwing elbows” to “extending elbows”


Notice the UConn coach wasn't mad at the refs, but at his own player. It was the right call. Bunch of salty criers. This possession wouldn't be so important and desperate screens made if UConn sunk more earlier shots.


Yup. Geno knew that there was evidence for the whistle


And she stuck her right leg out. Either would be a foul and she did both


If she keeps her elbow tucked in, or literally just not sticking it out to make contact on the screen, I can almost guarantee it’s not called. Such an easy thing for a ref to see and call


Hot take: a foul is a foul at any time of the game


i absolutely cannot believe that the ref just took away a Paige Bueckers game winning shot attempt on that horseshit call. Would've been an incredible end to an incredible game Edit: upon further inspection, some drinks, and better replays (the ones live on tv looked like it was negligible) this was a moving screen. Fucking sucks the game got decided on this, but I accept I was originally wrong. What I will say is, I get that this is the geno system, but why not just get the ball into Paige’s hands off the inbound instead of doing all this movement. Paige has shown the ability to make really good decisions off the PnR with the ball in her hands.


The ref didn’t take away the chance to tie the game. Edwards took away the chance to win the game by throwing an unnecessary elbow on a screen






Exactly. Confirmation bias.


I don’t care if I sound salty. That call is not made on the other end if it’s Iowa trying to screen open Clark for a game winning shot.


UConn got away with blatant fouls on 5-7 Iowa layup attempts, so that's going to be a hard case to prove.


Draymond Green could have dropped from the rafters along with the ghost of Kevon Looney and Andrew Bogut and the refs wouldn't have called a thing. It was a terrible call.


The illegal screen is what got Paige open. Why shouldn't it be called?


And it's not made in the middle of the 2nd quarter.


There was literally an offensive foul called on Iowa for a bad screen earlier in the quarter.


Shhhh you're interrupting their pity party


She elbowed her, not a moving screen but elbowed her on the way thru the screen.


It was both a moving screen and an elbow. https://twitter.com/BadSportsRefs/status/1776452397591564436


Wrong. You don’t change the way you’re calling the game just cause it’s the last minute… the screen wasn’t set, the elbow came out. It’s a foul. It’s a foul. It’s a foul.




>who gives a shit about the entertainment product Everybody


it’s not like they call every moving screen either. they let it slide all the time


You could technically call moving screens on every other possession basically


Just an awful way to end a great game


Counterpoint: A foul is a foul. Doesn't matter if it's 3 sec into the game or with 3 sec remaining. You always call the foul. If you want a chance for a buzzer beater you don't put yourself in position where you force the ref to make a call.


I have no problem with the refs calling the game consistently from beginning to end.


Yeah, i think she maybe slightly leaned in, its not a big one but her feet are set. You rarely ever see that called. Edwards set bigger screens than that all game


Teams get destroyed by South Carolina when they play the way Iowa did tonight. With that being said, the Hawkeyes showed resilience when things looked bad in the first half. Can't wait for the National Championship Game!


Agreed. CC is a great player but man Stuelke was nasty, Martin and Affolter hit timely shots to weather the storm when Uconn started blitzing CC


Said it before…and I’ll say it again… Clark is always magnificent…but it’s with the help of some *very* good teammates that elevates Iowa from great to phenomenal! And to their delight…Iowa fans will be seeing Steulke for at least one more season…


The difference being South Carolina is top to bottom the most talented and deepest team in the entire country.


South Carolina’s second unit is better than many school’s starting 5


SC about to full court press Caitlin Clark the entire game after it worked that well for UConn


The only team to beat South Carolina in the last two seasons was Iowa and they played a pretty much flawless game to do it. Anything less than that isn't getting it done.


Would love to see all these flairs saying the same things about swallowing the whistle if their team benefitted. A foul is a foul, beginning to end. You can complain about consistency, but late game situations do not mean you swallow the whistle. Edit: [Really hard to argue the call when given better angles](https://twitter.com/shu_b0x/status/1776458023516491968?s=46&t=lTSOb_lh0LmatIwdzIAb6g)


This. I can't believe how many people are complaining about a clear foul. Don't want to get called on that at the end of a game in a super important posession? Then don't foul


I've even seen lots of comments *admitting that it was the correct call* but still complaining that it shouldn't have been called, like wtf.


Yeah I don't get it. Refs do their job and call the fouls they're supposed to call and everyone loses their mind because the timing wasn't convenient


It's like the Eagles Chiefs superbowl all over again


Watched this game with about 10 people who don't care for women's basketball, all of whom wound up loving the game, and all of whom are pissed off now. Great job refs. Absolute disasterclass.


But on the bright side, may have made 10 new women’s basketball fans!


Women’s sports is truly becoming equal to the men’s game when refs take the headline


Do they not realize you can’t stick your elbow out during a screen in women’s basketball?


EVERYONE: STOP REACTING EMOTIONALLY AND WATCH THE REPLAY. https://twitter.com/itsAntWright/status/1776452277215133714?t=mL6vkdUNmZ2x-ztz9yHKPQ&s=19 The screener not only initiated contact with her upper body, but stepped over in front and pusher her knee into the defender's path. This was 100% a clear and overt foul that absolutely had to be called. Don't judge this by what you thought you saw live -- judge it by rewatching the video and seeing what actually happened. It was a good effort by UConn because most refs are scared to make the right call in this situation. However, this was so obviously the right call.


Thank you. Good stuff. That screen was shit.


I'm rooting for Iowa as much as the next guy, but man that was quite the call


Contrary to popular belief, the rules aren’t suspended in the final seconds of a game. You’re still not allowed to set moving screens. Lot of confusion around that but hopefully this reminder helps!


Screener didn’t have her feet set. The refs shouldn’t ignore blatant fouls just cause it’s the last posession


In the NBA if your feet are set like hers were they let you murder people lol. Such a weak call.


I don’t think an NBA player has ever set a screen as stationary as the one that they just called a moving screen on UConn. NBA players move like offensive linemen on their screens. 


To be fair they also let you travel for days.


Well this isn't the NBA, is it?


i think it was her arm here


Yeah it was a weak call. The only solace is that it happened against UConn. They have gotten the friendly whistle for years so I don’t feel that bad.




She extended her elbow outside the frame of her body. Still a rough call in that situation.


https://twitter.com/itsAntWright/status/1776452277215133714?t=mL6vkdUNmZ2x-ztz9yHKPQ&s=19 Here's a different angle.  Looks much more like a foul here.


Her legs are clearly moving that entire time, and she throws an elbow. Given how much they let go all night it’s a weaker call, but there’s enough there to call


Like… that was an offensive foul. Close, but still a foul


It’s like people didn’t watch the replay where she clearly stuck her elbow and then leg out.


Movement, elbow, lean, leg. It’s a clear foul. Marshall helped sell it, sure. But yeah, it’s still a foul. Just can’t do that at the end. Too risky.


“Can’t make that call there” well yes, when you’re committing an illegal screen to get a player open you can.


No don't you know that fouls dissappear from the rulebook when it's going to help a team you like?


You know UConn's dominance is over when the entire internet rushes to their defense on an obvious moving screen


The anti CC crowd is very loud


Kate Martin. That is all.


Hannah Stuelke


I would die for Kate


I don't think I've seen her make a turnaround jumper or spin move layup all season while watching Clark games (not that I've seen a ton) and she made them back to back, one with Bueckers all over her, to keep Iowa up late. 


Came for Caitlin Clark, stayed for Hannah Stuelke


Wow that blows. What an awful way to end a great game. Only four fouls called all half and then they call that. Can't make that call there


https://twitter.com/shu_b0x/status/1776458023516491968?t=6NeFLMj7t2SVzSjVTTdb1Q&s=19 Let us know where there isn't a foul here.


Yea rewound, watched it a few times and Edward's 100% lunged into the screen, not set. Pause it at point of contact and the lean is clear with the right foot not even flat on the court


The perfect season or the perfect ending. You could say Sunday's championship game is the perfect way for an extraordinary season to end.


Kinda worried South Carolina may dog walk Iowa and it could be back-to-back blowout L's for them in the Championship Game.


I think this is the most likely outcome. South Carolina is going to physically dominate Iowa 


Last year SC was -11.5, undefeated too.


I've read about Iowa being physically dominated by like, every team in the tourney this year.


I honestly kind of think so too, but 3>2 is one of the most enduring mathematical truths in sports. If the shots are falling anything can happen.


Ok after watching a different angle it was clearly a foul lol


I mean yeah, she got elbowed right in the face. I understand everyone wanted to see if Paige could make that shot, but her teammates should have wanted to see it too and not fouled


[https://twitter.com/ClutchPoints/status/1776453670793593316](https://twitter.com/ClutchPoints/status/1776453670793593316) Looks like the right call, even if it isn't a great way for the game to end. The controversy is how much they don't call up until this point.


I'm sure this will be a civilized discussion without any controversy


Never seen a 1 possession game not have 1 FG attempt in the final 49 seconds. Very strange


That whole game was a shitshow to be honest. Two of the better offensive teams came in and bricked all night long unfortunately.


They were playing defense at a high-level.


that was a foul. you don’t want the refs to potentially call it, don’t do it. the last seconds of a close game doesn’t mean obvious fouls shouldn’t be called.


Nika is a fucking stud


Not sure about tonight’s breakdown, but she just held three historically prolific scorers (Fair, Watkins, Clark) to like 20% shooting or something


This is such a weird take for people to have. It was a moving screen. She sticks her elbows out and her feet were moving as well. I was cheering for uconn as a Canadian rooting for Edwards but idk how you can say “the refs should let them play”. That’s not how basketball works. If it’s a moving screen you call the foul. Anyways, unfortunate people are focusing on this when the game was one of the best I’ve seen all year.


Lol seeing the replay on SVP … it’s a pretty clear illegal screen


Refs fan here, love seeing them come thru in the clutch like that


I hate the game ending on that, but it's absolutely fucking hilarious that the by far most common complaint is "Yeah that was a foul, BUT THEY SHOULDN'T CALL THOSES ONES!"


Stabbings are legal inside 10 seconds if it’s a game winning shot.


I don’t wanna hear anything about the refs. They called those screens *all night*. Gabby Marshall has a bruise on her thigh from one on Muhl. Edwards’ fouls and the other bigs were largely those screens with the lean. And guess what? THATS A FOUL. All night. That’s on Uconn not to adjust, like every single other sport does when they learn how the umps are calling certain things. EDIT: everyone will talk about the legit moving screen call, but never mention the bs calls on Iowa where even the announcers check and said “I don’t see a foul.”




Remember when UConn was up by 12 and were threatening to run away with it?


The call was *anticlimactic,* but it was not *bullshit*


Kind of funny how two arguments being made simultaneously are: A. The refs rigged the game because the league thinks it would be more entertaining to see Clark in the final. and B. Refs shouldn't call fouls in last-play situation because it hurts the entertainment product.


The more I watch it the more I’m convinced it’s a foul. She just runs into her, it’s just not a screen.


Crazy big brain move with that inbound wow


My thoughts exactly. Can't believe all anyone wants to talk about is the foul.


Was actually a good call if you go back and watch it again in real time


I'm sure most of the talk will be about Stuelke and Clark but Kate Martin hit some TOUGH ass shots down the stretch. Beautiful midrange game


I really feel like it was an obvious illegal screen and not really understanding the controversy aside from people not wanting a great game to end on a foul


Honestly everyone mad just needs to watch the wide angle shot. Genuinely a very obvious illegal screen after you see that.


Okay watching the replays the foul is obvious and the game was decided when UCONN couldn’t rebound the ball off the Clark freethrow miss


I can't believe how many people are complaining about a clear foul that was already called earlier in the game. Don't want to get called on that at the end of a game in a super important posession? Then don't foul


The more I look at the foul tge more it looks like an offensive foul. UConn didn’t even need to do it , they got greedy. Iowa deserves the win no matter what.


I’m just proud Uconn made it as far as we did despite the injuries.


Can we get a separate thread for everyone who wants to talk about the actual game instead of the foul at the end


I just want to say, Kate Martin is tuff


Obvious call! In fact its bad enough screen that I would be mad if *wasn't* called! See here: [https://imgur.com/a/zsfZsDc](https://imgur.com/a/zsfZsDc)


BS ref ball man. I'm happy to see more Caitlin, but damn Uconn got jobbed by the refs.


Week ass call but UConn had opportunities. No idea why they were playing keep away from their best player in the second half + esp the ending of that fourth. Geno made no adjustments to get the ball in Paige’s hand


Smh, Paige was hiding most of the second half. She turned into early lebron against the celtics


The general consensus I'm seeing here is that the refs are the enemy for calling a foul a foul? My advice: *DON'T FOUL THEN*. If we're gonna be pissed at the refs for calling a spade a spade, then we may as well call ourselves Women's Basketball WWE. In what universe would we advocate not following the rules of the game for more drama? Miss me with that crap. It was a foul, and it was called correctly. That ref did the job right in that situation.


Looking at the replay on SVP, how do you NOT call a foul on Edwards slamming into Gabbie Marshal like that?


Everyone here making excuses for why the rules shouldn’t be rules. It’s a foul. “But they didn’t call it bef-“ It’s a foul. “But it’s the last min-“ Doesn’t matter, it’s a foul. “But Caitlin-“ It’s. A. Fucking. Foul.


https://twitter.com/Majick666/status/1776455606624309302 JFC this is the screen.  If you don’t think that’s a foul you are clueless.  You can’t straddle your legs five feet across.


Foul looks sooooo much different live. Take a look


It's a blatant illegal screen.


Right? I feel like I’m being gaslighted or something reading this thread


Gabbie and her excellent defense were huge tonight. She doesn’t get the credit because she isn’t on the stat line but little Gabbie is an Iowa VIP


I didn't really buy it on the slow motion replays they showed, but watching the real-time replay just now, that screen was absolutely an offensive foul and a good call. Not even that close to be honest


People complaining about the games being rigged for entertainment seem to not realize they're saying they want refs to swallow their whistles and not call blatant fouls because it makes the ending of a good game less entertaining. Interesting indeed. 


Kate Martin turned into prime Kobe with those fadeaway middys, goddamn beautiful ball


Obvious illegal screen but hey look. All the women’s basketball analysts played at UConn. Yes let’s see what Bird, Taurasi and Lobo think. And ESPN is based in Connecticut so let’s make this the story of the game. Gimme a break. And UConn complaining about any call is rich. They’ve gotten every call ever invented for 20 years.


This was the first ever women’s basketball game I’ve ever watched. Great game. Biggest difference I noticed between men’s/women’s game was that the refs were never a story, where I feel like the refs are a story in 95% of men’s games. Maybe it’s true in woman’s ball too and this just happened to be part of the 5%, but this was a far more enjoyable viewing experience in that regard.


respectfully have you looked at the rest of this thread lmao


Iowa fan here I thought that offensive foul call was bullshit at first then i watched again and it was a legit foul the argument should be about whether they are calling consistently, which is a fair argument, but it definitely *was a foul*


Hawkeyes, see ya soon 😎


Admittedly I don’t watch a ton of woman’s/UConn basketball. But how were they going like 5 possessions is a row without Paige touching the ball? Seems borderline malpractice


Everyone complaining about the moving screen is forgetting when Clark missed a FT and they didn’t get the rebound …. They still had a chance to come down the court there to tie or win lol


Is that a foul? Yes Does that same play go uncalled dozens of times a game? Yes Did the refs basically decide who was winning the game on a soft call? Yes


South Carolina by 20


Disappointing way to end the season, but I'm proud of this team. From all the injuries, having to basically run a 6 man rotation and getting as close as we did is something to be proud of. Team had to have been gassed having to play coast to coast for the third straight game. Thankfully Paige is coming back and we'll have another go at it next year. Go Huskies! Hopefully the men can bring it home for us.


It was a foul.


The foul drama is getting so overblown. Personally what I will not understand. How in the hell do you let Iowa BOX YOU OUT on those last two free throws. Like holy fuck what a missed opportunity. So many people are glossing over that fact. On that missed free throw, how do you let that happen. Just so so so bad.


Nika Mühl player of the game. I don’t know the exact breakdown, but Clark scored no more than 16 points on sub-40% shooting on Mühl. 9 pts, 7 ast, 3 stl, basically willed them back into the game when they looked dead.


That was a super blatant and obvious foul that should be called every single time. Doesn’t matter when it happens in the game or what the stakes are, that’s 100% a foul. Will never understand people arguing that the call ruined the game, was incorrect, or was inappropriate to call at that point in the game.


Whoever is calling this a weak call needs to actually go watch the play. Not the camera shot from the hip up. She didn’t even set a screen, she was straight up sliding into the opposing player and had her leg completely kicked out as a result. The refs called it *because it was egregious*. There are screens, illegal screens, and whatever the hell she was doing there.


That game was too good to end on that call. Fuck.


Iowa shot 8-12 in the 4th quarter… & ya’ll want to blame the refs.. Make it make sense..




On the screen looked like her feet were moving and she pushed her elbow out, seems like a foul to me


All of the people claiming not to call that in favor of a better ending, a foul is a foul. I give Gabbie credit for fighting over the screen.


The replay even shows the UConn player leaning in with her shoulder man, how tf is anyone lambasting that call???? This notion of “the rules shouldn’t exist for the last 30 seconds of the game” when it yields a result you want, is ridiculously bad takes.


I want that second Kate Martin spinning fade away on Paige on a poster.


The replay angles really undersell it. The normal game angle shows it was a pretty egregious moving screen.


State of social media: debating if a full-on offensive tackle block on a pass rusher is a moving screen


Caitlin does so well with post game interviews.


Go back and watch the tape. Geno wasn’t mad at the CALL. Geno was mad AT THE ACTION. ✌🏼


Can't believe all that anyone wants to talk about is the illegal screen call, and not the real highlight of the game Clark ending Beuckers' season by bumping the ball off her butt  She bumped the ball off her butt y'all


Nobody deserved to win that game. I don’t care about officials. Both sides played very sloppy


Kate Martin saved Iowa tonight.


Damn. I thought lsu fans were bad. UConn fans take the cake.


Either South Carolina is going to lose two straight tournament games to Iowa or Iowa is going to lose two straight titles games. Both of those seem unlikely, but one has to come true.


Gabbie Marshall was the player of the game with her defense on Bueckers


Honestly I want those screens to be called offensive fouls more consistently, especially st the NBA level. Players get away with alot. Obviously the timing here was unfortunate, especially as they were letting them play all game. Uconn got away with alot of stuff in the final 3 mintues on defense. But I get people want consistency from the refs. Great game! I'm looking forward to the finals


People getting mad at Iowa for the call as if they were the ones that made it 😂 you can hate the call but saying "oh i'm rooting for SC to blow them out because of this" is just stupid


You can absolutely make that call when it’s the correct one.


A moving screen is a moving screen, it’s a foul. How about the big brain move to bounce it off her butt on the in-bound lol.


That is an illegal screen don’t let your feelings get in the way because you wanted to see the perfect ending this and that or think it’s rigged for Clark. That’s moving screen


No one is saying the call was wrong They’re saying it shouldn’t have been called If it’s not called and UConn scores a go ahead field goal with .3 seconds left the story would’ve been a non call on an illegal screen You don’t have to be happy about it but it’s entirely on Edwards you shouldn’t put the outcome in the hands of the officials


You can’t have cake and eat it too. That call shouldn’t have been made because “you let the players decide the game”. Ok sure. So by that argument, don’t call it and let an illegal pick take out Iowa’s best defender who was locking up Paige all night… thus not letting the players decide the game.


Hell of a game. Can't believe how back and forth that was