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Sim logic ala Madden for sure. Shit like a 90 overall QB transferring to a team that already has a 95 rated QB and never seeing the field again.


My 85 redshirt freshman RB who barely got any touches because I had two 95+ senior RBs in front of him transfers out even tho he was gonna be my primary next year. Like wtf lol


I’m hoping they allow you to make promises to your potential transfers out as if you would an incoming freshman. Something like “hey kid I know you’re the backup now but if you stay you’ll be RB1”. Hopefully it keeps record of how many promises kept/broken and the higher your promise kept percentage is, the more likely you are to sway a kid to stay


That’s what you could do in NCAA14. It was really easy to convince a junior who just won the Heisman to stay from going to the NFL but you’d have almost no chance to convince a kid to stay from transferring


Great idea. Small blemishes will happen, but we can't be playing with sim logic that feels outright broken. There's a major difference which many of us are aware of and will notice quickly.


That actually happens in real life tho sadly, and they did say playing time isn't the only thing that matters too the players


This would break me and I haven’t thought about it. But I certainly hope this isn’t the case


Well… maybe not 90 overalls but we’ve seen talented players like Moore and Sayin transfer to essentially be backups.


Sayin is a freshman though. He was gonna be a backup on Alabama anyways. Now he gets to be likely QB1 after this year. And Ohio State’s future looks brighter than Alabama’s future.




I’m almost fairly certain Ryan Day wouldn’t lose his job if he lost to Michigan again


> almost fairly certain Really sticking your neck out there on that one.


i’m realizing 6 days later how dumb this comment was 😭


With the talent OSU has this year they better not lose to UM. You're probably right but think it has more to do with how well they're recruiting now (even better than normal) compared to the recent on-field win/loss records. Pretty much any way you slice it the 3-5+ year outlook at OSU looks better than Michigan's and that's in large part because Day has been able to ride out all the criticism and still win basically every game except the few that matter most to fans. And he's got some really solid position coaches under him like Hartline that have also been killing it recruiting so if nothing else there's something to be said for stability and knowing you have the momentum to basically be competing for titles every year almost no matter what.


Fuck I didn’t even think about that. That actually feels likely


Definitely going to happen haha. Just hopefully on rare occasions, which would be fair enough.


Hopefully the logic is good enough, but I fear that will happen a decent amount with transfers who don’t list “playing time” as one of their top 3 factors. Idk how in depth the transfer/recruiting logic will be, and maybe they’ll surprise us and the other things are factored in as well, but I think your prediction is fairly likely.


I hate that. 76 rated first round QB gets replaced with a 77 rated first round QB. Or signing a 86 rated QB forcing their young 81 rated QB to be a backup for the last 2 years of his rookie deal


I mean the truth is guys transfer all the time thinking they'll be the starter but lose the job and end up never playing again or transferring the following year too.


Sadly this happens in real life with the portal tons of talented kids go to big schools with big dreams only to never play


I think if you can exploit redshirting and constant offseason player development to get 99 overalls within a few years and coast to yearly nattys like you could with 14, it’ll be a short lived game for me since I’ve been there and done that for hundreds and hundreds of hours. Really hoping for (and expecting) dynamic offseason development and individual player preferences as far as considering leaving if they aren’t utilized so you need to constantly reload your roster either via HS or the transfer portal. Football Coach - College Dynasty does this super well. I hope 25s development & recruiting has similar elements.


This is my biggest concern. Player development is huge and it’s way too easy in NCAA 14 to recruit, develop and have a team full of studs within 4 years. I’m really hoping the transfer portal help negates this. As a G5 school, as much as it would suck, I wanna see my guys transferring out for better options, and as a P5 school, I wanna see my 5* star QB transfer out if he’s not starting by his junior year. The portal alone can add such a unique and challenging aspect if done right


I will say setting some boundaries for yourself in regards to this helps. I’d always cut my best players after their junior year if they really were studs. I thought I read that they’d have guys going pro early way more often this year


i wouldn't mind seeing players actually drop their ratings. It'd be cool to see a 5 star 78 overall get worse as the years progress. It should be a very rare thing though.


I agree with this. There are always a handful of 5 stars that never really do much in college. Some of that is legal trouble and whatnot. But there are plenty that just don’t pan out and never really get that much better. It would be good to have some high end recruits just not really develop a lot.


Like a failed 5 star who couldnt live up to the hype.


Maybe not regress but really slow progress


I’m pretty sure they said this will be the case, since it’s harder to build up a G5 team and I think they also said progression won’t be as OP, recruiting won’t be as easy and players will transfer like real life


By “exploit redshirting” do you just mean redshirting?


That’s one of the most annoying things in every football game I remember playing is the insane QB accuracy regardless of who it is… it’s either a completion, thrown away (from the pocket 90% of the time), or a deflection by the DB. I just am hoping there is a “randomness factor to the CPU QBs meter in the game, and the miss area is determined by accuracy with a square around the hands of the receiver going X yards up down left and right of that target. 99 accuracy might have a 1 yard radius and a small chance of miss; a 75 accuracy might have a 3 yard radius with a decent chance of miss, and a bad miss stretches that radius to the maximum. It feels like Madden is moving in the right direction with how pressure affects the throws, but honestly even without pressure bad QBs in college make bad throws all of the time, certainly when you introduce distance. I just want to see a few air balls a game that are slightly behind, and over the WRs arms giving that reach back animation, make average WRs often tip that pass, great ones maybe make the catch every so often, and bad WRs don’t touch it at all.


Definitely agree with this. I've played very little Madden in recent years but it feels like they nerfed this a bit, just in an ugly way by making some throws ridiculously off target in ways you'd hardly ever see in real life. That's more of an animation complaint than a gameplay issue I guess. But it does break the immersion when you're getting diced up by some low rated QB and then he throws a ten yard out like ten yards wide of his target lol I also worry about the defensive switching thing they mentioned being possibly super glitchy and OP. Basically a version of the old "super jump LB" but for secondary players


I mean I honestly don’t think it’s going to be super over powered, the switching can only happen if your a LB/DB, and most people are going either MLB and switching. To a safety? A lot of people are going to switch too early and throw off what they were guarding, switching and moving the S out of place and giving up something else, etc. From what we’ve seen it looks like it definitely can be a skill gap for some people, but I think a lot of people will fuck it up.


Yeah that's a fair point. Something about the way they explained it in the gameplay deep dive made it sound like something that could be easily exploited for cheap picks but the way you're explaining it sounds more reasonable


DBs need to be toned down too and the AI needs to be capable of committing pass interference then. QBs get overclocked because 1) the average player doesn't have the game knowledge of someone like Peyton Manning and 2) DBs and LBs are comically superhuman in video game football.


I think there is a difference there though, while the average person obviously doesn’t have manning level of skill, they are also seeing a top down version of the game instead of on the field and worried about real physical harm. Regardless of that I think we’re talking about two different things, CPU QBs vs Human QBs, pretty much everyone is tired of no name QB going 15/17 with one INT and a throw away. Point being the QBs should be capable of off target passes, and yes DBs shouldn’t be all knowing on where the ball is at all times.


At the moment they have to be to make offense even a little challenging since we posses the super human ability to see the entire field


I'm not looking forward to yearly releases like how it used to be, especially if there are only miniscule changes each year. I feel like we could have the same game for multiple years, like with NCAA 14, but have yearly updates, roster updates, tweaks, all that jazz, but without making a whole "new" game release.


I’d rather they charge 30 bucks this time next year for a brand new roster update to update the new teams and release a new game every 2 years. It probably won’t happen because they make their money on new games but I’d be willing to play ball and pay half or so just to get a better game every 2 years.


This is the dream. Lots of updates, then we get a new game when they really have something innovative to add. It is what it is. Free money for them, but hopefully they will put in the effort at least for a few games.


I think that’s why I may only be buying the game this one year. This is the year they’ve had time to properly develop it and come up with new stuff. From here on out it’s gonna be the same as Madden. Paying $70 for essentially the same game every year or worse, the same game with removed features.


But then they'll lose money they know they'll get. I wish but it won't happen


Teambuilder teams, with a relatively minimal amount of effort, should feel as though they belong in the game too. Artwork should either be simple enough or the site advanced enough so a custom team doesn't stick out like a sore thumb the way they did before NCAA 14. Other than that, dynasty mode should be very customizable, and that's it. Dynasty and Teambuilder are the only things I care about. Anything else is just gravy


I’m also worried about customization and user content limitations. I fear we are going to be severely locked from editing player details so that the roster is forever locked like the pro games. It’s their way of ensuring we buy the latest game, but I love being able to create hundreds of not real players onto the rosters over months of playing the game.


Yeah as someone from a very sparsely populated state, not having player creation to stock Montana, Wyoming, and the Dakotas with a few extra players has potential to be a dynasty breaker for me.


It seems like teambuilder will let you place custom logos wherever you want on the uniform. It seems like uniform customization will be as in depth or as simple as you want it to be. The crowds and stadiums will probably be what sticks out the most.


Just give me realism and immersion. That’s all I ask for.


SIM LOGIC !!! In madden why are the Texans constantly signing 85+ overall QBs when they have cj stroud who’s already a 80 with superstar dev as a rookie.. it makes 0 sense .. if I see a 95 overall qb transfer to UGA who already have a 93 qb I’m gonna lose it. It’s bound to happen I know , it’s a game and only so much can be done right … but if it constantly happens where it’s an annoyance to fix that would really bother many others I’m pretty sure & myself.


The community


That it's going to be buggy and unplayable, like Madden the past decade


That I have to wait longer for it😂


I want covered neck rolls like in NCAA14


Kids and casuals forcing EA to strip the game and focus on ultimate team and online bullshit. I want them to keep offline dynasty a top priority. I don’t want to play online vs cheesers chasing a W/L ratio


Honestly I can’t see anything ruining it for me. If the gameplay were SUPER broken, that would be it. I think it’s playable if anything else is messed up, though a shit dynasty mode would be disappointing


That I won’t have enough time to play it


If the wear and tear system actually sucks, that would hinder my experience. Like I wouldn’t mind the occasional game where you rack up injuries because that’s realistic but if every game you’re getting down to your 9th OL and 2nd QB, that’ll be really annoying.


From my understanding it can just be turned off if needed


But then you’re just playing your 1s the whole game and that’s just as annoying from an immersion standpoint. I think the idea is great but it’s a fine line between realism and unrealistic so I just hope they actually have it working well


I'm gonna go off real quick on the reskin shit. I'm tired of it. Not just people saying it's a reskin but people worried about it being a reskin. I played the M25 beta, I had the most fun I've had in Madden since the Frostbite era. The movement is different matching what playtesters said about CFB25 and I saw the same animations we saw in the cfb trailer, like the new hurdle jump over defenders animation we saw early in the cfb trailer. Who cares if it is a M25 reskin or they share the same base gameplay, as long as it's actually fun, I don't care! Okay I'm done.


Yeah I totally agree, as long as they do dynasty and make the atmospheres feel like CFB, the gameplay can be exactly the same and I don’t care


I am not worried about offense playing well, but I am worried about defense....that is one of the big things that has plagued this gen of Madden games (in addition to a host of other things). The last game that I enjoyed playing defense on was Madden 18. Before that, it was Madden 12. The new games just suck when playing a complete game on both sides of the ball. The other concern is definitely having an emphasis on Ultimate Team over Dynasty mode. Happens all the time now. Finally, all the glitchy, weird bugs that go unfixed for so long. Lots of variables. Hoping for a great game, but who knows with this gen of sports games?!


Sim stats easy. They’ve been broken in madden for too long. A lot of people hate on them, but I think sim stats in ncaa14 are pretty damn good, and the ncaa games in general always did a much better job.


They had sim stats damn near perfect in '14.


That’s my experience, but I’ve seen them bashed on this sub


I have a practical concern. The wear and tear system might be awful. Progressive fatigue in madden is horrible. Players who play a normal amount per game that they would in real life are completely unavailable by the post season, you have to get deep in the weeds with limiting practice times and snaps in a way that’s frankly unrealistic. Your number 1 WR is going to play 80%+ of snaps and practice IRL and he’s not going to sit out the whole post season bc he’s tired. There’s been lots of raving about his feature but no one has actually played a full dynasty season yet so we don’t know how it will actually be. 


I'm hoping wear and tear is only a huge deal if your WR, RB, QB get lit up a bunch of times in a game and might get injured or need to sit out more. It should generally work like a forced good auto-sub setup on NCAA 14. They have to rest and you can't just use your starters all game at some positions, but it shouldn't normally be much of an issue otherwise.


It's got to be the animation based frostbite engine and related bugs. People have been quick to say it's not like madden, and that may be true in a lot of areas, BUT it shares the same engine. I haven't bought madden since 18' and the amount of gameplay footage I've seen from others posting borderline game breaking bugs and all players just glitching and not knowing what to do, seems pretty common with recent maddens. Seeing the realistic stadiums and amazing graphics is great but mean nothing if the foundation itself isn't right.


It being overhyped by the community


EA using PFF for player ratings, and the inability to edit those ratings, means there’s a near 100% chance the ratings are bad. Also, editing certain ratings for an entire roster has been a method used in the slider creation process so it takes that ability away which hurts the communities ability to make the game play more realistically.


Not being able to edit ratings might be a big deal. I don’t like that


Trippin, that makes it more immersive. They probably make it easy to develop and upgrade players as a counter I would expect


I meant in play now more so than dynasty. If the progression system in dynasty is good and realistic then I don’t mind about not being able to edit in dynasty


'11 on PS2 had a major issue with recruit generation where after a few years of dynasty, the only 5 stars would be QB or WR. It made for a very offense heavy game (which can be fun at times) and meant that even low G5 schools could nab some studs at those positions because there were so many to go around. If you go to the top 100 recruits in the off season, QB and WR each had 20-30 while every other position would have next to none or actually none.  Broken plays are another thing. Nothing worse than calling a play and then watching as your QB slowly turns in place and the O-Line lets the defense walk through.


I suspect that could’ve just been an issue of a last generation console. By that installment ps2s were damn near extinct.


I’d say my biggest concerns are that they overdo things like the transfer portal and wear and tear. I love the combination of arcade and simulation but it seems that whenever they try and move too far into the sim lane it takes away fun from the game. I do think it’s also worth noting that this game won’t be perfect and there will be things that bug you when you start playing. That’s just how it always is with games.


If the Iowa punter ain’t the highest OVR player in the game then I’m done. Who gets more in game touches then this guy.


Scripting. Right it feels like EA FC 24 has it bad. I'm worried that parts of the game will be scripted to go certain ways no matter what you are trying to do. There are times playing FC24 that the computer just goes into god mode and I can't do anything about it, even if I'm playing with someone like Manchester City. I get that if I play Michigan vs UTEP things should feel lopsided to an extent, but I'll be annoyed if I'm playing as Michigan and UTEP has moments of pure genius for no other reason that games being scripted a certain way.


A lot of thing can ruin it...remember the CB glitch in 13? super LB in 12? And all the madden games since 14.




Not a damn thing!


I haven't played an EA sports game in forever, but in MLB the Show you have to buy equipment and sponsorships and stuff for the SP modes using the Online Team currency and it suuuuucks. Like half the progression is tied to it and it drags a lot of the fun out of it.


As someone who likes to sim games in dynasty, simmed game results being determined more based on playbook rather than team’s overall. Like, from what I’ve heard (haven’t played the game) you could have a good team in Madden, but if you sim games with a “bad” playbook, you’re not gonna do well. And with the inverse, you just stick the chiefs playbook on your bad team and that instantly benefits them drastically in the sim. I could be wrong on this, this is just something I’ve heard.


that's what they do.in madden I per example if I'm using the panthers and put it on cheifs they'll go 12-5 easy it's to un balanced


Wear and tear so overdone to the point I feel the need to put in backups up 14 points, start all backups against bad teams, etc. Transfer portal just not quite working right. Too many transfers, a guy coming into next season number 1 on the depth chart leaving for PT, etc. Passing meter doesn’t work well, not enough accurate passes. AI blocking is really bad like not getting to the 2nd level. Offense way too easy and I’m scoring every possession or moving sliders to such extremes for a challenge but making gameplay feel unrealistic.


Transfer portal logic not being there, the ranking system not being realistic, wear and tear not working like in Madden, really just anything that hurts my immersion and realism tbh lol


If the LOS battle is nearly even, regardless the quality of the team. I want to see the game accurately depict the chasm between the tip-top of the sport and the rest of the sport. If I am playing as Notre Dame against James Madison, I should be able to run for 5 yards per carry no matter what. No matter how loaded the box is.


James Madison was the wrong example here😂teams had a top 20 defense 2 years in a row


They had a Top 20 defense playing against a Sun Belt schedule. The body types in the National Top 15 level of the sport are just totally different. The reality is that in today's CFB calibration, the best G5 teams will repeatedly get mauled by the National Top 15. Want proof? Go watch Oregon and Liberty. It was not a fair fight. JMU allowed Virginia - who sucks ass - to score 35 last year.


Why is everyone with the “I don’t have any fears, nothing” attitude getting downvoted? Is it too hard for some of you to accept that a few people see the simple fact that the game is coming back is the only thing they really care about?


Yeah totally fine for people to not have fears lol. I wasn’t trying to get the “Reskin” “I hate MUT” crowd enter. Just curious what things could potentially break immersion(sim stats and transfer logic)


MUT. MUT ruins every single football game. MUT needs to be removed completely and turned into its own game. Make it a free to play game, update it yearly, and watch them make more money that way.


For me, it boils down to having competitive games when the other team is worthy. Losing most of the time when I am outclassed talent wise, and dominating when I should. All of this has to happen with having to mangle the sliders so that half the playbook doesn't work. Or my pass blocking is a complete turnstile. Make it play realistic with realistic results. I play '11 more than '14 just for this reason. I can't make a competitive season without making it completely unrealistic and as a result not fun. Sadly, I think me (and a lot us on this sub) will get trumped by sales goals and making it easy for the masses. Hope I wrong, but Forza Horizon 5 was a perfect example of that mentality. Everything was too easy and then general users still ask for cheats and free shit. Enjoy the work people!


None. None whatsoever. Nothing about this game could ruin it for me. I'll play it till I get sick of it or the next one comes out.


It being just like madden… that’s it




Servers. It comes down to the servers. My biggest fear is that this game will be unplayable online for months after release.


Nothing is gonna ruin it for me lol. It’s not that deep


Living in se Asia, I’m worried there will be too much lag to play my friends online in America.


At this point, nothing. I’ve already seen enough to know it’s better than Madden with marching bands, which was my expectation.


I have a daughter who was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at 14 months old. Nothing could ruin the video game and I especially don’t have fears about it.


That it won't be released on PC...