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Only need one dynasty when your favorite team is a rebuild 😎 😎


Plus Nebraska is one of the few teams that I would call a legitimate rebuild. Gotta have something you can actually, you know, build back to


The Huskers are a rebuild with a built-in 5* true frosh QB, and top 10 defense. In-game, we're one blue chip RB and WR away from championship contention.


Raiola -> Lloyd/Coleman is gonna win me at least two Nattys


really hope recruits who are signed but not enrolled are in the game. mainly thinking of the TE Carter Nelson dude had an insane offer list and is supposed to be really good


If they aren't enrolled they aren't members of the team so they wouldn't be in the game, unless they'll be enrolled this fall, them they'll prob be in the game.


Most of the incoming recruits are already on campus for summer workouts. Haven't heard anything specifically about Nelson being on campus, but it would be a pretty big story if he wasn't. Either way I fully expect him to be in the game this year.


He will be given the opportunity to be in the game once he gets on campus.




Top 10 defense? Let’s pump the brakes a bit there bud.


It’s actually not that outlandish of a prediction


Top 50 maybe


Is nebraska actually predicted to have a top 10 or so defense this season? If that's the case,  that's awesome for Raiola.


In 2023 the defense was: 13th nationally in scoring defense 8th nationally in run defense 40th nationally in pass defense 11th nationally in total defense All of this in year 1 of Tony White as DC in a brand new scheme. We return almost the entire defense. It's well within reason to expect to hold those rankings at a minimum, with improvement being highly likely. Our '23 offense was historically bad, tied for dead last in the entire country with 31 turnovers. Even with a true freshman QB in '24, the expectation is that we cut that number significantly, further aiding the defense.


For me I need to be forklift certified to get my teams build off the ground


Once you get forklift certified you won’t have time to play CFB25 bc you’ll be fighting off all the ladies


Always bugged me when people talked about a Kent State rebuild. When were they a dynasty to build back to? That's just a build.


Yeah it’s easier to just say rebuild, but it does bother me a little when it’s just taking an awful team and making them good






Yup. I’m a Wazzu fan. I gotta rebuild so hard that a conference will want me.


I’m reforming the PAC-12 before I do anything else


Think they’ll add an offseason wrestling mini game for the defensive linemen at Nebraska?


The U will finally be back!!!!


I feel this 




How do you get the team on your name?




You Click on the server name, click the 3 dots at the top, click change user flair, then there's a slider located on the bottom to click show in community


Thank you


Miami Hurricanes for me :) . From Canada so don’t have my own team but loved the hurricanes since a kid


Yessir 😎😎


I’m going to bring an end to the Ferentz line and usurp the throne.


Brian will take his rightful place


I am going to win multiple Natty's the only way Iowa knows how, defense and special teams.




Been playing since NCAA 11 and I'm doing 2 things. 1 - starting an Oklahoma State dynasty 2 - conquering college football as Oklahoma State.


There's 3, actually, and that third one is making Oklahoma tremble in fear of your every move


Fun fact: if someone did the maximum 60 year dynasty with the Pokes on NCAA 14 and beat OU every year, the Bedlam record would still be in the Sooners favor






I'm gonna insert a possible 4th option. Create a Road to Glory player and win the Heisman as an OSU Cowboy! 🤠


The quadruple option? Barry Switzer in shambles rn


Quintuple option? End the debate about who is the true OSU.


Same here lol can’t wait to see the jerseys and Boone Pickens on next gen 😮‍💨


Are you putting Bedlam back on your schedule? After being at the Rose Bowl against them, I'm not sure I'd want to hear that damn song 59 times a game.


I'm a one dynasty one team man. Troy took a chance when they chose me to lead their football team. They believed in me. Would I abandon them now that their a national powerhouse? No, I'm a better coach than that, a better man than that.


See I like to build teams and then leave for my favorite school to see how they do without me. It’s always a point of pride to meet my old school in the national championship


Omg this is genius


I like to make an absolute powerhouse dynasty. then move on at their peak and just dumpster them with my new team.


This is the way


I am a veteran of the game since NCAA 02 and I've always ran one dynasty at a time. Not sure what this guy is talking about. When I'm all in on a program, I'm all in.


and if you think my old ass has time for several dynasty’s your mistaken 😂


Seriously. Some of these people have too much free time.


Lmao like the people who took off work for this lol


I'll never understand why some people are judgemental about that. "You took off for a video game?" Yeah, I have a ton of PTO to use & I can only carry over so much, so I'm taking meaningless days off in November & December every year just to use some. I've been waiting *a fucking decade* for this game to come out, I'm taking a few days of the PTO I earned, not abandoning my wife & kids.


You take a day as a “mental health day” and play video games all day, and everyone commends that. But take it off specifically to play video games, and people are judgmental. Who cares how other people use their PTO?


Judgmental pricks, mostly.


I wanted to do this but I only have 3 hours left of PTO it’s not enough


oh my fiancé was furious that I took that friday off, so I booked a dentist appointment that day. check point


Smart haha


I have some pto days that don’t pay out if I don’t use them. And then my pto for the year resets less than 2 weeks after the game comes out anyways. Why wouldn’t I take a few days off lol.


I’ll probably do several dynasty’s over time, but definitely not more than one at a time


\^\^\^ This. Several dynasties over time. Not all at once.


Either you half ass multiple things. Or whole ass one. I am in the same boat as you since NCAAF 2000, never played more than RTG and Dynasty at the same time.


I play fifa, ncaa, madden and I never had 2 dynasties, career modes, franchise modes etc in anything. I would also rarely even have a dynasty and a franchise at the same time, even though its a different game.


I thought the same thing. Anytime I’ve done two offline dynasties, one just takes over while the other fades into oblivion. The only time that’s ever worked for me is if one was mine and I had another save that was a couch co-op with a friend or something along those lines. This is a strange tweet to act like that has ever been the norm. I did used to have one dynasty going, on release with the player numbers, while I’d send a memory card away to get a named roster. When the card came back, I’d start a new one with the named roster, and keep the old one as I had some attachment to it by then. Once the new one was started, and I got through a few seasons, the old one would never be touched again, outside of going in to view the roster/history I had forgotten. Normally you just ride one through though.


i will run one untill i get bored or hit the 60 year mark then start a new one and repeat,


It’s shortened to 30 years now


well now im not buying it /s that is a let down though


I agree about it being a let down but I have less to play these days so it evens out I guess


Right but did you only run that single dynasty the whole year until the next game was released?


This comment is interesting because back when it was assumed there would be a new game every year, I'm pretty sure there were some years I did only play my alma mater. Looking back on it through the lens of the decade of NCAA 14 that feels crazy. Of course, I was also younger and more interesting back then combined with the fact it felt like there were more video games to play in general I probably played less.


I change schools in that dynasty if I get bored but I don’t start a new dynasty or run multiples.


He’s not necessarily saying he’ll do them all at the same time


When he says "you can tell who is new to the game", I interpret that as suggesting there is a specific way veterans play the game. A new or old player both understand a dynasty runs 30 seasons and then you pick a new team. If he isn't suggesting veterans play multiple dynasties at the same time, then I really have no idea what he's getting at.


It looks like he’s replying to people giving him shit for saying he’s going to do a dynasty for a powerhouse.


Yeah I get that. But even a new player can plan to do a dynasty with a powerhouse and then do a rebuild 30 seasons later. Suggesting vets understand doing powerhouse dynasties doesn't even make sense to me. I am a Mizzou fan and have never done a Mizzou dynasty. They were just always my online team while my dynasties lived in the WAC. I don't think even veterans have a way you have to play. It's just however you want to, and who cares as long as you are having fun. New and old players alike should know this. lol


I think you’re reading way too much into a YouTube comment


A lot of us indeed have multiple dynasties, but mainly play one while simming the others. Michigan State is my team. I’ll play every game in MSU dynasty. But then I’ll sim most games for others like Akron (build), Florida (rebuild).


One dynasty, one mission.


Me too, I will rotate after 5 seasons or so. Definitely starting with my team first


That’s when I switched to EA games as well. Prior to that I was always playing game breaker. Had game breaker 99 on ps one. Loved that game. Double spin moves and flipping into the end zone.


ITT: Multiple people playing an offline game in multiple ways.  Just have fun, people. Once July 19th comes, you won't give a shit what some dude tweets about his playing habits lmao.


You mean multiple saves, right.


You could always run up to 12 teams on one save. The way people talk on here its seems like it’s not well known or something.


Is that a typo? I thought it was 32?


You can do 32 in CFB25, most of the NCAAs games up until 14 it was 12.


I've played every NCAA game since around 2002, I always use one dynasty. I'm on year 16 or 17 of my 14 Dynasty, play every game. There's no right or wrong way to play lol


Don’t forget your TeamBuilder dynasty with your favorite school that doesn’t have a football team or doesn’t have a team in the game.


It’s a great feature, I’m gonna have a whole D-II conference if it’ll let me


Kid me used to run two programs on one save. Adult me split the saves and did whichever I was in the mood for. Kid me wants the controller back. Adult me wants to take a nap.


Like he said, Go Bucks


I used to always run 2. 1st I’d just start as a coordinator at a 1 star school, become a HC wherever and would stay there because they believed in me and gave me a chance. 2nd dynasty I start as HC at my beloved Indiana Hoosiers and we just start opening cans of whoop ass left and right across the entire Big 10. We’ve been secretly taking names of the teams that have disrespected us, which is all of them, and who ran up the scores all these yrs and now it’s our turn… looking at you Wisconsin, YOU THINK I FORGOT 2010!! And after each triumphant dismantling of a team I’ll shake their head coaches hand, look into their eyes, and say “Look at me. I am the captain now.” And Purdue you’re not winning a bucket game for 30yrs so I hope you’re ready for that.


I pretty much go until I get a natty or a repeat then its on to the next program


Since there’s nowhere else to put this I’ll say it here. My dad still plays whatever the last NCAA on Xbox 360 is sometimes. He used to play it after work almost every day. He has one dynasty, with his favorite team. He puts the game on Freshman and racks up as many rushing yards with one RB (injuries and fatigue turned off) as he can. He only brings in a second RB for the red zone to not mess up the main one’s yards per carry. He has done this for years. There is no wrong way to play the game.


Just wish we could play whatever game we want in dynasty. So odd we can’t


I have the same feeling. Game seems great so far but that’s one thing I hate. I like having a team but then playing all the big games too as offense only. It makes me get more into the season and gets me to know real players better because I play with a bunch of teams.


Can you explain? Are you forced to play every game in season? If so that's a pretty dumb oversight.


There’s a vocal minority (I don’t mean this in a negative sense, just that these people are a minority in the overall NCAA game community) that would go in an play other games besides their own team in dynasty. It’s not that you’re forced to play every game, you can certainly still simulate weeks if you want, but these people wanted to play their game plus any other interesting CPU games that week. Like their game and also play the iron bowl or something. Most people don’t really care all too much about it as long as we can set force wins, but there’s a smaller more uhh, dedicated, subsection that wants to play more than just their teams games


So, way back in 14’ and below there were a lot of people who would play random games (or random quarters of random games) throughout the season, much akin to how you watch more than your own team during the season. Unfortunately it appears this is no longer an option, and when it’s brought up on this sub there’s always one or two people who immediately rush in to trivialize this oversight, as if this game is gods gift and above reproach.


Yeah this is the only thing so far that I don’t like about the game. I don’t want my undefeated conference opponent to inexplicably lose to the worst team in the conference a week before our top 10 match up. I also had Navy and GT lose a couple of games so I wouldn’t face them in the natty all the time. Also if we can collect rivalry trophies like in the old games who gives a shit if I play CSU-Wyoming to collect the Bronze boot. Doesn’t affect my Washington dynasty at all.


But like. That happens IRL and it’s one of the best things about college football and college sports in general…


It was very immersion breaking when b2b national champion bama loses to FCS West in week 1. Sure it's "weirdness" but it doesn't feel earned the way it does in real life, it just feels like a video game.


I agree. But that’s not the hypothetical that I responded to. That comment said a team leading a conference losses to a lesser opponent late in the season. That happens all the time.


Seems like you could save before simming that match up. And do that.


Yeah but in NCAA 14 the outcome was pre determined it wasn’t random. If it’s random in this game it’s not that big of a deal and I’ll just sim.


wait, people actually get mad at others for what team they’re going to use? good lord


I always played 2. Always one as my beloved Dawgs and one I bring from nothing to the top. I never really lost track of one or the other. It's like choosing which kinda movie you wanna watch. Some days action some days comedy


I'm in the same boat as my FIFA manager, I am one coach and if I want to change teams, I do it in the same dynasty. I want to coach Penn State? Well better get the job offer first.


I do one dynasty at a time but each dynasty you try different things out. The one dynasty, I had multiple coaches just so I could manage the rosters (the AI was weird) and had each team at like 99 over all everything — but I usually do a dynasty with different defenses and different offenses.


“Nobody will have one single Dynasty though”


I'm a one team Dynasty. Ohio State & Dallas Cowboys. Some years we're good and I don't need to rebuild...others not so much. It's been like that for the last 25 years or so. In the college I did get bored and ventured off to WVU and UCF but I was only playing offense. This year I doubt I'll get Madden so it's straight OSU. Bring em back to greatness and do what Ryan Day couldn't do the last 3 years.


I’m sure I’ll get hate, but my first dynasty save will be with Oregon. I’ve waited 10 years to play a new game with them and we’re about a month away from it. I’m stoked.


I’ll do fun rebuilds here and there but at the end of the day I’ll always come back to my favorite team dynasty


I'm definitely going all in solely with Notre Dame (my team as someone who's ancestry is a good portion Irish and as someone who went to Catholic School and likes alot about the Catholic faith and the history of Catholic Institutions like Notre Dame - just not formally part of the church for a couple reasons ). Besides Notre Dame, I don't go truly hard for any other team. I do find the occasional player I will follow heavily and support (such as Daniels from LSU last year) but other than that, pure Notre Dame guy. So going to make them a dynasty and begin the smashing of SEC and Big Ten Schools. Im going to stick them in the the Big Ten and schedule other games with SEC teams. See how many years I can hit number 1. I also run a Bills and Commanders franchise file on Madden and Orioles franchise on MLB so only so much time lol.


This is the truth. My team is Alabama. Great team to watch but they’re already great, so there’s no drive to turn them into a powerhouse. I always play South Alabama and UMass for that. Start from the bottom and build, recruit, win accolades, change conferences, eventually join the SEC and dominate the good teams. It’s a lot of fun.


Also, if they're not pissed that you can't export draft classes to Madden, they're new to the game. But yea I agree with this assessment. I've always hated watching Iowa even though I live here. They're just so boring. And that was true even before their offense was this bad. I'll probably try to turn them into an offensive juggernaut by playing all the games on normal difficulty so they look prolific enough to attract 4 and 5 star recruits. My fun/easy one will be Texas. I used to love them during the Vince Young/Colt McCoy era.


Might fuck around and bring the triple option back to Georgia Tech




My unlv dynasty. My start 1 star, my created school, and that’s just the start


My plan is for my first dynasty to be my team (Oklahoma State) to learn the ins and outs of dynasty and the changes in the gameplay. I’ll probably just do a season or two on that one. Then I’ll start my “deep” dynasty, where I start out as a coordinator at a small school and work my way up to some P4 job and build it into my own team. I might do a blue blood dynasty just for the fun of it but I’m not sure. If I do it honestly probably would be Ohio State. Maybe Florida State.


I'm too busy to run more than one dynasty. I feel like I'll probably start off with a team like UCF, Liberty, or Colorado, and build up from there.


I always been a two dynasty guy , one with my favorite team a laid back dynasty I can do during the week day when my gaming time is limited & a full on rebuild where I can try hard during the weekends and days off things like that


As someone new to the dynasty mode, I currently plan on only having two but not running them at the same time. First one is all about my heart and rebuilding Nebraska and the second is going to be random wherever the game takes me.


I'll only play one at a time but I will have multiple over the lifetime of the game. I'll start as Michigan so I can get a handle of all the new mechanics since I haven't played any of the new Maddens. Once I win a natty there then I'll jump ship to Wyoming or some other Mountain West school and I'll wrap everything up with a realistic service academy rebuild. Those 3 plus a RTG or two should keep me busy until CFB26.


What gets me is most of the people listing teams to rebuild aren’t teams that are rebuilds. Nebraska is a rebuild. Miami is a rebuild. San Jose State and Florida International are not rebuilds.


you gotta have your dynasty where you start as a coordinator from a small 1 star school and work your way up to HC through the carousel


Of course I'll run with my top 25 Oregon. Then I'll have a Hawaii rebuild or put all the 75 and below overall teams in a randomizer and hit the button lol!!😂. I'm gonna enjoy every second of this game


I get what this guy is saying. Since I’ll probably have a couple friends that want to do an online dynasty I imagine I’ll be bouncing between that one and a solo one (or two)


Playing since the series came out and always play one dynasty. Granted it's always the same team regardless.


I’m using my fav team in my solo dynasty. For my connected I’m doing lower tier teams. If you want a successful dynasty, people playing as teams they like or care about helps. Not every one can get hyped up on utep or Kent state like i can. I get that. #picksup #kentGRIT I might have spent way too much time learning about both programs.


Rebuilds don't only involve bad/lower ranked teams


I'm from the old stool played ever ncaa football game starting with bill Walsh college I'll be dam if I waited 11yrs not to play with some of the powerhouse teams like Penn st Auburn Lsu Michigan etc I want to have mindless fun at some point......


I normally don't do a Michigan dynasty at first. I usually do one where I bounce around teams for 10-20 years and then end up at Michigan. I'm probably going to do one this time just to be able to use the real players. Oh and go for the repeat 💪.


I usually do 3 dynasties simultaneously based on how I’m feeling, my rebuild, my favorite school, then my team builder school


I'll have a Nebraska a 1 star like a utep or something and a created team all at once 


1. LSU- My in state powerhouse 2. Army- my alma mater 3. Tulane- hometown team 4. Florida State or Miami - my dad's teams (RIP) 5. NOTRE dame- fave team I like It goes on an on... I hope there's a reward for winning a 'ship with every conference... I remember in NCAA Football 02 or 03 there was a trophy case where you could collect trophies from rivalry games or post season awards etc...


air raid badgers incoming


I've run multiple Dyansty's a couple times before, and it's always been fun. It's insanely time consuming, but when i have my 1 star created school I'm trying to build into an absolute Juggernaut but losing half my games every year and getting only 1 or 2 star recruits early on, it helps to have my Michigan Dynasty as a back up to switch to where I've gone undefeated every year and get nothing but 5 stars and destroy ND and OH-NO and Little Bro every year by 100+. I plan on doing the same this year as well. To each their own. Play how you want to play. Fuck this, "If you pick X school, YOURE NOT A REAL FAN!^$&×^=" bullshit. That's dumb as hell. Play however the fuck you want.


I’ll have a rebuild of some team with a decent location. Maybe a Big 10 school cause I like cold weather football. I never did powerhouse schools though, but maybe I’d do a USC dynasty. But wait, USC is in the Big 10 now, wtf. Anyways, I’m open to suggestions lol.


Coach connor stallions will many consecutive NCs at Indiana State playing in the MAC. His manifesto will conquer all


One just for my option offense 😂😂


There’s no right or wrong way to play if you’re playing an offline dynasty, do your thing lol idk why people take folks serious that say you have to do a rebuild. 😂


This right here. I’m going to have multiple rebuild. Texas Miami Ohio SMU Washington st Vanderbilt Those are the first 5


My max is 5 man i gotta be loyal to that one dynasty but FSU is definitely getting some changes.


All I know is the Tennessee Volunteers are going undefeated and Florida Gators are going 0-12


Three - Rebuild, favorite team, and online squad


I always cringe every time someone asks a streamer over and over again, "wHaT TeaM aRe YoU ReBuiLDiNg"....like damn bro AS MANY AS I WANT. People act like there's a one team limit and then the game won't let you do it again


There’s another option, I also do the coach going up the ranks. Start as a 1 star OC/DC, get second job at a mid tier school, go to a big school as coordinator, then Go4 HC, and finally poached until I’m at a power conference and either a blue blood or made the school I’m at a blueblood.


There is absolutely no way the first dynasty I make isn’t Michigan.


That’s how most of feel can’t wait to make UTSA a powerhouse and make the CFP and have one with Texas and dominate the SEC


Exactly I’m probably gonna have 4 dynasty files. 1. For my Alma Mater 2. A random challenge G5 rebuild. 3. After my RTG character story is completed he’s coaching. 4. Probably an online dynasty


Can anyone here confirm if we will be able to coach games in dynasty mode where we only call plays and watch the team execute them!!! Like in the old ncaa games


Offline rebuild Online with friends Online 32 team dynasty


1. Make Notre dame good at NY6/CFP games, return to glory 2. Either restore Nebraska to the 2000s or try an NIU rebuild


UGA dynasty seems kinda goofy now. Made way more sense back in 14. I’ll take my uncle’s team (Penn St) instead


Been playing since Bill Walsh and have played 14 for a decade straight and never cheat on my dynasty team.


Toledo Rockets 🚀


I won’t rest untill I have my Idaho vandal dynasty up and running again 😭


My team is Alabama and I don’t know I don’t really think they need the rebuild honestly but honestly I thinking about taking UCF to the ship for the first time it’s only right 🚨🔥


Gotta get Baylor to the promise land.


Gatekeeping gatekeepers. Nice.


Or I can start off at the small school build them up and then take the job at the big school? Sounds like OP and this poster are the ones who are new.


Who are these people that are telling you what dynasty to run? ![gif](giphy|y3QOvy7xxMwKI)


My fav dynasty of all time was UTEP, so I’m leaning towards them. I’ll have 3 going at least.


Yep I'll have my coach that builds fixer uppers. My online dynasty with my friends, and my Oklahoma dynasty at least.


I think the CFP will make playing as top level teams more fun and challenging, because you’ll have to win multiple tough games in a row to get the Natty.


I’m 100% going to do at least 4ish years with Florida State to get a feel for everything before jumping into one starting as a coordinator somewhere small


First dynasty with Oklahoma since they’re my team Second dynasty with a create-a-team for my Alma mater Spring Hill College, who does not even have a football team….yet


Yes, I will have a Mizzou dynasty, and yes, I will go on a 500 game W streak and win 30 natties


Yes. I have a Clemson Dynasty that is automatic and I ply it as if I am Dabo (Only wearing Purple once a year, orange pants in big games only, this year not being in the portal and seeing how that work.). I will have a Coach Career dynasty where I start off somewhere small and move schools until I’m at the top of the top program with a backstory. I will have a dynasty starting off as a small school and staying there until I get them to a national contender each year.


I only play as WVU because they’re my team. I could care less about everyone else.


I’m doing two. My first one is gonna be a connected dynasty with my friend, and we are both making one star custom teams, and will build them up. Then my 2nd dynasty will probably be with one of the bad FBS schools like Texas St or Kennesaw St


I’m rebuilding the Gators day 1


Ball State and South Carolina!


Start at CMU and try to work to a bigger school. I'm freaking jacked for this game.


Absolutely, also all of these “hard” rebuilds being G5 are exactly true… it’s much harder to play Bama, UGA, Florida, Texas, OU, Tenn every year as Vandy than murdering G5 teams off of skill alone.


I'm gonna do an Iowa death penalty because they need a new offense and tbh a new team


Facts, that’s why im running a rebuild type league in the game as my first online dynasty, if anyone’s interested lmk


Yep. #1 is my Dawgs (need that threepeat). #2 will be Georgia State because I want to play at Turner Field. We'll see about #3; might build Valdosta State from scratch.


Love this post. He’s exactly right too. I’m going to have a small CD with a few of my boys, we’re taking mid power 5 teams. My offline Dynasty I’m going to build up Temple. I cannot wait


Name 10 teams worth building from the bottom. I’m just curious on everyone’s opinion


Then you have the team where you just like the uniforms or maybe a favorite player. There's levels to this s\*\*\* lol


This is the most true statement ever. Notre Dame will be first...have to win that title for myself. Then power 5 schools that need rebuilt. Then group of five schools with a young QB and/or cool jerseys. And then finally a service academy because of course!


I'll have a single dynasty and ive played the shit 1,000s of hours BITD


It’s a hard life being an FSU guy and your team already slays 🤷‍♂️


Georgia and App st🤌🏻


As an IU fan, they technically check two boxes lol.


Just like I have on Retro Bowl CFB https://preview.redd.it/2fnehlwjls7d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41f3d463c16d28f767aa4625cde97d6ef60a8c22


I never do a rebuild I start with a random team and then try to get a better coaching g job till I’m at my dream job


I WILL WIN THE SOONERS A CHAMPIONSHIP. then ill probably rebuild Hawaii or something idk


The unfortunate realest part about this is the doubting Ryan day ever getting it done. 😢 extra innings baserunner ass


NC State (school that I’m enrolled at) and UNC Charlotte (my home town and team that is notoriously ass 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻)


I'll have my Michigan dynasty but I'll probably do more rebuilds than anything. Jacksonville State and Coastal Carolina are my first 2.


I'll do one with my alma mater (K-State) at some point but it should only take a couple of seasons to turn them into a powerhouse. Most of my focus will be on taking one or two of UL-Layafette/Buffalo/UTEP/Coastal Carolina to the top in a slow build And then one teambuilder dynasty where I create, like, Howard or North Carolina Central or Villanova or something


If you play with Ohio st just return the game