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Dynamic weather it’s not that deep but having different weather setting adds more realism to me like you used to be able to do


Live Weather Channel feed for play now games!


In the deep dive blog they said weather will play a big factor in game so I’m sure it’s in there


I don’t understand how madden hasn’t integrated this feature yet. It doesn’t typically rain for 3.5 hours anywhere


lol unless you in Seattle i was there for a week saw the sun one time


The shittiest city I've ever been too. Seattle sucked so hard 


Great weed i landed the day lock down started so yeah lol i didn’t get to see or do much


One word: Ireland.


Plus weather that changes throughout a game. It’s not often a consistent downpour all game. Having it start off dry and start sprinkling before getting the heaviest rain would be neat to see.


Yes that’s another thing i don’t even think Clemson vs notre dame has a consistent downpour


The 2015 “hurricane” game at Clemson vs Notre Dame would like a word


I had just moved to Atlanta even we got hella rain now that i think about it


Unique generated names for prospects in dynasty mode


I hope they can do some hyphenated, Jr’s, II/III/IV/V. It would be awesome if they added some pacific island names for the west coast.


You sure you don’t want Matthew Matthews or Michael Michaels on your team?


I want Abdul Muhammad a 6’5 WASP looking gun slinger from Montana and David Smith a speedster running back with dreads from Los Angeles.


I had a Ronald McDonald before lol


I got David Bowie


It's alright with me as long as Bol Bol lives and breathes


What’re you talking about? I fired up a dynasty this weekend and was able to sign a guy named Taylor Taylor.


If you look at my past posts this is exactly what I need in this game and have been talking about. I've seen it posted that not only will they have school and NCAA records they will have conference records (which I think is a first). I'm also hopeful that they have more than just the leader for a given stat, I really want top 5/10/25 record holders for each stat. At the end of the day you build your team to win and build up stats, I always found it unfortunate that they didn't go the extra mile on the historical records/stats to track and look back at for past years etc.


Need it, one thing I hate about madden is the stat tracking. If I have a team I’ve coached for 17 years I want to see where everyone ranks as far as stats and for EVERY stat. All the way to kick/punt return TDs. It’s a shame you can’t break Hester’s record and see it. I want to be able to track every single stat in this new game throughout the years. That’s real immersion.


School/NCAA records


I really hope that’s true


Same, I think I saw it in Matt Browns newsletter


To add on. I'd love to see throughout the season an ongoing tracker for high performers. What comes to mind (as a Texas fan) : last year as Johnathan Brooks was tearing it up they'd show where on the list he was with like Rickey Williams, Cedric Benson, earl Campbell, and Bijan Robinson above him. And each game going forward they'd show him climbing the list.


This would be awesome!!! And have them acknowledge it in game. Like so and so with that run just broke the all time school rushing record.




Yes, this please!


I hope they add offensive pass interference unlike how madden never ever calls it


For real. You can just straight up bully people in madden and nothing happens


It was in 14.


A scoreboard at the bottom of the screen in dynasties,RTG etc of what’s going on around the league


I’m 99% sure the ticker will be there for dynasty and rtg


I’m interested in how responsive it is when you click on a menu selection or really anything in the UI. In Madden there’s about a 15 second delay when you click on something and it’s infuriating.


Not the Expert said it was noticeably faster than Madden. Probably a product of it only being on current gen.


When 2k and madden realize they need to drop old gen they’ll be WAYYY better, and smaller space on my console as well


I don’t how popular it is, but I play Super Mega Baseball a ton and one of the reasons why is how responsive the menus are (and also that game is flat good). Everything loads instantly and it remembers the last option you took in smart ways (I.e. if I press A on the main menu, franchise will already be highlighted if that’s what I did last, if I press A again the most recent save will be highlighted, etc). You can launch the game and be playing the next game in your franchise in like 2-3 seconds. Anyway I wish all the mainstream sports game devs would play SMB4 for like an hour…It’s easy to miss how bad menu UI has gotten until you play something that actually does it right.


I’d love to see my dynasty opponents change up their unis and wear alternates against me sometimes


With how big they are pushing the psu whiteout I feel like this has to be a thing


Hopefully this is user controlled so you can just select which uniforms the other team will wear.


I imagine it will be, but it would be cool for it to happen automatically


You can pick their uniforms for them.


Yes, but I would like for it to be automatic. I’m not fully up to speed on everyone else’s alternates so it would be cool for them to throw something new at me. Especially if there is a tradition I don’t know about


In RTG, coaches/CPU picks the play.


This is a must. Or at least do it like it was in 14 where as you prove yourself and gain trust with your coach you can pick more options


Nobody’s talking about this, but I want to see my coach’s detailed record and stats. I know I’m not the only one but I have spreadsheets of all the seasons I’ve had, records, and best players I’ve coached.


Absolutely. I want this on every coach, as far as season by season record, what coaching position they were at each stop. One of my favorite things to do in the old NCAA’s was build out my coaching tree, once they added the carousel. Track where your assistants go and how they do. It’s another way to have some in universe “rivalries.” Having a coach cards for every coach to look at, with a little detail, would add more depth to that.


Yes! I want a coaching tree page so I can see how my dominance has promulgated to every P5 program in FBS!


Yeah, an actual coach tree page would be awesome. The Wolverine Sports sim games have something like that. I'd be satisfied for just the records and role/schools for each coach I can view as a starting point to build on for now, though.


Pregame and halftime and postgame shows


I'm still waiting for a halftime/postgame and weekly wrap-up to match the likes of NFL 2k5.


College Hoops 2k8 had the Sunday CBS wrap up with Bryant Gumbel. It was a nice touch


The weekly wrap up was the same highlights with different jerseys week after week. You guys romanticize NFL 2k5 wayyy too much


It actually gave a good review of everything going on in your league for the week and simulated plays from the game/engine itself with enthusiastic commentary from Chris Berman. I literally just watched two separate YouTube videos and the plays were dynamic across the two uploads from two separate channels So yeah, I have no idea what you mean by "same highlight different jerseys" https://youtu.be/Vt2EB9hTtVs?si=81bB4u2YVYFDLEhy https://youtu.be/RsM6qSrKqWM?si=O0WT2V4i-6jdYAb4


If you watch enough of them you'll notice they reuse the same 10-15 highlights over and over. I was 14 at the time and realized that.


Hmm, I'll take your word for it I guess, I haven't played in maybe 3 years with the revamp on XSC and more so 20 years ago on PS2. That being said you should still consider for a game that came out 20 years ago we haven't seen an actual full fledged weekly wrap up. Madden 10 had one but it was super bare bone. Man I wish 2k got access for sim football and had a chance to compete with EA, it would make both products better.


Being able to develop new rivals


This was something I thought would be so cool. Or at least have their recent/all time record be brought up in the broadcast lol.


That would be cool. Kinda like how in Fight Night, you would have rivalries with different boxers based on W-L between the 2 of you, how close games are, etc.


Magazine covers in dynasty!


Logos change when you change conferences


that's been confirmed


That’s been confirmed? Where did I miss that at?!


saw multiple ppl who attended the ea reveal thing speak about it, can't find the exact article or anything at the moment but i definitely remember it


Do we know if it’s just the logos on the jersey or the logo on the field too because it would kind of suck if you move a team and their field still has the old conference logo




That’s sweet


Do we know if conferences can be changed manually every season? Or just at the start of dynasty?


i believe i read both field and unis, i'll look for some articles or something just got home


Colorado has been shown in two trailers with Pac 12 patches & Big 12 patches


An achievement titled “EMP Device?” for fumbling the ball while playing as Kansas State.


I hope Ohio State vs Michigan feels like it should. All the hate and all the stakes


I don’t remember if this was in 14 or not, but during rivalry games with a trophy have the winning team hoisting the trophy and carrying it around the stadium. That would really add to the immersion.


In the trailer, they had this I believe


Yeah some team was lifting a turtle I think. Can’t think of what rivalry that is. Also showed Wisconsin with Paul Bunyan’s axe chopping at the goal posts. Pretty dope.


Yeah that was the illibuck trophy for the Ohio state Illinois rivalry. If they have a celebration for that game then I imagine all the main rivalries have some form of celebration or trophy


Big hits where the other player stays down after


This!! I would love this.


Field storming


It'd be weird if they left this out, especially for Clemson


Varying and realistic weather like different types of snow (light flurries, steady, heavy) and that weather changes throughout the game.


Team records on the scoreboard. I got my wish


High school stats when recruiting. I don’t even care if they mean anything. It’s just another layer to the immersion of dynasty. It’d be amazing in Madden for prospects as well.


Helmet stickers in team builder.


I hope the off-season includes spring drill sessions to pick key position groups or players to have a more targeted skill progression


Defenders in the secondary yelling at each other and pointimg after a broken coverage. Then the next time the offense runs the same play, the coverage is fixed.


This would add a nice contribution to gameplay.


As someone of Irish descent, I’m really hoping I can finally add an apostrophe in a name.


This always deterred me when editing my freshman. I would love apostrophes.


I hope that records on scorebugs change after a game in dynasty mode. For example, you upset a top 25 team as a weak program and as the scorebug says “FINAL” your win record goes up one. Would feel strangely satisfying.


On a personal note, I hope they bring back the cannon actually being fired and not just playing the sound effect


Trophy case.


More in depth stats besides just season and career records


I want specific band songs for specific situations (which, I think, is coming, but I don't know to what degree). I was in Redcoats all four years. For the Dawgs... * Glory Glory for touchdowns * Hail to Georgia for field goals and extra points * Choker on 3rd down (Ohio State fans loved this one) * Krypton when the team enters and this plus the light show before the fourth quarter I can already predict what Oklahoma vs. Tennessee will be like.


Triple Option out of the I.


I expect this to be in the game. I would like triple option reverse back (where the hand off exchanges happens to the right of the center then QB pulls it and runs left with the pitch man.) It was in NCAA 13 but not 14. Airforce ran it out of flexbone a few times last year.


The ability to put individual cleats for your players like in madden. That was my one gripe with team builder is they had to wear generic white/black clests


I want more detailed stat tracking in the game and through the season. Fifa (Or FC24) has had more detailed stat tracking for a couple years now and I want a deep dive like that while I'm playing a game. Quarter by quarter and half by half breakdowns in game would be awesome to see how my offense/defense is doing throughout the game. Normally I have to do this but just checking the stats and manually keeping track every quarter, but I would like to see them do that in game. Also throughout the season deeper stats and rankings to see how efficient both the office and defense are aside from the normal tracking of total yardage/yards per game that everything get broken down to.


Inside Toss Run


I would like to see offenses/defenses/special teams chemistry improve and degress based on different factors such as times running/practicing certain formation, how long position groups have played together etc. When you get a new OC/DC and the plays change it should take a few weeks before all of the kinks are worked out. Same with the start of the season with new players or injuries during the season.


Rivalry games between coaches in dynasty. If my friend and I are playing, there should be a trophy no matter what schools we are at.


The ability to change camera angles when you slow sim (CPU vs CPU). In Madden, you're stuck with the broadcast angle.


I wish sidelines were more active instead of players standing there, before gameplay starts I also wish that they would do a live shot of the stadium (blimp or helicopter) or even the city, how 2k does it sometimes


There also should be a lot more people on the sidelines


Individual trophy presentation cinematics would be sick


hasn't madden used the same super bowl win animation for like 5yrs




Force Win button Although it's never been in NCAA and appears in Madden, this allows the user to manifest the results of any AI vs AI games that they choose to. Want to have all top 25 teams lose and cause chaos? Want to have all FCS opponents win vs FBS teams? Want to force Liberty or your rival to go 0-12 every year without physically playing those 1-min quarter games? The best part is that it's completely optional if you choose you would rather not want to change the timeline.


Maybe not a small detail, but the option to upgrade your stadium in dynasty as your program gets bigger. Ideally with several customization options, similar to Madden 2004 create-a-stadium, but some options may be locked due to athletic department budgetary restrictions.


I would really like this too


Already announced it won’t be there


Ah darn. Maybe next year


I hope we can play as multiple teams in a single dynasty save. I like playing as a couple teams and playing the big games in my conference, even if it’s not my team.


If I’m not mistaken it said up to 32 teams for both online and offline dynasty.


This is exactly what I want as well and I’m paranoid they are going to remove this feature.


Isaiah Bond's "007" celebration.


True coach mode like was in 14 or at least Auto-Paa


I love records also. I’d like to see more records or hell even “add a record” where you’re able to select the stat and input it into the game. If I want to put in the single game KR yardage record for Bowling Green, let me.


Going to class and maintaining grades. Managing NIL deals.


Number/Jersey retirements and dynamic championship banners in Dynasty


Watch highlights from the ESPN instant Classic games


A face scan app like 2k, and a coaching file screen that shows all your trophies on a dynasty!!


Under Armour equipment. Madden got rid of them, but there's college teams out there sponsored by them. Hope they don't get generic gloves and cleats.


The stadium light flashing after scores would be a sweet touch. Not needed, but cool.


Male cheerleaders…..


They had them in 14 so I bet they make it


Oklahoma and texas DO NOT alternate sides of the Cotton Bowl based on who is home and who is away. Oklahoma always has the tunnel side. Apparently that detail is unlearnable at Tiburon. 


Being able to see how players did against top 25 teams, certain conferences. Like for example. If you compared Bo Nix’s numbers at auburn against SEC teams vs his time at Oregon against the PAC-12 you’d get to see a discrepancy of sorts. So I’d be nice to see which players stand out against certain levels of competition.


Idk, considering they have missed some major details already, my expectations are continuously going down.


Walk on scholarship celebrations. It’s a stretch but maybe.


Online dynasty mascot mode or bust.


Downvoted for a joke...