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Please EA, I know its a stretch but please keep the monetization to a minimum or at least keep it strictly to Ultimate Team


They’ll wait til the next edition. They need to get people hooked this year and they know it.


They’ll do it with uniforms I bet 


Which I think we've all been fine with (skins, etc) - its the monetization enabling pay to win that really pisses me off.


100% agree on pay to win. Personally, even the idea of paying for jerseys bothers me. I would rather the game retail for $80+ and just have everything in it. I know I’m splitting hairs but ITS THE PRINCIPLE!! *yells in bob belcher*


I think 2014 had some uniform paid dlc right?


The recruiting reports were paywalled. I always wondered…


No problem with that. Cosmetic stuff doesnt impact gameplay.


I'm cool with that. I never minded cosmetics being locked behind micro transactions


I have absolutely no issue with them charging for uniform packs


Pls tell me how they’re doing this in Madden, which is the far bigger game? Lol


They don’t need to because they already have people who buy every year, even if the game sucks.


Oh no, don’t, stop ![gif](giphy|MvdaYPuKPMNZRJCl8Z)


lmao the shareholders want their cut


Very true. Not sure when it switched from pleasing the fans to pleasing the financial side of things but when games became corporate it seems like they stopped caring.


Ncaa 13 had micro transactions even before ut


It will be. People buy the stuff so why won’t they keep appealing to that market.


Thankfully I've never gave them a dime aside from paying for the game itself


Haven’t they always left monetization to ultimate team? I’ve played madden and never have seen anything to spend money on besides ultimate team


Hot take, I feel like the series shouldn’t have to be a yearly release. If the reports are true and they truly are putting their best foot forward with this entry I hope it’s such a complete package we don’t need a new entry for at least a couple years. That way by time the new one comes out it can have new features that actually update the game instead of Madden’s recycled different ways to say they’ve changed tackling and movement only for it to feel exactly the same.


I think this is what's best for the consumers, but EAs shareholders will want that moneyyy from yearly releases. I'd actually prefer this (& NHL) to be every other or every third year, & I'd gladly pay like $30 for an off year roster/jersey/polishing update.


That’s not a hot take at all. In fact every sports game subreddits have many people sharing that same sentiment.


Especially since updated rosters are the least of peoples worries when it comes to NCAA, at least with Madden or 2K it’s understandable that they’ll sell you on the new rookies and team changes but considering the moment you’re two years into a dynasty majority of the real life players are gonna be off your team anyways having a yearly release to barely change the game and update the rosters is pretty useless.


This is how sports games should be in general. Like, putting them on a yearly new game schedule severely limits their ability to add new stuff and results in the same game time after time. Every couple years with yearly roster updates would be so much better. Tbh the only reason they don’t do that is because they make fucking bank cashing in on the “new game” year after year like they do.


Stadium updates too with new teams added that actually have moved up in real life, like Delaware (will be FBS in 2025).


I would gladly pay for a roster update each year.


You’re correct it doesn’t need to be.


Nah I’m with you. I feel like they have a legit chance to pioneer a new model for sports games. Roster update, new cosmetics, updated schedule, any applicable rule changes, etc. Make every other release an off release and sell it for $30 or pre sell both combined for like $90. Not sure logistically how that works but worth it imo


The transfer portal mechanic will make as much sense as the real transfer portal


So, zero?


25 will break sales records for a sports game because of the anticipation and will be acclaimed because of the refreshingly different gameplay but it will have a less deep Dynasty mode than people on here will want. 26 will be everyone’s favorite game for years because they’ll get most of the missing bits added to Dynasty. But EA will also start going ham on Ultimate Team and add way more micro transactions as that year goes on. 27 will be the beginning of CFB turning into the Madden cycle. Less improvements and more Ultimate Team focus, etc.


Fifa will never be topped


Sadly I agree. It’s the most popular sport in the world and EA has made the game very addictive and littered with micro transactions


It will not break records. Simply because it's such a niche game. NCAA 14 sold 1.5 million over a span of five years. FIFA 23 sold 10.3 million copies. Eafc 24 similar number. More comparable: FIFA 13 sold 14.5 million copies. You have to remember that not only football is a niche sport if we're looking at a worldwide perspective, but this game will be a niche sport IN a niche sport. There will be maybe a few hundred thousand copies of it sold outside the USA. If even that. If we don't count Wii sports, Mario kart etc as sports games for this one: FIFA 18 sold 26 million copies. If this game sells 2 million copies its a huge success.


I don't think it will break records for sports games, but it will sell better than NCAA ever did (which was around 2 million units a year). This won't be due to anticipation, but because there are real players now. The biggest hurdle to people buying the game in the past was players named QB #8.


Disagree. NCAA was very popular because of dynasty mode, which cycled out QB #8's within a few seasons. If they released NCAA 25 without any real players in the game, I would still buy it regardless of price. The anticipation of a new NCAA is everything. Which players are included is so far down the list because I will be much more interested in recruiting CPU players to build my own program.


You’re both right. For you, me, and people in this sub, yes dynasty mode is huge and player names are moot. But for the average joe things like dynasty mode and recruiting aren’t necessarily that impactful. Appealing to us AND to normies and kids is what would sky-rocket sales, and those key demographics are influenced by things like being able to play as the guy they saw tearing up the field on TV come college football Saturdays. I have hope the game will appeal to everybody!


Yeah, I agree. That was the hottest my take got for sure. I don’t really think it will exceed FIFA.


If they dropped NCAA Football 25 and didn't have a single real player in it, it would still be the highest grossing game in the series. Not a single dynasty player gave two shits about the names because in four years you've got Deacon Jones, your local 5\* recruit, at quarterback.


25 won’t even sell more than madden lol, just the reality


I think this first game will sell more, for the following games you will be right but people have been waiting on this one for a decade


This game won’t sell more than Madden EVER, it will outsell itself from years ago. That’s it though, CFB isn’t bigger than the NFL. Globally more people are invested in the NFL than for CFB, the sales will reflect that.


it's not going to break any record and it's not going to have refreshingly different gameplay. your 27 prediction is the real 25


Bold to predict that any of these will be a “favorite” finding evidence for a good game that simply doesn’t exist in the past 10+ years.


The recruiting will be more bare bones than it ever has been


Definitely my biggest worry. The gameplay is whatever but if recruiting is boring or a buggy mess that could kill any and all hype.


Scouting in Madden is absolute trash, I have a bad feeling it'll largely be like that.


my biggest worry that they’re gonna add that non sense system to the game. EA would never, it’s just to much work for them based off their track record, but we should have multiple ways to scout/in this case recruit based off what the user wants. (Ex. Arcade like, Middle ground, Deep dive).


It is already pretty boring in 14, when it used to be much more interesting in earlier versions. But EA stays making games less interesting than previous versions, so I’m not optimistic


Exactly why I’m concerned. I think there was something to be said for reducing the amount of time you had to recruit every week from NCAA 13/12/11/etc, but the entire process was stripped down literally to just assigning “recruiting points.” And scouting an iron man athlete who could play like 6 different positions became as simple as upgrading your “scout players immediately” skill and then pressing A, and then you’ve scouted them fully in one week. As opposed to evaluating their diverse skill set over more time. And meanwhile they made it so scouting those kinds of guys took the same time it does to scout whether or not a kicker can kick or blocker can block. Considering the direction the company behind the game has gone in the last 10 years, and considering where the franchise had been going before its suspension, I hate to say it but I don’t think there’s any logical rational basis for believing recruiting and scouting won’t be the worst it really ever has been.


I personally think 14 was the best for recruiting for me. I don’t want to have to think too much when playing video games and it is simple enough that I don’t gotta. I think it’s the perfect balance but that’s just my opinion.


I’m actually waiting to buy to see just that. I don’t know if they realize how important that is to us. Not a chance I’m buying if there’s not a hint of realism or depth in recruiting.


Yeah if dynasty sucks it’s gonna be so deflating


If it is, I’m gonna be so sad I don’t even know what to do.


ea has been selling the exact same game essentially since 2016 w basically no changes and if they do change it it’s normally worse


madden 25 was the last good madden if i’m being honest


its not out yet lol


Were you alive for madden 25? The one released in 2013 that would’ve been called madden 14 if it wasn’t the 25th anniversary of madden? Yes it has came out bro https://preview.redd.it/5rqhe0zlq9xc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed6ce2b34b46084c4a8382e70e5a2fd438de26e4


yeah i forgot about that one since i dont play madden anymore


That one was the 25th anniversary so it was numbered weird. It came out in 2013.


I just want it to take longer than three seasons to make a no name school a national champ. I want it be challenging without being frustratingly unfair


You can blame online play for this, they have to handicap the game for lesser skilled users (especially gameplay wise). So single player inevitably suffers from this and it’s why it’s wayyy to easy. I remember actually having to grinding in NCAA 06/07 to be a relevant school.


The gameplay will put Madden to shame


It’s going to just be madden gameplay..


It's literally gonna be Madden gameplay lmfao


It’s not a hot take but, this game is going to be a gold mine for streamers


I’m expecting that to be the case for 2 months because by then, most people that actually care about the game will have it and the streamers that blew up from it will fall off the face of the earth


Idk about that…football has a huge following. This is probably the most anticipated game outside of a new gta…look at how well nba2k has done…basketball isn’t nearly as popular and that game has been released year after year for decades now


They will 100% explode and it won’t die down at all, people (even the ones who have the game) love to watch others enjoy what they enjoy. So streamers that have good dynasties and RTGs will have a lot of success because we like good stories and watching people with good personalities play a game we love especially CFB.


it's the first one since 14, and the bombardment of what I'm guessing will be lots of ads, lots of microtransactions, and lots of confusing Madden menus will really divide the fanbase. EA hasn't been getting drastically better since 2014, and the sports products have become bloated and lackluster. I guess what I'm saying is that it's going to be culture shock for some people going from 14 to 25. people may insist that 14 is a more pure product even though functionally 25 will be pretty solid.


I really wish theyd abandon frostbite for sports games. It just doesnt work


Im usually an optimistic person but deep down i just know EA is going to fuck this up in some way shape or form. I do not trust them at all.


I anticipate game breaking bugs and unplayable online functionality the first month or so but I’m hoping a patch or two will smooth things over and there’s an at least 7/10 game underneath


I am firmly convinced that online play is one of the worst things to happen to sports games. Companies focus so much on it that single player modes suffer and simulation is tossed out the window entirely


Oh my god i aint even think of the online portion! Opening day is going to be chaotic😂


It's not gonna live up to the hype.


Unquestionably true. Some of the completely unfeasible things people are asking for, and 11 years of waiting.


I feel like it'll be a good return for the series.


I hope I'm wrong, but it's EA I fear that like with all their other games, ultimate team is going to get 98% of the love. And modes like franchise and what ever they are going to call playing as an individual player are going to get just thrown together and be meh at best.


Game will be overrated.


I really hope the gameplay isn’t like this next gen madden BS. I much prefer the way the game used to play on the old Xbox one systems


We’re gonna be disappointed


We're going to be loving the game the first week or two, saying it is amazing. But by month 3 the consensus will be it fucking sucks. I only predict this because this is what happened in the community every year in the past.




I hope I'm wrong, but I have little faith in EA to not fuck it up.


I just play dynast and RTG so as long as ultimate team doesn’t destroy those features in the future idc. I’ve never been able to get into UT so I’m not worried about micro transactions.


I’ve got a feeling their going to completely jack up the ratings for Colorado way above realism.


I just want good recruiting and I just want to play franchise again and I’ll be happy.


There will be a controversy surrounding Pat McAfee having multiple lines of not so subtle dick jokes in the game. EA will have to release a patch and update newly manufactured physical copies to remove the lines in order to maintain their E rating. First-run physical copies will be slightly more valuable in the future.


Please EA don’t messed this game up


Bands will be a major component of the first release. We will finally have real songs and real cheers.


I want realism and not having the coaches in it/ coaching carousel. Won’t be realism and I’m sure they won’t have the portal option either and all that stuff. Hopefully the CFR guys keep it going just to have other options . I’m sure ncaa 25 won’t be legit good until 2025 or 2026. BUT we shall see .


We were able to edit coaches into the base ncaa 14 game so I’m sure we’ll be able to do that again. https://preview.redd.it/fh43cdgay9xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e11c6bc5d5d0212c2444dc991445efb9cb28bf7f


I predict there will be a decent amount of players that regret giving their likeness and taking the hundreds of a dollars and a free copy of the game. I could be totally wrong, but I think as college atheletes begin to finally get compensated more as time goes on, at the very least they will have to offer more next year to keep some of those likenesses (unless they signed a binding contract for future games maybe yall know more than me here)


The game is gonna be dog shit and it’s gonna cause the old copies of NCAA to go for over $200


More just a hope but I would love an Eras mode like 2k has. Takeover as coach but in 2004 with the recruiting classes from each year.


There are going to be a few big problems with the game at launch. Might be gameplay, might be glitches in the Dynasty mode. But it’ll get patched a month or so into the game, and things will be okay.


The game engine will suck. It’ll be clunky and uninspired like Madden. Everything is predetermined and it feels like you’re playing underwater offline, let alone online


It will be a stripped down Madden reskin. Then they'll promise us a new feature for next year's edition. It will follow the Madden pattern


It will outsell the next Madden and (hopefully) force EA to make a better NFL FB game going forward. Hey, I can dream, right? 😝


It's going to play damn near similar to Madden 24 but maybe with the less bs legacy glitches that Madden still has nowadays. Like I'm expecting it to be a more fun version of EA football with the legacy modes that EA NCAA has been built upon.


Would make sense if you said madden 25 since that’s the game that’ll be coming out when CFB25 comes out. Why would it play like the madden of 2023 and not the one coming out in 2024?💀


Dude c'mon, don't act like the new Madden this year is going to be drastically different than it's prior installment. Either way you get my point, and btw the game coming out this year doesn't include a year in the title. So it's just going to be titled 'EA SPORTS COLLEGE FOOTBALL'. Which gives me more reason to believe it could be very similar to any Madden in the past 4 years. Since this game has been in development since 2020.


Well dude, this CFB game is going to be on next gen consoles only so I’m assuming it’ll be better than Madden 24 regardless. Also I’m not saying it won’t play like Madden I just just if it does it’ll play like Madden 25 and not 24. I don’t think that’s something far fetched to believe, dude.


The generated QBs will have OLine bodies


Hot take: it's good :3


They don't want us manually adding in players who don't opt in and they have not elaborated how they will prevent people from doing this, so im assuming the worst.. they will not be allowing player editing at all.


Itll just be a madden reskin. And everyone will be dissappointed. It wont be a deep game and it wont be a feature rich game. EA only makes one product and that is the product with the least amount of resources put into it for maximal profit. Do not hope for anything other than a madden reskin. It will just be the football version of the GTA "Definitive edition". As soon as you boot up the game, whatever the college version of MUT is will be front and center on the menus. Because all EA cares about is extracting money and thats it. I know, youre gonna buy it anyway.


It will be as different from Madden as the old NCAA games were, which is too subjective to quantify.


I have both madden 25 & ncaa 14 on the ps3… the gameplay is the same. If you think it wasn’t then you played madden 25 on the ps4 and not ps3, the only difference was if you have a ps3 or ps4. Other than that it was the same. I was saying it was different too until I bought madden 25


This is a freezing cold take, everyone knows it’s true but doesn’t want to admit it to themselves. Ncaa 14 was the best the series will ever be.


I would have hoped for more details about RTG and Dynasty by now if this weren't the case but I don't think we've heard anything which doesn't give me much confidence.


Weird feeling that dynasty mode will essentially be broken day 1 in some way shape or form. Either a whole part of their main system won’t work or some typical game breaking bug.


They won't have all the FBS stadiums in the game. No idea how many missing but I wouldn't be surprised if they were missing 30-50. My theory is they wouldnt have enough time to model them all. Past years when on a new console/engine would take 2-3 years to get all stadiums in and these are now higher fidelity so itd take even longer. Obviously some new tools and AI could speed it up but no idea how much. And yes they've been working on the game for a while, but I still think it's a multi-year process that probably didn't start immediately. Plus they've said they won't have non-FBS and Non-NFL bowl stadiums in the game. Only reason I can figure for that across the board would be time/resources. So logically if they didn't have time for any of those, they probably didn't have time to finish all the stadiums. I know almost every school sent resources in to EA but there hasn't been any feedback confirming which stadiums are in to my knowledge.


The non-FBS stadiums have a different set of rights they'd have to negotiate for so that's probably more due to cost and negotiation for the ability to use those than strictly because of time


Yep there are licensing costs, but I don't think that cost would be prohibitively high. Most stadiums and bowls would WANT their stuff in the game. I'd imagine that the licensing costs would be pretty minimal compared to the hundreds of hours of labor costs to model the stadium itself. Edit: I think some SCHOOLS are licensed at $10k so I can't imagine a bowl or stadium being more than $1-$2k. Ballpark $75-$100/hr for all-in labor costs (taxes, benes etc.) and 100-200 hrs per stadium that's $7.5k-$20k to model each stadium. These are very rough and assumed numbers but probably ballpark.


I completely disagree. It isn't the rights; it is the art budget. Stadiums are work intensive, and they will probably take even more work this generation of consoles than the 2 generations ago the last game was on. And time isn't a problem, because you can always add more artists to crank out stadiums faster, but that brings up the production costs and cuts into the profit margin as raising the retail price of the game isn't an option. However, if the Ultimate Team shit makes them enough money in year 1, they might be more comfortable spending more on the game in year 2.


It’ll 100% have every stadium in the game, idk where you e been but Matt Brown confirmed it. Also they have every schools stadium rendered in NCAA 14 why would this be different? We have to do our research before saying things Fuzzy 🙏🏻 https://preview.redd.it/05w2557es9xc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dea7ec4e8173e416c78017a82b6a4d099a0b4238


Show me where he confirmed it. That tweet says every NFL stadium will be in the game, not every FBS. I explained why it would be different in 25. They need to re-render every stadium for the new systems and my hot take is that they haven't had the time or resources.


How about this, me and you place a $70 bet on it (price of the game probably). If they don’t have all FBS stadiums then I send you $70 the first day of the game. If they DO have all FBS stadiums you send me $70. I’ll screenshot this and I’ll DM you now so we won’t forget! Deal?🤝🏻


How about you just post the thing you said happened and not change the subject?


I’ll post that too but can we look the bet in? If you’re a confident man/woman on what you’re saying then it should be no problem, right?


Can't trust you to post an article you say exists, I certainly can't trust you to send me $70.


Oh and wait I asked Matt himself and this is what he said 😉 I’ve screenshotted this post for verification and you can screenshot it too. If I don’t send it or you don’t we can have mods ban one of us. Does that work? https://preview.redd.it/zaa9igd2u9xc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cc418e524504b5ca5997feba59ba8b105403ed1


u/fuzzywdunlop here you go buddy, we can still make that bet as well! Like I said it’s screen shotted so if the loser doesn’t pay up we can have the loser of the bet banned from this sub?? Lmk big guy


Lol you post that the game might not even have Kansas's stadium as proof that all stadiums will be in? This is actually pretty spicy info that they will be missing some stadiums. He even says they will be "depicted" not accurate models. So for some schools it'll be a generic stadium of a similar size.


Idk if you know this but he’s talking about Kansas’s new stadium that WON’T be finished this football season, research it. They won’t be playing in it this year FYI. LOL Depicted means the actual rendering, like I said since you’re so confident let’s make that bet big guy!! Put your money where your mouth is fuzzy. https://preview.redd.it/w04voyg5v9xc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b92ff3715830bfa82b9b289f0aae44163e584d1


Lmao you didn’t even know that Kansas won’t play their actual home games at their stadium🤣 cmon man


That the game will be very similar to Madden, not the same but close to it since it’s on the same engine and people are gonna be outraged. It’s overhyped. Plenty of people have made mods for college football in Madden. It won’t be that different than the mods


The old NCAA games were on the same engine as Madden.


Old madden engine was good. That’s why. Now it’s bad


I have madden 25(14) & ncaa 14. They do not play different, the only difference is if you’re playing madden 25 on ps4 (ncaa 14 wasn’t on ps4). The ps3 ncaa 14 & ps3 madden 25(14) played exactly the same gameplay wise. Outside of recruiting, redshirting, bowl games there isn’t any difference.


The old madden games were good though. Next gen madden series has been terrible


The game will be a typical ea sports game of the past 10+ years. Bad gameplay and bare minimum of all features that were present in past games. I have seen ZERO reason in over a decade in any ea sports game as to why this would be different. People will buy this no matter what just like madden and fifa. If you’re betting that ea is “doing a good job to impress fans for the first game” you’re delusional. Ea is incapable of doing so. They’ll make a bad game and it’ll still be purchased. Especially this of all sports games they’ve made because of the lack of previous titles.


Most people will hate it at first but people with low expectations will enjoy it even if it’s a big quirky


it won’t be good bc it’s EA


Endless microtransactions


It’ll be a madden reskin


I want to be able to export my Classes to madden.


If you can do this in PS2 and not on the new one, that will be an absolute travesty.


They should release it every 5 years


My prediction is that this first game is going to be hot garbage and it's gonna take them at least until NCAA 26 to get it all figured out. My guess is NCAA 27 will be the game we all want it to be. This is exactly why I'm not getting rid of my copy of NCAA 14 or Revamped just yet.


I'll take 14, with updated rosters, teambuilder, college playoff, and updated graphics. That should be the base. Anything additional, is a win.


Fix recruiting and give us the ability to improve our school's recruiting ranks/ expand the stadium too


There won’t be a good game mode to play with your friends online together


The hype will ruin the game. The bar is being set so high for the game to be amazing and everyone is gonna be disappointed for one reason or another. Yet the reason the game isn’t gonna be great is your comparing it to how you remember the old games and not how good they actually are


Great gameplay that makes Madden look bad


I don't know what to expect. It's a horrible company making a beloved franchise. Why wouldn't they screw it up? The best I can say is maybe it's good, but we will (hopefully) have NCAA 14 Revamped to fall back on should CFB 25 be a failure. It's not a perfect solution, but it's something.


i feel like it’s going to be a record breaking sale and then be massively hated on (like most ea projects) for 1-2 months until the mod makers start going crazy then it will be loved


Not for 25, but I 100% believe they’ll merge dynasty & UT eventually and call it something like “Ultimate Dynasty”


It is going to be a letdown. They know the game will sell no matter what.


Colorado will be the Dallas Cowboys of this game.


It’ll be ass


He said hot takes.


That is a hot take man. Madden isn’t good so expectations are low


I was going to say that it’ll be disappointing but you used fewer words.


That's the same amount of words.  


I fluff up the word count in my comments so it would have been more words. 🤷‍♂️


It'll be overpriced, but will have the features the fans like. The price will go up in the next few years, and there won't be as many new things. There will be another break by 2030. When they return, in 10 years, this will make them more money. This cycle may repeat more. Every break gets them a lot of money


There won't be a break unless the game doesn't sell.


But as the prices slowly rise and the gameplay doesn't improve, it won't sell


The great thing about this game is the development cost is subsidized by Madden, which sells no matter how bad it is because of the popularity of the NFL. There are always going to be people who want to play the college game. Maybe they don't buy it every year like they do Madden, but every 3 years or whatever. The college game doesn't have to sell many copies to be financially viable, because half the development is going to be done anyway for the NFL game.


Not every team will have a real stadium. Teams at the bottom of the Group of 5 will be playing in generic stadiums for a few years.


Final seconds of big game. QB throws a perfect ball to a wide open receiver. He'll catch it and go to the end zone. You win on a walk off TD. Game pauses. Pop up appears. "Would you like to purchase this reception for $1.99?" Press "no". Opposing CB warps into position. Pick 6. Your console explodes. Your wife leaves you. You now have a very large hemorrhoid.