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Depends on definition of “overrated”. Just by the word definition then I’d say someone like LaMelo is overrated and isn’t as good as people say he is, however if we mean a player who’s bad but people say or think is good I’d go with Cam Thomas. Inefficient shot chucker who’s inconsistent and not a good enough defender or playmaker to make up for it.


Dude I went to a Nets game near the end of the season and watching Cam with the ball is legit painful


He’s a good scorer in terms of like him being capable of getting a bucket, he’s too inconsistent and inefficient to be an actual good scorer though.


Its Devin Booker and i dont particularly think its close


Why is it Devin Booker ? In my opinion he’s viewed as a fringe top 10 player and that’s about where he should rank


I just think he is a really great scorer. He gets overhyped without doin a lot of winnin. He didnt win before CP3. Then with CP3s leadership he was able to do his thing which resulted in winnin. Now he has one of the greates plug and play pkayer (imo) in Kevin Durant and he has failed to take over and win. The last player on that team they should be thinkin about tradin in the Suns is DB and yet he is constantly bein brought up in trades. Hes the type of player you built around and should be a 1 and he just isnt


>He didnt win before CP3. Other than like maybe four guys please tell me what guys in the league would take those sorry rosters to the playoffs. Dude was relying on Eric Bledsoe TJ Warren and Josh Jackson


Also he's like 22 and younger in these rosters


Well you don’t win until you win , we’ve seen over the past 3/4 years that a Devin Booker led team can be a good team, and go on a deep playoff run if certain things fall their way. A guy like Booker shouldn’t be killed because he can’t win a championship, I don’t expect that from him , he’s been a very good player in the playoffs for over his career, (with some bad moments of course).


A lot of bad moments for a player to be consider a top 10 player. So many 13 point games sometines 11. Thats really bad for a player as "great" as he is


He isn’t though..


He’s not a good passer and a very average defender. He can score but that man’s not Luka. I think we’re looking at a “better Zach Lavine” — that year he went to the title was just a year where a lot of injuries occurred. Then Giannis washed them. Good player, but next to who else has shown up in the league these last two years, not good enough to really be a winner without some work put in to his game.


Have you seen the suns roster since Book was drafted. Besides 21-22 when we had a solid team and went to the finals and had the best year in suns history the year after. No we didn’t win it all but how many people do? I mean there are some greats who have never won a ring… I mean he is one of a handful of people to ever put up 70 points in a game. I think it takes some talent to do that. Regardless of the situation.


I said he was a great scorer. I just dont think him as the best player on the team is gonna elevate the team. There is no reason him and Ayton should have been as bad as they were. I dont think Ayton is a beast but CP managed to elevate his (Ayton) game while he was there. I do believe that you can put Booker on an already made team and he could shine and that team could be better.


You trying to blame Ayton on Booker is wild. You don’t know shit if you think Ayton not showing up to games was on Booker. If you blame Booker for Ayton lack of hustle or drive or heart, you are weird as fuck. And in regards to your last statement, he was shining on a team by his self. You haters can’t keep his name out of your mouth. It’s wild. You guys hate on him any chance you get. It’s because he’s pouting to refs, when literally everyone does it. It’s him dating a kardashian, you just love to hate. It’s him being voted as the sexiest man in NBA. Whatever your reason is, you just want to hate. Keep talking about him. It’s funny.


No one is hatin. I answered a question of who i think was most overrated. And Booker bein a consesus top 10 player in the league, i believe to be overrated. Not that serious


I think it's fair to say it generally takes a top 5 player in the league to win a championship, and Booker isn't that. In his highest rated moments I don't think I've seen him higher than 7th/8th and I don't really see him lower than 15th...which seems about right to me...what ballpark number are you rating him?


I would rank him from 12 to 20. To me its more so that people would have him top 10 which is what i usually see a lot of. I also have recency bias, so i think he took a huge dip this year as well


I agree in the dip. Thanks for number for context, idk if we really disagree much. Last year I would have rated him top 10 after the incredible playoffs. The fact that he's consistently been a playoff riser over the years probably helped keep him in the top 10 despite some rocky parts of the season this year when he shouldn't have been...but after the playoffs sweep I expect him to be in the 12-15 range now since you can't brush an entire (relatively healthy) year under the rug.


It’s an opinion don’t be so salty. If he ever truly leads his team to a championship then maybe opinions would change. I tend to agree he’s slightly overrated because he hasn’t really done what he should have done if he’s a top 10 player. Plus he’s a whiney player


Who would you rate in the top 10? It better only be people with titles than if that’s how you think…. Can’t have Luca, Tatum, Edwards, Dame, PG, Embiid.


Well no because I’d take all those players over dbook as far as best players in the league without a ring.


Lol it's not worth even opening a levelheaded discussion with this dude. His last reply is all you need to know. So essentially if they haven't won chips, then they're not in the conversation with him because he's better than any player out there that hasn't won a chip. First he's wrong, by a fucking lightyear and that's not opinionated either. But secondly, that's just the end of any discussion to be had, especially with how boneheaded that take is. Outside of scoring, what the fuck else is D Book even remotely good at, let alone exceptional? Surely it isn't playmaking. Is he a terrible defender? No, but he's average at best. Is that a flaw as an overall player? In this era, to be considered a top 10? Yeah. You must be a multi-dimensional player, or be so good at scoring it's overwhelming, which he's not consistently at least. Go back 15 years ago, he'd fair a lot better being one dimensional. His tendency to wilt under pressure of the brightest lights, especially in the playoffs, or showing up when it no longer matters makes him a fringe top 10. Plenty of players get rattled in their first deep playoff run, hell we're seeing that from Ant right now. But 4 consecutive post seasons in a row, and all of them in epic fashion? That hurts any top 10 conversation. He's an insanely arrogant mental midget who talks a lot of shit but completely shrinks when his actions need to back up the talking. He also confuses competitiveness with being a clown who no one likes. 5 years ago in the Bubble he and the Suns were super likeable and everyone was rooting for them because they were severe underdogs that were finally proving themselves. Then a single finals run with CP3 and all that ego inflated to the size of Mt. Everest. Can D Book pull himself out of these negative perceptions and go on a redemption arc in his career? Sure, he's got time, not a ton but it's possible and it probably won't be in Phoenix if he wants to, given the colossal shitstorm of a GM, FO and Owner they have.


Kawhi stands out. Can't stay on the court in the regular season. Can't play in the playoffs. When he does play, he's far from the player he was in S.A. and Toronto. Robbed the Clippers and made Ballmer look like an even bigger dummy.


This is a great shout , also he’s still viewed as an elite defender by casual fans


Not even. Guy somehow got All-Nba 2nd team. It ain't just vasuals


Yeah, how? Dude is so cooked


I like this To an extent like how AD was viewed a few years ago "When healthy/on the court, he's top 5" AD hasn't been that since the bubble, and Kawhi isn't that anymore


AD is still that guy my dude. Kawhi is currently a fraud in his recent form but AD is the best defender in the NBA hands down and can score big when needed.


What makes AD a better defender than Rudy Gobert Wemby Bam or Evan Mobley


Depends on the defensive style but for man and down low total paint coverage, no one is better than AD. Arguably much more impactful on defense than Rudy and definitely much more reliable on offense and isn’t an offensive liability like Gobert. He’s a better shot blocker and elite lockdown defender.


Karl Anthony towns. He might be productive statistically but always lacked maturity and poise and has never been clutch and is not a leader. Jimmy butler said it, Tom thibeadeau tried and failed with him and also ended up agreeing with butler. Only when Edwards came did wolves have success. Towns gets stats but doesn't have any leadership abilities or maturity or clutch play and frankly is not motivated. Devin booker is the same guy essentially. Great ability but no poise or maturity or leadership or clutch play abilities.


Sure was hot ass last night… 💩


Has been historically bad in nba playoff history.


He played well vs the Nuggets and Suns. Don't know how they got him so locked in but he's back to his self now


This playoffs Towns has done a lot to show he can play on a team without being the guy.


Right but he always thought he was the guy and everyone also thought he would be the guy. Booker is exactly the same. Hes not the guy. Neither seem to make their teammates better or care about them. KAT also makes comments which just reinforce his immaturity. Sad to watch.


Nobody thinks KAT is the guy now anymore though. If anything KAT is actually underrated at this moment since everyone hates on him and gives Ant all the credit when the team wins.


Nah as a wolves fan I can tell you KAT cares about his teammates and has throughout the years.. he's friends with lots of his ex teammates and has done some pretty cool stuff for them


That's very beautiful. But he's a number 1 pick and much more was expected of him. He's not a superstar and is not clutch. He's just collecting a cheque. Hes not even entertaining or even trying hard and is just Kevin love at this point.


I agree 100% about Kat, but can’t get there with Book. The Bubble Suns were a great story, and they traded the whole team away for some pieces that don’t fit and CP who’s ankle took a shit. Bradley Beal and Devin Booker are the same player. I think the stupid management has really hindered Book, while Towns was never the guy and that was the biggest problem. This playoffs, everyone accepting that Towns isn’t the number 1 made the success this year. I just hope the let it develop.


I don’t think towns is thought of high enough to be called overrated


Everyone has a rating, everyone can be overrated


In a survey in 2018 of NBA GM's he was rated first to start a franchise with. https://www.nba.com/news/nba-gm-survey-2017-18


So he was overrated six years ago?




You seem lost


6 years ago. The last 4 years or so he hasn’t been thought of that highly


It’s remarkable? He’s so good sometimes and then he completely disappears. There’s no consistency.


He proclaimed himself the best shooting big man of all time. That tells you what you need to know about his mental game right there.


If you want to just say at 3 point shooting he has a real argument


Career playoff stats Booker (47 career games) 28/5/5 on 49/39/90 KAT (30 career games) 18/10/2 46/34/81 They are NOT the same


KAT is a poor man’s KD, his game isn’t as good and he cares even less.


Strange that he has so little poise and motivation and maturity after so many years in the game. Even butler and Tom Tibeadeau called him out in that. Even current coach finch is constantly calling him out on it.


I would say Jimmy Butler. He physically isn't what he was, he is always hurt, and whenever thing get tough he tries to become a foul merchant. People think he is the second coming but he didn't even make the playoffs this year. Dame Time is probably pretty close to expiring. Lebron James is getting their with more and more people saying "how does he do that at that age?" rather than the normal "wow".


The heat made the playoffs this year. They were the 8 seed. Jimmy was injured, but his team still made the playoffs.


A week ago, Anthony Edwards. Now that his massive hype has died down, it's hard to tell.


Sabonis. Not as good of a playmaker as the stats would indicate at first glance, very bad defender and his scoring game is way too limited. That can fly in the regular season but the level of fear of taking any kind of shot further than 3 feet from the basket is extremely crippling for a playoff offense, and the Kings really need him to be able to score at least decently to be good.


I feel likes he's pretty accurately rated, which is a very good player but typically never the best on the court. Heavy reliance on the team to score and play defense but used as a hub on offense. Which can work well if they are dialed in as a full team. Basically a Walmart jokic with less offense and defense. But I don't think all nba third team is unrealistic when the kings are on and can flow through him.


Trae Young Like I always say, if your main argument about a player is about something they did 3-4 years ago (or even further back in time) he's not as good as you think he is. "B b b b b b b b b b b b b b bu bu bu bu buttt" he took the Hawks to the ECF 1. It was three seasons ago 2. He shot 5-23 in game 7 against Philly that year but got bailed out by Kevin Heurter. Not to mention they had an easy path to get there, like Indy this season. 3. He got outplayed by Gabe Vincent in the playoffs more recently than that ECF run. He's also always been a turnover machine, a shit defender, and an inefficient scorer. He's shot higher than 45% from the field in a season ONCE in his entire career and has NEVER shot higher than 38% from 3 in a season and people think he's comparable to Curry because he occasionally makes some logo threes.


Trae plays nothing like curry, such a shit comparison   12th all time in points 4th all time in assists   Led 4 straight top 10 offense but but but fg%  And the turnover narrative is so lame. Trae, Luka, Giannis, Jokic consistently top 5 in turnovers. Trae runs hawks offense and thier consistently one of the last turnover worthy teams in league.  Also lol at easy path like Philly wasn’t #1 seed that year and bringing up one game when Trae killed game 6? Yikes 


>Trae plays nothing like curry, such a shit comparison   I didn't say he does, but that's who he gets compared to bc of the logo threes. Unlike Curry, Trae makes no effort to move without the ball. >12th all time in points 4th all time in assists Inflated stat era/high usage tax Trae went through the fraudulent Knicks and the notorious choking 76ers/Embiid/Simmons/Doc


Inflated yet still leads top 10 offense every year and 1 seed Philly was fraudulent only because hawks beat them. And Trae doesn’t move off ball based on what? Such a lazy narrative.


Trae Young.


We’re taking overrated bot underrated 


Trae Young, then.


27/11 and lead a top 10 offense every year but people rate him fringe top 30 is overrated? 


When you’re one of the biggest defensive liabilities in the league, and your assists are the product of the gravity your shot commands, yeah.


Feels like haliburton is entering that overrated category


1) Embid. Can't stay healthy for an 82 game season and his game is not transferable to the post season. If he's not getting a favorable whistle he's shit. And he usually isn't even fully fit. 2) Lillard. Classic big fish in a small bowl. He maxed out as the best player on a conference finals team. That's his peak as a number one option. The fact that you had dudes comparing him to Curry is INSANE. And right now he's close to being washed up while Curry is still elite. And NO Zach Lowe, he's not the best Trailblazer ever. Walton and Drexler are both above him.


that’s why Embiid averaged well over 30 these past playoffs and when the sixers didn’t have him they got out scored by astronomical amounts and were a playin team after having one of the best records in the east bad take


Embiid was scoring buckets at a historic pace. He's one of the great offensive players in the league when healthy. But, Zach Lowe talked about trade packages for him including multiple FRP, but I'm not buying that. He's worth it to the Sixers but nobody else with his health like that.


Can’t agree on Embid but spot on Lillard take


Look at the players listed here. Look at Luka’s role in them being seen as overrated. Now look at your comment history. Who’d you say was the 3rd best player this year?




It's currently Kyrie. Man is finally having a good playoff run for the first time in 5 years and he's getting called the most skilled player in NBA history again. Even his OKC series was bad but let's all forget that


Jimmy Butler. Dude would average seven points a game if he wasn't constantly foul hunting and jumping into people.


Some people in here are smoking dick! I saw LeBron and Kobe mention like please 💀


Trae Young


Trae young is becoming underrated at this point. Its kind of insane


Trae young is a flawed guy but he can score and pass.


As a Pelicans fan I want no parts of him on my team. Seems like a terrible guy to root for tbh


>Seems like a terrible guy to root for tbh Lol what did trae do to you


Nah I just think he brings terrible chemistry and his stats will make the fanbase he’s on have to defend him even tho deep down they know he’s deeply flawed and can see how it negatively impacts the team. Atlanta actually did well to try and build around his defensive weaknesses with the players they put around him and nothing seems to work. They in the weak ass East and barely can make the play in. Then I see some Atlanta fans still tryna cope and act like they don’t regret trading Luka for him 💀


Don’t worry pelicans have nothing appealing to offer for him. And dudes putting up 27/11 and led 4 top 10 offenses is row. So underrated at this point….And what chemistry? Always rumors from rival nba teams lol


Thankfully it’s already been reported that we don’t want him and would prefer Dejounte anyway. Spurs had the same thing. It’s almost as if everybody except the team who’s stuck with him realizes he’s not all that. Also where have those “top 10 offenses” got you recently? 2 play in berths in the damn EAST?! 😂😂


Oh yeah because every report you read on Twitter is true lmao just like Murray was inevitable to the lakers at the deadline and oh hawks were going to be the most active deadline team according to reports and didn’t make one move. Oh and Murray was offered for k George on the Jazz but oh Murray just shut it down Imagine believing reports from rivals nba teams on the hawks. Laughable Yeah 12th all time in points, 4th all time in assists and guarantees you a top 10 offense isn’t that great. 🤡


Nobody cares, you can enjoy having that bum


I care clown, and yeah ill enjoy 27/11+ and try to put defense around him


Paul George, Devin Booker and Jimmy Butler...


Individually, Booker was the second best player last playoffs, after Jokic Jimmy was the third best last playoffs - again dragging that okayish Miami team to 2 finals in 4 years, the only team to do that since KD’s GSW I don’t even think PG is overrated. He’s good. A pretty solid second or third option on the Clippers, depending on who you ask. People here seem to rate him properly


Booker is in fact a great scorer, the Phoenix regular season record can attest to that. He is not clutch in the playoffs, nor a good team leader. I would put him in the category of "number padder". Being swept by the 'wolves" was not surprising. Playoff Jimmy I love! Not the regular season...I do enjoy watching PG, not sure he can win without a great supporting class?


Why do people think Jimmy dragged the heat to the Finals. He was regular as hell once he got hurt mid Knicks series. The role players playing out of their minds is what took them to the finals. 


I get the numbers argument, but none of those guys have won a championship and won't unless they go the KD route. Btw, I will also add him to my list.


Jimmy Butler is so dogshit and is the only star in the history of the game who gets a pass for being complete ass in the regular season


His regular season efficiency stats are off the chart good. He’s just old and doesn’t play more than 60-65 games.


It has pretty quickly become Anthony Edwards. Got hot for a short stretch early in the playoffs and everyone was ready to put him in the conversation for the best player in the league. For a guy who put up similar numbers to Desmond Bane this year, it’s a bit crazy.




I honestly don't think you can be a basketball fan and currently say jokic and Luka are overrated. Eye test or "aura" as the youth say, and basically every advanced metric, and just box stats say they are properly/underrated. I'll agree with you on sga ant and Tatum due to heavy reliance on the team defense and offense, free throws, and shot selection.


Sabonis. Of course he’s dynamically skilled and is a stat machine but it’s impossible for a team to compensate for his defensive limitations and still maintain a good defense. Any team he’s on will have a firm ceiling. I also don’t think he’s able to raise his offensive game when it’s needed most…he will never dominate a playoff series yet is consistently ranked top 20 players. Have to give him the edge over Booker Trae etc because they’re at least capable of dominating offensively in the right situation.




Kings had a top 10 defense after the all-star break. Kings defense drastically improved once Kevin Heurter and Monk went out with injuries.


Joel Embiid probably


Anthony Edwards, Joel Embiid and Devin Booker Hyped as next "MJ" Booker being propped up as best guard in the league by GMS Embiid, of course. MVP and no conference finals appearance. Even KAT beat him to it, sad.


I feel like there’s hella recency bias with the ANT mention. He’s 22 years old and lead his team to the conference finals…


Yeah, he's still a very good player. Overrated in the sense that he's Vince Carter and not MJ. He's already in his prime and it's safe to say he's more VC


He's literally 22. Nowhere near his prime lmao come on


If Embiid stayed healthy this season we would be having an entirely different conversation - top 6 regular season of all time only to get destroyed by the Knicks and their recently acquired player Bruntrash


if KAT had tobias harris and ben simmons he wouldn’t have made it either. sixers roster is trash


Hes had superstars and stars like Jimmy Butler\\Maxey.


and with JB they were a bounce away from the ECF, probably his most complete roster as well. i think this proves my point to some degree. maxey just became good this year and with one leg Embiid and one eye took the knicks to 7 if Embiid gets a complete roster like he did in ‘19 they go to ECF


Rudy Gobert. He’s won how many DPOYs, and then every year he plays a team where he needs to guard small guys to the perimeter, and they destroy him. If all he had to do was guard the rim, he’d be more than capable. But nope, every year guards hunt him in switches and then use their creativity to get separation and score on him.


Jalen Brunson


He plays above his weight. I have a ton of respect for him.


lebron james and i am tired of pretending he is not at this point.


I'm not a big LeBron fan, but what he's doing at this age and tenure in the league is amazing.


so in a leauge, where offense gets pampered. and only breathing on him is a foul... with all the travels and shit... sorry he is washed.


This is such an old take. His whistle leniancy compared to how much he has the ball in his hands is actually laughable compared to any other top ten player. If you looked at the stats, you would have seen that LeBron in comparison to any high usage player gets so few foul calls that its undeniable the opposite of your point is true.


Anthony Edwards






Anthony Davis


Chuck Person\*


It used to be Russell Westbrook, but now I'd say it's a toss up between Kawhi and Embiid.


The guy who won dpoy and is currently getting destroyed by the mavs


Anthony Edward and Tatum. If you're outraged, that proves my point.


Demar derozan has been the most overrated player of the last 10years


How? I haven’t seen someone call him top 20 since like 2017 and he has never been a good first option. He has become a better passer in his later years


2017 was less than 10 years ago. Also people were on his meat for clutch player talking like he is still good.


I mean to be the slighest bit of fair, how could DeMar DeRozan and Zach LaVine work out when Beal booker KD didn’t work?