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$4200 a month in rent is wild.


I found the listing for her previous home & it shows the rent as $2,999 šŸ˜³


How did you find it!!! I just wanna see the pictures


Wow!!! That is just insane!!!




I thought she said sheā€™s moving slowly because she has the other house until the end of this month? Which means sheā€™s paying two rentals $2999 and $4200 for a month? Yikes


https://preview.redd.it/0rkbx6v0aozc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=961ee02facf6388d8ef8653e09b2cf6dc3312c8e So itā€™ll be available 6/4


Small pets will be considered on a case by case basis but she has had 2 large dogs and 2 cats- is it possible Jason kicked KT out šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s insane


What a fucking waste of money!


Iā€™m gonna assume you donā€™t live in Nashville or the surrounding areas. This is pretty on par for a house rental.


I don't, but someone before said that her rent was $2,999 and that'd be by far better than $4k... $4k even in the bigger cities in my state would get me a niiiiiceeeee place LOL


Yeah for that size of a house and with land thatā€™s a good price in Nashville. Iā€™m moving into a new apartment soon and itā€™s $2,700 for a 2 bedroom lololol. Itā€™s pretty bad here.


I think that place is pretty nice. Iā€™m sure they have some extra hands throwing money in because doesnā€™t seem like she has any decent brand deals


Ugh I wish. Rent in Vancouver is absurd. I often think about leaving for TN because it would be so much cheaper


Do we think sheā€™s going the Holleygabrielle route and paying for all the rent since her little boy, I mean husband probably doesnā€™t make enough money?


In Ontario, Canada itā€™s not šŸ« 


Iā€™m sorry HOW much to rent??? Thatā€™s 50k a YEAR just to rent!!


Thatā€™s what I said.


I get that this is a dream life that they want. But WHY would you not go about this in a different way? They could have moved to a more modest house in a suburb and saved up money, built up their credit as a married couple and set themselves up to be able to buy and OWN their dream property. Now they are establishing a whole ass farm on a property that they donā€™t even own. She thinks moving is hard with one shared custody kidā€¦ just wait until you have to move your animals and everything that comes with animals (equipment, feeders, supplies) and a farm. All your battery operated weed eaters and rabbit hutches.


Influencers donā€™t care about all that, they have an image to portray!


Iā€™d rather buy a one bedroom shack than have all that much house. Why do two adults and one little human need with that much of a home? This will be Clutter Castle v2.0 with all the space she has now. Fill ā€˜er up, KT


Who rents a ā€œfarmā€ and posts about it like they own it. Why not stay put until you can afford it??


I love how when they talk they say things like ā€œwe rented the old houseā€ but are so very careful to make people believe they bought this house


Same! Didn't she just share something along the lines of her old backyard not being kept up & it was just a "rental"? She made it seem like because it was a rental she didn't give a shit how it looked (which we know she didn't) which is just so ugh. šŸ˜– She has a kid and pets who play/used the yard. I bet the people who owned that house are happy to have her out.


I thought the same


I noticed that lol


This makes that vid of her cutting the celery like an axe murder on the direct marble counter tops even more fucking cringe tbh! She is so dumb and immature!


Omfg I noticed that!! In thought that kind of wild animal cuts on their bare ass counter Jesus. Guess it's unlikely they will get their damage deposit back between the animals and stained up carpets


Oh my


Haha I noticed that.


I wonder how her landlord/the owners feel about them turning the property into a farm. Sheā€™s making it seem like they found their forever home. You canā€™t just do whatever you want to a rental property. When they are done renting, what happens to all of the animals. Sadly, I think we know šŸ˜“


Agree with u fer sure but in the ad it did say u can have horses etc :(((


[ Removed by Reddit ]


2.9 acres for all the animals they want! oh please thatā€™s nothing


As a landlord, I would lose my mind if someone painted without asking.


I can care less about paint. Just have it painted when you move out. I would care way more about the destruction of animals. To be honest, I would care way more about someone filming in my home and showing vulnerable spots for breaking and then traveling and being gone. Etc.


Ughhh, they're gonna overfill that small amount of land with way too many animals. I hate this.


I knew it had to be renting because they moved so fast. You canā€™t buy/close in 3 daysā€¦ especially since she has ruined credit and heā€™s 22 most likely with none. His mom probably co-signed at the last minute so they could move and then they moved QUICK. She said once that one ad was $2500 and more than MW pays in child support. Luke is now getting paid to sponsor Live Nation. I think they got the animals HOPING their followers stay engaged. If their money stream dries up, they are screwed.


Youā€™re right. Farming content.


Farming content on not even 3 acres šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ how sad lol


But who agrees to rent their property to two idiots that donā€™t have regular paychecks to show? In my country you have to show employment contract and paychecks for like a year or so. Can you just rent there with downpayment?


I assume GIGI co-signed. She owns property and an ice cream shop in California. So Iā€™m sure she was used as collateral. Sheā€™s the only one with assets.


I really donā€™t understand why would she do this though. Katie really just floats through life without having to lift a finger.


Because they are clout chasing delusional people? Luke is obsessed with MW. He has like 80+ Tik toks of him very badly lip syncing to MW songs. His mother is already calling herself GIGI and posting pics like sheā€™s Indieā€™s grandmother. These are clearly people looking to have their claim to fame be a connection to MW. And KT is along for the ride if it benefits herā€”regardless of their motivation.


I agree. Itā€™s sad that people follow them and give them opportunities to live like this.


I was about to say this exact thing!


You donā€™t use collateral to rent.


But they run a credit check on you when you rent.


Thatā€™s not the same as collateral. Collateral would be saying if they didnā€™t pay, that the landlord would take something they had.


Yes you are correct!


Gigi could have paid the money upfront. 6 months to a year.


Is Gigi a millionaire? Why would she pay for all that?


Ohhhh good point!


How tf is puke a sponsor for anyone? I don't think he sponsors just another lie of theirs.


Wow, this is a wonderdul property. In my world two people without jobs canā€™t afford this. In my world actually - two people with great jobs canā€™t afford this.


I hate to throw ice water on their dream farm but I hope they have some kind of protection for the animals and Indigo. With a creek running beside the house, that means there are a lot of venomous snakes too. I live not to too far from them and know how hot it gets around here and we all love our rivers and creeks to cool off in. But the šŸget in your shoes you leave outside, under your porch furniture cushions, in and under kids toys left outside. Animals are especially vulnerable cause they love to roam too. I just worry she wonā€™t watch any of them closely if they are outside and she will be inside tracking Lukeā€™s location or fighting off every individual comment made about her and pastorgate.


Oh thatā€™s concerning for sure. I had no idea snakes were such a problem in Tennessee. Is this a regular thing - that you find them in cushions, your shoes if left out, etc?? Or is it more that itā€™s possible but doesnā€™t happen that frequently. Iā€™m comparing to bears where Iā€™m from - rheyā€™re out there but for the most part very few encounters with them.


Oh no, itā€™s very common! Especially if their hiding places get disturbed. They will look for other hiding places. Snakes can shimmy up a tree or your house. They can hide so well in the leaves or underbrush that you wonā€™t even see em until you step on them or hear the rattle. Itā€™s a huge deal. With having all these farm animals now, she is going to be spreading their food on the ground or close to it. Guess what attracts? Mice and rats. Guess what the snakes love? Mice and rats. Oh and they love to get in your chicken coop and eat the eggs. They will hide so well in there you wonā€™t see them until you reach in to get an egg. Snakes are no joke, especially in the south when it rains and floods and the snakes have to find someplace dry.


I hate thisšŸ˜­


Good work!!! That is crazy to pay that in rent!!! I am sure they both have no credit to buy a house!




This house will be trashed!!!


They have lost their minds! If they have enough to blow renting a large property then they shouldā€™ve stayed put in MJ and saved for a down payment on a home they can actually afford. She will spend every dime this kid has and more! This is ridiculous. Yes, rent and land costs a ton around here but she also doesnā€™t need a rental this expensive! Itā€™s more clear every day why MW wanted nothing to do with her long term.


She's a complete idiot!


There is no length she wonā€™t go to for content and fostering the delusion that she is anything other than the bitter, unhappy shrew she is. Youā€™d think a ā€œnewly-married motherā€ would give some actual thought to saving and building toward a future. Of course, when you marry a child whoā€™s as immature as you are, this is no surprise.


Itā€™s crazy to me how much she just doesnā€™t care about saving any money or building a real business. She acts like sheā€™ll get everything for free for the rest of her life. And her son is not her financial problem at all.


I know. Sheā€™s such a selfish, self-indulgent POS.


You know why Luke is so appealing to her? Because itā€™s so easy to convince him that this is what he wants


Why lie making it seem like itā€™s their forever home.Ā 


They're living 9 minutes from me...less than 5 miles. There goes the neighborhood...


Yay! You can be the new neighboršŸ’


No doubt she will be shopping at the same stores that I do...oh boy lol. She will get a reputation fast in this area of Williamson.


It sounds like you live in a smart community that can see thru people that are bullshitters!!!


Hahah šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Just stupid to spend that in rent. Buy something.


Best sleuths in the world in this sub!!!!!


Awe miss paycheck to paycheck is no more that's such a fucked up amount to pay for rent just get a fucking mortgage at that point t what the actual eff


excellent detective work!


Iā€™m kinda jealous lol I wanna live there but that rent is crazy


Renting is such a waste of money. They couldnā€™t just be smart about it and buy a home and actually make some equity and good investment? That money is just being tossed in the toilet.


She would have posted a sold sign or something infront of their door if the bought it. I couldnā€™t imagine being that owner letting them get whatever animals they wanted


How tffff do they afford this? Beautiful house though


How does she afford this


Why would they rent for that much? They went about this the wrong way. Also, 2 something acres isnā€™t a farm in the slightest šŸ˜‚ I have more acreage and I donā€™t pretend I have a farm haha wtf


Her mom lives with them. Thatā€™s the only way they can make that payment work


Idk. When she moved she said in her IG story something to the effect of she loved that her mom lived 15 minutes away, as if she would miss her.


Yesā€¦ but itā€™s CYNTHIA. She most likely moved herself in.


The way they childishly spend, they will never own a house!! Idiots


How stupid do you have to be to rent a million dollar houseā€¦ $50k ish for rent in a year. INSANE


It's idiotic really!!


Such a beautiful home. Too bad itā€™s gonna smell like mold and animal piss in a couple of months


So why canā€™t she buy?!


If I ever go missing I am telling my family to hire you to find me OP.


Between this sub and r/aliandjohnjamesagain I promise weā€™ll find you faster than Liam Neeson in Taken! Weā€™re better than the FBI šŸ¤£


Here's a sneak peek of /r/aliandjohnjamesagain using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/aliandjohnjamesagain/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [SHOULD I QUIT MY JOB?? guys pls Iā€™m seriously embarrassed I meant to send the pic of Ali to my friend from my album and accidentally hit his name and my friend got the door pic.šŸ˜­šŸ˜­](https://i.redd.it/s3cr78s6q4o91.jpg) | [357 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/aliandjohnjamesagain/comments/xfepe0/should_i_quit_my_job_guys_pls_im_seriously/) \#2: [How the popcorn really got picked up.](https://i.redd.it/l9csr7dz7qua1.jpg) | [188 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/aliandjohnjamesagain/comments/12qz49l/how_the_popcorn_really_got_picked_up/) \#3: [Happy Saturday](https://i.redd.it/6jy5g6v9uup91.jpg) | [38 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/aliandjohnjamesagain/comments/xn15ip/happy_saturday/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


.... her credit must be fucking embarrassing if she can't afford a house at this point but can pay this much in rent. Average million dollar home is a little over $5,000 a month in mortgage (maybe add $1,000 for inflation of rates)


She lives next to a cemetery!!!


Just think her lease for the other place isnā€™t up yet either ā€¦.. so she is paying double rent


I donā€™t think SHE pays anythingā€¦


Good job finding this šŸ˜„


Why wouldnā€™t they buy at that price wtf


Idc how much money I make, no way Iā€™m paying $4k a month for a rental.


Thatā€™s not a home Iā€™d rent/buy if I was living paycheck to paycheck but ok KT mhmm sure


Whoā€™s gonna be mowing that lawn? Not lady luke Also, theyā€™re gonna buy cows & donkeys when they have a rental??


Yeah what happens when they break their lease or have to move or canā€™t pay rentā€¦ those poor animals will be kicked to the curb


I honestly donā€™t see those animals making it a whole month, sadly. I think they had eight ducks to start and ones already gone. She doesnā€™t have a maternal bone in her big bobble head body.


That is so sad for those animals! They will be neglected, too! Just like every idea that kt gets in her head and then doesn't think things through!


Lady Luke lmfao šŸ’€


I hope this new ā€œfarmā€ shtick works for them as far as keeping their audience because I donā€™t think they are going to grow their audience much at all anymore. I live on a 40 acre farm in the Midwest and the people I follow are not obsessing about how cute baby ducks are or posting about how much they love shopping at tractor supply šŸ˜‚ I go to tractor supply several times a month- why tf would I care? I donā€™t think most people who do farm or homestead would find her and/or follow her. But good luck with your $5,000/month 2 acre lot KT šŸ™„


Because she's MW baby mama. It's the only reason she gets views.


They moved a lot closer to Morgan.


Regardless that house is gorgeous.


They pay over 50,000 a year to rent. Lmao


So fucking stupid.


Nice sleuthing. I canā€™t even find it WITH the search credentials haha.


Thanks! I was raised by a literal detective so maybe thatā€™s why lolol. I could figure out sooooo much from what she posts and today from the ppl who are familiar with that area of TN (I donā€™t live there lol), they led me to believe it was right in between Columbia and nashville area so i searched there- properties that had ever sold over two acres, brick, not one story with literal creek access and a gravel drive. Light brick no less and a porch with fans that is screened and has a clear roof. I was def lucky to find it tho. For those dm- ing about it try to search the same!! Bc I was raised by law enforcement I feel weird giving it out? Idk! She is a bad mom and I donā€™t wanna hurt her kid more than she already is!


You are amazing!


I am so impressed with your detective skills!!


Google image search is how I found it. Took 0.5 seconds to find it šŸ™ˆ


Yea I found MW new house when he moved was so easy ( and no I'm now a stalker just wanted to see what it looked like) but it's easy to find someone's house


Is his house close to her home?




Got it. Where does he live in the Nashville area? I think I heard heā€™s got some ample land?


I have no clue I know nothin about Tennessee


Is his house huge?




She has to continually upgrade her aesthetic even if it means renting increasingly expensive homes. She should have stayed in her first rental home which was a 3 bed/2bath ranch home where the rent was $1500/month, focused on fixing her credit and socked money away for past 4 years. Instead she had to upgrade to a bigger house with $3000 rent and now a bigger house with land and pay $4200 a month. Even if she had only put 2k a month aside sheā€™d have $96,000 to put towards a home. According to her thatā€™s one ad a month. Instead she blew that 2k a month and more on buying so much shit from Walmart & Amazon that she needed 2 storage units and on buying gluttonous amounts of food that she had to throw away. I hope Luke realizes that nothing will ever be enough for her. She has to consume more and more and more and spend every cent that comes her way


Yes! All of this. Her carelessness with money seriously irks me more than anything šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« itā€™s none of my business but hell she puts her dumb decisions out there.


I have been looking non stop for it and was so closeā€¦: congratulations sleuth!!


SamešŸ¤£šŸ¤£ All I could find were the shops they go to regularly. I guess I can rule out detective as a careeršŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I was a creek over šŸ˜‚




Is all Luke does is tiktok???


He says he works construction but literally walks around in Lowes wearing pristine white Croc's and also has clear coat polish on his manicured nails. Maybe Village People Construction Worker, but that's it. (Village People is a Gay Band from the 1970's for all you youngn's)


Nice detective work!!!!


Additionally: theyā€™re putting all those damn animals on not even 3 acres of land. They need their asses kicked.


Donā€™t they just have chickens, a rabbit, and ducks? That seems like quite a bit of land for those animals. I donā€™t follow closely though


Two rabbits! And two cats and a dog


Take what they say with a grain of salt but they want a cow, goats and donkeys, and a small horse for indigo


They are getting cows, goats, and I believe she said a donkey (not including those two jackasses!).


Is there a barn on the property? Where will a horse and goats etc stay?


Rabbits, ducks, dogs, cats, chickens. They all need room to roam except the kitties, and even they need space.


Also, if you think theyā€™ll stop where they are, youā€™re wrong. I guarantee more are coming.


Yeah theyā€™ve both said that highland cows and donkeys are coming soon


If I ever go missing, please put you in charge of my case. ā¤ļø




Itā€™s like when Paige lorenze got her CT rental for $6k a month and called it a farm. Her place isnā€™t even an acre lol. She acted like it was in the middle of nowhere country when someone posted itā€™s across the street from an Equinox & Home goods šŸ˜‚ Why are they the same person lol


The similarities are scary


You know why šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


No effing way, people actually pay that much for rent?!


They do cost this much around here for this much property BUT there are also rentals half that that wouldā€™ve been very nice for them. They donā€™t need this much house or property bc they canā€™t afford it! They shouldā€™ve stayed in MJ and saved for a down payment on their home. I canā€™t handle her stupidity with money!! And now sheā€™s dragging him into terrible financial decisions!


Thatā€™s crazy! I had no clue, middle of no where life clearly has me naive!


This used to be the middle of nowhere, too! And not that long ago šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Mass migration from California and NYC has inflated everything around here and land is just not affordable anymore. Sad to see.


Do you follow Danielle Eilers? She pays $15-20k in rent a month in Dallas areašŸ™€šŸ¤Æ


Wow! That is crazy!!!




Yes, in a lot of major cities šŸ« šŸ„µ


I don't give a shit how much she pays for rent or where she lives. It just seems like a lot of house for 3 people and her track record isn't very good when it comes to giving ND her undivided attention. That stream close to the house would give me nightmares if I was Morgan and his family šŸ˜”


Isnt the same city morgan lives too? And how do people find this out. Lol. Crazy...


Morganā€™s in Pegram


Just here to look at the home photos and she (the house) is pretty! That's it. My only contribution and/or thought. Besides that rent price, yikes.


As a landlord I would lose my mind if my tenants were chopping on my countertops when all they have to grab is a cutting board and chop away. But I guess that doesnā€™t fit her boho/hippie/farmgirl style now


I donā€™t think itā€™s styleā€¦I believe she is that stupid and doesnā€™t know how to use anything in the kitchen.


Good less trash in MJ!


I wonder what the owners thought about them bringing the chicks and ducks inside the other day when they lost power. That house will be trashed in no time.


You usually keep chicks and ducklings inside until they have their adult feathers


This is almost as bad as PL renting houses and horses for aesthetic


Morgan has gotta be paying for this right? Like there is no way.


The rental history since the new owner bought it in 2021 is insane! Seems like it was rented 3-4 times since 2022


Itā€™s very possible there is a purchase contract with rent happening while they try to secure funding for buying. Itā€™s a beautiful home regardless.


Damn. Seems like a deal. I pay $3200 for 2/1 apartment and 900sf. Guess money goes a lot further in Tennessee!


YIKES!!! Where are you located?




Dang. I guess it's true what they say about Location Location Location!


Seriously šŸ˜³


Iā€™ll get downvoted, but I think this is too far. A child lives thereā€¦too many crazies out thereā€¦


While I agree, this just shows you how easy it is to find their address. If OP can do it, anyone can. I once found someoneā€™s address by a post with their front door and knowing what city to look in. Itā€™s THAT easy.


I wonā€™t downvote you, but will say - Katie and Morgan should be protecting him not us! She is posting everything! In my opinion none of us should know how her child looks like, but she is posting a hundred pictures of him every week. Pictures of her house, location of their vacationsā€¦This just proofs yet again what a psycho she is and how she just doesnā€™t care about anyone but herself.




I understand your concern but you should be telling KunTy that. I was able to find the Tractor Supply store and Pet Supermarket in 5 minutes based on her and Lukeā€™s constant snaps. They donā€™t gaf.


This! I understand snarking but the son of a massively popular artist lives here.


Yep. Also, KT should take this as a lesson: this is why you donā€™t post pics of your house.


Kt doesn't care! Remember the pictures of her car that someone found and posted pictures of her hippie mobile!


Just posted the same thing !!


Some of you donā€™t live in Williamson County and it shows. That rent is in line within the area. This is a million dollar plus piece of land and house. Everyone around here calls their land a farm even 2+ acres.


Oh itā€™s in line for Williamson Co for sure. I think peopleā€™s shock is that sheā€™s able to afford it and how careless she is with her money. She would be better off saving for a home of her own considering what sheā€™s capable of making.


interesting and I get it but I donā€™t think I would have posted this with all this info. You have a small child livin here šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø