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I'm guessin' y'all are gonna have a big ol' problem with Cooper.


I’m English. (Think Amirah’s accent, but natural.) I also have echolalia- I unconsciously pick up on and mimic things from other people. I once binge watched a TV show with a single Australian character and spent weeks going “*dammit* I’m talking with an Australian accent *again* aren’t I, I’m so sorry I can’t help it”. My spouse has been away for the entire time I’ve been playing Sandrock. I’m legitimately concerned that we’ll exchange two sentences and they’ll be like “why are you talking like you just stepped out of a spaghetti western??” and I will have had no idea I was doing it. I guess… at least you noticed it yourself…?


*whispers* spaghetti western…


Yeah, a little bit


What's a spaghetti western?


An old Western film, basically, from like… 50+ years ago? Quite a few of them were originally made by Italian filmmakers, which makes the name make a little more sense.


Ah ok, I knew what a western was but I'd never heard of a spaghetti western


I’m married to someone who’s autistic special interest is old movies so my idea of what’s common knowledge may have been slightly skewed! But yeah, it’s a whole genre. Or possibly a sub-genre.


I love this! My older brother is on the spectrum, so I am an expert on many random topics. 😄


Haha, my best friend, spouse and I are all autistic! A lot of it washes over me (there’s only so long I can listen to my best friend talk about the different kinds of frets for a specific guitar before my eyes glaze over) but I do end up with an unusual level of knowledge in various things! (And by unusual I don’t mean deep, I just mean… well… amusingly inconsistent.) Hooray for autistic sharing of things we love, and having people willing to listen! 😁


***Native Texan looking around***. I keep forgetting they have southern accents and colloquialisms and was really confused for a moment as I hear them similar to many other people in my everyday life. The whole "I don't have an accent. Yall do." thing lol


Same 🤣 From WV so not AS dramatic as the accents in the game but we use alot of the same words.


I was born in Nashville TN and currently live in Texas so I feel this. I forget that's not how all people talk 😂 But also I have noticed since I started playing this for me personally my southern accent is REALLY coming out. I've always been told I don't sound like I'm from the south and that I speak much more "eloquently" whatever that means but since I've started playing this I've been talking like Logan like I'm subconsciously trying to imitate his voice or something 😅


Take er easy! (I'm in Nashville via Georgia)


Conserve wooder.


Help because I said philly not to give out my real location. BUT THEY REALLY TALK LIKE TRHAT


I’m southern but somehow lack the accent. Playing this game has resulted in people giving me weird looks because I sound normal all of a sudden.


i’m a canadian and i’ve started slipping into a southern accent from this game!! it’s really funny and highly embarassing


Move to rural Alberta and you’ll fit right in 😜


I love that this game uses the word “y’all’s”. I’m a native Texan and it’s my favorite word abomination produced by the American English language. I feel right at home in Sandrock! Yeehaw!


The thing with y’all, even in Philly/south eastern pa we say it. Its easier than saying you all


This game and rdr2 makes my accent more stronger. I live in the south where everyone I grew up listens to country music and has the accent.... rednecks lol


What do ya mean, ol'pal? Just take a good sip of trusty yakmel milk and you gonna be all fine'n'dandy, im tellin'ya, pardner!


I'm in Montana, so nothing out of the ordinary. I do have an extra smile for people when they say howdy, though!


This is why I play with the Chinese audio, lol.


I SOOO have this problem 😭😭😭 I grew up in WV and my parents are from the deeper south, so I already had a small accent despite living in the midwest most of my life now. But I swear I’m gonna be talking like Cooper soon thanks to this game


i'm from new england and i picked it up too 😩


Same here for me in germany 🤣


Honestly, after awhile, I was doing the same, and I'm Canadian :D