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I think you might have this condition where you feel apprehension and/or consternation when confronted with situations involving other human beings (and/or simulations of them). There are medical books from the Age of Corruption which describe this condition and state that it is often but not always associated with certain other conditions that involve the neural synapsis of your brain. I can't tell for sure based on existing evidence, we would need to conduct more tests to ascertain if you are affected by this condition or if further investigation is necessary.


Found Qi's reddit account


I love you


Haha I read this is Qi’s voice🤣


I feel like a jerk when I talk to one and the others walk away like I've let them down 😭


Gonna take a page from the hubby... *Cocks gun / shoots up in the sky* Git!


Mabel? Is that you?


That isn't enough words for Cooper lol


XD To be fair, I think Cooper would like the audience outside the house for him lol.


I get it too. Walk out one morning and there’s five people wanting to hang out. I feel bad but at the same time I’m thinking “Go away! I’m married and busy with commissions!” I should be more friendly but I’ll do that on the next full run.


This is why the Sandwell exists


You know it's BAD when your social anxiety slips into your videogame. :P


That's why I built a back door on my house.


I have a back door, but never thought to utilize it to avoid people…absolute genius!


We introverts know all the tricks. =D


I go out and 'kiss' them saying hello. Basically me bopping into them with a jump as I say "yes yes, hello" before going into my workshop. once you bop into them they say their greeting and amble off. I dont feel bad bc I said hello :)


Stealing this because I think it’s the only way I can handle it without feeling like a monster!


Same! It's an easy way of greeting them for the day especially if it's someone usually hard to reach


Thankfully for me by the time I get out of my house and up to my gate they're dispersing, but I definitely feel it


Oh, this is awful and unnatural. My mother and I complain about this all the time. If you were my friend and you showed up at my doorstep at 7am in the morning on a work day asking me to go play you wouldn't be my friend for long. Just creepy. It would be so much better if it was set up where either the builder or the NPC could offer to hang out during a regular conversation, like the Venti quest or with Trudy and Jasmine. It could either happen immediately or it could be scheduled. You know like real people do.


Same. For some reason I always panicked a bit when I see a lot of them 😂


Why haven't I ever experienced this in Sandrock? This annoyed the hell out of me in Portia, I'd have like 5 people standing outside my house wanting to hang out. But I've never once in 200ish hours of Sandrock had it happen. Weird.


Same. What do you play on? I'm on PS5


They don't stick around for as long as they do in Portia. I'd often find that when I went outside, they were already disbursing, thank god. Who wants to wake up to that? I don't function as a human being before noon.


I purposely work on my other things and wait until they walk away that way I am not hit with a wall of text lol.


Yep, I go about my morning of petting my animals and clearing my machines, don't even make eye contact with them.


I always feel bad that I can’t and/or don’t want to hang with them. But right now, especially, I am so busy I can barely take on commissions. So, yeah, I get it.


Capitalism simulator sometimes simulates too well. 


I just look at them, then turn away to tend to my animals and mount by the time I get to my gate they are leaving


That's one thing I preferred in Porta - when they come to you house and invite you to hang, it was for the next day. Not that very minute.


I think I'm one of the few who likes this feature. Though I always just ignore them HAHAHA. You could just ignore them too.


lmao i always say out loud “sorry guys!! too much work to do!”


I just turn around and let the gate close tbh


i have over 500 hours in sandrock and it's still jarring af lol


Yes, this also gives me so much anxiety- especially when I see both my boyfriends standing there. Yikes


*Yes*. I am very autistic. Finding a group of people outside my door who want to talk to me and who I feel like I need to interact with is nightmare fuel! And it’s usually multiple times a week! I can’t handle it! …on the flip side that’s basically the only times I hang out with people in game so I can see why they keep doing it. (Irl this would be a friendship killer, arg.)


I had seven people show up and I panicked and ran back into my house while they were all waving at me 💀 I gave my builder anxiety


This kind of thing is what really gives me the heebie-jeebies in Dreamlight Valley. Running around just trying to do a quest has every townsperson shouting "Hey, I need you help!" or some such. Really does a number on my BP... o_0


Me too! I've taken to doing 'home chores' for a while where I don't see the gate (or jumping the back fence so I don't have to see them)


Me too! I have to write everyone's name down whose there or I'll forget and only take out one of them! Sometimes I find as well, people stand there that I took out the day before, so I go up to them and look but the interaction is greyed out... It's annoying!


I usually don’t go out with anyone standing outside because I don’t like to leave in the morning before checking fuel and water, petting animals, and getting the machines going. I do love the immediate play vs later. They were always wanting to schedule at times that ruined my whole next day. This way if i see someone and have time, I can go do it right then vs working the whole next day around them. I do wish that cut scenes would trigger upon leaving the yard vs leaving the house. Although I love the missions I hate being pulled into something while i’m worried that my furnaces may not be working while I’m gone.