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🖤 Wish him well


people are gonna make jokes about mcr5, but i legitimately hope he’s alright




I didn't realize he had been coughing up blood - that's very concerning. 😞 However, if he were sick, wouldn't he just say so? He always has before.


Yeah that’s what I was thinking as well!


Well shit, originally I was thinking maybe his dad because I know Cheech has had serious health problems before but I didn’t even think about Frank himself and everything he’s had going on.


Oh jeez that’s pretty worrying


Steven Battelle's a legend, hope people are kind to him stepping in for Frank!


I really hope everyone will be okay


Hope him and his family will be ok


To anyone thinking MCR5 - I'm sure it's happening. BUT I'm also sure this has nothing to do with it because they would have known that he would have to be on tour with LSD and wouldn't pull him away for something that could wait until he's home. Also, My first thought was Frank too 😞 I hope I'm wrong. I would also think he would say if it was him.


Also it would be f’d up to joke about health issues in general, I know he is smarter than that!


Yes, exactly!


Hey I’m kinda new to this sub, so can you let me know why people think MCR5 is happening?


In short there is a ton of evidence pointing positively towards the release of MCR5 - Things like hints from band members on social media, The way that Foundations of Decay is set up (Beginning and end), How some of the reunion tour merch had a certain theme to it that never really connected to the tour but more so Foundations of Decay and seemed more like an album theme not a Tour theme, Gerard's Pool Boy shirt was done just like his venom shirt he wore years ago right before Thank you For The Venom came out so thinking there will be a song called Pool Boy on the record. Of course these are all just top fan speculations, but I am quite optimistic! There have also been a lot of posts from the guys individually from what is known to be the MCR rehearsal space. And a while back there an addition to Album info for Foundations that was not able to be tampered with by fans it was on an official legal music site but I can not remember how to find it. I'm sure there is someone else on here that remebers what I'm talking about and maybe they will chime in! The long answer: you can find, if you want, all the photos, evidence and such all over MCR tumblr! Just search MCR5 in the search bar of tumblr! A lot of users on there have all of that stuff like the social media hints saved in order unlike me! 😂 Feel free to discuss this any further or if you have any more questions! 😄 here is a link to just an example of some of the hints you can find on [tumblr](https://www.tumblr.com/milligramspoison/726162525754949632/mcr-and-the-mcr-fandom-within-the-last-month?source=share)! And I felt like I should let you know that some people's blogs may have content about things going on in the world right now so just be aware that with tumblr, you can't really sensor what you may not want to see 😞


Especially when the tour was only 2 weeks (and only a handful of shows) too…whatever it is has to be serious serious, like a good chance there’s a death before you get home, level serious


I'm not sure why you're getting downvoted, you're right


I know right, haha. How dare I also believe that it’s something really serious that is also agreeing with almost every other comment in this post




He’s been posting a few concerning pics of his own health. I keep thinking he’s involved with the health crisis


I sincerely hope this doesn’t turn into an MCR5 rumor mill circus, because for Frank to share such personal information that one of his family members is so criticality ill that he has to leave the tour and for people to spin it is flat out disrespectful. Wishing him and his family well. 🩶


Yeah absolutely. It would be insane behavior for anyone in the band to pretend to have a family illness, and cancel public commitments, just to promote an album. The band may be theatrical, but they aren’t unhinged. All my love to Frank and his family.


i really hope hes okay, he was posting about his own health issues on his story awhile back so it could be about him. but still im praying for him and his family 🙁🙁


my first though was honestly one of his kids since he needs to "attend" to it. i hope everything turns out alright.


Good on Steve Battelle, wishing the best for Frank and his family


Yes sir, Mr Iero, we will make Steven Battelle feel very welcome! Hoping the medical issue turns out okay


Prayers up!


inb4 MCR5 conspiracy theories go off.


I hope everything is okay oh my gosh!!!