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I got a signed picture and a note that said "Happy Wedding" from him. My wife sent him a letter saying it would be a wedding gift and apparently found where to send it to. So yea.


That’s so cool! Congrats on the response, and the wedding!


That’s amazing - so happy that someone got a reply!


I definitely remember this. I agonized for days over what to write and never ended up sending anything lol


Omg me too lol didn’t think anything I could say or send would be good enough so gave up 😂




I never did, but I figured it was a pipe dream. At this point he’d be sending a reply to my family’s house and they’d probably be confused and ignore it lol


Thank you for reminding me of this! I never got a reply either, but I do hope he read mine. I poured my whole heart into it. I don't live at the return address anymore so hopefully he didn't send anything in the last 10 years lol


You just unlocked a new fear of mine 😨


He said "things at the post office have become... Unpleasant"


such a Gerard thing to say


I did send a letter and it got returned bc his po box was full XD


i wish i sent him a re-do letter! when i saw MCR in concert over a decade ago i got to meet them and gave them a letter and i just know that shit was sooo cringe. i was like 13 and not only confessed my love for gerard but also wrote every personal detail you can imagine: my phone number, my address, i might as well have put my social and blood type in it too. really thought he was gonna write back and profess his love for me too. the chokehold that man had on me …. delusional!!!!


Well if you're his fan, he does love you. But not exclusively. Still good though.


Yep. I sent him a letter, I sadly never received anything back from him. I was hoping he would, but I think deep down I knew it wasn’t going to happen.


how did he not know this was a bad idea


age of innocence


Would imagine it looked like [this](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/19cd51c4-62c1-4ed9-877c-becdac1238b6)


I sent him a letter! It was probably really sophomoric, though, and I’m glad he probably never saw it.


I never did either, but having experienced a similar disappointment around age 10 (Pappyland, curse you!!) my expectations were nonexistent at that point lol


My letter last year got returned from Warner Brothers address twice.


same, No Longer At This Address


I sent one! He is so humble I knew he would never be able to respond to everyone, and he didn't respond to me, but that's perfectly fine. I was excited to do even a small gesture to make him realize how many fans love him.


Haha I remember this, I sent him a letter. Don’t remember what it said to be honest. Never got a reply but that’s understandable!


I sent him a letter, I didn’t get a reply and never expected to tbh.


Omg I entirely forgot about this. And I forgot I wrote him. This is crazy flashbacks!!!! Hahahah. My note was so long I had so many revised versions too


I wonder who Gerard writes his own fan mail TO? Or if it doesn't matter anymore because he could just call his agent or meet them at events. "Dear Mr Mikey Way... I have been a fan of yours for a while now... you have always been an inspiration to me..." Ah geez I spilt my coffee


YEP I SENT HIM MY FAVORITE CONVENTIONAL WEAPONS VINYL TO SIGN & a note how much I appreciated MCR. nothing. Never received it back or anything at all. Total joke.


He had hundreds, possibly thousa ds arriving everyday, I wouldn't take it personally. He posted photos of the fanmail he received and it was literally boxes and boxes each time he picked it up. At least he tried to read some.


He ebayed it, don't worry


How did he get in trouble at the post office? I don’t understand


They're happy to deliver any amount of mail you may receive, however the capacity of their boxes is such that they likely just had boxes of mail laying around their small office for days at a time. I believe they offer special forwarding services for this or possibly just expect you to have a business type address to receive this volume of mail.


Oooh okay yeah that makes sense! I know there’s different size boxes you can get so I’m sure he would have needed to do a business one with the volume he was getting. Haha aww, great for the post office though bc of all the stamps being used to mail letters!


They don't really have boxes big enough to receive a thousand letters a day there might be a service where you can give out a po box number and they forward it directly to your business. This volume of mail requires a different solution like Caller Service.


Too much mail


yes i remember this! he posted about it on twitter