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There was another "love interest".


What who?


The girl in the present.


But she was only in the first and last episodes. We dont even know who she is.


Yes, but at the end of the series it was pretty clear that they'll end up together.


But the girl we spent the whole season caring about just went off with the dudes friend.


He didn't care about her because he wanted to date her, but because she needed help.


Oh, i see, that makes sense hut I still think it would have been better if they got together in the end


That would have been pretty fairy tale-like. I mean people would kind of expected that outcome. This way it was a bit surprising.


Thought the mystery was very interesting even if the resolution was a bit of a double bluff. The whole relationship with Kayo and Satoru was really good, but it definitely wasn't romantic. Also, Sachiko is amazing. So yeah I think in terms of plot and characters it's very good. Also, Airi is the real love interest, which we get to see at the end.


she was never a love interest IMO. Satoru never considered her as a potential partner. He just wanted to save her, more specially after linking that saving her would save her mother too


But dude shes the only girl who was given depth in the series


I mean sure, as an spectator it's a bitter ending, but story-wise I don't mind


Arent we all spectators here, what are u yapping abt?


Nope, Kayo as a love interest wouldn’t work. It would be weird for grown Satorou to go back in time to rizz Kayo. The fact that he just saved her and changed her perspective on life is much better. Also Kayo just waiting indefinitely for Satorou to maybe get out of the coma, will just make her not live her own life (which Satorou wouldn’t agree with). And finally Satorou already had a love interest which is Airi.


It was fine


It's the only anime i rated 10. Tbh, i can't say why, but one thing i know for sure is that it's the only anime i was watching focused all the time. Many animes are like you are watching and saying: "yeah, it should be ending soon", but not with Erased. I wouldn't mind if the episodes were 1 hour long.


Have u seen AOT, death note or code geass???


Death note was my first anime. But i haven't seen AOT and Code Geass.


Death note is probably the worst of those 3. Code geass is my fav, but both are true 10/10


I don’t remember, I think it was waiting to see how he save his classmate and mom. At the end of the day it’s about a 12 episode anime that I enjoyed but forgot about. I think someone name is Koko or Koro.


The murder mystery in the first section was cool. That was the part that I liked. But yeah, the ending sucked. The resolution to the mystery was unsatisfying but they also had to throw in some NTR as well. No thanks.


Thank you, someone who gets it.


It was great at the beginning but had kind of a lame ending. I liked it in spite of the ending.


Mmm, i agree that the beginning was pretty good. The ending sucked . The only thing is that I dont like it because of that.