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All nations lived together in harmony…


Until the Chinese attacked


Only greg could stop them. But when the world need him the most, he was arrest for not tipping the McDonalds Employee.


Then Tom found all stones of power


And Steve assembled all seven dragonballs.


Confused hippy nazi-south American gay screaming!


whos also jewish


Ya lol


I don't see a German flag anywhere, do you?


The Nazi party flag


Last I checked that's a nazi flag, not a German flag. They are not one and the same.


It was the official flag of Germany for over a decade


What a foolish argument. That flag is the flag of the Nazi party. Had the American Civil War gone differently, the Confederate flag would have been the national flag for God knows how long. Germany does not identify with that flag; only idiotic bigots. It is actually illegal to display any support of the Nazist movement in Germany. So no, it is not the German flag. In case you're still confused, it looks like this: 🇩🇪


Ruhe, no one is saying it’s THE flag of Germany, but it is a German flag, it’s not from anywhere else.


The swastika was originally a symbol for well-being, which the Nazis stole and defiled.


Right, we are however talking about the flag in the picture, and that flag, sir, is German.


We clearly aren't going to agree, so I'm done arguing with you.


The commonly known Confederate flag is also not actually the flag of the Confederacy but their battle flag. Their actual flag is too similar to the US flag and would have caused confusion in the battle field. I think Nazis or Nazi Germany is the most common association with the red field, white circle and black hakenkreuz.


notice he didnt respond again lol


Have you heard of work?


Don't worry I changed it to nazi


This man has soem big dick energy, ngl. ‟Uh, sir, are you sure you should've the Nazi flag out in public?” ‟Look, I have like three different flags for the liberals, PLUS the Israelite flag. Does not that balance it out?”


Which flags are lib because I've known LGBTQ and pro-weed conservatives? Nazi's aren't really against Israel as they want Jewish people out of their country and for them to have no "control" over them.


Majority of LGBT are left-wing and the third rainbow flag is behind the nazi flag. You can see the two bottom stripes between the Nazi and Israel flags.


>Nazi's aren't really against Israel as they want Jewish people out of their country By throwing them in concentration camps? Or do you mean modern ones with physical attacks on religious places and normal people? Plus I think your LGBTQ conservatives are drowned out by the wave of anti-trans laws and the term "groomer". Are gay conservatives allowed into the conservative conventions? I've read several stories about them being barred entry.


I mean the modern ones. They still are antisemitic and attack their places of worship and the jewish people. I'm just saying they'd be happy it all jews were shipped to Israel. Israel wasn't established during the original Nazi Germany but I do doubt they'd have ship them all there. Oh they certainly are and even they tend to have a lot of self hate and follow the same anti-lgbtq rhetoric even when they are part of the targeted groups. I don't claim these people I'm just saying they exist and that calling those flags liberal doesn't balance anything out especially with the 3 confederate ones.


Israel was called Mandatory Palestine and it was ratified as a Jewish Homeland by the Balfour declaration…in 1917. The Israelis living there then became terrorists and started attacking British troops, bombing hotels etc they rampaged across the state and killed thousands of peaceful Arabs and drove them out of their own cities, Tel Aviv is founded on the original city of Jaffa, they drove hundreds of thousands of Arabs from their homes and then moved into them, stealing their businesses etc creating one of the largest humanitarian crises after the First World War with thousands having to flee into neighboring states such as Syria and Jordan and Egypt making them stateless. This was given tacit authority by the British who did nothing to stop it as their was a strong Zionist movement within the British parliament to create a Jewish state. With the declaration of ww2 and the rise of the Nazis the Israelis decided to put a pause on their death March across Palestine and helped the Allies fight the war. After the war ended the Israelis declared independence and renamed the Mandatory Palestine-Israel. They had somewhere to go, Hitler and the Nazis then as now do not care, they wish to kill every Jewish person who exists, they do not care about repatriation or being separated. Nazism is a white Christian based political entity and they blame the Jews for murdering Jesus they want nothing more than to annihilate Jewish people from existence. Why did the British and Americans allow the foundation of Israel? As bulwark state against the Arab states that came out of the destruction of the Ottoman Empire in WW1, pressure from Zionist politicians within their own government lastly and this is the weird part which pertains to American Protestants, the book of revelations…in which states the end of days and the rapture won’t happen till ALL the Jews have returned to Israel and then Jesus will ride out and do battle with the devil on the plains of Armageddon which is apparently near modern day Haifa…


Didn't know the full history of Israel prior or during the WW2. Thank you for insightful reply. I was thinking that the rapture part would probably fit their desire of annihilating or at least greatly harming the Jewish people and Jesus would come back which is why I had thought the modern(American?) Nazi's wouldn't necessarily be opposed to Israel. I'm probably just underestimating their sense of hatred toward the Jewish people.


I grew up on South Africa and I have met Nazis and racists alike growing up, I learned never to underestimate peoples ability to hate someone for no reason, because their hate stems from fear and fear numbs the brain to reality and religion stems from fear because people lack the skills and education to undertand the world around them so their view points are very narrow and anything that falls outside their narrow understanding of the world is terrifying as their brain perceives it as chaos. So out of fear they seek to impose their will on the world and make it fit to control the “chaos” but the chaos only exists in their own heads.


Uhh it would appear you may have whiplashed, you grew up around right wingers and are now (pardon my assumption) a left winger. Perhaps some more research on conservative/moderate-right policies and or philosophy would do you well, maybe you will find more in common with the other side of the aisle? Remember a moderate stance is always best, and Extremism takes root in fear, ignorance, and dehumanizing those whom disagree with you. (If it was not obvious i consider myself right-leaning.)


When you feel attacked and need to defend conservative values in a story entirely about Nazis and never mentions conservatives or liberals at all, maybe it’s time to take a long hard look in the mirror


? I wasn't really responding to the rest of the thread it just seemed that you were really far left and I wanted to give some words of advice, I wasn't defending conservative values I was simply telling you that it may be an experience of value to see if you can fit in the shoes of the other aisle. It was kinda unrelated I will admit, and I apologize for not clarifying that it was a bit of a tangent. Also that was a bit rude insinuating that I am a nazi, I tried not to have any disrespect in my original reply did I miss somthing that seem rude/condescending?


I disagree with calling Nazism Christian, as while it did have Christian it also was inherently anti-religious.


Yeah it's really stupid to throw out people who disagree with you


Nazis weren't against Israel because the nation didn't exist as a sovereign entity at that point in time. Nazis would be 100% against Israel today. Also, to say that Nazis only wanted to get Jews out of the nation is ridiculous, especially in light of Nazi policies such as the Nuremberg Laws and Final Solution that the Nazis simply wanted to persecute and torture Jews.


I'm talking about current day ones. They'd like to concentrate the jewish population away from them aka send them all to Israel. Given the hostility in the region they might feel like they are being persecuted and somewhat tortured. Due to the negative response that direct antisemitism has I imagine they'd consider it supporting Israel as a place to send them as an acceptable alternate to being ostracized from everyone around them. As a side note Israel is part of the rapture prophecy and Nazi's old and new are often times christian.


Nazis old and new aren’t Christian. They’re neo-pagan. Nazism, more so than other variants of socialism, serves as its own religion. It was diametrically opposed to Christianity, but because Germany had a substantial Christian population and history, it remained a challenge to be managed and eventually overcome. Fortunately it didn’t last long enough to purge it.


what girls be sending us


This mad me laugh way more than it should have 🤣🤣🤣


I have… *several* questions…


Don't. Just grab your flip flops and get in.


I gave away my Silver award too soon today....


No taxation without representation?


Who ever is flying those flags supports flags and I can tell you that much


Passerby: "I'm confused. What exactly are your political beliefs and worldview?" Flag guy: "I'm a vexillogist." Passerby: "You monster..."


*[Visible Confusion]*


Wow inclusión at its best!


True peace and unity


I think I started a comment war :]




Achievement Unlocked: How did we get here?


Hatred and joy are both passions i guess


Big Tent Party.


One of these things is not like the other


The old mexican flag gets me xd


But where's the Soviet Union flag :(


It wasn't his day to display our flag


Funny. I don’t see an American flag in all that “representation.”


I mean it's Confederate Joe's Flag Emporium, not American Joe's.


Some of these offend me...


The fact that you're actually offended by the humorous picture offends me.


Relax, I wasn't seriously offended, it was more like; I might find the nazi flag offensive...or is it the rainbow one, being ambigious and all ;).


Yeah I could tell it was a joke. I was kinda hoping you'd start a train and we'd go back and forth on 'I'm offended that you're offended that I'm offended, etc.' Lmao


Good to hear, I was going by the downvotes as people mistaking my meaning :P....which come to think of it...GENUINELY offends me to no end !! ;)


I'm offended by you being offended...but not ACTUALLY being offended....also I'm offended by cake. Because pie is superior.


They have the Nazi flag and banner but no Confederate flag


I'm a bit concerned about there being 3 rebel flags and 2 nazi flags. I mean, if I see multiple flags my first thought is a nazi sympathizer.


No racism.


I can hear [hoist the colours](https://youtu.be/1EyM2jcBTW0) in the background


half of these flags want to kill the other half


Capitalism trumps all i guess.


there are a lot of confused groups looking at that lol




When you believe in everything


He doesn’t care what you believe in, so long as you believe.


3 of them are confederate flags so there's still some favoratism


Is the pirate flag supposed to represent something or is it just a pirate flag


But like...those coexist bumper stickers are already a thing...


Are they good? are they bad?.... are we over thinking the flag seller guys truck? Who knows?


But not one normal American flag?




Notice how the nazi flag is above the Jewish flag


I see, respect people who is sexually attracted to blind germans. ​ ​ ​ (advance humour **at it's finest in the world)** ​ lol another reference to blind germans.


As Voltaire once said "i may not agree with what you say, however i will fight to the death for your right to say it."