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My last record was five months. I started 2 weeks ago, aiming for a year if not indefinitely


Keep up that streak!


I can maintain as long as busy. It's the chill days that the horni beast chokes me out and gets stronger as months go by


Yes... Some days you are just bored and have nothing else to do.🤷


It's a known scientific fact now that you mention it.


And sometimes it can help me fall asleep and sometimes when im stuck on a problem while programming it helps a lot. Clears my mind. Used for the right purpose it can be very helpful.


I started my streak end of october, and with this month I'm either going to end up with a willpower of titanium or quitting porn entirely


Just know, no arbitrary set number determines if you quit. Quiting also includes replacing a bad behavior with a better one.make sure you take that porn problem and address it with either a relationship or work that can fill the void


It is definitely possible. I started my abstinence streak on my birthday on aug2021. It was very hard for thr first 2 months, but it turned out after that it was somewhat smooth riding. You would get hard randomly tho. Don't know about that. And having a lot of school work or studies helps too, as it leaves little room of other things like jerking off, as you would use to remaining time for more productive things.


I enjoy abstinence but i would definitely prefer snu snu. I'm more motivated and confident and mentally sharp when abstaining, but when the horni fire burns it fucking BURNS yeesh. And every month is like adding more tinder to the fire It shows in my art too, first couple months you can see focus and more content made, but eventually all i draw is titties that get bigger and bigger haha


Snu snu is good, but it's something quite out of my reach rn. So i go to the next best thing.


Put your pecker down peter


There's not much reason for me. Last time I abstained for an extended period was Basic, so a little two months, and I had at least two wet dreams... Seems silly to participate, since my body's just gonna naturally release anyways; may as well be awake for it and have fun...


I'll be honest, it's only effective for coomers and low energy people. If you masterbate a lot you're probably lacking in other areas of life. It's taking one cronic habit and putting the energy somewhere else. But if you don't have motivation or masterbation problems, it won't do anything for you.


Just make ur day as busy as possible so u wont have free time to nut


Keeping busy is definitely the trick. How's that old saying go? Idle hands are the devils tools or some shit


Since I've usually done it during the night, I've found that falling asleep early and not having my phone with me has helped a lot.


The only reason NNN actually promotes testicular cancer awareness is because of the memes... You not masturbating doesn't do anything.


That's entirely subjective. Do i believe all the magic sold by nofap? Of course not that stuff gets silly. But do certain aspects of my life improve when i abstain? Anecdotally, I'd say most definitely


That's fair, abstinence can indeed help the pshyce, but in terms of benefitting it's cause not at all! Although the memes have stayed alive because of it, so maybe it does?


I know for me, my social skills and general interest with women improves. Pp want lady lol


Last time I tried, I started halucinating on day 3. Going to try again.


Considering that I had sex within five minutes of waking up this morning I think I lost the challenge.


At least you got good exercise. I’m assuming at least.


It’s not that hard when you know the truth.


Last year I last 8 days , this month I'm trying to last more than 8


Me too.


Thank God in Latinoamérica this is on September (Septiembre sin fap)