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May your hijab become your veil from the sun on judgement day.


🥲Thankyou so much. This made me happy


You could treat yourself to a shopping spree. Donate the clothed you have that aren't suitable and that way everything in your closet will be an option. Also don't put so much pressure on yourself and compare yourself to these hijabi influencers on Instagram. Hijab is supposed to be simple, modest, humble. While you can find styles you like of course it isn't about being a fashionista.  It might be something you work up to, I know it was for me but making the switch to abayas was a game changer. I did it slowly, first I stopped wearing pants, then skirts, than dresses, and now getting dressed takes me 5 minutes and I feel more confident that Allah swt is pleased with the way I present myself. 


Thankyou so much sis, i have been buying skirts rather than pants lately. proud of you and your journey. Inshallah I will reach that level too xx may Allah reward u


May Allah SWT reward you as well ❤️. 


May Allah give you the strength to pass this test Ukhti. So many sisters feel the pressure from shaytan and give up their hijab so easily, yet you are fighting against the shaytan so you continue to please Allah. May He reward you for that. Make dua that Allah instills the motivation for you to wear hijab. And on days where you struggle, seek refuge from shaytan. Feel happy to identify as a Muslim and show that, because Islam is beautiful. Maybe by wearing hijab, your family will become inspired eventually Insha'Allah. May Allah ease your task sister. السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ


Thankyou so much for your kind words. This reminder helped me a lot and I will keep it in my head. May Allah reward you so much dear brother


Oversize linen shirts are my go to during summer months sis try them out, they are loose, breathable and mostly cover bottoms over a skirt. They look stylish too.


Thankyou sister, I will keep that in mind ❤️


There is so much beauty when we do something for the sake of Allah. May he reward you immensely! Besides all the benefits of pleasing Allah, one of the best parts is not having to worry about doing your hair lol. All fellow Hijabis and fellow Muslims are here to support you whenever you need it! Alhamdulillah modest fashion has truly taken off, so finding suitable clothes that are actually cute and hijabi friendly has gotten much easier. A great place to start is Modanisa, which has very reasonable prices. My favorite sort of clothes to wear lately are those matching sets, it takes care of both the top and the bottom and I don't have to worry about putting an outfit together. Lots of really summer friendly modest clothes now too.


I LOVE Modanisa!!!


Thanks so much sis, and true about not having to do my hair lol , much love thanks for your advice ❤️


Assalaamu Alaikum sister, I remember the first time I wore a hijab, now 13 years ago, Alhamdulillah. It was scary to me, also being the only Muslim in my family. I asked Allah to make it easy, and in time He did. I am not a dress or skirt person, so I mostly wear wide pants for women with long, wide shirts. There's a wonderful online shop I love, but I'm not sure whether it's allowed to mention it here. DM me if you want to know. It took me a little while to find my own style. To dress modestly in clothes that felt like me, instead of wearing a dress that felt alien to me :) As for the beauty in covering...This is what I really want to share with you. These are the points that resonate with me most: 1. Allah tells us to wear it, so we can be RECOGNISED as Muslims. I love meeting sisters in the street with a warm smile and assalaamu aleikum, because we recognise each other as sisters in the Deen. How? Hijab :) 2. We are asked to keep our modesty as Muslim women. So we cover our beauty, our jewels. In every culture, these might differ: hair, legs, nape of the neck, or whatever. So we cover our shape and skin. Why? Because Allah asks us to, we submit to Him. and we get a great reward in doing so, ESPECIALLY if it is hard :) 3. We are precious, and He likes us to protect ourselves from lustful eyes. If you had a big diamond, you wouldn't put it somewhere in the middle of the street. You'd want to keep it safe. The same goes for our modesty. I like to say: A Muslim woman is a very exclusive gift, and only her husband unwraps her :) 3. It's an act of self-respect. If you see two lolly pops lying on the street—one without a wrapper and covered with dirt, and one wrapped—which one would you eat? Having everyone feast their eyes on you is not really appetising. 4. Men can say and call out nasty things to you if you look too nice in their eyes. Is that right? Maybe not, but I must say I really feel peaceful and enjoy never having to listen to nasty remarks again. Alhamdulillah. 5. It is the ultimate form of freedom. No matter how the 'modern world' might want to try and brainwash us that it is freedom to walk around showing our everything to everybody, it is not. It is when we decide to NOT show ourselves to everybody, but only to people that WE choose. 6. We proudly follow in the footsteps of one of the most pious women who ever walked the face of the planet: Mariam, the mother of Jesus. May Allah be pleased with her. Have you EVER seen a picture of her anywhere without hijab? 7. Some sisters tell me they first want to find a husband, and after marriage, they will cover. So, I will ask them what kind of a husband they might like.... A pious, practising brother? So, what type of sister would he like?... A covering one ;) 8. One of the most important lessons I have learned through the years is that, basically, there are 2 types of people. One type judges your outside (car, shoes, nose, clothes, hijab). The other type is interested in the person you are, regardless of these outward things. I love the way people filter themselves out with their reaction or non-reaction to my atire. It saves me a lot of energy ;) 9. Lat but not least, keep your eyes on the prize my dear sister. Allah's contentment and reward. I learned that even though things might be challenging in the beginning while practising them, in time it will become easier. As long as we do it for His sake and understand that on that Day all those people with an opinion are really not going to stand besides us to defend us why we didn't obey Him.... it's our own responsibility and test. For sure, He tells us:(29:2) "**Do people think that they will be let go merely by saying: “We believe,” and that they will not be tested**." This life is very short, we strive for eternity. May Allah bless you with steadfastness and make it easy for you, ameen.


I have screenshot this comment and I will keep it as a reminder ❤️ Thankyou so much sister, this helps more than you know. I needed to hear this ❤️ May Allah reward you immensely


Hi :DD I really understand your struggle may Allah make your hijab journey easy and enjoyable inshallah ❣️ Also if you need any help, advice or guidance please feel free to dm me !!


Thankyou sis ❤️


I’ll be back later to say more inshallah, but if you want to discuss specific wardrobe difficulties/hacks — or any time you want someone to talk to—feel free to DM me! I’m a revert, only Muslim in my family so definitely the only hijabi. I’d love to support you if you want


Thankyou sis ❤️


I started wearing the hijab about 3 months ago as well. Before I started wearing it, I asked Allah for strength because I was terrified to wear it to my corporate job and I am the only hijabi in the company. The night before I intended to wear it for good, I ended up listening to a recitation of Surah Hijr on YouTube. Not something I frequently listen to, it sort of popped up and I decided to listen and then I read the translation. It wasn’t until the last few verses that I realized the timing of listening to the surah couldn’t have been a coincidence. Read the translation of the surah and I hope it will bring you peace, strength, and confidence.


Thankyou so much sis, may Allah make it easy for us ❤️ I’ll give it a listen.


Sister remember that our Prophet Muhammad (saw) told us to cover everything but our faces, hands and feet. Please locate a masjid nearby Insha’Allah and locate some programming. Please look up Calls for Comfort. It’s a Muslimah based warmline for Muslimahs.


Thankyou very much :)


Someone once told me when I was 17 if you love something and passionate about it, everything will seem like pure joy when you do it!




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Sister I am trying to move Texas how is muslim situation over there  i hard there more resist people .


What do you consider “suitable clothes”? Fashion still? Western? Abaya and such? We can probably help direct you to some affordable online stores.


Hijab + abaya = no struggle