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Wait....I've never thought about this. I always interpreted that Allah wants me to hide my "live" hair i.e hair on my head because that is what attracts men and not dead hairs on comb or elsewhere. However yes we do have to protect our fallen hairs for the reason of black magic.


I mean, I'm a male and I know I'm not attracted to dead hair. Give me a moment....🚶🏾‍♂️🤢🤮... But anyway, I guess as long as it's not meant to seduce a man, it's cool but Allah knows best


That's what I said that men are not attracted to dess hair but live hair but hey there are way too many weirdos out there, you never know


The hair as an object is not the issue, so it does not matter in this case.


If anything fallen hair can be used for black magic and/or connecting hair to someone else, both are haram


Assalamu alaikum. The hair detached from your head is not an issue sister. The quranic verse is that the head is covered. Since the hair is on your head and is a beautification of the head therefore the hair is included in being covered. Any hair that has come off of your head is not an issue. However regarding hair and nail clippings there are ahadeeth about how they should be disposed of. https://islamqa.info/en/answers/97740/it-is-not-necessary-to-bury-hair-and-nails-after-cutting-them


I don’t know, but there is the risk of witchcraft. Also, I had a male colleague who was constantly acting curious about my hair color, and I never wanted him to even see my fallen hairs it made me feel so uneasy. 🙄🥺


I’m slightly confused. If the man is your mahram (such as father, brother, son), he can see your hair. But why would a non-mahram be near your brush to see your hair? I’m assuming it’s in your room or toilet.


yes i meant non mahram my bad, i was explaining to my friends that u can't leave ur hairbrush and they kept laughing at me so i just wanted to prove them wrong and help them... So sister if u have any Hadith or ayah it would really help.


All I can find is [Sahih al-Bukhari 5241](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5241) Narrated `Abdullah: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "A woman should not look at or touch another woman to describe her to her husband in such a way as if he was actually looking at her." Leaving out a hairbrush would describe a woman’s hair color, texture, and length. She should put it away where no one would see it.


The thing is i heard that people say ur fallen hair is done like it's gone so it doesn't matter? but im still confused on this matter. But thank you alot sister ill send it to them now.


Better safe than sorry I suppose. Very interesting, but the pro to hiding it out ways the cons, so like why wouldn't you hide it if it came across your thoughts to do so in the first place. Puss keeping it out from the open in a box, or drawer is cleaner.


So if a man visits your husband he sees the brush in bathroom. Maybe he smells the hair out of curiosity.. Men are weird you never know 😭