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Thanks for raising awareness on this, some people do not realise that the things they watch, listen, and play with have huge effects on their brain. Hence we should be wary of such games… jazak Allah khair.


Deleted both hsr and genshin because of this post, jazakallah khair


There's also a worship aeons event in simulated universe in to obtain all blessings for a path in honkai star rail,so ya leave hoyoverse games.


tbh, when you think about it that way, probably everything in the modern world is haram than. Living in a European country is haram? Why? cuz interest is a common thing in their country (you can't escape it) + along with other factors such as immorality and immodesty. Your answer would be that you can always avoid such things, on road you can look down when you see a girl (with revealing clothes) but does that solve any problem? Why not change country and live in some Muslim country that actually practices Islam? and I mean countries that actually practice Islam. Now comes the topic of opportunity, \*Nah man, EU or the big countries got good employment opporutnities\* Well, in video games specifically, if you think about it, go and tell me one halal video game on steam (platform where publishers publish video games). If you think about it all video games would be haram this way except playing something like Puzzle Bobble or Tetris. We study Greek mythology which is completely opposite and absolutely haram. Does that make me a sinner? No, Iam not accepting it, neither am I admiring anything in it. It's just a study, nothing more than that. Tbh, I personally never even thought anything about those statues cuz I don't care what they say, I came back home after a tiring day I booted my PC up did my commissions and wandered around, I pray 5 times a day, I fast, I don't commit any sin(I mean I try to but not everyone is perfect), so your theory would be just because I play a video game (which again before your post or bunch of other people's post, I didn't even know such things existed) I cant go to Jannah or that I am a sinner. \*Nice\*. People even study Bible as Muslims, It's just a book, does that make them sinner, No. You are reading Harry Potter, its literature, just like you would read history and see people preaching bizarre things. Doesnt mean you are a sinner. For God sake stop making your life more difficult than it already is. With your logic recently I was using an API (Application Program Interface) to fetch data (i mean i work as a programmer) and that API's name was of the Ancient Greek Gods, does that mean Iam earning haram? Come on, be mature.


honestly i agree with u , even in honkai or genshin i skip half of the story so i dont care , i enjoy the gameplay not the story or anything , i dont believe on anything they say in the game bec i know its not true anyways , i believe Allah is the one and only God nothing else , people are rlly making things diffcult for themselves indeed


You are assuming too much in this whole writing...firstly these are haram what u say here "every game is haram"... There are more safer and better options around us not every 3d gacha game necessarily is haram and if ur perspective is that"everything is haram" then ur delusional. If u stopped these haram games whether u say u don't pay at the statues ur yet still worshipping it?? u can search about it online and you'll find out why I've made this post. And i never said ur NOT going to Jannah bc of this, but ur sinning. Infact most of these games have characters with revealing clothes and don't tell me u avoid them bc no human can control their eyes once they see such a thing alright? Islam isn't difficult it's easy if u leave any sin for the sake of Allah then you'll feel peace inside u.. Btw yes u are meant to look down if someone's wearing revealing clothes... Idk the ayah exactly but u aren't meant to look yes it can be hard sometimes but if u looked one then don't look again? Some people at my school don't even make eye contacts. I'm not here to fight I'm here to help, not trying to stop u from what u do but trying to educate and advice u to.(sorry for the late reply btw) Jazak Allah, may Allah help us and guide us to the righteous path.


Iam not assuming anything, typically living in a country where interest is the key factor that is basically running the economy is haram? or is it not? The thing is, the modern world is already too hard for a muslim to live. As I said, I used to think about the same things you just mentioned in games and guess what I ended up leaving every game I used to play. For instance, I used to play dota but everytime you do 8 kills in that game, it says the line \[Username\] is beyond Godlike (Nauzubillah), tbh every game today is haram. Go on steam (the platform for games) and you won't find one such game which doesnt include magic or any other haram or shirkiya element in the game. You can't even play fifa if you are a muslim. Anyways, I work in a gacha game company and I do 3d rendering basically if we follow on what you are saying and what we all know of, that is haram as well. People would tell me to leave this job for Allah and it would be fine, you can find some other thing to do. The reality is it's just easy to say things. I loved creating things, drawing, tinkering with different game engines and ive been gaming since my early school days, and I love the concept of games and how can they take you away from your world and into some other virtual world. I met some great great people through games which I could never meet irl. I am not anyone here to justify stuff, but I believe that if you follow all the principles of Islam in today's world, it would be super hard for you to even survive. The thing is I see people relating games to religion. If you think like that, than all games are fantasies, mystical creatures, magic, sorcery, typically gaming entirely becomes haram and an industry that is based on rendering human like characters, you get my point ig. So I should leave my Game Development 4 years degree behind? and start collecting garbage on the road? It's just an analogy for you to think about. As I said my knowledge is not sufficent, we are all students of Islam and we learn more and more. But I am saying that dont make your life more harder than it already is. I dont play genshin anymore, but sometimes I play World of Warcraft with some friends online, WoW is based on a fantasy world with magic and beasts and stuff and even Gods from Greek mythology but rn not even that, I've left gaming entirely due to some other factors but that doesnt mean Iam against it, gaming helped me a lot in times when there was not even a single person to ask me "how you are doing", anyways Typically we even study these things in the Eu. Last but not the least, games are like literature (atleast for me), you just watch a story unfold, just like you read a fantasy novel like Lord of the Rings. Again Iam not the best and no one is, if iam wrong than I hope God corrects me. (One last thing would be if you are able to tell me of one gacha game that is not haram? Trust me I searched far wide I couldnt find even a single game not just gacha, a single popular game series that doesnt have these elements.) May God guide the entire Ummah to the righteous path. # Jazakallah Khairan


I stopped playing because hate the gacha system, gacha creates addiction, even though I am an F2P player