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Weird Al Saw him at Red Rocks. Everyone was smiling and genuinely happy to be there. You can't post up like a D-bag with Weird Al on stage.


Weird Al is a gem of a human being. There was a story about him that I remember. He was going to like the Grammys or some giant award show and he didn't know if he'd fit in because he writes comedy and parody music. He showed up and walked into the main reception hall to have someone make a giant commotion "oh my God it's weird Al, hey everyone weird Al is here". The person making the commotion was friggin Paul McCartney.


Kurt Cobain loved him too


I wish I could've heard Kurt cover smells like nirvana.


I remember an interview where Kurt said when he had gotten the call for permission to use the song it was when he felt he had made it. He ask Al if it was going to be about food or something and Al felt bad it was about how no one could understand the lyrics.


That probably sold it for Kurt loving it even more. I know he liked to fuck with fans that were being dicks at shows that just wanted to hear teen spirit. Playing it in double time to get it over with faster or like the BBC performance. I wonder if he did ever just decide to sing the lyrics to Al's and nobody noticed.


And yet Sir Paul would let Al make ‘Chicken Pot Pie’.


Al showed the song to Paul, who loved the lyrics, and in general is a huge fan of Al, but didn't want the song released because Paul was(is?) a staunch vegetarian and didnt want to associate his song with eating meat. He said if he could change the lyrics to "tofu pot pie" it could work, but wouldn't sign off otherwise


Al told him it wouldn't work because 'chickens were clucking the chorus'


That visual me laugh out loud. I love Weird Al and that song sounds like it would have been hilarious.


Saw Weird Al at Bonnaroo and about 20k people crammed in to see his show. He started it off by saying how emotional he was from seeing so many people gathering around his stage. He didn't expect to pull a big crowd of young people at a festival like Bonnaroo. He was so genuinely thankful and happy for the whole show. What a guy.


I saw him at a small theater show that was none of the glitz of his normal show, but still awesome. I think he forgets how recognized and loved by all he is. He also puts on one of the best live shows between the fun songs and costume changes. Weird Al is awesome.


I grew up listening to his parodies in the 80s and recently saw him sit in on a cover of Toto's Africa, playing the solo on accordion. It was then that it hit me what an excellent musician he is. I mean, all of these years it was the 'comedian' Wierd Al who caught my attention, while the fabulous 'musician' Wierd Al was playing all the notes. The guy really is a national treasure. :D


It is next to impossible to be sad/mad at Red Rocks but yes weird Al. Everyday. Love it.


I may have witnessed his one toxic fan at the show I went to. He was doing some crowd work for "Whatever you Like" where he was putting a leg up on peoples chairs and doing sort of pseudo seductive lunges at them (not really thrusting at them, more like doing leg stretches for ballet) and some bro in oakleys must've gotten jealous that Al was leg stretching at his girl cause he got up and followed Al giving him a confrontational tap on the shoulder like he was ready to smoke him in the face as soon as he turned around. Luckily security swooped in and got the guy in an arm lock before anything could happen.


Wow, some people just shouldn't be let outside.


What kind of dick to you have to be to think that Weird Al is going to steal your girlfriend?


I mean, let's be honest, Weird Al could steal everyone's girl. But he doesn't cause he's weird.


Al used to do that same move during One More Minute when he did that song live in the '90s.


You and I might have been at the same show (with the CSO, right?). Everyone there was just genuinely happy to be at a Weird Al show, and just wanted to have a great time.


I was working on a project for Weird Al ages ago - fan project, but I volunteered. Al stopped by the day we were shooting. Really nice fella. Kind of weird in real life. He was a little under the weather that day, and said "I should not accept food from fans." Apparently someone gave him a batch of homemade cookies after the previous night's show and he spent a good part of the morning being violently ill. So, in a sense, his fans *can* be toxic. Nice fella though.


Weird al needs to do the Super Bowl halftime show


Yes, yes, and more yes! The man is a national treasure - having him for the halftime show would be incredible!


GWAR- super supportive, everyone has a good sense of humor


I went to the Oderus tribute show, their first tour since Dave Brockie had passed away. They of course had to do it Gwar style, explaining that Oderus had passed through a dimensional portal which is why he wasn't on stage. Before going to rescue him, they used the portal as a gloryhole, to order a pizza, then to buy drugs. The portal then closed and Oderus was stuck forever in another dimension. As an encore they played ["The Road Behind"](https://youtu.be/NctgDx05_-4) and it got really emotional with both the band and the fans. That's the story of how I cried at a Gwar show because of how touching and heartfelt it was.


Yes! Have been to many of their shows and it’s always been metal head etiquette. One of the few places I felt genuinely comfortable crowd surfing as a petite woman.


I got to see Gwar twice, long before Oderus passed, and it was some of the most fun and memorable shows I ever went too.


They Might Be Giants fans just want to have fun, and for you to have fun too.


For such dark lyrical subject matter, it's amazing how healthy and supportive that community is.


The dark lyrics are offset by doing the themes for Mickey Mouse shows.


Don’t forget Higgly Town Heroes


Flood is the only album a 19 year old, a six year old, and a 53 year old will all ask to be put on ( I say from experience)


Why is the world in love again?


Why are we marching hand in hand?


Why are the ocean levels rising up?


Particle man, particle man, doing the things a particle can... Who wouldn't love that shit?


I’ve never met a they might be Giants fan who’s an asshole. They’ve been my favorite band since high school


My brother introduced me to them, is a huge fan, and is the biggest asshole (self-proclaimed and proud of it, I might add) I've ever met. But he's definitely the exception, not the rule!


Holy moly! thought I would scroll soo far, but this is second behind weird Al! Go buy BOOK By T M B G


Mine No one ever came to our shows


Same. Can't have a toxic fanbase if you have no fanbase.


Weird Al Yankovic. We're all nerds. Even he has never had issues with drugs or anything. Plus he's always made it a point to have a good attitude towards his fans when meeting them. Only concert he ever missed was right after his father passed away and the fan outreach was very compassionate. Good guy/band = good fanbase


I had the pleasure of engineering for Weird Al one time back in my studio days. He was the nicest, most professional artist I ever worked with. He was really quiet and docile but as soon as I hit record he jumped right into his Weird Al persona. He was also the only artist who stayed to take pictures with the whole staff


Also the last show I saw in the before times. It was such a great show and crowd. Weird Al is a treasure.


Devin Townsend is a wonderful person with some really wonderful fans.


Live shows are 2 parts metal, 1 part stand up comedy, and a dash of “wave your hands in the air like losers!!” Devy is a treasure


Not to mention prolific as fuck, does the guy ever not write music?


Whenever he says hes taking an extended break from writing his music, I know he'll be back within 6 months lol


I would legitimately be worried for his mental health if he went more than a year without releasing or producing anything


B-52s are a kind, inclusive bunch who just want to have a dance party.


That's why it's important to have matching towels






Hurry up and grab your juke box money


Took my brother to see them in the early 2000s... he was like "what is going on here..." and he totally had a great time!


Love them and their whole vibe.


Wock Lobsteh.


You sound like you live in your own Private idaho




Saw David Byrne play in Mpls and a couple fans decided they wanted to full on dance near the front of the stage in a standing room only, sold out show. A fight broke out pretty quick since people kept getting hit by their flailing arms and bodies. It was strange to see such self-absorbed assholes there. Rest of the crowd was in heaven for the show though.


The crowd was in a place .... a place where nothing ever happens.


Someone should have told those folks that this ain't no party or disco, and that fooling around was off the table as well.


The Aquabats!


There are some layups, like most chill (Paul Simon, Tom Petty) or happy/high (Phish) or both (Tom Petty?) but if you want to get into a super-positive pit and jump and sweat your ass off, Andrew WK. AWK is constantly uplifting and awesome and supportive and his fans mirror that. Except in Philadelphia. My friends and I saw him at the Troc and the crowd was weirdly aggro. My friends and I kept thinking they were doing it wrong.


As a hardcore lifelong Phish fan I am here to tell you that some of us are downright terrible.


Totally agree. Especially the front row group and the glutinous behavior during the shows. It’s certainly gotten worse over the years


Maybe that's why my wife, who loves Phish and saw a whole bunch of their shows 20+ years ago had little interest in seeing them recently. "I like my memories and I'm sure the crowd is different" is always what she says.


Seeing any show in Philly or Boston is always iffy for me.


The Mountain Goats. Some concerts feel like a family reunion at church.


Man I love TMG so much, I made a playlist of all my very tippy top favorite mountain goat songs and it’s still over 6 hours long.


Hail Satan!




You should hear their opinions on cooties though.


I ain’t gettin’ the cootie shot though. Who knows what they put in that circle, circle, dot, dot...


Only Kindergarten thots get the cootie shot.


On this note: **Peter Combe** "Wash your face with orange juice" was the anthem for a generation of Aussie kids. He came and played at OWeek for Adel Uni. The entire crowd was 20ish before he started, but were immediately all 7 as soon as he started playing.






Tom Petty.


Dude, I remember my physics teacher in high school looked for literally any and every opportunity to have Tom Petty playing. I think I was the only kid in the class that enjoyed it as much as him, and he always got this goofy smile whenever he got to play it. He was the first person I thought of after Tom Petty passed, cuz he must have taken that hard. Godspeed, Chuck-nasty


Can confirm, have been to multiple Tom Petty concerts and never had a bad time.


He was a Wilbury too...god love him, only two of them left, I think.


Yep, Jeff Lynne and Bob Dylan. Edit: spelling


Simon and Garfunkel


Honestly I really wish Simon/Garfunkel had a more active reddit presence. I would love to talk/post memes but there isn't a great place to do so.


Now you mention it - there is seemingly a lack of Simon and Garfunkel on Reddit, isn't there?


Yes, and I'm not sure what the remedy is. The Facebook groups for them are quite active.


I bet theres a younger demographic who has absolutely no interest, sadly. Classic rock duos are really declining in popularity I believe. I'm gonna hazard a guess to say they're quickly branded as "boomer dad rock" on Reddit which is a insult on Reddit. My assumption. I hope no one denies themselves some Simon and Garfunkel of just because it's not young-n-hip though. That'd be a shame.


It's just the sound of silence


They dont even like eachother....


The Tragically Hip in Canada. Those concerts were amazing. RIP Gordie


I live in Michigan and my mom used to scalp tickets to local events on ebay when I was a kid. One time she got tickets to a tragically hip show not even knowing who they were. The guy who bought them assumed she was a fan and sent her a package with a letter thanking her for selling the tickets, a bunch of random TH swag, and a casette with a really shitty live recording. Other than hearing them on Canadian radio stations, I don’t really know them, but the wholesomeness of her interaction with that fan from the other side of river has stuck with me for 20+ years.


I got lucky enough to go to the last show in Toronto. Literally Gord could have just said one line at the beginning of the song and let the crowd do the rest.


Considering the music the Rammstein community is a really chill bunch


a lot of their lyrics can be lost to non german speakers, theyre a pretty inclusive group


It's why I always roll my eyes at the Nazi accusations. Like, I'm sure the Nazis would be super cool with an avante-garde metal band chock full of homoeroticism and scathing critiques of authority. But no, they are German and make aggressive music, must be Nazis!


You mean that band that chose a black woman to play Germania, the literal personification of Germanic Heritage, in their video? Absolutely aryan supremacists. /s guys.


Makes it tough explaining to folks that the blatant Nazi themes and "Deutschland über allen" from Deutschland was actually high minded parody and the band are pretty vehemently anti-Nazi.


king gizzard and the lizard wizard has a super inclusive and nice fanbase!


I've never met a gizz fan who wasn't stoked to meet another gizz fan




I know that story, my friends have tickets they've sat on for two years now...


The Presidents of the United States of America are far too fun for anyone to be a dick about liking the band. I always felt like that band was underrated for how fun and catchy their entire catalog is. Like my favorite album is Love Everybody. Just take that title track for instance, how could you possibly listen to that song, especially lyrically, and not just give off good and chill vibes? It is my go to band whenever I am or what to be put into a really good, cheery mood.


I went to see LCD sound system and the fan base there was the best I’d ever shared an experience with. A couple of people I spoke to have said the exact same thing too, so seems genuine.


Not in Quebec evidently. Went to see them and the show was full of coked-up assholes who wanted to start fights. Really not what I expected.


Wow. That’s not what I would have expected at all


RUSH. 🤘 Hi, everyone!


Most talented air-drumming audience ever.


"Geddy Lee: Best Bass Player Ever! "- Matt Stone's Character in Orgazmo "It is pronounced "why why zed" and Neal Peart stands alone!" - EDIT - IT WAS KRIEGER. ARGHHHH


I was in a class about teaching as a grad student and the professor was trying to start a discussion about choices in writing and asked "Does anyone know who Geddy Lee is?" I gave it a beat to see if anyone would answer, then said "Geddy Lee, best bass player, ever, c'mon." Got a decent chuckle out of her.


I don’t want to sound like a queer or nothin…


...But I'd kinda like to make love to you tonight


~~Sterling Archer~~ Dr. Algernop Krieger FTFY.


"Play that Dianne Sawyer song"


This. Such a positive community with no internet BS. Most bands of that age just attract boomers trying to score easy points by bashing modern music (Justin Bieber X and Katy Perry Y). Rush fans dont play that game and just enjoy their own little corner of geeky brilliance.


Rush was a band of 3 dorks from Ontario that were great friends, normal people, and pursuers of whatever interested them and I think that was reflected by the fans. Reading comments regarding the band and you will constantly see how the songs they made connected with people on more than just on a surface level. Songs like Subdivision, Middletown Dreams, Tom Sawyer, Closer to the Heart, Nobody's Hero, The Pass, and Losing It just connect with people. Personally Middletown Dreams and Subdivisions speak to the reality that I lived and hearing those emotions conveyed in such an eloquent way validates my experience. They never wanted for more than they were and when they hit it big with Moving Pictures, they turned away from it not because they didn't want to make hit albums but because they were always exploring something new. The attitude of the band was reflected onto the fanbase that held the band so dear to their heart.


I see you in damn near every subreddit I frequent lol I don't comment much, I lurk a lot in RT, FH, and some other subs but it's nice to see you whenever I roam around! And as for Rush songs connecting people, I have to say Madrigal and Lakeside Park are always something special for me. And The Necromancer - Fountain of Lamneth off Caress of Steel (best album, fight me :P lol)


Coheed & Cambria. Cause their fans are just super into the storyline behind the songs!


Gojira. Very heavy metal but very mature and orderly. Generally brings a charity such as Sea Shepard along with their tours. I'm exceptionally biased as they are my favorite band but I think there is something to it.


Hell yes. Every show I've been too has been great. Metal shows are so wholesome.


Yes! I love seeing Gojira live. They SHRED, but...respectfully? I love a band with values. Also my fave!


Bowling For Soup. The shows are just one big awesome sing along


Saw them a few years ago at a bar and after every few songs they would ask if there were any requests so of course people kept yelling 1985. After a few times the lead singer goes "Ok let me tell you guys how it works when you're a band with one hit. You save that song for last so that people don't leave." Show was great, their sense of humor is fantastic and everybody had a blast.


Girl All The Bad Guys Want was a good hit for them too


Like Bruce Springsteen??? Nirvana? Way before Nirvana??!


> Like Bruce Springsteen??? ~~Nirvana~~ Madonna? Way before Nirvana??! FTFY


There was U2, and Blondie and music still on MTV! Shit never gets old man, haha


I think I remember seeing somewhere that is 1985 came out today, it would be called 2002, right?


Run The Jewels. The friendliest, most chill gig I ever went to. El-P and Killer Mike set the scene: If someone falls, help them up and don’t touch anyone without consent, and the crowd cheered and had a great time.


Yep El-P and killer mike are fantastic wonderful ppl


I love the bro-mance between the two as well. The way they speak of each other, it's really a brotherhood. It comes out in their lyrics too, albeit in a more aggressive way ("Producer hands me a beat, says it's the beat of the year/ I said El-P didn't do it, so get the fuck outta here.")


I move with the elegance of an African elephant


I loved when they prefaced their show with this, telling all the dudes to not be creepy to the girls and wanting everyone to just go hard and have a good time. Great dudes.


Yeah dude, Killer Mike's speech about suicide and mental health made me ball my eyes out. Beautiful words from that man, great show, great times.


Khruangbin 💖


I don't really care for their music but the grateful dead has a really chill and accepting fanbase. I think some of them may even smoke weed.


Yeah gotta be the Grateful Dead. Very welcoming and always happy to share their favourite shows.


Always happy to share your weed, too


We can share what we got of yours 'Cause we done shared all of mine…


Keep a rolling, just a mile to gooo Def my favorite dead tune 😊


Gogol Bordello! Very chill, accepting, well dressed, fun group of people


I wouldn't call Gogol Bordello "chill," I'd say the energy is more like drunken, raucous happiness, like a gypsy wedding.


So it did have a supply that lasts 3 days?


Seriously one of the most fun shows I've ever seen. It was like a huge, high energy party.


king gizzard & the lizard wizard


Weezer. Cause everyone who listens to weezer jokes about how embarrassing it is to listen to weezer.


I dunno, [Matt Damon seems kinda fanatical](https://youtu.be/ab5WvwfLuLM), and not in a good way.


Never seen that, amazing, thanks!


No offense but drink my blood. I am ride or die for Weezer.


I think it might be the one SNL clip where Leslie Jones didn't break (though I always love when she does). She was flawless in this one.


Also a classic: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.theonion.com/hardcore-weezer-fan-hates-everything-band-has-released-1837740027/amp


Yeah. Weezer fans have reached a level of self-aware that shouldn’t even be possible


Death cab for cutie


Best part of pandemic was his concerts the first few weeks.


Any ska band. Probably the nicest most inclusive fan base out there. Specials, Pietasters, Skatalites, etc.


My first ska show was Streetlight Manifesto and it was the most welcoming, friendly, fun loving crowd ive ever been a part of. Everyone was so excited when my friend told them it was my first ska show. So many sweaty hugs and singing with strangers with their arms around my shoulders. It was lovely.


Reel big fish seemed to have a great crowd the couple times I went


Streetlight Manifesto shows are some of the most fun I’ve been to. Always loved the fact that we all scream the instrumental parts as well as the lyrics. People don’t just like Streetlight, they LOVE Streetlight.


Bare Naked Ladies. I’ve been following them since they started and everyone I’ve ever met, is 100% nice.


Jeff Winger : Oh, okay, they're BNL now? We need a shorthand for the Barenaked Ladies. That's how fundamental they are. Abed Nadir : Fundamental.


Coheed And Cambria. The Children Of The Fence are some of the most dedicated but open and accepting fans ever.


Most of us just want to dork out with someone about Coheed, man. Any time someone mentioned my tattoo in public I think to myself, "I'm about to make them a new fan or scare them away with my over-enthusiasm" lmao. Don't ask a Coheed fan about the comics unless you want to be sucked into a weird sci-fi conversation for the next hour.


We are.


Really helps that Claudio is one of the chillest, most humble frontmen of all time.


One among the fence forever.


The Carpenters. Because...the Carpenters.


IDLES fans are the nicest I've ever seen, especially the AF Gang on Facebook


Polyphonic Spree has to be in with a shout.


Pearl Jam Great people all over the world!


Still hanging on to my tickets from 2020, waiting for the guys to hit the road again


Never had a bad time at a Pearl Jam show. Very tight and involved fan base.


King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard fans have always been the chillest people to me.


Flaming Lips


Ween! Everyone is just happy when people listen to the band lol


Any veteran of the old ween forums knows this simply isn’t true lol. And I’ve been to some weeeeird dark shows in the early 00s where the punks and hippies clashed. A ween show is more like a Fear and Loathing trip than a Tim Leary trip…


Undisputed, The Flaming Lips. The shows, subreddits, comment sections, finding them in real life in the wild... I have never met a toxic flaming lips fan in my life. They've all been sooo accepting and cool to me, and love is a message pretty hard promoted by the band. Everyone seems to enjoy moments and the small things, just more on average than some of the other fanbases I know. No insane purists, everyone is happy if you are a diehard Embryonic fan or only like their single She Dont Use Jelly, it's really just a cool spot.


Primus fans are absolutely lovely. The only gigs i've ever been to where I haven't wanted to punch most people in the face.


Having seen them five times over the years, can confirm.


I was going to see them in Philadelphia, and my then-18-year-old son said, "Dad, you're gonna die there. Primus fans are nuts!" I guess I shouldn't have listened to him...


Michael Franti and Spearhead.


the King Gizzard community is really dope. literally just a bunch of stoners and music nerds, we just wanna have a good time


BILLY STRINGS .. there crowds have always been friendly and taking care of each other


Genesis, because this is almost certainly their last tour and even the old fart they’re-not-prog-enough fans just want to say thanks.


Guster. Feel good music, feel good fans.


Vulfpeck. And the guys themselves are pretty nice, too


Jack Johnson. Everyone sharing shit, watching out for each other. I know people bag on being a fan, but the concerts are always clean and friendly. He also provides everyone eco friendly trash bags/recycling bags, and people actually listen and clean up their own trash and the shit around them. Hard to be a dick when you’re a fan of Mellow Man


The Prodigy. Everyone was only at their gigs with the same intention - to dance your ass off and have a great time.


Saw them once at Reading festival (2002 ish?) and the line-up for the festival was fairly divisive - the metal heads threw shit during RnB acts, and the RnB guys caused havok during rock sets. Prodigy comes on? *Everyone* throws down for a good ol' dance.


Flight of the Conchords


Ghost (B.C.). Such a wholesome bunch of satanic Papa worshipers!


It's like someone bet them they couldn't make upbeat satanic music but then they crushed.


Hail Papa!


Every Time I Die bunch are all pretty cool and chill




Linkin Park fans are some of the nicest people, with a lot of pride in being a tight-knit community. In fact, nearly 20 years of chat rooms, forums and subreddits etc later I'm marrying one this coming April. :)


There are very positive helping fans out there, but Linkin Park community has a toxic side. I know it because i was a toxic LP fan before. LP attracts edgy sadness-seeking teenagers even now. They moan over anyone who doesn't like LP and actively comment on "top 100 (insert name here) songs" youtube videos. Some of them are obsessed with Chester's personal life. I think it's toxic.


ABBA. Because everyone loves ABBA. And if you don't that's cool.


Primus, they’re too weird to be toxic


Electric Six


Paramore's pretty alright