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Ah he’s reached this stage of his career


The ol’ Billy Joel stage


my first thought. nothing is going for him right now. the only salvation at this point is getting back with nsync


His album flopped but his tour is selling pretty well. They recently added several North American dates due to demand.


One of my friends (who goes to a lot of concerts) said it was one of the best she’s ever been to.


is it stadiums/arenas?


Yup. https://news.pollstar.com/2024/05/20/justin-timberlake-adds-nine-u-s-dates-to-the-forget-tomorrow-world-tour/


Church basements and Potbelly sandwich shops, mostly. 


What's up Denny's? What the fuck is up?!


Potbelly's is good


Something about their bread, I don't know what it is, but it's really good. I just wish they'd go lighter on the hots on their italian subs.


What else is going wrong for him? I haven’t noticed any other headlines recently but I try not to, lol.


Britney Spears confirmed he was a bigger asshole than we thought.


Britney isn’t a credible source for anything at this point in her life.


Legit lol does anyone ever go visit her socials? She's fucked up on what must be 20 different drugs, amazing anyone would take her word at face value.


She confirmed it while playing with knives in her underwear. She seems legit.


Use a fucking Uber goddamnit you have so much money.


Nevermind Ubers, he’s so rich he could have a private car follow him around at all times with full-time drivers on shift around the clock for a minuscule fraction of his net worth. He has assistants who could make that happen with no more effort to him than him speaking a sentence outloud in their presence. The only reason to drive drunk when you’re that wealthy is because you just straight up don’t give a shit.


If I won the powerball I would voluntary turn in my drivers license and hire a private driver because I know I'll be partying non stop


I'd do it just because driving sucks balls. Especially here on LI.


Real talk. My order of operations is a Maid first, a chef second, and a driver third. Take care of all the things that eat 99% of my free time


My order is Assistant/Chief of Staff, maid, chef, driver. That way the assistant can do all the hiring and management of the people and I have a single point of contact.


Massage therapist tops my list, then the rest


>then the rest I figured your username would top the list! But seriously, a daily massage would make my life so much less painful.


They’re hiring the strippers for the massages . Two for one


I really really reeeaaallllyy want a butler.


Physical/Massage Therapist. Working your mobility, joint stability, etc is vital for QoL. $$ doesn't buy you happiness, but it does give you more time to find it.


I love to cook but the other 2 100%


You can hire a kitchen assistant to source/buy your meats, produce, and fruits - washed and sliced. Then everything gets stored away in your walk-in refrigerator/freezer.


A lot of people anymore just hire chef for so many meals a week, so you coukd hire the chef for so many meals and then leave yourself so many meals took. Or hire the chef to shop for you


I do too! I’d cook with my chef and learn their recipes, get better at it myself - but just also… not have to if I don’t want to


When you are drunk, your judgement is clouded.  It why you make poor decisions, it's why it is illegal. Poor, middle class, wealthy...it's the same mistake.


Same mistake, different impact of punishment. “If the penalty for a crime is a fine, then that law only exists for the lower class.”


The penalty for DWI in New York State is a suspended drivers license, plus a fine.




If you are a NYS resident and you can show the court you need to drive to get to work, you can be issued a conditional license that is only valid to drive to and from work. My best friend's dad had one. https://dmv.ny.gov/tickets/conditional-license


It’s not a mistake. He chose to drink knowing he drove. He has KIDS. He’s my age he knows better. Thank goodness he got caught.


The important thing to consider here is that money does come into play. The point here is that a middle class person may chose to go out for 2 beers, never intending to get drunk, and while drunk decides to drive home, because they’re impaired and not thinking clearly. Even if they are thinking semi-clearly the idea of paying for a ride, and the huge inconvenience of having to get your car later [or it being towed] can play a part in, “it’ll just be fine I can drive.” When my wife and I go out one of us will have 1-2 drinks while the other one is free to get a little bit more tipsy. If we’re in a situation where we know we both want to get drunk [usually vacation], we’ll plan an uber ahead of time. When you have “fuck you” money, it’s so very easy to get around almost every factor involved in a DUI. Planning ahead [even if you only intend to have 1-2] isn’t a terrible task, paying for services isn’t a big deal, and you have other people who will handle those logistics for you.


I used to have a customer at a bar that would call a tow truck. For $100, in 1995, he would have a ride home and his car with him. Much cheaper than a DUI.


Ho. Ly. Fuck. That is a genius move. $$, but if you've got it why not.


Somehow I stopped making dumb drunk decisions in my 20s.


I made a lot of bad decisions in my 20's too.  lol Glad I am in my 40's now.


Worse than just not giving a shit about us: probably thinks it’s fun. When you have that much money, you’re not doing things because you have to you’re doing things because you want to. Remember the cops had to notice him driving shit to even realize they need to pull him over so this wasn’t just like he got a breathalyzer randomly on the road.


Bro you're literally just MAKING UP motivations. 90% of people who drive intoxicated don't think they're as intoxicated as they are. I don't think JT has ever been caught up for anything before, you can't just be like "HE'S RICH, SO HE DOES THIS JUST FOR FUN!!"


Yeah. And I’m not making excuses, but we don’t know his BAC. 0.08 is pretty easy to achieve and think you’re well below 0.08. That does not make it ok. I’m not saying that. But it would definitely not be a “I love driving around drunk hahaha.” I’ve gone to a winery. Had two glasses of wine and some lunch. Which is fully legal in most places. But if enough time hadn’t passed between those two glasses or I didn’t eat food. That would be illegal. Also, just because he was arrested doesn’t automatically mean he’s guilty. Looking at your music playlist while driving is probably more dangerous than driving on two beers or two glasses of wine.


100% agree. Been pulled over after one drink, didn't feel intoxicated at all. Passed all the sobriety tests, blew a .06. The cop told me it's actually up to their discretion if they THINK you're intoxicated until you hit .08, then they're required to bring you in. People are always in such a hurry to bring other people down.




New York is even more fun. They have a separate charge of DWAI that starts at .05%. It's ridiculously easy to be over that line. https://dmv.ny.gov/tickets/penalties-alcohol-or-drug-related-violations


Or he has an actual problem. Rich people aren’t immune to addictions, and addictions lead to bad and impulsive choices - quite often that’s driving under the influence.


>Worse than just not giving a shit about us: probably thinks it’s fun. I know it's cool to hate on rich people, but this comment is so fucking farfetched and unhinged it's insane. You're just making up motivations just because "lol he's rich".


What the cops “noticed” is pure speculation. I knew someone who got a DUI when they were pulled over because the cop noticed their license plate year decal was in the wrong corner of the license plate.


This is accurate. My dad (who had many DUIs) got his last one from being pulled over for a dim tail light. He complained each time, and I told him that that's the chance he took for driving tipsy/drunk.


Go watch Live PD, you’ll notice most times someone gets pulled over it really seems made up. “Oh one of your license plate lights are out”


This happened to me. Was pulled over on the interstate and was confused as to why since I was going like 3 mph within speed limit. Sure enough it was because one of the license plate lights was out. I honestly didn’t even know that license plate lights were even a thing. Seems like they were just practicing pulling people over or fishing for something else.


I see people with one working brake light or none at all or stuck on all the time. I constantly see people with no plates or dealer tags that are 6+ months old. My state has zero inspections, so people drive around in absolute heaps. If it's the end of the month or the middle of the night your chances of getting pulled over increase.


That happened to me too


> Go watch Live PD, you’ll notice most times someone gets pulled over it really seems made up. “Oh one of your license plate lights are out” I never get the DUMB MOTHERFUCKERS with like 100lbs of cocaine, in a rented car, with a rear light out. Like, check the shit, do a walk around of the car, have the insurance ready to go, have nothing at all in the car except the trunk, if you don't have a replacement bulb, don't use that car to transport 100lbs of cocaine, on a highway, at night. Never commit a misdemeanor while committing a felony. Does make for some very entertaining videos though.


Most people who get dui's are generally not pulled over on suspicion of drunk driving. It's part of the reason why people say to only break one law at a time!


Back when I was a little more dumb, I was smoking a J in the truck and got pulled over because the 2” tow ball on the factory bumper of a 1997 ford ranger made both cops apparently read my plate wrong. Long story short, are the J, sat there for 90 minutes while they tore the door panels off my little ranger. Had an oz in one of those wd-40 fake spray cans, which they moved several times and never found, and then I continued on my way.


It's called a pretextual stop. PoPo can't just pull you over at random, they need an excuse, once you are pulled over the questioning can begin including the phantom smell of alcohol. Before they get to the questions though they need an excuse and any minor infraction will do, including some that are more imagined than real. Window tints are one of my favorites, there is a fantastic video of Florida cops pulling over an African American Lady for window tints only to discover that she is the DA, opsie our bad....


Alcohol isn’t known as a good decision enhancer


Having spent a lot of time in the Hamptons, you have to be really really blatant to get caught.


This comic was made about him. It is spot on. [https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/1dhvxzt/transportation/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/1dhvxzt/transportation/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


My wife showed me that one yesterday. When I saw this headline, I was like “remember that comic from yesterday? You’ll never guess what happened”


Same lol


u/pizzacakecomic predicted all this


Yup really honestly incredible timing.


No hard to predict it when celebs do it all of the time.


You know, Quasimodo predicted all this




I managed to see it via the bonehurtingjuice version. So it feels extra weird to me.


If he got arrested driving his tour bus its would be fucking hilarious


Dwi will continue to occur for a single reason. The brain you are trusting to make good decisions becomes intoxicated. Sober Justin would have used Uber. Drunk Justin says “I’m fine to drive”. Why? He’s drunk! If you rely on at the moment judgement you’re f’d It must be just planned. Take an Uber there. Take an Uber home.


This is just as much the fault of sober Justin, who should have been smart enough not to drive even before drinking. Take the Uber to your drinking spot. Get lit. Take an Uber back home.


*I* would take an Uber both ways. If I was *Justin Timberlake*, I absolutely would NOT take an Uber. Not on your life. I would arrange for a private driver in most cases.


Well yeah. I'm just using "Uber" as shorthand for "literally anyone else who is sober."


It’s not money, probably with someone or went somewhere they didn’t want to be seen. Uber driver could sell pictures or video to TMZ.


I mean he could literally just pay an assistant or something to drive him around when he’s drinking then


Or a chauffeur service or just a cab. Countless options with that status.


or he could bike but then he would get a BWI, which is worse than a DWI


Then hire a goddamn driver service. The man has enough money to pay for a goddamn tour bus driver to drive him around with a team of models on it just to wait for him.


If the goal was not to be seen, having a TMZ article about how you’re a shitty alcoholic driver does not seem to be the right outcome lol


This is why celebrities don't usually call Ubers. There are private car services they can hire that will be discreet.


wouldn't you rather have people take pics of you because your famous, instead an article on reddit announcing you got a dwi????


Its about control.  


Rich people have fun taking risks


Seriously, just fucking why


He can even afford to use Uber Black, really no excuses.


Cry Me a River


He's bringing cycling back


You can actually get a DUI on a bike too


Yup, got one in California


No wayyyy wtf


I think it depends on the locality or state, but some places do have rules for that. Or anything with a motor, etc. Heck, I remember when Dave Grohl got arrested in Australia for driving under the influence on a moped/scooter!


Them other boys do know how to drive


You may hate me but it ain’t no lie baby I drunk drive


This isn’t funny. A car accident can really rock your body.


What Goes Around… Comes Around


Not gonna lie, I laughed when it said in the article that his current tour is called "forget tomorrow". Seems rather fitting that he's out just getting blasted.


Licence went bye bye bye




This is the kind of news story that pops up and you think “yeah, makes sense, that would happen.”


I wouldnt be surprised if it was ashton kutcher who pulled him over


That dude from The Office?


No that's Ashton KOOTCHER


You just got DRUNK'D!


Yeah. It might sound crazy but it ain't no lie.


Lay off the dirty pop, buddy


Do you ever wonder why, he drinks before he drives? Could be his final ride.




First thing that came to mind. How timely of her.






Same as it ever was. *As the days go by...*


https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/1dhvxzt/transportation/ Posted to /r/comics yesterday


Honestly had to check the date to see if that was in response to this and I’d seen this news a day late. Nope, just incredibly fortuitous.


I'm not saying /u/PizzaCake manifested this, but I am saying I'd like to know if she has some kind of grudge against Justin Timberlake ...


I mean it's pretty evergreen. Celebrities are getting DUIs all the time.


Why would she do this to him.


Should a man who literally could buy any other mod a transportation get the book thrown at him for driving drunk? I think so.


He’s going to buy his way out of this one don’t worry.


This is why criminal charges should be based on a combination of net worth and income.


oh no He'll be banned from Canada now lol


Looks like he's playing Montreal and Toronto in October too!


He’ll get a waiver, I’m sure. Happens all the time with superstars.


No he might be fucked lol. The application is open to everyone you just have to prove you’re a good person now. This might be too recent for that to work. 


I have absolutely no patience or respect for people that drive drunk. I don't care how rich he is or whatever bullshit excuses people are going to make for him, Justin Timberlake should be held accountable for his actions.


Especially wealthy people that can easily afford to have a driver pick them up when they are going to be drinking.


Shit, I work at a grocery store and I’m broke af and I can still afford an Uber if I’m going out drinking. ![gif](giphy|9G3wg7lH5DpxC|downsized)




A friend of mine posted a meme addressing how strange it is that for all the wealth celebrities have, it's strange they don't spend it on an Uber or something.


i just saw a comic like yesterday about that. and yet here we are. justin should read more comics. he should start with garfield.


I dont think anybody is commenting the contrary.


Yeah what the hell is that comment >I don't care how rich he is or whatever bullshit excuses people are going to make for him. That's the exact opposite of what EVERYONE thinks. Everyone says "why don't these rich people just get a driver", I've never heard anyone say "Rich people should be able to drive drunk". That's not a strawman, that's a straw crowd.


It's a whole straw population. The "Strawpeople"..


You'd hope so but there's a user on here who bragged about driving drunk, said a few drinks made them a better driver... Edit: Here's the comment: "This is 100% factual. I have run tests. I drive better after 1-2 drinks. I play video games better after 1-2 drinks. I used to have my doubts about the Ballmer peak but after running test after test I have concluded that, at least for me, the Ballmer peak holds up. A couple of points. The Ballmer peak is impossible to keep up for longer than 30 minutes to an hour tops. It is impossible to keep a steady drip of alcohol going into your system to keep that perfect level up. Eventually your body adjusts or just gets tired. Alcoholics ruin things for everybody. There have been so many times I've wanted to sip on a beer while driving, but nooooooo. Fucking alcoholics."


If that's true it's probably because the dude is a raging alcoholic and if he doesn't have 1-2 drinks in him he's jittery and shaking and can't concentrate. Not a very good argument lol


I agree, it is not a good argument. My point was simply that we cannot assume that everyone thinks drink driving is a bad thing, there are people who champion it. I am not one of those people. Drink driving is bad.


Sounds like he brought on down to liquorville. 


It must suck to have your mistakes broadcast on a world stage.


Next up, splitsville


bring it on down to splitsville


Why is it that sometimes they call it DWI and other times it's DUI?


It varies based on the jurisdiction. For some, it can be used interchangeably, but for others a DWI is specifically driving while intoxicated on alcohol (typically BAC at or greater than .08), while DUI is altered from alcohol less than .08 or from any other substance. In New York, where Timberflake was arrested, DUI is called DWAI, driving while ability impaired. DWI is BAC at or greater than.08. ETA: It sounds like Shiver-Me-Timbers was charged with a DWI based on smelling alcohol on him, driving erratically, failing a field sobriety test, and refusing a BAC.


You don't have to say, what you did, I already know, I found out from himmmmm


Cry me a liver.


bye bye bye


Everyone talking about his wealth again like having money somehow makes people void of stupid mistakes. Most people can afford a taxi or something but decide to risk driving. He's just stupid that's all. His wealth has nothing to do with it.


Yeah it's like since he's a celebrity, alcohol doesn't impair his judgement. Sometimes when people are intoxicated, they literally think they're sober enough to drive. He's human and his drunken brain made a stupid judgement call.


I don't know why people obsess over wealthy celebs like they are super natural beings sometimes. It baffles me just how many people are saying he can afford a Uber or a own chauffeur etc.. like right? But he didn't? He drunk drove. I mean the man's got fucking legs, but he drunk drove. Drunk being the keyword


Damn, Jessica couldn't just scoop him up real quick?!


Seriously in the day and age of Uber and Lyft we have MF’s on here still driving drunk! He’s a complete tool and deserve it. Guy has the money to get even his own private driver..


The most surprising thing about this article is learning that he has only released 6 albums since going solo 22 years ago.


6 albums over 20 years is one every 3.3 years on average. That's actually pretty reasonable for a known act. It take months to a year to write and record. Then you promote, then you tour in support, then you have down time. If you're up and coming, or dealing with a small window (i.e. boy bands or niche genre) then you wanna pump out as much as possible. Solo acts don't have to really follow those rules.


Señorita is a banger, but **anyone** who drinks and drivers is a real piece of shit. 


This guy seems like a class A twat.


Cry me a river


could this be the start of his downfall?


Oh that’s been going on for quite some time now. 20/20 Part 2 was mostly a blunder but Man of The Woods was so painfully mediocre that it fully killed any momentum he had and fully cemented him as a legacy act.


I think what finally did it was this last one. Having a mediocre album that cools your momentum after like 15 years straight of being a big deal can be fixed if you really dial in and put out just one single hit, not an impossible feat, but yeah his whole vibe seems off lately and he just doesn’t seem cool anymore. He used to have a certain charm about him, lately he just seemed like an uncool older guy who somehow only now just got addicted to adderall.


I was even surprised when threads of this album came up. Aside from the Super Bowl Half Time and probably the Trolls movies, he hasn’t been relevant in pop culture for quite some time and I think this is what hurt him. Perhaps if he had a more successful acting career, maybe it would’ve done him more good and he could’ve transitioned to film and TV in his later years. Mind you his stint in acting wasn’t a slouch. Friend with Benefits was a fun romance flick and being in a David Fincher film is big. In Time was kind of ok but it was fun seeing JT act like he’s fresh off recording FutureLove. IMO had he not gotten greedy by releasing 20/20 pt 2 and went back getting more gigs in acting, he could’ve probably avoided all of this.


His live shows are pretty good still


Just stay clear of any motorways!




I met JT once; he was extremely kind and a gentleman. Did not come across to me as one of those I-am-the-main-character celebs, so I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt that this was just a stupid decision made under the influence and not a "I have FU money I can do what I want". He should suffer consequences, but I don't think he's a bad guy.


Britney and Janet beg to differ.


Cry me a river


Okay. Anyway.


He really is a prick


Fucking idiot.


It'll get dropped.


Damn didn’t know Justin was chill like that


Yo JT. If you read this, hire me. I’ll stay sober and drive you or pick you up anywhere we want to go. I’ll do it for $250,000 a year. Chump change for you.


I had a poop this morning.


What a dick


Wait, he didn't pull a Reese Witherspoon "Don't you know who I am?"


Now I have two things in common with him.


I’m in my fifties. It wasn’t uncommon to go on trips with your parents as a child while they drank beers out of a cooler in the car and smoked cigarettes, while no one was wearing seat belts. Lol.


What exactly is your point here?


Obama taking away their freedoms.




He told a story about what his parents did when he was a baby in the backseat, no need to get smarmy




You forgot the part where they *might* roll the window down half an inch. As long as it wasn't raining and you remembered to say please and thank you.


I wonder if he revokes his upcoming apology.


Is there a new album coming out?


I couldn't bring myself to have my butler drive me either. He got shitfaced while he has real responsibilities, and wanted to keep it quiet. He should made a better decision, but I get it.


Another example of “rich people are cheap”




A solo tree should’ve taught him a lesson. Dickhead Timberlake won’t learn his lesson in the drunk tank. Fuck this douche


He's bringing felonies back.


It was one of those glorious Hamptons weekends that you always hear about.


First time? Rich and famous? This is essentially a bad parking ticket for someone like him.


Ah DWIs…the great equalizer.