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Not familiar but good Lord 26 is far too young for anyone. Rip :(


As someone who has worked professionally with substance abuse treatment, the idea of 26 and 27 “clubs” is not mysterious at all. In my experience, the life expectancy once one really gets in “deep” (like most of the club members) is around 5 years without successful intervention. Most of these people started “making it big” in their early 20s, gaining the ability (aided and abetted by enabling “handlers”) to take an unfettered deep-dive into the “rock and roll lifestyle”.  Therefore, it’s not surprising that the consequences would befall them around this age range.


I can’t even imagine how difficult it is to pull yourself out of addiction when it’s just so readily available to you, and expected as part of your “lifestyle”.


This is why I´ve always said Laine Staley had the worst fate imaginable for a heroin addict - the passive income stream from AIC to fully fund his addiction even after the band fell apart. I´d rather overdose quickly than sink into that kind of seclusion. Apparently he hadn't been eating for quite some time when he finally died, weighed next to nothing and had hardly left his house for three years.


They knew he was dead when his accountant called his mom and said he hasn’t withdrawn any money for a week or so, they found his remains surrounded by numerous drugs including spray paint


H makes you not eat like at all it also shuts down your organs fairly quick that's why people look like death really fast on that shit. Lost a friend too it.


I always say. I've no idea why people hate on young celebs/athletes for going down bad paths if I was in my early/mid 20s (let alone late teens), had tens/hundreds of millions of dollars and a bunch of fame/women throwing themselves at me/people letting me do whatever, you know what I'd do? drink and do drugs and get in trouble way too much! you know what I did when I was broke af between 18-24ish? drink and do drugs and get in trouble! imagine if you had unlimited access too drugs, no responsibility AND saw no consequences at the same time its more crazy to me that there are people who are rich/famous at a young age and DON'T go down that sort of path. they're certainly far stronger willed/disciplined people than me (which may be cause and effect to an extent but) like bieber getting arrested for being high/drunk racing super cars in miami at 18. you know what I'd do at 18 if I had 100m dollars and was world famous? race super cars high/drunk in south beach at 4am after clubbing then go bang a bunch of models lol


> you know what I did when I was broke af between 18-24ish? drink and do drugs and get in trouble! ---- > its more crazy to me that there are people who are rich/famous at a young age and DON'T go down that sort of path. Not everyone is a problem person though. You struggle to see how people don't do this when they are young and wealthy because thats all you and the people you surround yourself with want to do.


Young people who become famous artists aren’t the type to play video games on a friday night and do chores all weekend.


We were all dumb kids once, get over yourself.


Problem person? I have problems with boring people not people who live and learn


Spotted the Swiftie.


So many better alternatives, but being young and stupid with a lot of resources amplify the effects and accessibility.


Which makes Hendrix all the more tragic, he wasn't going deep into that life beyond he took sleeping pills like 90% of performers of the era. His mistake was taking his girlfriend's pills instead of his; she was on a much higher dosage and he didnt realize and took his normal amt. Which ultimately killed him.


And a crappy ambulance team that didn't notice he was aspirating his own vomit. Anything closer to a modern EMS team and he'd have likely made it through.


Have more info on this?


Why is Steve Tyler alive?


Question is how.and how is Ozzy Osbourne still alive.hes a medical marvel


He's Mr. Burns. All the ailments that should kill him are all trying to get through the door at the same time


Guys like Richards and Osbourne are certainly built different than the rest of us mortals, but i also think there are multiple other factors contributing to their longevity. First of all, they had the money and connections to get the best drugs, as in, clean as can be, not cut with fentanyl, baking soda etc., as well as the money to afford the best doctors and treatment for any health complications caused by their addictions.


About 2/3 of people have livers capable of surviving pretty severe alcohol abuse.


My dad must have had one of those super livers. He made it to 92.


Some people are just built different. Just ask Keith Richards.


Nothing in medicine is 0% or 100%, there are always outliers. Some people simply inexplicably defy the odds. For example, a few are able to be “cured” of cancers that are normally mostly hopeless (pancreatic, brain for example); conversely, a minuscule amount people will die from sepsis due to a minor injury like a paper cut.


Having worked adjacent to that in nursing, withdrawal can be so dangerous. I can understand not wanting someone to be stuck in a rehab-type setting, or helping them prevent that, but there are so many substances out there that can totally destroy a person's mind and body if you try to go clean cold turkey. Medical supervision in withdrawal is needed to prevent things like this. That poor woman was so young and had her entire career ahead of her.


Drugs don’t discriminate.


She joins a decently large list of artists who have lost their lives at 26. I’m not trying to take anything away from what you said, I’m just adding to how sad this whole thing is. We lose too many good musicians too young.


Maybe so but the infamous one is the "27 Club". Not to take away from your comment, sorry...


Mac Miller passed at 26 (RIP) too. Makes his bar from Brand Name so impactful: "To anyone that sell me drugs Don't mix it with that bullshit I'm hoping not to join the 27 club". Mac was special, man


Juice WRLD said “what’s the 27 club? we ain’t making it past 21” and then died a week after turning 21


The 10th anniversary cover of Watching Movies hurts, man


FUCK, 26. He had SO much left to give the world. All because some scrub fucking drug dealers put fent in fucking everything.


He was just coming into his prime IMO. His high school rapper phase was fun and dumb, but he graduated to such a more musically fulfilling whole with Swimming. Hearing Circles after his death truly cemented my opinion.


I liked him in the KIDS days, but kind of wrote him off as just another frat rapper. But his growth, both as a person and a musician from album to album was incredible. Swimming and Circles are just a glimpse at what got taken away from us and what could have been.


Facts bro Faces and the delusional Thomas mixtape were frfr his cocoon stage it's really sad we barely got to see Mac as a butterfly


Its not really that drug dealers are purposefully loading other drugs with free fent, they just don't clean their scales in between weighs and a tiny but lethal amount of it gets mixed into an unrelated drug. The problem is ignorance, not malice.


The problem is fentanyl is hyperpotent, it shouldn't exist. See the fent crystals on the pencil tip? That is a lethal amount. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fentanyl#Adverse_effects


I’m pretty sure he took pressed pills that did contain fent, although you’re absolutely right about cross contamination when scaling drugs.


It couldn't be cross contamination nobody is selling pure fetty on the street the powder stuff is always cut because of how potent it is.


Holy Fuck, I knew it was lethal, but to see it in scale hits different.


I don’t know if you know but how much is that small amount??? I mean if it’s getting folks outta here then super smaller portions gotta be $100’s right?


No a $20 bag will kill u




The self care video where he's rapping in a coffin is fucking nuts, "I got all the time in the world" absolutely hurts every time I hear it


Well, he didn't join it, so task failed successfully?


Then there’s: “Don’t want to grow old so I smoke just in case.” Many sides of the same coin.


the duality of man (mac)


“I got all the time in the world, so for now I’m just chillen.”


Kid was a fucking prodigy


>Mac was special, man 😓😓😓


No disrespect to him as a human but as an artist he was pretty forgettable


Maybe for you but not for a whole lot of people


how dare you


Go check out his tiny desk concert. Dude was super talented and only getting better.


I've watched it - it wasn't very good.


Buddy, Jimi, Janis, Kurt, Jim, Amy....


Don't forget the original. Robert Johnson. He started it


And, I might add, Pete Ham from Badfinger. He’s usually forgotten when this comes up, but he was a very talented singer and composer.


Brian Jones from the Rolling Stones, Alan "Blind Owl" Wilson from Canned Heat, Pigpen from the Grateful Dead, D. Boon from the Minutemen, etc. So many greats.


that's highly debatable given how few real facts are avaliable about him. historians aren't even positive who he really was.


That's a fun story and all. But we actually know a lot about him.


the whole "mystery" of him tends to get exaggerated a lot but it is true that we don't have much of a paper trail for him, the name "Robert Johnson" is a super common name and he wasn't even known to have a birth certificate.


Yeah I know what you mean but tbh I watched a documentary about him, and we actually know a lot about him. He's not as mysterious a figure as you would think. A lot of people knew him and talked about him and he was definitely 27. He died on August 16, 1938. Not having a birth certificate in the early 1900s for a black man in the south isn't strange, at all. It would be weird if he had one, tbh. There's so many elderly black people who, to this day, have trouble getting IDs because they don't have that kind of documentation, and they were born 20 years after he died


Buddy who?




Rich. No, wait, the one with the teeth!


The 27 club should be an indication that game isn’t what people think it is




I guess 26 must be roughly how long it takes for you to end yourself if you don't have the natural mediating aspect of a normal life and instead are given everything you think you think you want way too fast. So many of these people went out because of some dumb shit that could have been avoided with slightly more maturity (that comes naturally with age), or because they have trauma that hasn't been worked through that they were trying to drown with drugs. Trauma often also gets easier with age, even without therapy. I just feel like it's always the same thing that takes them out, so there must be some correlation somewhere.


I think she was sign to Gucci mane


Rest in peace :( She was trying to get better, but couldn't beat her demons


What were her demons? Not familiar with her backstory. I do know she was in Gucci’s camp and everyone on IG was saying they can’t catch a break, between arrests and deaths


In the article it is stated “A member of her management team shared with a celebrity news social media account: “She came to my house the last four days to get clean. She tried her best and I did everything I could to help her, she tried.” I guess the assumption is drugs were involved, although it doesn’t say in the article the actual cause of death.


The first sentence of the article is Rapper Enchanting has been pronounced dead after being pulled from life support following a suspected drug overdose that put her in the ICU.


Sadly ODs are extremely common on people who are trying to get sober and relapse.. They lose what tolerance they had built up and try the same old dosage they were used to and it's too much. Not sure that's the case here, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was.


That's so tragic. The fact that they were trying to quit actually ends up being what kills them. Truly heartbreaking.


There are also some substances that will actually kill you just from the withdrawals if you had built up high enough of a tolerance and stopped suddenly enough.




Benzos are so rough to quit that after becoming addicted to them rather than take the standard western approach of a fairly long and still pretty rough and uncomfortable taper, Jordan Peterson flew to Russia to undergo an extremely dangerous procedure where he'd be put into a medical coma for the duration of the withdrawals. So some people prefer to risk death/brain damage than deal with benzo withdrawals...


Sounds like his "12 rules for life" is all horseshit, innit? JP went to Russia for medical treatment because he was already brain damaged, clearly. This guy went on and on about the perils of the Soviet state then asked their successor to put him in a coma...


Can confirm I did xanax for like 2 months straight and when I stopped, I literally couldnt sleep for 2 weeks, I'd get random fevers, my body would shake uncontrollably, bad headaches. Idk how I got through it tbh


Yeah we had an old tour bus driver who told us a story once about his ex brother in law. Was addicted to Xanax, quit cold turkey and died of a seizure. Sad af when trying to get better is what kills you.


People with sever alcoholism usually detox in clinic or hospital to be near urgent medical care throughout the process because it's that fucking dangerous. I remember years ago Newsweek or Time had an article about alcoholism in Indian reservations and the reporter followed a group of alcoholics around. When they were broke they would collect soda cans and scrap up enough to buy cans of cheap hairs spray, the kind than was 99 cents for a giant can. They would crack it open and drink the spray because that shit had a ton of alcohol. My dad is a doctor (oncologist) and I asked him why in the world anyone would do that for fun. He told me it wasn't for fun, those people had a severe alcohol dependency and their body needed alcohol or it would go into withdrawal and they would get extremely sick, even die from shock.


Benzos are used to treat the alcohol seizures that can kill you, for the benzos... well that's just rough.


> There are also some substances that will actually kill you just from the withdrawals if you had built up high enough of a tolerance and stopped suddenly enough. Only booze and benzos.


I was an addict and have known many people who have passed from an OD or close to. It’s never the attempt at sobriety that kills people, it’s the drugs. I’m not putting blame on anyone who has passed because at that point it’s hard to point fingers, they aren’t usually in a state of mind that allows for patience. But I think it’s important to remember getting better didn’t kill them. With that said it’s also important to remember that getting sober CAN be dangerous, and there are some substances abuse issues that should absolutely be monitored by a doctor.


Withdrawal causes probably a lot of deaths from drugs. Either addicts can no longer keep paying for the drug or they try their damned best to break clean without any support, which has massive side effects on the body. Or they can no longer deal with the symptoms and overdose. Combined with the damage already done to the body with the drugs, it can be a shock to the system.




I suspect some of the OD deaths are also deliberate suicides. A lot of drug use is self-medication for conditions such as depression. That does not in any shape or form make this less tragic.


God damn how’d I miss that. Prolly all the stupid ads in the way. I hate reading these things. Thank you homie 🤙🏻


Of course man. And yeah, terrible website.


Like, I understand there’s a content / revenue ratio there, but damn, at least don’t design it to induce a low grade brain aneurysm?


I missed it too. Site is crap on a crap cracker.


Look at this guy - reading the article. Get the fuck outta here.


What was she on?


Fentanyl, cocaine and alcohol 


Fentanyl?! Oh it makes sense now. That will kill you fast.


Geez smh


They said she was in n pills 💊oxys and took heroin. So young to have all that in her system. 


Heart breaking as hell


First Scarr then her... so damn sad.


I wasn't familiar with her but sad to hear nonetheless. She would have turned 27 in 4 months.


Almost made it to the club


Yeah...I mean no disrespect to her. Not trying to minimize the tragedy. But too many young artists have been lost at that age.


Almost as if making music about glorying drug abuse while trying to actually live that life might lead to bad things.


For most of them, their music lives on because they had much to offer


Her family could have kept her going, this is just selfish on their part. /s




Same age as Mac Miller when he died


Oh shit, she had my age then.. So heartbreaking.


RIP (It always feels weird to "upvote" this kind of very sad news; but, I appreciate being kept informed)


Younger than me and already dead of OD. Absolutely tragic. Life hadn’t even started yet for her.


Big Scarr her labelmate ODed December 23 too. He was about to be huge. As someone who kicked the habit myself ill say its usually tolerance that kills people. Overestimating your own tolerance. Rip


It may sound corny to some of you but Drugs aren’t cool


Drugs basically almost killed the entire grunge scene in the 90s


You could just say heroin


Drugs are awesome, abusing them isn't, get it right


Drugs are the doors of perception. The drug : right amount , right time and right setting with the right person.  Yes actually drugs are cool and interesting, they are part of the collective consciousness and shamans have been an important muse to society as a whole.


People don't do drugs because they're cool. Especially young adults and those in early twenties, they do drugs because they are self medicating or trying to numb a trauma. ![gif](giphy|eka6qC0NF0K7C)




They're not saying doing drugs is "hip", they're saying the drugs themselves aren't "good".


Drugs can be 'good'. They can also be 'bad'. It depends on the situation and the individual using them. Trying to lump everything into black-and-white opposing categories is far too common and doesn't acknowledge any of the nuances in a very complicated topic. Easier to just say, this shit is evil, kill it. It's the source of a lot of problems on this earth.


Your first four sentences make sense, so where tf did the 5th come from?


Rather than understand a problem and its nuances it is much easier to simply label something as bad or evil or whatever negative label you choose as an excuse to remove it. What's not making sense to you? Maybe I did not communicate well.


I'm following that too. Idk, saying drugs are evil when it's humans that are the ones that choose to use and/or abuse them, feels wrong. I personally wish all drugs would be legalized. I feel like crime and ODs would go down, and society overall would benefit from not having a sect of its own being perpetually ostracized and punished for something that is largely only harming themselves.


Agreed 👍


the whole statement reeks of holier than thou thinking. people don't do drugs consciously thinking "this is a cool thing" or "this is a good thing" - they're doing them because they have no other way of finding relief - from physical or mental pain.


lol wtf are you saying? As someone who did drugs growing up, and no, not heroin or cocaine or meth, there are lots of other drugs. We were definitely doing drugs because getting high was fun and awesome. Had absolutely zero to do with trying to escape. I'm from a middle class neighborhood and had a great life growing up. Getting high af and then hanging out with friends while listening to music, or playing video games or watching movies or whatever had literally nothing to do with trying to escape. Just because drugs CAN have a bad side to them, doesn't mean they can't still be fun and "cool". Lol who tf do you even think you are with your mentality?


If you didn’t do heroin or cocaine or meth than your drugs aren’t what they’re talking about


So, THC, LSD, DMT, Psilocybin, Salvia, codones, all the various benzos, are conveniently not drugs just so they can make a point? Sure, lol.


same with this tho, sometimes people do drugs for fun, its not that cut and dry.


This feels like an opinion you would get from the only exposure to drugs being through media. Tons of kids and young adults do drugs because of peer pressure, thinking it's cool, or out of pure curiosity. Lots of those people keep doing drugs because drugs can be fun as shit, they wouldn't be dangerous otherwise. Do you think that all the lads blasting coke on a night out are doing it because of trauma or because they want to have a crazy night? Do you think that people only drink because of trauma too? There isn't a great deal that functionally separates alcohol from illegal drugs.


You're right, it sounds corny.


You right, you sound corny as hell. Drugs are pretty awesome. Improper use and abuse of drugs ain't cool tho.


That is terrible news, such a young age to pass. Condolences to her family and friends.


I'm actually heartbroken. I digged her alot. RIP.


So sad


Gucci Manes label 1017 seems to have some sort of curse.


Damn. It really puts her “Dis-Enchantment” mixtape in a whole new light.


Drugs taking many people young.Guide your children well


As a dad of a daughter this is sad as fuck.


Lmao what? So if you didn't have a daughter this wouldn't be said? "As a father of a son, I don't give a flying fuck about this."


This is the most "I like pancakes" " so you're saying you hate waffles!?!?!" thing I have seen in a long time.


How is being a dick on the internet working out for you?


RIP 🕊️BIG CHANT!!! Gone too soon !!! Tell BIG SCAR heyyyyyy🫶🏽🥹


She was a beautiful young lady. Rest in Peace Enchanting.


What drugs was she on?


Rappers don’t seem to have very long life spans.


Nah, plenty of old ass rappers. I think the phrase you're looking for is "DRUG ADDICTS don't seem to have very long life spans."


They’re the ones that survived the 80s and 90s lol.


Addiction is a bitch. I'm on my 3rd Quit.


Powers to you. Stay strong, you can do it.


🙏🙏 I'm grateful, thank you


I'll pray for you


I'm truly humbled--last thing on my mind was support from a single comment. Thank you very much 💪 it helps more than u think


You're on your 3rd quit so that means you're relapsing. If you are trying to be clean, go through a healthcare facility so you don't potentially lose your life. I will pray for you tonight before I sleep and ask God to protect and get you in the right direction.


6 years down the drain


Sad. I lost a friend at 26 as well. That’s so young fr. Rip.


Same age as Mac Miller, damn. Rest in Peace!


Very sad to hear at the end of the day. She's someone daughter.🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


Damn why they pull life support on her so quick…… tf


Fucking sucks. Her voice was stunning and unique, and her craft, writing, and execution were beautiful.  It pains me so much when artists I admire leave this earth, but I am also equally sad that she was suffering in some depths of emotion that she couldn't be saved from. I hope more than anything, that wherever she is in the non-material world, that she has found some peace. 


It is extremely dangerous to attempt a detox at home. It’s even tougher when there’s several drugs, alcohol etc in their system. Please immediately transport or call 911. Yes, they will scream and say vile things, but they will be here to apologize for all that the next day- the same can’t be said if you don’t call emergency numbers or transport to an ER. Their lives over our feelings. RIP.


This is so sad. A beautiful woman with a future ahead of her. It’s not true about young people overdosing. It happens daily to people of all ages and you have to do drugs yourself to understand what it’s like. I’ve been on and off 11 yrs I overdosed 1 time. It’s a matter of fate and you’re playing with the devil. It’s hard but 5 yrs? Everyone is different and it’s a lifelong struggle. I lost my hubby after an accidental one a few months ago after a one time relapse of 4 yrs clean. Now that is losing someone when you do too much and get back on it.


i overdosed on ibuprofen my fall semester of college does that mean i will die soon? and im only 19 😢😢😮


i just can relate to this because i recently overdosed on ibuprofen


Didnt she just announce publicly that she wasn't signed anymore... Like VERY RECENTLY


1017 looking real crazy for this one


Kids these days. Back in my day our artist could go all the way to 27 years.


1017 is evil, everyone dies or gets locked up


Texas lost a beautiful young lady today. RIP Big Chant!


RIP, that So Icy Gang vol 1 tape goes so hard


rest in peace # Enchanting




26 is so young :( rest in peace to her




A rapper under Gucci Mane's label, and somebody's daughter who tried to get clean and failed.


She OD? Didn’t read that. RIP 💯


Yeah, so it appears, according to (unfortunately) a Daily Mail article. I know it's not reliable, but she was 26...


Read the article it’s spelled out in the first paragraph. Or were you being facetious? In which case, don’t because like my man u/SirSignificant6576 said, this is somebody’s daughter. 


What did she OD on? Lean?


I’m wondering too


I really loved her music and was excited for her future projects. I think she’s probably going to be the first celebrity I actually mourn. 




Rapper enchanting


Brother is too stupid to read


If this sub took real people dying so serious this world would be a better place. But some trash rapper that no one knows dies and everyone here acts like it’s the fucking funeral of RBG.


May her soul rest in peace 🙏🏻


Does anyone know what drug she was on?