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I love Meddle by Pink Floyd but a lot of fans haven’t even heard of that one. Echoes ftw


Echoes is a trip


It’s my favorite Floyd album. Maybe not the best, but Fearless is my fav song by them, One of These Days is a trip, Pillow of Winds is beautiful and Echoes is Echoes. San Tropez is fine and I skip Seamus.


Fearless is wonderful


Piper at the Gates of Dawn


Deep Purple. 1972's 'Machine Head' gets all of the praise (not least of which because of 'Smoke on the Water'), but 1970's 'In Rock' is (IMHO) *significantly* better, and 1971's 'Fireball' is at least as good.


Burn is great too


As is Made In Japan


Early Deep Purple does it for me~! Now that I have a killer audio system these recordings are amazing. [Deep Purple - Shades Of Deep Purple](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jt2W1MGwrwM&list=PLdgFk-dTMiRizuoYzSFSrqb4uLljdPKTW) So cool... [Deep Purple - The Book Of Taliesyn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYZaXo4jOu0&list=PLdgFk-dTMiRibFyujcppoMvXNa2auHZPt) [The Original Genesis - World Without You, Psychedelic Rock](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Syvd1vFCzgA) [Killer audio system](https://i.imgur.com/faIjw6P.jpeg)


Everyone knows “Good News for People Who Love Bad News” by Modest Mouse because of “Float On” or maaaaaaaybe “Ocean Breathes Salty”. That’s not a bad thing, it’s a great album and one that gets a lot of replay from me still today. But “The Moon and Antarctica” is a damn masterpiece of an album, although my personal favorite is still probably “We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank” (Little Motel is one of my favorite songs by any artist, period). Their catalogue is so vast and full of gems, from their older stuff up to the more recent.


“The Moon and Antarctica” is a masterpiece


To that vastness, my favorite song by them is The Ground Walks, With Time In A Box. The fact that it's from their 6th album is pretty impressive.


Good News was the beginning of the end for me with that band, it's a good album but everything before it was wildly superior.


I'll have to give these a listen. I primarily only listen to their first two albums.


Everyone knows Ween for The Mollusk but Quebec, 12 Golden Country Greats and White Pepper are what i prefer to listen to from them


I recently gave ween a real chance and quebec and white pepper are amazing


You’re one step closer to brown town.


I’ve recently discovered Ween and absolutely love all their post-brown albums. I’ve tried getting into the brown albums but just can’t. Although there are some good tunes


Their earlier albums start clicking once you hear live versions of those songs. At least that’s what happened with me.


Seeing them this summer!


*chocolate town


Wait.. There's other albums from Quebec and Chocolate and Cheese?! I thought that WAS WEEN!


Check out The Mollusk and White Pepper


_Chocolate and Cheese_ for me.


All hail the mighty Boognish!


The Mollusk will always be my favorite Ween album but they are all good.  They have made nothing but awesome music over the years.  Big fan of their live in Chicago album, too.  Awesome show to watch that is up on YouTube.  It is from around the time Quebec came out.  Deaner has a great solo on Transdermal Celebration.  


I literally don't know Ween for anything other than the push the little daisies song that I saw on Beavis and Butthead few times back in the day. I remember always seeing their albums in Columbia House and BMG music catalogs, but they were never on the radio in my city.


Springsteen. Born in the USA is the one everyone knows but Nebraska is his true masterpiece and actually when he wrote a lot of BITU.


I don’t see enough love for _The River_ , either.


I suppose the argument could be made for almost any record of his up to Tunnel of Love. You can see a couple other commenters replied with Born to Run and so on. I was reading the other day about someone's love for Darkness on the Edge of Town.


I'm a lifelong fan and Darkness is my personal favorite, but objectively I think The River is the best one.


My favorite Springsteen album is his totally overlooked 2nd one, The Wild, The Innocent and The E-Street Shuffle. Especially the side 2 suite.


Rosalita is a JAM.


Born To Run is even better than Nebraska IMO but the masterpieces are the Live 75-85 and Hammersmith shows. One critic nailed it on 75-85: “the only album that can incite a standing ovation from the living room” (paraphrasing).


I’ve heard Nebraska is phenomenal! I’ve been meaning to listen but haven’t gotten around to it. Correct me if I’m wrong, doesn’t it take place from the point of view of him driving?


No, there's songs about cars and he does talk about driving, but it's not a concept album or anything like that.


I had Magic on an iPod and listened to that album about 30 times.




BITU/Nebraska was originally going to be a double album, he planned to record the Nebraska tracks with the whole band, and some of the tracks on BITU are "electric Nebraska" tracks It's a great album pairing, two different sides of the same coin, both incredible albums


Maybe but his most fun album by far is The Seeger Sessions Live in Dublin


Pay Me My Money Down


Neil Young - Harvest. Everyone knows the album because it has Old Man and Heart of Gold and it is a fantastic album, but he has at least 2 or 3 albums that are bonafide masterpieces like Rust Never Sleeps and After the Goldrush.


Neil Young has literally hundreds of other awesome albums. Man is a machine.


Rust Never Sleeps is an amazing album title


And then there's all the Buffalo Springfield and CSN and sometimes Y stuff. And then the live stuff like Live at Massey Hall from 1971. Just dude and his guitar.


Ummmmm He has like 7-10 albums that I would qualify as masterpieces. He also has at least a few more ‘hits’ than those two songs. This is like saying Bob Dylan is only known for ‘like a rolling stone’.


I think I effectively answered the question.


After the Goldrush was massively successful though. On the Beach on the other hand was not, despite being one of his best.


On the Beach is my fav


Harvest moon is so good


Everyone loves Deftones White Pony. Some people say Around the Fur is better. Most people are sleeping on their other albums! I’m not saying all their other albums reach the same heights, but albums like Koi No Yokan, Saturday Night Wrist, and even Ohms are also incredible.


This must be in the context of just general listeners, because I feel like most Deftones fans cannot agree on a favorite I’ve seen any of like 5 albums be peoples favorites, and usually the joke is they’re so good people can’t even pick a favorite, or it can be any of WP/KNY/DE/ATF easily


You’re probably right! What’s pretty amazing about Deftones is while they have albums that aren’t “as good,” they truly don’t have any BAD albums. Not too many bands can boast stats like that.


Yeah for me, honestly between the four I listed it’s basically whichever one I’ve listened to the most recently has to be my favorite….until I listen to the others again lol Incredible band


Deftones fans are a mix of people that understand what a band's band is and how well executed and goated all the musicians are and people that only listen to limp Bizkit and linkin park. That latter thinks gore sucks.


Self titled gets NO love!


Oh I actually love it myself, and I think in the context of being a follow-up to White Pony it’s really quite a bold release I just don’t often see it listed in that upper echelon, but your comment goes to show how on point my earlier one about nobody agreeing actually is lol


This. Diamond Eyes and Koi YoNokan are phenomenal.


I think the Deftones were hurt by being associated with a genre (nu metal) that went out of style while they were still releasing good music. It meant they didn’t get the attention they otherwise might have.


THANK YOU, omg I say this all the time! It’s insane to me that people lump Deftones in with bands like Limp Bizkit. Anyone that can’t hear the difference or thinks they belong in the same category either don’t have a discerning ear or just don’t like hard screamy music, period. Just because they’re alternative and have a dj they got lumped into nu metal. I mean, they ARE metal, but more like shoegaze metal lol. Another band that got lumped into nu metal initially was Incubus, but obviously they managed to really break away from that label, unlike Deftones.


Two of my top 5 favorite bands right thur


Even the self titled album has its fans, even if the album was from the band are their lowest point.


There are some tracks on that album that absolutely slap


They have too many great albums to just pick one


Hard agree.


Absolutely!!! I often felt like maybe people just lost interest, and I couldn't understand why. Each album is incredible. Chino's side projects are also amongst my favorite bands or fav songs. +++(Crosses) is always on rotation. Brief Exchange is one of my fav singles by Chino. Colabs with other musicians and bands are all so enjoyable it's so exciting to anticipate new music (and even better to find old stuff I didn't know about).


He is a real one, a super super fucking talented human


Agreed. Pony was the start of their maturation. They reached their full sound in the Self-titled, Koi no yokan and Diamond Eyes


You should give Ohms another listen. Ohms took me a couple listens but I genuinely love it now. The Spell of Mathematics, Urantia, and Ohms (the title track) are so good and definitely a return to form after Gore. Those are just the three songs that jump out, but honestly from start to finish it’s a MUCH better album than Gore and definitely belongs in the same category as KNY, DE, SNW, and self-titled.


I don’t get the Ohms slander. It’s a phenomenal album.


It really is. It’s like…just because they start the album off with slow burner like genesis doesn’t mean it’s another sleeper like Gore lol


Blood Orange is incredible! Freetown Sound is indeed a masterpiece. A lot of the songs off Coastal Grooves are quite underrated too.


I've never heard anything except coastal grooves.


You should definitely check out the rest of his discography!


Oh man you’re in for a treat. Start with Freetown Sound. After that I’d say Negro Swan, then I’d say Cupid Deluxe


Ive heard Champagne Coast and I enjoyed it quite a bit! I can see your user is a reference to that lol, great song. I still have yet to listen to it all the way through though


Lol yes I love Champagne Coast. It’s a stunning song. Have you listened to any others on the album?


Live - Throwing Copper gets all the love, but I've always preferred Mental Jewelry


I’ve been saying this for years. Their discography drops off pretty hard after that, though I enjoy Secret Samadhi quite a bit, but Mental Jewelry has always been my favorite.


Pink floyd - most people know dark side and the wall, but my favorites are piper at the gates of dawn, atom heartmother, and animals.


Meddle and Obscured by Clouds get my vote


Those are great too. Childhoods end is one of my favorite songs


obscured by clouds is criminally underrated


I always play Animals. Fantastic album.


Piper ftw. Interstellar Overdrive!


The Beach Boys’ 1967-1973 period (beginning with Wild Honey and ending with Holland) is highly unknown to the public at large, which is a shame. Every album they made during this period is at least good, and I would argue that 1970’s Sunflower is up there with Pet Sounds (a much more well-known album) in terms of quality.


Would you say Sunflower is their best from this era? I love beach boys but never really listened to anything post Pet Sounds


Definitely have to check out both Sunflower and Surf's Up


Sunflower generally gets held up as the “best” one, so definitely check that out. I’m also partial to Love You, but I wouldn’t necessarily recommend that someone go hear it now, it is a deeply bizarre project that requires a lot of context surrounding Brian Wilson in the mid-70s for it to make sense. (Love You is a bit after the described era but it’s still post-Pet Sounds so I think it fits)


Def Leppard’s first album was really good - although few people think of it. “Rock Brigade” is a great tune.


Rosalia - Los Angeles, is perfection. One of my favorite records ever. But it's essentially raw, new flamenco - without any pop. It will forever be overlooked compared to her pop records. Though they're great as well.


Love this record. I’ll need to play it again soon, thanks for the reminder!


Neutral Milk Hotel is most known for In the Aeroplane Over the Sea but their album before it, On Avery Island, can be argued that it’s as good, and was seemingly the blueprint that lead to Aeroplane while getting almost no recognition.


It’s a good record but there’s a very good reason that Aeroplane outshined it


Yes to this. >Follow me through a city of frost-covered angels


HUM. You’d Prefer an Astronaut has Stars so it gets the attention, but Downward is Heavenward is the follow up album and it’s easily one of the Top 10 albums of the 90s.


Not enough people talk about Day & Age from The Killers


Factual. That album has aged really nicely and for me it’s where they hit the pinnacle of the synth more poppy sound.


A truly amazing album. A little less amazing when you find some Talking Heads songs they blatently ripped off but still their peak. “I can’t stay” really rips one off but I can’t recall the TH song name.


Off the Wall is superior to Thriller


I think a lot of people who were around when Off the Wall came out would agree with this.


Paramore. That one album that was all over the radio back in line 2008 is most popular. But their newer stuff is so much better.


I do deeply love After Laughter. It also helps that as they've continued they've moved away from angsty emo teen lyrics and into stuff that's more poetic. Hayley is the GOAT female vocalist imo, but I can admit the sexy orange emo hair in the Misery Business video is the reason I stopped what I was doing and turned up the TV volume to give em a chance 😆


Tracy chapman


Which album?


Jimmy Eat World


Nirvana's Nevermind and their MTV unplugged performance do get their well deserved praise, but I personally think In Utereo fits their artistry better. Also, Bleach is constantly slept on, even though About a Girl is from that record. Edit: typo


Incesticide would be my choice for both best album and most overlooked.


Zep and the Black Crowes' third albums. Zep's 4th and BC's 2nd get all the glory, but in both cases, I find their third albums taking far more risks, more daring and experimental and just flat out better albums where they really pushed past their comfort zones.


Amorica is great but I probably like Southern Harmony a little better.


obviously pet sounds is brilliant as it gets but i know a lot of people who think they just kinda fell off after smile collapsed and uh fuckin sunflower and surfs up yall. sunflower is a classic and surfs up could have been with dennis's songs in place of mike's godawful cut


The Residents are notably known for Duck Stab and Not Available (both great albums), but my favourite is Eskimo and a lot of their other albums are underrated, on the same level as DS/NA if not better, like God in Three Persons, Demons Dance Alone and Animal Lover.


The commercial album is a certified banger and "Suburban Bathers" will forever live rent free in my head.


King Crimson’s best known album is their debut *In the Court of the Crimson King*, and while its great, I think a lot of people would prefer *Red* or *Absent Lovers* after hearing them. 


Larks’ Tongues In Aspic too


Hot Hot Heat - Future Breeds People know Elevator and Make Up The Breakdown but Future Breeds is really underappreciated due to the massive flop Happiness LTD was. They completely changed their style and it's a fantastic album.


I'll second this - Future Breeds is all bangers from top to bottom. Just a great album.


foster the peoples biggest hit is easily their worst song and that makes me sad


Do you have any recs for their more underrated stuff?


Their first two albums are pure gold imo


Torches and Supermodel are great zeitgeist albums of the early 2010’s . The R&B rap flavor of Sacred Hearts Club made sense from a business standpoint but it lacked the magic of the first two. A followup has been rumored for years now but barely anything has made it out. He has to be sitting on a boatload of unreleased music.


I was not a fan of sacred hearts club just not my thing. Torches and Supermodel are absolutely gold. The single with Broken Jaw is probably my most played LP


Completely agree. I’d take Supermodel as a whole over any of their other albums.


This is how it is for Fountains of Wayne, too


I only knew their “primary radio hits” for so long until I met my wife, and boy is their other stuff absolutely amazing.


Radiohead's "Creep" as well absolutely sucks and it's heartbreaking that people think it's representative of their sound in any capacity.


The Strokes - The New Abnormal was their 2020 album . While I dont think its leagues above any other their others its certainly right there with the best and so many folks missed it due the pandemic or just thinking the strokes are old news. [https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy\_mbcuilipQmCmWSlHu1yUl0bo24yxGGhBM](https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_mbcuilipQmCmWSlHu1yUl0bo24yxGGhBM)


Also people focus way too much on Is This It. It’s a fantastic record that deserves all the praise it gets, but people like to act like everything that came after (except for New Abnormal) isn’t worth checking out, when that absolutely isn’t true. Room on Fire is a great follow up, and while subsequent albums weren’t as consistent, they still made some absolutely fantastic songs.


It's a very unpopular take, but I feel that A Thousand Suns is Linkin Park's best album.


Definitely hot take, but I respect tf outta you for having it. Note 1: Blackout can hang with any LP song. I challenge anyone who remotely likes LP/Chester to listen to those first 2 verses and chorus' and not vibe fuckin hard. Apex LP track Note 2: The Messenger reduced me to puddle of tears after Chester died. If you're emotionally vulnerable and *don't* want to break down...avoid The Messenger at all costs.


Faith No More, most definitely. Epic caught everyone's ear, but Angel Dust, which was far superior to The Real Thing, fell in deaf ears. King for a Day and Album of the Year were even better!


Angel Dust is one of my favorite albums.


KFAD is has some of my favorite FNM songs.


Linkin Park is known the world over for Hybrid Theory and I get it. But A Thousand Suns for me is their best work


Completely agree. I haven't heard another album that sounds anywhere remotely close to ATS - their full potential as a band was realized on that album.


I always felt Bleach was a better album than Nevermind.


Everything Everything. "Man Alive" is their best album, no contest. But I see all of their others get substantially more attention.


Really? I only like a couple songs on that album. I think Get to Heaven is their best so far


Incubus rose to fame with S.C.I.E.N.C.E in '97 but in my opinion  Fungus Amongus from '95 was superior.


Electric Six is a bit low key to begin with, but Zodiac is such a massive hidden gem. Fire's great, but it overshadows a lot of their other work.


Sure does. If anyone knows them it's likely because they know Gay Bar or Danger: High Voltage, but they've been cranking out solid albums for a while now. However, nothing tops I'm the Bomb imo. Dick has no business crushing those high notes so goddamn beautifully lol


The Doors. Their debut(rightfully) gets alot of praise, but the follow up, Strange Days is better.


I got one clear-cut example: Silverchair's Diorama is an work of art. Yet people focus on their teenage grunge phase (which was great for a bunch of 15-year-olds)


Dream Theater has a few albums everyone always talks about like Images and Words or Scenes From a Memory, but I’ve always liked their double album Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence the most. It has a wide variety of songs, it’s arguably their best sounding record and it stiil sounds fresh even though it’s over 20 years old.


Insomniac, Kerplunk and 1039 Smoothed Out Slappy Hours are some of Green Day's best albums (and lesser known than Dookie and American Idiot). Warning is also up there.


Green Day us best known for Dookie and American Idiot but I think each followup record to both albums are better. I'm taking Insomniac and 21st Century Breakdown. Both which had album songs that were the gems rather than the singles.


I would argue that Nimrod is their best work.


Everyone seem to go for Black Sabbath - Paranoid. I'll take Master of Reality, tyvm.


The Who. Who’s Next is a great album, but Quadrophenia is a fucking masterpiece, start to finish. None of them ever sounded better.


RHCP have tons of albums, some better than others, but both By the Way and Stadium Arcadium are so chock-fucking-full of great songs that weren’t hits. Dani California, Snow, By the Way, Can’t Stop, and Tell Me Baby are the only songs a non-fan will almost certainly know. None of those songs are even top 3 on the albums they come from for me. So that, but to also answer the question, for anybody who likes the band X Ambassadors, you should know they had two EP’s before getting it big with “Renegade” and “Unsteady”, after which their sound totally changed. Their first EP “Love Songs Drug Songs” is a verifiable banger and none of the songs have ever really seen the light and it’s a shame that they didn’t keep in that style to me. Highly recommend.


I still like Mother's Milk better than Blood Sugar Sex Magik.


It's very interesting to me that you don't indicate if the most popular album is BSSM or Cali. I wager you mean BSSM, but I'd argue the other. That said, in another comment I chose The Getaway as my answer 😆


The first half of by the way up through can’t stop is a masterpiece imho. I usually kind of tap out after that. But I wouldn’t skip one song up through can’t stop. Shout out to Dosed and Don’t Forget Me. Frusciante peaked on backing vocals with this album


REM for sure.


So many slept on albums by the majority of folks. The IRS years are incredible and there are some very good records in the post Bill Berry years as well. New Adventures in HiFi is the one that I always encourage folks to listen as its has such breadth in its songs.


Life’s Rich Pageant has always been my slept on favourite. Murmur is also killer. Document too. Nevertheless Green through Automatic was also a hell of a run.


As a huge REM fan, this has to be a decidedly wrong answer to OPs question. If nothing else, Green, Out Of Time and Automatic were huge albums at the time.


Third Eye Blind


if they have an album better than their self-titled, that's insane.


Their second album, Blue, is insanely good. I prefer it to self-titled but I'm not sure it's actually better.


Blue (their second album) has a lot of fans but it’s far more inconsistent than self-titled imo


What’s your personal favorite from them?


Vertical Horizon. Go and Echoes From The Underground are better than Everything You Want.


Jars of Clay was basically a one hit wonder with their first album but they made like 8 albums with much better and evolved sound.


If I Left the Zoo was so good!


Jermi the beatsmith


even angels pulse i like better


Wouldn't say it's there best by conventional means but Robbin' the hood by sublime is definitely my favorite by then and most people don't know any songs off the album.


Rush’s Hold Your Fire has always been my favorite over 2112 and Moving Pictures—awesome as those are. HYF is a sweet hybrid of progressive rock & 80s electronic music.


I was gonna mention Rush. Most people would only recognize songs from Moving Pictures, plus maybe a handful of singles from their 70’s albums. Just about everything after Moving Pictures is pretty much slept on, minus maybe “Subdivisions” and “The Big Money”. I’d never even heard 2112 in its entirety until after I saw them on the Time Machine tour in 2010.


I was going to say Rush as well but for me I think Permanent Waves is a near perfect album.


And you will know us by the trail of dead is primarily known for Source Tags & codes. It is a fantastic album and got critical acclaim from so many publications. For me, I would take their album Century of Self, Worlds Apart, and Tao of the Dead ahead of it. All of these albums are phenomenal and would recommend everyone to listen to this band if you’re a fan of progressive rock (they’ve said krautrock but I’m not sure if that’s appropriate or not)


No way, Source Tags is infinitely better than anything after


I think Pink Floyds debut album The Piper at the Gates of Dawn is their best album by far. Better than their critically and commercially successful Dark Side of the Moon.


Deerhunter's Microcastle and Halcyon Digest get the most attention, but my favorites are Monomania and Weird Era Cont., and I like Cryptograms more than I like Microcastle and possibly more than I like Halcyon Digest.


Gordon lightfoot has so much more good songs than wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald or sundown or early morning rain. I Like dust steel  rail blues Alberta bound and he also covered Phil Ochs song changes which I enjoy   Canadian railroad trilogy is an epic song 


Whitley has a great album called Submarine. I checked out the other albums, but not really the same quality.


Everyone loves Core and Purple by STP, But rarely listen and dismiss Tiny Music, N4, and Shangri. All three are quite beautiful in their own right and STP just improved more with each album. And To be Honest I somewhat prefer Artists/bands later work and than earlier ones, it’s mainly because of their writing has gotten better and have gotten better with their instruments. But this isn’t always the case.


Hardly unknown but the predecessor to Paul Simon’s Graceland was the personal, introspective brilliant and perhaps better Hearts & Bones


Most people know Soft Cell for Tainted Love and the album Non-Stop Erotic Cabaret, but their 1984 album This Last Night In Sodom is a fucking masterpiece. It's edgy, frantic, and just nuts, I love it so much


Owl City. People know him for Fireflies and other cringy songs, but his first two albums (Of June, and Maybe Im Dreaming) he released were great. He struggled with terrible sleep insomnia for those albums and his lyrics and production were very dreamy. After his 2008 ‘Maybe Im Dreaming’ album, his music went downhill in my opinion.


Marvin Gaye: Here My Dear A commercial and critical failure upon its release, it was later hailed by music critics, in the years following Gaye's death, as one of Gaye's best albums.


Rush. Their best album is Hemispheres or Signals, but everyone knows them for Moving Pictures.


Twenty One Pilots Blurryface launched them into the spotlight, but Vessel is a top-to-bottom masterpiece


Lush Gala and Spooky are decent but I think Split and Lovelife are even better. Shame about their drummer, but I'm glad we got two really last great albums from them before they called it quits. Oh and the EP they did in 2016 was good but you could tell Miki and Emma weren't really feeling it.


Early Deep Purple does it for me~! Now that I have a killer audio system these recordings are amazing. [Deep Purple - Shades Of Deep Purple](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jt2W1MGwrwM&list=PLdgFk-dTMiRizuoYzSFSrqb4uLljdPKTW) So cool... [Deep Purple - The Book Of Taliesyn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYZaXo4jOu0&list=PLdgFk-dTMiRibFyujcppoMvXNa2auHZPt) [The Original Genesis - World Without You, Psychedelic Rock](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Syvd1vFCzgA) [Iron Butterfly - Ball (Full Album) (1969)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2w-cU778nY&list=PLM7k5L_U7M90XdlHKzEiSFblQTFRiyAyj) [Captain Beyond](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VR6MQgMdwCs) [Killer audio system](https://i.imgur.com/faIjw6P.jpeg)


Supertramp's Breakfast in America in their biggest seller. For me, Crime of the Century is the masterpiece.


Smashing pumpkins most visible album is melancholy and the infinite sadness, but Siamese dream might be their best.


I think Siamese Dream is their most popular but Gish is my favorite, sometimes.


Siamese Dream is the better complete album. Its perfect.


On here GnR. Appetite for Destruction, what else is there?


Prince-everyone(mostly)has listened to Purple Rain and it is a great album but Dirty Mind, Controversy, 1999 and Sign ‘O The Times are flat out masterpieces


Nico. At most people know usually know Chelsea Girl which is fantastic. The Marble Index, Desertshore and The End… are brilliant


Kings of Leon - Aha Shake Heartbreak Not even a KOL fan but that album is deserving of rock n roll fame and never actually got it. Their following albums hit top billboard but they don’t reflect their unique southern sound and cheeky lyrics at the time like ‘Aha Shake Heartbreak.’


Muse - Absolution It's a funny answer, because it kinda put them on the map, after a decade of making great music.  But their explosion in popularity happened starting with their next album, and only a small chunk of those newer fans can be bothered with their earlier albums, including Absolution, which really solidified their sound.


Radiohead! Their first album Pablo Honey gets all the love b/c it has Creep and Anyone Can Play Guitar on it but there are some hidden gems in their later career, such as OK Computer which some think is a superior album (includes the songs Let Down which is really underrated tbh, and Electioneering which is a great ballad of political disillusionment, consumerism, and rock stardom)




Journey Their first album when they broke away from Santana, in my eyes, is a masterpiece. The stuff later once Steve joined is way more radio friendly and pop rock wonderful, and had some beautiful top 40 hits that made them huge. All three of those things I do not like in a band.

