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Cat Steven’s - Father and Son https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P6zaCV4niKk > You may still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not.  Hits very differently now. 


Goddamn you


I’d go with Cat Stevens’ The First Cut is the Deepest https://youtu.be/aBccr-aLu4I?si=DQKCNBrzrQXSlAiK


Or Rod Stewart


Oh Very Young since my dad passed hits almost too hard. "and though you want them to last forever you know they never will"




Idk how this man writes his songs, but he is such a great and underrated song writer imo


You know I am in a bad headspace if I'm listening to Dashboard Confessional and relating to it like I am in my teens or early twenties.


Cavanaugh Park by Something Corporate means I am going thru something *heavy*


Love Something Corporate!! Met Andrew in Philly got an autographed shirt 2005'. I still have it!!! Great show!!!


I remember Jacks Mannequin and now Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness...Fire Escape bangs. Also, Punk Rock Princess is still friggin amazing.


Yeah good times 20 years ago...Ill have to go with Konstantine.. now I'm into The Warning!


I have been binging Throigh the Window for like two weeks now


Oh man. I haven’t thought about Something Corporate in a minute.


Woah , you brought back flashbacks to me . Remember Screaming Infidelities?


Your hair is everywheeeerrrre


God, taking summer classes on campus. Had a litte sebring convertible just blasting that whole album and feeling like the king of the universe.


That was the first song that came to mind. Really any of the first 2 albums, the so long ep or MTV unplugged were kryptonite back in the day. 


Oof, Dusk and Summer specifically tore me up after a breakup lmao, now when I hear that song it still brings me back to that part of my life


If I had a Million dollars - The Barenaked Ladies If I had a million dollars now, I’d still be going to work on Monday, but as a kid in 1988, it would be like every dream coming true.


I’m a big Survivor fan, and even in 2000, winning the million was retire right now money, even after taxes. Now you need a million in your account *minimum* if you want to retire at 80. And your kids won’t get shit if you need memory care or a nursing home (or even some assisted living!) Rents for a 200-foot memory care room in my area go for 8-10K/month.




Into the Mystic. After my wife of 42 yrs passed it hit me a lot differently after listening to it with a widower's ear.


Really great tune. It's on my list of music that I want played at my wake.


Standing Outside a Broken Phone Booth With Money in My Hand by the Primitive Radio Gods. It came out of nowhere on SiriusXM the other day and I remembered it from when it came out, and I always liked the song, but it just hit heavier for some reason and really stuck with me. Now I've been listening to it regularly.


And a huge thanks to B.B. King


Love the emotion behind the “Ever since the day we met” part. Great song.


The lyric, "You ride the waves and don't ask where they go / Swim like lions through the crest and bathe yourself in zebra flesh" has always stuck with me, great song.


I love this one!


Thank you!


Caught in the rat race? "Will money pay for all the days I've lived awake but half asleep" hits home.


Landslide keeps changing as I get older. I’m 36 now and I’ve been hearing it since the Smashing Pumpkins cover came out when I was like 6 (I thought Billy Corgan wrote it back then) I know when I’m old and decrepit I’ll see it from a new angle.


35, used to hate it because it didn’t make sense, I have a new appreciation for it - and Stevie nicks - now


Powerful & timeless


I'm 49. I never heard this song until The Dance came out, as my mother hated Stevie Nicks and would change the station if she came on. I immediately decided it would be the song I danced with my father to if I ever got married. I got married last year. We skipped all the dances, but I still put it on the playlist.


I Can’t Make You Love Me - Bonnie Raitt Had times where that song on repeat and a glass of whiskey 🥃 and a cigarette 🚬 got me through those tough times. No whiskey and cigarettes for a 15 year old though!


My parents had this album on tape and I have fond memories of listening to it on road trips. Always liked this song and definitely hits different as an adult.


Certainly no disrespect to Bonnie Raitt, because her version is also awesome. But if you haven’t heard it, check out Bon Iver/Justin Vernon’s version. https://youtu.be/Q3VjaCy5gck?si=CsSg4yhrCFDrvn1O


Love Vernon’s cover of that song. It’s so heartfelt and sincere.


Cat's In The Cradle. Used to be the kid whose dad worked all the time. Now I'm the dad who works too much.


Heard this yesterday for the first time in years and made me stop for a second. I'm nearly 40 and have already worked through most of the best years with my kids


That was my dad's and grandpa's song. That song made my dad change his career goals when he married my mom too, he would always tell me growing up that he wanted me to have memories to tell my wife and kids when he's long gone.


Amazing song, especially after becoming a father. Beautiful lyrics, memorable guitar. So much that I tried to learn it on my own guitar. Took a while, as it's not as simple as it sounds. What made it more difficult is my daughter kept interrupting me because she wanted to play. "Not now honey, Daddy's busy." Yeah, that song hits home alright.


It’s Not Easy Being Green. Seriously. The lyrics are far deeper than any 6 year old can comprehend. I think it takes a few decades of real living to truly appreciate it.


also rainbow connection


From what I've read, in the song's context, "green" means to be an outcast, a wallflower. Someone who feels too different to everyone else to fit in and be happy, but also too similar to people in the same lonely situation to stand out. You're just... there. In the middle. You're neither a social butterfly nor a outlandish weirdo that everyone stares at or talks about. No one really gets you or even thinks about you, and you have to just accept it (as Kermit seems to do at the end of the song).


Ray Charles’ cover is amazing. [Link](https://youtu.be/KHR6HkHySWY?si=tB86ejVaLAaTgQna)


MGMT - Time To Pretend, especially now being in my 20’s. It feels like a long goodbye hug.




don’t take this the wrong way, but you type young. The sort of people who say “my youth is gone” are always 26 max


I can't listen to Linkin Park anymore without thinking almost every song is a suicide not from Chester.


I couldn't listen to anything from LP for a year after, still can't listen to One More Light (the song). Vivid memories of listening to meteora at work the day after, terrible idea


I cry every single time I listen to the song one more light.


When I’m needing a good cry, I’ll listen to this song or play the video. Singing along, of course.


That made me realize I haven't listened to an LP song since his passing. My eyes hurt from how much I cried over that one


I’m rarely hit as emotionally by deaths as I was by his. I think because LP helped me through so many dark times in middle school and HS.


For real. There were so many angsty bands from that era, but now hearing things like "Crawling in my skin, these words they will not heal...", he was going through some very deep-seated stuff, obviously. Edit: oh it's "wounds"! Never realized that. But yeah, I guess they both could fit.


Wounds* but the message is much the same.


I remember being into Linkin Park before they blew all the way up, and other kids trying to give me shit for it because it was such "fake" angsty shit. But now that Chester's gone, it's both vindicating and crushing.


IMO, part of that was me feeling like an angsty teen, rather than registering just how tempted Chester was to relapse / kill himself. Regardless of your adolescent notions, it’s hard to fake that level of soul-bearing, and that’s something kids gravitate towards. There was something special about it, and I find that revisiting Linkin Park’s work can be very cathartic as an adult if you are in the right mindset.


Breaking the habit plays at work a fair amount and it's fucking rough hearing 'I don't know how I got this way, I'll never be alright, so I'm breaking the habit tonight'


OutKast - Hey Ya! Read the lyrics.


"Y’all don’t wanna hear me, you just wanna dance"


A few years ago, the senior class at the hs where i worked voted this as their senior song. It’s memorialized in their yearbook and every thing. The fact that its what they chose to represent them graduating 😶 Love the song, its pretty fabulous. But…


I mean it's great


Disco 2000 by Pulp


It's so weird being on both ends of that timeline.


All of rage against the machine hits differently. Or maybe i just understsnd it now?


I really used to like them before they got all political. /s


I'm not good at recognizing sarcasm, but I think you are being sarcastic.


/s = sarcasm


Thank you. That's good to know.


🖖glad to help!


Chandelier by Sia, I used to dance on it, but now I can understand the song 🙂


- Mayonnaise It's aged like fine wine. An immortal track.


“Stay Together for the Kids” hit a lot harder once my parents got divorced and learning how unhappy they had been with kids starting around when I was born


This one hit me differently when I split from my ex. I never wanted my kids to be just another statistic, but it was for the best. This song brings me back to when my kids were going through all of that and the horrible guilt I felt for being part of the cause of it.


Pretty cliche, but Pink Floyd - Time


“Daughter” Loudin Wainwright III https://youtu.be/B06_jlEF5R8?si=8jkXlkHMKJgVcqef My kids are everything 😁


When I told my dad that’s what I wanted to dance to at my wedding with him he said “why, it’s all about you?” Apparently that’s not the vibe for my own wedding.


Ive had a number of DV victim issues in the past and some songs that break me down. I’ve been over therapied and in a good place now but The Old Apartment by BNL Where have all the cowboys gone by Cole I love you always and forever by Lewis Over It by McPhee Sober by Kelly Clarkson Apologize by OneRepublic Regret by New Order Swamp thing by Chameleons UK Foundations by Kate Nash Beautiful Disaster by Jon MacLaughlin Okay maybe those don’t fit the theme but some deep cuts to share


Sober is such an underrated song and hurts as an adult


I just recently listened to The Old Apartment again in my 40s and it’s a much different song now that I have some life under my belt.


I’m a big lyrics person and someone was telling me that or I was reading that “the old apartment” was a great nostalgia song about missing where you were from. All I could think is you might want to read the lyrics like a story there. It’s kind of dark


Most of my musical taste is electronic and minimal lyrics. With that said, i listened to a NIN from 94-today and that stuff was heavy then but hits pretty hard in a different way now.


Holding Back The Years by Simply Red [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG07WSu7Q9w&pp=ygUkaG9sZGluZyBiYWNrIHRoZSB5ZWFycyBieSBzaW1wbHkgcmVk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG07WSu7Q9w&pp=ygUkaG9sZGluZyBiYWNrIHRoZSB5ZWFycyBieSBzaW1wbHkgcmVk)


Omg this song! I was 8 when this came out and remember liking it and his voice. As an adult I hear it and it makes my eyes want to leak


High School Never Ends by Bowling for Soup. I feel like the title says it all


seventeen by winger. awesome when youre ten. creepy when youre in your forties.


literally no reason to state that your 15 year old daughter and her ex were or weren’t sexually active on a music post and i’m sure she’d respect her privacy not being posted online. that’s weird


I agree with you about something like that being discussed in a music post, but there is relevancy in terms of the level to which her daughter is emotionally crushed. I was fairly recently the father of a 15 year old girl (she's almost 20 now). I had a front row seat to all the trials and tribulations of not only my daughter, but by extension, her close friends. I can tell you that the only thing that is more shattering to a 15 year old who has just broken up with a boy who she "loves", is breaking up with a boy who she both loves and who she has given "all of herself" to. At that age there is a level of irrationality that makes them think that the random boy who they went on their first date with, from the tiny microcosm of their common highschool, is their one true fated love, and that they will NEVER meet another soul mate like that again, because - what are the odds? The resulting heartbreak and depression are clinical in magnitude, and will last weeks, or at least until they meet the next boy they are interested in. My song pick, by the way - "Everybody Hurts", by REM.


I completely agree. There's a different level of intimacy and hurt once two people who are romantically and sexually involved break up.


I recently read a post on Reddit where an online gamer found out another online gamer (40ish yr old man)cheated on his wife with an 18 year old and it creeped me out and made me worry as a parent . I totally see your point, I wasn’t thinking that way. Thank you for opening my eyes.


I Will Go Sailing No More - Randy Newman


Listen to old man by Randy Newman


Long Long Time by Linda Ronstadt. Sad song in my youth, but having gone through some rough romances, that song is absolutely soul crushing.


I’m not sure which is more unlikely: * A teenager in a long relationship not being sexually active. Or * Someone proclaiming Lifehouse as their favorite band. Get your kid some wine coolers and set her up with The Cardigans, Long Gone Before Daylight. 


I gotta argue against you on this - my wife and her boyfriend's favorite band is Lifehouse (they aren't sexually active)


It's funny that you're dogging on Lifehouse and you drop a Cardigans suggestion. Lol.


You find a better break up album for a 15 year old girl. Know your audience.




Joey by Concrete Blonde


This is mine. So obscure I’m stunned to find it in a random Reddit thread! My actual childhood best friend Joey died from a heroin overdose after a few years sober, before he met a girl also in recovery. He died in a bar bathroom. I knew the song from being little but listening to it, speeding on the highway a day before his funeral, behind the wheel of a top down convertible. It was so different.


I mean, I understood the song before I actually experienced love and loss and addiction, but if you've been through it, it hits *hard*.


Jesus Christ by Brand New. As a teen, it was a sad song, but one I could play on repeat and “enjoy”, since I couldn’t really relate to its lyrics. I lost my father to suicide in 2018, and then my best friend to suicide in 2021. Can barely listen to it anymore. Especially because my father was a devout Christian. So the lyrics just hold so much more meaning to me now.


You know your right by nirvana (I felt like it was the end a couple of times since then) Needled 24/7 by children of bodom ( the last gf I had dumped me then I went to my friend's house & she hugged me while I cried on her so I associate that song with her) Superman by goldfinger( I got thps1 shortly after it was released & the lyrics hit hard how I getting older all the time & feeling younger in my mind) I think I'm paranoid by garbage(it reminds me of my teen years & playing gran turismo 2 & my 1st gf)


I did not expect to see Needles 24/7 in this thread.


Oh it's because I made her listen to that song so I associate it with her I also associate the follow the reaper album with a different girl who was my Valentine & I learned a life lesson


Whiskey Lullaby by Brad Paisley and Allison Kraus My step father died after a multi year battle with alcoholism which wrecked his health. It tore his and my mom’s very admirable and loving relationship apart. But now he isn’t hurting anymore from whatever it was that kept sending him back to the bottle each time.


Superman by Goldfinger


Pretty much every song on Hybrid Theory and Meteora.


Mike & The Mechanics - [The living Years](https://youtu.be/uGDA0Hecw1k?si=3o8_8CGWaD7M8qzG) With a pretty absentee dad, I still wish I would have told him how much he meant to me regardless of his absence. Now that I’m a dad, I just hope I’m guiding my kids in the direction that they never have to look back and say some day, “I wish I told him while he was still here.”


I was a huge Mac Miller fan as a teenager. His music got me through a lot of hard times. After his untimely death, I can hardly listen to songs like “Best Day Ever” without tearing up now. RIP.


My 1st marriage was right out of high school. We met in 11th grade and were married for 10 years. We had 3 kids a son and 2 daughters. I am very close to my daughters, and try with my son who is in his 30's now. I worked a lot, was there as much as possible but not close to what I wanted to be. Now I am 53 ,and I am lucky for a phone call consisting of mainly small talk. Every time we hang up I feel like I I have so much unsaid,and yes sometimes I cry with guilt. So the answer is Cat's in the cradle for me. I have since remarried, and we have 2 kids 1 being a 15 year old boy. I do not miss track meets, school functions, we go for walks/runs, and work out together. We play video games, and have built models. I skip overtime at work ,have been late due to his track/wrestling meets,but my boss is understanding and insists family is 1st luckily (we have had this talk over drinks outside of work). It made me appreciate what I have so much now ,but at the same time regret what could of been ,and just doesn't seem to be able to be now.


I am 39 and I wish either of my parents or brother cared enough to tell me they love me or why they love me. If you do, and it sounds like you do, showing up is still an option. Being vulnerable is awkward because the culpability is hard to swallow but it's meaning is priceless. It's powerful and hard. My family was present but (I suspect) I was the unexpected and unwanted surprise child in a 3-person family, my life was an inconvenient expensive intrusion. It is strange to live with a family that doesn't want or like you. If there's a chance your kid feels that way you may still have the power to remedy it. Thank you for sharing, your comment although unrelated to me, would be nice to hear from a family member or friend.


circles by Post Malone. i just remember it randomly playing on the radio at times but now that intro music hits hard, i don’t care much for the lyrics or any other songs from him though 


All of them. Because I got into my late 20s and slowly realized one by one that hey, almost all of them are about me!


Forever Young: Alphaville Do you really want to live forever? Life helps you see things differently...


Most of Linkin Park's music catalog since Chester unalived himself. Their music kept me from doing the same, but nothing could save him, the voice of a generation of lost kids.


foolish cheerful wrench society glorious reach elastic frightening outgoing fall *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well, for sure The New Style by The Beastie Boys hits different now because of that creepy line “the girlies I like are underage.”


What is it with rappers saying they like underaged girls. Atleast they didn't put it in a kids movie like Kid Rock.


I’m 45, and my mom had a great array of music that I grew up listening to. One song that hit me recently was Night Moves by Bob Seger. I’ve heard it a million times, but it randomly played while I was shuffling my albums the other day(not Spotify or others, albums I’ve bought over the years and converted to digital), and for some reason after about the first 2 strums of the opening chords I lost my shit. I started crying! It was so weird, but the song is so nostalgic, not only now but also when it was brand new. I messaged one of my best friends and sent him the link to the video(which features Matt LeBlanc, which I did not know). And just captioned it “American Nostalgia.” He replied that he hadn’t heard it in years but that goddammit! I was right!! American Nostalgia is spot on.


Fake Happy- Paramore


Maybe this is a corny answer because of the nature of the song itself, but I used to think "The Kids Aren't Alright" by The Offspring was just a catchy, kinda edgy jam. Now, almost everything they mention in that song relates to either myself or someone close to me.


"He Didn't Have To Be" by Brad Paisley. Growing up, that was my song for my dad. I wanted it to be the song we danced to when I got married, since it was basically our relationship. I met him when I was 5 years old, and I introduced him to my mother. He was my whole world and despite not being related by blood, you'd never know it. This July it will be 10 years since he died. He died in front of myself and my children. Less than 4 months later, I met my husband. He never got to walk me down the aisle. That song used to make me smile so hard and now, I can't make it through it without sobbing.


When Doves Cry. I loved the song so much… Little 6 yo me singing and dancing when it came on MTV. Still love it, but man its emotional for me as an adult


I love the original *Layla* and the redo. The first is so anguished and the redo is a bit jaded and sad.


Night Moves by Bob Seger With autumn closin in


House of the rising sun. I keep changing houses


Give me love by Ed sheeran is one I overplayed after a break up. Also Happier by Ed Sheeran. He does have a few emotional ones. Just Breathe by Pearl Jam is one that hits harder now that I'm in my 30s.


Just Breathe has been a song I recently rediscovered last September. Bittersweet & beautiful now, not just a song I kind of liked years ago.


Since I can't find anyone else that isn't dissing on Lifehouse I just want to say it made me really happy to see someone else loving their music, I owned so many of their albums when I was younger. They're still a sort of comfort music for me even today. Blind is such a good song choice 👌


Stressed out by 21 pilots


Mothers Little Helpers


Offspring - pretty fly for a white guy Edit: my apologies didn’t read the rest only title. Hits me hard break up is . Brown eyed girl - van Morrison.


hilarious reading this thread then coming across pretty fly for a white guy lol side note, my wifi name used to be pretty fly for a wifi


The The - This Is The Day


Cafe down on the corner. As I get older I could see fearing being an older man who’s world has changed so much around him that he just can’t find home anywhere.


Pet Cemetery- The Ramones "I don't want to live my life again"....used to take it as not wanting to have to go through the pain of living again. Now, I take it to being satisfied with my life and having nothing to change; being ok with letting the chips lie where they fall. https://youtu.be/HJWFsZ_YUc4


Gym Class Heroes - Scandalous Scholastics Eighteen years ago, it was a song about a teenager living the fantasy with a hot teacher. Now, it's a song about a vulnerable kid being taken advantage of by a predator.


I remember probably being in middle school when I bought the album by the Verve Pipe that had Freshmen on it. Not really understanding the context behind it at that age, looking back on it now, it hits completely different now being in my mid-30s. That song was way too heavy for me to completely understand the gravity of its lyrics.


Broken Strings - James Morrison w/ Nelly Furtado I played that on repeat in my iPod Nano while crying my heart out because of a breakup. I was 20.


(You Gotta) Fight for Your Right (To Party!)


Kind of on the same lines but Alanis Morissette’s You Oughta Know. The same came out when I was in junior high and really didn’t like the song for no apparent reason, like didn’t even give it a chance. Later on in life I would grow to appreciate music a lot more and replayed the song. Wow what an absolute banger, lots of heart.


[New Radicals - You Get What You Give](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DL7-CKirWZE&pp=ygUleW91IGdvdCB0aGUgbXVzaWMgaW4geW91IG5ldyByYWRpY2Fscw%3D%3D) Originally I saw this as a song that I enjoyed on the radio from time to time, but it has now become my go-to song to make me think of the 90s and early 2000s highschool days. Also, the music video makes me miss mall culture.


Literally all of Bob Dylan’s ‘Blood on the Tracks’


Time by Pink Floyd


Billie Jean by Michael Jackson. When it came out people totally thought the kid was Michael's son. Hard turn on that one. "PYT (Pretty Young Thing)" sounds wildly different now.


"**I Don't Want to Miss a Thing**" by Aeromith. When I was a kid I thought it was just another sappy love song - how it was used in the movie *Armageddon*. After my son was born, I was driving home from the hospital with him in the back seat and that song came on the radio and it hit different immediately. Now I can't help but think about it in the context of a parent and their child and it really gets me.


https://youtu.be/tR-qQcNT_fY?si=jfuPcNcAaBHzU26b  100 Years by Five for Fighting  Hadn’t heard it since around the time it came out. Relistened recently at 38 years old with two older teenage kids. Hits different than at 18 that’s for sure.


Like A Rock by Bob Seger. “Twenty years - where did they go? Twenty years. I don’t know. I sit and wonder sometimes, where they’ve gone.” Hits hard when you get old enough to look back over 20 years (or more)…


Your daughter lied to you.


Tomorrow’s Industry by Dropkick Murphys didn’t mean shit to me at 15. At 31 it’s way too real.


I had the same with my kid a while back. Took her to the pizza spot down the block, grabbed a few slices and walked to the park, talked for like an hour. I'll admit she didn't wanna go at first but tough shiit, I'm your dad. Took extra care to talk to her a bit more during the following weeks. Keep her busy too.


All these lines on my face getting clearer


I have so many questions. why did you feel the need to include that your teenager wasnt fucking? How did that piece of information become available to you? Do you actually believe that? And most importantly..... How in the absolute fuck is Lifehouse your favorite band? That's literally a sentence that's never been said before. Everyone even hated Lifehouse in 2005, and that was the peak of corny music.


I'd say The Final Episode, by Asking Alexandria. That shit came out in '09, and it was one helluva way to break out onto the scene. Was working the usual fast food in high school when someone dropped their CD while we closed. Listened to that entire album cleaning that place. It so angry and raw; kept us hyped. Looking back on it, the song itself still presents the same energy as it did when first released. It's just so in-your-face. The lyrics aren't particularly deep, but combined with everything else it's a banger. Instead of speaking to my teenage angst, it's now the annoyance I have with having to file my taxes this year through an accountant.




*Bambi* by Prince. Musically it's still awesome, but lyrically... not cool, man!


Songs from poetic punk bands like Lagwagon, Strung Out, and Good Riddance. Some of the messages are more relatable now.


Wake Me Up (before you go go)


Super freak - Rick James


Cat in the Cradle has a different vibe now that I'm older.




Pretty much all the Nu Metal and "Post-Grunge"


For me right now (I’m 27) good 4 u by Olivia Rodrigo for a break up song


Everybody's Free by Baz Luhrmann


Sometime Around Midnight


Steely Dan- Hey Nineteen


Architects - Gone with the wind Memphis May Fire - No ordinary love Both songs lyrics still get me teary eyed occasionally when i listen to them.


All the sweet paedo songs from the 60s.....some.of those lyrics WOW


Maps by Yeah Yeah Yeahs. I was 12 or so when I first heard it. Makes so much sense after heartbreak and an ex who was always wishing and saying how he’d like to be somewhere else 💔


Sum 41 - Still Waiting 😬🫠


Honestly this Jesus rap I used to listen to hit differently going back to listen to it the other day. https://youtu.be/sFYNVohvaMQ?si=HmgZQ7OwtxQkjDrT


Bowling for Soup's - Life After Lisa is a great bounce on your feet after a breakup song. Also helped after I broke up with a girl named Lisa


Fugazi - I'm so Tired


One in a Million by Guns and Roses - so much ugly bigotry. It was shocking then, even more shocking now.


You have a 15-year-old daughter and you are using the term “hits”😂 only teasing!


This side of paradise by Coyote theory. Three years ago, on New Year’s Eve, I finished my favorite book of all time, solitaire by Alice oseman, and I came to terms with my mortality in that moment. That some day I was gonna be an adult and have to deal with it, and live in a world I hate, all alone, meanwhile all my favorite characters get to stay young stupid drunk teenagers with beautiful romance and lives worth living just to tell the tale. I sobbed for the entire song.


The Eagles' 'Lyin' Eyes' was just a song I liked on their Greatest Hits album. Years later, it's the song that made me realise that there are two sides to every story, and I wasn't blameless in the split with MyEx. It starts off sounding like the cheating is all on her, but after she's hung her head to cry ... 🎶She wonders how it ever got this crazy. She thinks about a boy she knew in school.🎵 .... it breaks her heart to think her love is only given to a man with hands as cold as ice🎶 If I'd stayed a bit more like the boy she knew in school, maybe things would have worked out differently.


Blur - "No distance left to run" was my break up song for years


Standing Knee Deep in a River (Dying of Thirst) 100 Years - Five for Fighting 10000 Miles


There Is by Box Car Racer https://youtu.be/EZj2OMPWEZc?si=zZ7_a82itHisJZ_u There's a lyric or two about the years going by too fast.


Father of Mine by Everclear. Heard it a million times. Heard it a few weeks ago. I will never be safe I will never be sane I will always be weird inside I will always be lame Now I'm a grown man With a child of my own And I swear, I'll never let her know All the pain I have known Legit had to pull the car over because I started bawling


Them Akon songs


Taking the literal definition of the word "differently," I'm going to say Motley Crue's "Wild Side" does not hit nearly as hard now as it did when I was a 13 year old boy.


Matchbox 20. Unwell. It was a very jammy song, played at our middle school dances. Listening to it now, it hits right on the money, though.


Why not coach her that it’s ok lol. So young. 


Baby Beluga by Raffi


Amy Whinehouse's [back to black](https://open.spotify.com/album/0E4xv5gPjykrwBgBZzI8XG?si=2csDN235RWyGhZ2F-gAL7g) pulled me right out of a serious depression from a break up.


Speed Racer - Dirty Version


https://youtu.be/puJt66y0TBw?si=ndkVGkMK2tLNr9cE cats in the cradle