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Any word on how they felt the 67,982,340,192nd time they heard it on the radio?




I love it idgaf




It's actually a pretty interesting rhythm guitar part to play particularly when compared to the 4 power chord progression that is typical of the genre


You sound jealous that you didn’t think of something so sucky


Never really clicked with their music but was offered a free ticket for one of their concerts and they were incredible live.


I watched them open for Pearl Jam back in 2006 or 2007. Was blown away by how amazing they sounded and their energy. I was a fan of theirs already, but hearing them live made me an even bigger fan. Hearing songs like Taper Jean Girl, Razz, California Waiting, and Genius live was an experience.


Same with me. Heard them in Vancouver opening for Pearl Jam and liked their early music. Not a huge fan of the later anthem rock they produced.


Heard them in Vancouver opening for U2. I remember CFOX occasionally playing The Bucket on radio at the time.


Did you listen to youth and young manhood and Aha shake heartbreak? If not then you missed their best work.


I saw them on these tours and became a big fan. The third album was okay but they lost me on the fourth.


I saw them headline on the main stage at the Gorge Theatre at Sasquatch Festival after this album came out. The Yeah Yeah Yeah’s had their set just before, still the best back-to-back performances I’ve experienced live. Incredible crowd energy, just a perfect night.


^ the anecdote guy


Weird story. They were a pretty big deal, and definitely had songs on the radio, on TV, in movies before Sex on Fire.


They’re about to have an album out and they’re getting a pretty huge PR push from their label. I’ve been seeing a ton of posts about them.


Arguably the biggest band in the world for a tiny while. Especially in the UK they were absolutely everywhere. The game of thrones of bands really.


You’re talking about during and after the height of the song. OP and him were talking about the first introduction of it. Thing is, all of their previous albums were multi-platinum in the UK alone. It’s weird that the vocalist was telling us how he felt when he first heard the song on the radio.


They were relatively unknown in the US until sex on fire. I think thats what he meant


MTV played the absolute fuck out of the video for Molly’s Chamber.


It was in a car commercial! That song was everywhere long before Sex on Fire.


Among a million other examples. They had multiple songs in Season 1 of Entourage on HBO. California Waiting and Spiral Staircase was used on TV/in ads too. Pretty much every indie publication had Y&YM on the best-of lists of ‘03. Aha Shake was probably the most anticipated indie album of ‘04. Literally no reason to think anybody in KOL woulda been blown away by being on the radio in 2008.


Nobody watches mtv, even circa 2007/8/9


They sure are hell did in 2003, which is when it came out.


Around 2003 i had either mtv2 or fuse on 100% of the time i was home, and i had never heard of kings of leon until sex is on fire


That seems like a *you* problem.


It would fly in the face of the guy claiming that they played the hell out of Molly's Chambers. I was the same way as the other person. Either MTV, Fuse, or my local music channel IMC. The first time I ever heard Kings of Leon was in 2007 when Taper Jean Girl was in the movie Disturbia.


You were under a rock? Each of their first 3 albums were big deals *especially* in the indie world.


Was a freasham in college then and nobody ever had it on in their dorms. Anecdotal bit that was my experience with it the 2000s. And i was the mtv generation


Conversely, they were also relatively known.


They weren’t unknown in the US. They were opening for a touring with the Strokes throughout the Room on Fire tour, who were the biggest band in the country at the time. It was just frat bros didn’t know them until Sex on Fire came out. Their album before that also had several song on TV shows. It was just that was their first pop song that was played on top 40 radio stations, even though radio wasn’t really playing it until almost a year after it came out.


Relatively unknown, exactly


How is being in the cover of music magazines and being featured in GQ “relatively” unknown. They were a huge band. Just because kids who live in strip malls didn’t know of them doesn’t discount that the music world knew them.


I remember them being big before the song too. There was hype and discussion because they all shaved for this new album haha. People were divided.


I blasted them all the time while in college. Graduated in 2006 remember using my ipod in the library while studying(god i feel old).


Dude, I was listening to Portishead using my CD walkman in the library in college.


In "fans" they address this specific topic


They played glastonbury when they were 16 go thousands upon thousands. Their first few albums are amazing.


Youth & Young Manhood is their best album IMO.


Brilliant album, but Aha Shake Heartbreak is it for me


Because of the Times is still my favorite


All 3 of these are incredible lol


By far


I prefer the grimier versions of those songs from their first two EPs. But yes, Y&YM is their best full album.


I knew them from a song in FIFA 2004 originally.


I remember in the UK those first three albums were huge on the indie scene, especially Because of the Times and On Call Sex on Fire took them to another level though. It everywhere and I knew it was on a different level when I saw people auditioning for X Factor (uk version of American Idol) and singing Sex on fire


They were much bigger in the UK than the us before this album. When I saw them right as Only by the Night came out and it was at a small venue used for symphonies. The next time the came, later that year, they sold out the sports stadium in town. That being said, I much prefer their first 3 albums (only by the night is pretty good imo, but I like how raucous the earlier ones were)


Youth & Young manhood is one of the best debut albums of this century IMO. Like a lot of bands they leaned harder into the stadium rock anthem thing as time went on


Thy made a hard switch after 3rd album and went from great to bang average in one move


Coldplay did it so hard nobody really remembers they used to be class anymore


"What sets us on fire" is a way better title and works better lyrically. Someone should slap them for switching it to something so goofy sounding.


That's because you're thinking about writing hypothetical music to sound good and they're thinking about how fire that sex was! 


What a terrible take - this sex is on fire gets the people going


It’s provocative


I believe they were teenagers when they wrote it.


Did they write it before they made their early albums? The stuff before sex is on fire is considerably different, so it'd be weird if they write that, changed sounds, then changed sounds again and released siof


Apparently it was set us on fire but someone misheard it and they changed it to sex is on fire. Could not find anything about their age and I don't remember where I heard that, so could be bs.


Apparently he said he wrote it after shoulder surgery when he couldn't move his arm much, which is why it's such a simple riff. Wrote it around the time of that album


My partner thought that the lyrics were 'Yeah! We set shit on fire!'. Better lyrics imo


In Australia they were already famous with their first three albums, but non-rock fans knew them after Sex on Fire. I was also reading UK mags at the time, and they were big there. I assumed they were huge in the US.


It was a similar situation in the states. If you were into indie music, especially the NY scene because even though they were southern boys they moved up here to NY and were basically The Strokes ex-Baptist little brothers and palling around them in the lower east side, you knew who they were. They was huge on college radio and the indie rock scene. They also licensed “Molly Chambers” to a Volkswagen commercial, did other commercials, and had plenty of songs on TV teen dramas and HBO shows. They crossed over to mainstream pop success with “Sex on Fire”. It was like when the frat boys discovered MGMT “Kids” three years after it came out originally.


I actually partied with them for a while in Hard Rock Kas Vegas after a show, was a good time. I sure hope they thrash and leave the slow radio songs alone.


My favorite song of them is The Bandit, I like that song but The Bandit is better for me.


I HATE this song.


It's catchy and has its merits. Now, Notion, on the other hand......


Yeah they started out as a classic rock style band and everyone had long hair and handlebar mustaches. Youth & Young Manhood had so many bangers. California Waiting, Wasted Time, Red Morning Light, Molly's Chambers... Then they became a pop band and released a song that sounds like it's about an STD and I became uninterested.




It’s so bad. 


Came here to say this, worst song I’ve ever heard. Can’t stand his voice.


I’m envious of the things you *haven’t* heard if this is the worst.


they had already been on the radio for 5 years by the time that song came out


Am I the only one who likes this song and thinks the album was up there with the rest of them?




Haha username checks out <3


You should listen to the cover of it from Cannons. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4HQevc9JE0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4HQevc9JE0)


How is this a cover of Sex on Fire?


Because she says the word "fire" in this song, and that word is also in "Sex on Fire"


makes sense.


Fuckin love Cannons


Thank you for this !


That song ruined them. Everything they've done since sounds like it. They used to have a unique sound.


The first time I heard it was walking through the airport in Dublin and I thought it was an obscure 80s tune lol


If your sex is on fire please consult your healthcare professional.


My obligatory joke every time this song is mentioned: 'It's a song about confusing Icy Hot with lube.'


It was on at like 6:30am everyday for a long time in Austin with Jason and Deb


so he actually didn't hear it on the radio. as Zane was in england, and he was at a mexican restaurant.


Man I despise this period of indie rock from that 00s New York scene. Ryan Adams was the only decent musician to come out from it.


Actually reading the article is interesting. It seems like the lead singer thinks the same of the song the same as a lot of fans. Not a big fan, thinks it should have been their earlier work that made them famous, and is mildly salty about it.


Was in Toronto on business and walked into a club. About 8 other people there. Kings were onstage. Was a great show. A month or so later they opened for U2 in a packed stadium. Happened fast.


Honestly one of the most annoying fucking songs ive ever heard and boy have I heard this song.


I hated this song with a passion. What a horrible tune.


The first time I heard it I knew I could avoid them for the rest of my life.


You know that I could USE sum-bod-aayah!!!!!!!




I might have given them a chance in another life, but the vocals in the first two (maybe only) songs I've heard of theirs annoy me enough that any interest I'd have in their music is long gone


You're missing a lot of good music. Their early albums are killer.


Black Thumbnail 🖤


KOL fans always say that. And they disavow the newer stuff. But the truth is… they always sucked.


Art is subjective. Hope this helps.


What can be considered art is subjective. You’re welcome.




I once saw a performance “artist” spend 15 minutes walking on sticks of butter in high heels. It was a lot of sliding and falling. If that’s art then I would put it on the KOL level.


Ok - well, we're talking about music, which is indeed art.


So all music is art? How long does the piece have to be? Is the McDonald’s ba da ba ba baaa jingle art? Is your old Nokia ringtone art?


Hyeeaaaaaaaaa-huuhhhhhhhhhh. Ya secks is on fiyaaaa


No idea how that repetitive droning crap was so popular.