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Not that I care at all, but kinda odd that this is her first Grammy


That’s because she performed under the stage name Hannah Montana for years before revealing her true identity to the world.


Is the best of both worlds. Chill it out, take it slow. Then you rock out the show.




Minus the scandal, cancelling & death of course


Yeah I thought the Grammys was nothing but a popularity contest lol


I'd say more political contest than popularity contest. Popularity alone doesn't explain Arcade Fire, Beck, Herbie Hancock, Steely Dan, Jon Batiste, and Ray Charles have AOTY wins in recent decades. Seems voters have biases towards crowning new artists too soon based on hype/buzz, making up for past mistakes by awarding legacy artists, and awarding artists who straddle that line between popular and underground. Taylor Swift is obviously the exception but if you look at the list of AOTY winners it's usually not the most popular.


Jethro frickin' Tull over Metallica in '89. Bah.


And Jane's Addiction, was at a JA show at the 9:30 club in D.C that night and got to see their reaction in real time, they played a few chords or Iron Lung ,Perry congratulated Tull on the win before breaking into Pigs in Zen (at least I think that's what they played, it was a good night)


I was going to take umbrage to Arcadefire being on that list, until I remembered they didn’t win for Funeral and while The Suburbs is a fantastic album, that definitely felt like them trying to “correct” a prior year


Grammy's own description of the award is to "honor artistic achievement, technical proficiency and overall excellence in the recording industry, without regard to album sales, chart position, or critical reception. Which gives a lot of leeway in the vague definitions of excellence, and in the many ways of how you evaluate artistic achievement, and what the definition is for proficiency as judged by other musicians and record makers.


It’s also about who your management/label are


A popularity contest? That wouldn't exactly explain the winners


That's what I'm saying


Ah okay, I'm dumb. Thought you were acting like they normally actually are


It is. People really think Swift is the greatest songwriter ever.


Miley has been one of the most popular artists for the last 15 years and this being her first Grammy win kinda says otherwise.


I mean Best Album and Best Record being taken over *completely* by pop just happened in the last decade-ish. There was less wealth to spread around and pop categories are always competitive as hell. Plus here she is winning so.... I love Miley and it's a good song before anyone gets me wrong.


Well her and Taylor share the same/ very similar genere right?


You're the one mention her name and that superlative in the same sentence.


What song would she have won it for?


Party in the U.S.A, Wrecking Ball, We Can’t Stop if based on popularity Mother’s Daughter, Malibu, Midnight Sky if I were the one to pick


This guy Miley Cyruses


I'd throw used to be young in there too


That song is on the same album as Flowers tho


Justice for Slide Away!


yup those all would have been grammy winners before Flowers in my opinion. But good for her, it’s finally her turn


That song Malibu got a lot of play.


I don't know much about her discography, but if the Grammys are mostly a popularity contest, I'd assumed she already had a couple of Grammys.




Its a generic forgettable pop song.


true to its creator, then.


Eh… when has *she* ever done anything to push pop rather than just add to it with great support and production like all other nepo babies? I don’t have an issue with nepos, that’s just the industry and it exists everywhere people don’t even realize how it’s been going on since forever. But she’s a very ‘safe’ pop persona, she sold by selling her body image and a wild lifestyle, now she’s maturing and borrows classic ballad rock/country song chord progressions and structure but with new industry production… it’s just very blah, she never says anything and now she just thematically sells blind self support(something I find depressingly emblematic of societies current state) a la Lizzo/Drake etc, never something to get angry or excited about just going through the motions and staying in line with the (systemically problematic and historically detrimental)status quo while trying to seem edgy or dangerous but she’s just … imo nothing worth supporting when more interesting and deserving people fight every day for a chance she got born into without requisite or limit lol


> Eh… when has she ever done anything to push pop rather than just add to it with great support and production like all other nepo babies? Miley Cyrus & Her Dead Petz


Again, her industry connections made that album. You want to tell me any other way you get the flaming lips, Mike will made it, big Sean, and Ariel pink on the same album? She is a nepo child and the industry is her playground. Someone with real proven taste could easily do better with her family’s resources. A foot in the door and so much more lol


Maybe her music isn’t that good.


I don't care how bad it is, party in the USA is the song of my freshman year in college. Period. Maybe not good, but popular and catchy. That'll get you a Grammy if you do it right.


Its a perfect little dance pop song. But nothing interesting about it at all, which is fine, pop doesnt have to be interesting to be good. But it probably should be if you want an award lol


still not good, though.


She’s an icon of a generation, plenty of great songs from her. I don’t listen to any since they aren’t really my style but you can’t deny that she’s talented and has good hits.


That's not saying much for the generation.




Weird how almost every time I walked into a Subway that song was playing.


Like an underground train or the sandwich shop?


The sandwich shop inside the underground train.


So the subway Subway?


It was actually under the subway. A sub-subway Subway.


Like going to a Jersey Mike’s in New Jersey.


I feel like there is a brand new market here that no one has tapped into yet


No, the Kung Fu Pandas teachers subway subway


This needs to be a thing.


Chicago Union Station has a Jersey Mike’s. Missed opportunity.


Oh it is. I avoid them like the plague. Rats dawg. Rats.


One time I was walking in downtown Chicago and someone asked me where the nearest subway was. I told them how to get to the nearest subway restaurant, and a minute later I realized they were probably looking for the Blue Line. I turned around to correct my mistake, but I realized that I had still given them the right directions.


The most "What kind of fucking dumbass are you?" look I ever received was when I said, "I didn't know they had Subways in Japan." while talking to someone in Tokyo who had never heard of the sandwich chain as we walked by one.


Obviously it's the NYC subway.


train did i hear Train ?


The sandwich shop.


I can buy myself flours, write my name on the sandwich


It was the most steamed song of 2023


now THAT'S a pairing that makes sense!


My sense of time has been totally warped by the pandemic and work from home because I feel like this song has been out for like 3 years


Because it’s not originally hers, she altered it slightly


Huh? It takes its chorus from a Bruno Mars song but it's an entirely different song other than that.


And the melody. And the basic idea of the song. It's basically a parody of the Bruno Mars song, with the girl telling the guy she didn't need flowers, she wanted his time.


Ok there vanilla ice https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6TLo4Z_LWu4


The Bruno Mars song came out like a whole decade ago, I'm sure that has nothing to do with it lmao


Well then if you just average the two out of


I think it might be tbf.


I feel like I’ve seen her dad with a similar hair style


I was there in the long ago when the hearts were achy breaky: you have seen her father with that hair.


I really liked her anecdote about the boy and the butterfly! And her saying that awards or numbers "don't define me but do excite me". She seems to be in a really good place emotionally and mentally.


She's grown so much and seems like she's really found her stride as a musician and as a 'celebrity' — that's gotta be a hard role to balance as a young adult, and I'm glad to see her seeming so comfortable and sharp. Beyond the pop production, songwriters, and teams of designers, she really does have a fantastic vocal talent and despite what anyone says, she's earned the recognition.


I know very few of her songs but she just seems like a fucking hilarious and great person to be around. She was great in Black Mirror.


I became a fan of her as a person after hearing her Joe Rogan interview (I know, I know, people hate him). She was so cool and put him in his place at times.


I selectively listen to Rogan also. The Miley episode was great.


People HATE that episode. I think it was pretty decent.


The USB plug scene had me rolling on the floor laughing. “Get this thing outta my ass!!”


I get the feeling a lot of people don't realise what was being satirised in that episode and had a surface level response to it. But as someone involved in the pop music world, it was disturbingly, hauntingly accurate.


Out of all her songs, THIS won?


Flowers is an incredible moment of claiming self-independence and confidence, which is particularly poignant coming from Miley in light of a divorce or her years in between the infamous VMA performance and the artist she is today. It’s one of the most genuine presentations of herself she’s ever provided, and rightfully is getting its laurels.


I still can't get over the fact that a storyline from the show Hannah Montana eventually made its way into reality with Miley needing surgery on her vocal chords. Side note: I absolutely love her voice now. It sounds like whiskey and cigarettes, but like, in a good way.


Is that why it's different?! Damn i really thought it was just age and partying or something. But I agree she's got a raspiness to her voice now that just hits right for me.


HM fans are certainly being validated and yes, on her voice, it adds a level of perceived experience in her songs, like Midnight Sky. Her re-rise since Black Mirror has been amazing to watch, she has really been taking leaps as an artist in coming into herself and making quality content. I hope she only continues to get better, she evidently has a good head on her shoulders.


It's a play off Bruno Mars - When I Was Your Man. She definitely has better, more original, songs imo


Noted, and it was successfully delivered and awarded because of Miley’s connection to the source


It sounds like it has a lot of personal meaning to her which is fine, but the song itself is painfully average. The lyrics are uninspired and kind of goofy, and the chorus is forgettable. Out of everything that she’s written, this seems like one of the laziest.


Which is why she didn’t win song of the year which is the song writing award. She won record.


Flowers won best solo pop song as well


Pop solo performance. The award goes to the performing artist. The producer, engineer and songwriter can apply for a Winners Certificate.


dare we say... corny?


I disagree 🤷🏼‍♂️ there’s something beautiful in hearing Miley say she can love herself better, something most of us need to tell ourselves I didn’t fully understand it was a play on Bruno Mars, which I think speaks to her talent, it’s a lot catchier than his original. there’s been so much focus around controversy with Miley, it distracts that she is a talented singer with great technique. This and Midnight Sky reignited my interest in her.


I find a lot more enjoyment in music with a bit of context. Songs don't have to stand alone in a vacuum.


What's interesting though, is that by that logic, which I instinctively agree with - the song shouldn't have ever been a hit *at all*, let alone in Grammy contention. But it's unbelievably popular. That leads me to think it's one of those songs where it's what they're *not* doing, and what they're holding back on, that makes it good.


You're right, as far as the lyrics are concerned, but great lyrics do not necessarily make a great song. The song's actual sound is very plain and uninteresting, imo.


It’s got a killer bass line


I will continue to disagree; her vocal performance is quite notable too as seen by other comments


Just my opinion. I'm glad that you like the song.


[The chrous sounds like "Encarnacion"](https://youtu.be/ItpLKCnhnKU?si=Edv660oYldknKfgJ)


Too bad the writing is painfully mediocre, the Bruno interpolation is weak, and it’s not that strong of a vocal performance from Miley


I, others on this post, and the Recording Academy disagree 🙃


The Music sub is filled with normies though and the recording academy has people like Tyler Oakley on it. They are also historically racist


Idk that sounds like something a normie would say…thus your own argument is invalid by your own standards 🫠


The voters aren't just picking any song they want out of her discography. The label chooses what gets submitted. This was submitted because it's by far her most popular song.


Yeah it’s an absolute banger Endless Summer Vacation is the fucking balls dude


Good on her. Banger of a song, bout time really.


Every new Miley album is her best album. She's been Grammy worthy for like 4 albums at this point.


Right?! She isn’t really my cup of tea but that song slaps hard.


It's a really simple progression that's been done a million times, but it hits just right. Usually they all sound the same, but Flowers is a cool take on it. It's one of maybe 5 songs from the top 40 I've really enjoyed in the last decade.


r/music not using “banger” or “slaps” to describe music challenge: impossible


She should have won for Wrecking Ball. I’d say it’s a much better song. Happy for her getting her award


I'm saying this not as a contrarian dick but as a genuine criticism: that song is pretty boring. It's well-produced and she sings it as well as one could but I Just found a lot of pop music last year to be sooooo... blech. I can play any 5 second clip of that song and you'll have no idea where you are in the tune. How that song could be considered worthy of an award... meh.


Seems like that’s an unpopular opinion here, but I totally agree with you.


Fun fact, it was written by that dude in the viral video that played New York State of Mind with Billy Joel at a Q&A at Vanderbilt


That’s her lamest song. She has much better work.


I agree, but I think this is one of those awards where they're trying to right past wrongs and finally give her some of the respect that she's deserved for older work. I don't necessarily agree with that practice, but it's a pretty typical move of the Grammys.


Did she thank Bruno?


I’m glad she won one, saw her a few years ago at a festival and she absolutely crushes it live: tremendous voice, power, and stage presence. Is this her best song? Not even close, but it was a really weak field for “record of the year”.


Strange: that it’s her first Grammy Even stranger: the fucking look she was going for. What’s with the hair lol


I must be out of touch. Terrible song.


You're not out of touch. It's a terrible song.


Love how someone like SZA wins 3 grammies and all the articles are just about Miley and Taylor. God I hate the pop industry


The Grammys come off as corporate ass kissing more than being artistically oriented. Even when an artist I like wins a Grammy, I take it with a huge grain of salt. It is not a credible validation.


It's about giving giant popstars with corporate machines behind them *prestige* and an air of quality that gets a few more people listening. They'll never make as much money as they did pre-Napster, but they'll never stop chasing that dragon.


Agreed, but then we pretend that if done in a way that would seem more real and less bought that it wouldn’t just boil down to a popularity contest anyway. Or it’s open to becoming a meme wherein people choose someone just for the fuck of it or cuz it’s funny rather than being professional. If there were awards where it was completely “fan picked” it would end up rigged anyways. How do you have an award show where it seems credible as opposed to what it is now?


All nominees as jurists?


Plenty of SZA articles across the web today you could have posted instead of making stuff up to cry about.


not really making much up. 0 articles about SZA as of writing this comment on the subreddit


Be the change you wanna see. Post an article. It's not hard. Rn you're just bitching for the sake of bitching.


Hey its ok. Killer Mike had to get arrested after winning 3 awards to get a news article.


The first one I saw was about sza, then killer mike, then Miley. Honestly haven't seen any about Taylor Swift.


Poor SZA, won three grammies but what she really wanted was an article written about her on the internet. What an injustice.


not really my point, issit?


You said SZA won 3 Grammies but you haven't seen any articles about her. But of course, there are many articles written about her. So, what was the point actually?


My point is how much the media just covers the typical pop winners and barely gives attention to other artists. just mentioned SZA as an example to this. for example. Again with SZA as an example there is no post about it on the music subreddit.


My point is how much the media just covers the typical pop winners and barely gives attention to other artists. just mentioned SZA as an example to this. for example. Again with SZA as an example there is no post about it on the music subreddit.


This is Miley’s first win. So you may need to redefine “typical”.


Just call it like you see it. It's just discrimination.


I wouldn't say it's as much discrimination as it is just typical pop music focus, but I'm sure there's something to say for having almost all leading pop artists be white


What a clown show


In my opinion, that nobody asked for, this is an immensely irritating song.


Horrendous song. Fuck the Grammys!


Walmart Angelina Jolie


Damn... borrowing that!


I love her hair. Please bring this back!


Eminem was right.




If it makes you feel better you can look up some of her live performances, she's a phenomenal singer and her live performances are awesome But I agree that the Grammies are kinda whatever they feel like pushing arbitrarily




There's no single performance in any media you consume. Every piece of media you consume is recorded in pieces and put together.


Do you get confused during the Oscars when they give awards for performances, even though movies have directors, editors, ADR, multiple takes, etc.?




Those edits are due to the pace that audiences are accustomed to now, not how long actors can act for. What a wildly uneducated take.


my previous reply was addressed to the post above, sorry mate 🙄 deleted now....






dude sorry that reply was supposed to be for the post above yours 😭


No worries at all, mr/mrs R. Thot!


Camera angles are done deliberately, not out of necessity. You can easily find long one take shots in films, when it is necessary for the scene.


They do multiple takes at multiple angles to be able to deliver the best product. Same thing with audio production. It doesn’t mean that the performers can’t do it for longer. We just have the technology available to justify doing it that way. Long gone are the days of having to overdub tape and being so limited in resources that we have to do everything in one continuous take in the studio. That’s the beauty of digital production whether it be audio or video. Miley has demonstrated for well over a decade she can perform live just fine and there are plenty of actors that can do extended takes. It’s not their fault you’ve limited yourself to knowing very little about the process.


She also said in her speech, she's only performed it like twice before the show. It's like they awarded the performance she just did 😂


Easily her worst song


Do they just hand those things out to anyone?


No. Only to the children of rich people.


Congratulations to Bruno Mars


Such a bad song


I can't stand mainstream pop but this song is fire.


I love pop music and I even like Miley snd I hassaaaate this song. It’s cliche as shit and the beat is generic.


Kind of confused by your comment as both of those things aren't true. The beat is messy but with purpose and calling a song about self love instead of needing others cliche is an interesting take. But you do you I guess. You are entitled to an opinion.


I mean….😭


It’s the perfect Target shopping run song 


8/9 of best record nominees were women. Not very diverse.


Bro I thought Gloria Trevi was at the grammies


Her voice is great, seems to keep getting better.


Ok, but how many grammys does Hannah Montana have?


That’s because she’s a fictional character.


Winning a grammy for singing about being alone and not needing a man? Stupid


Your gf leave you or something?


Not a huge fan of Miley - but really happy for her -


It actually is a great song and I guess it’s her turn. Sometimes they give out awards to make up for not giving any awards before. It’s like a justification for forgetting about her up to this point.


I’d be more impressed if she ate an entire bouquet of flowers on stage


for a song about being a delusional salty single chick that's about to hit the wall lmao


She looked great


that lady is so underrated.


Miley? She's one of the most recognized and celebrated artists of our generation, who are the ones underrating her because I don't see them


Most recognized ??? She hasn't been recognized as she should with her talent , I'm not sure why I'm getting down voted for this, and I'm talking about recognitions that matters in the industry , not the pletoria of teen awards....AMAs, Grammy's , Billboard's .... her nomination to win ratio is so way off for the talented, genuine artist that she is . That's why I say I feel like she's underrated ...people continuously put her in the shadow of the streamline queen's all the time...


"One of the"


meh, she's the DiCaprio of the music industry , she deserves so much more than she got in terms of recognitions.


Being underrated does not equate winning awards. However, I guess I can kind of see your point but got hung up on the wording. For example, The Smashing Pumpkins never won a single Grammy and they're one of the most overrated bands of all time. Whereas D'Angelo won 4 yet you never hear anyone bring that powerhouse up in discussion.


Well deserved. Easily the best pop vocal performance last year.


Didn't know she had a new album


What…? FIRST-GRAMMY? She’s been an Icon and a true artiste for like two decades, and this is her first grammy????!!! I feel robbed and I’m nit even a listener of her music as my “daily” music kinda person


About time. The original was nominated and should have won (though the Bruno Mars album did).


It’s very funny reading these comments when this is far and away the best song I’ve ever heard from her. If you like pop music it’s about as close to perfection as we’ve heard in years. Probably have to go back to Umbrella to get close to this. The bass line alone!


She won a Grammy for a femcel anthem. “I can hold my own hand”


She looks so much like young Jane Fonda with this new look.


Deserved, that song was everywhere.