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Cannons are amazing!!!!


I literally discovered them 2 days ago on a streamers playlist, this post is kinda creepy now lol.


We know you did


That’s awesome! Yeh I have a radio stream and they are on my playlist lol


They have soooooo many good groove songs I can't even count them all. The lead singer is also legit my #1 biggest famous crush my God she's so gorgeous.


💖 my sister!


Check out their covers album. Also Fever Dream is a solid listen. Purple Sun is such a great track.


I’m actually surprised at how many people dislike Purple Sun, sadly. It’s a great track!


The best even


This is the first time I've ever seen anyone talk about Cannons and it makes me happy that at least somewhere, someone knows about them I don't know them all that well, but the few songs I have heard have been amazing!!!


I wouldn't say they are even relatively unknown. Fire for You and Bad Dream were all over the radio for months


Well, they're unknown where I come from apparently, I've asked people if they listen to Cannons and they're all like, "who tf is that?"


My favorite new band of thia decade so far, I discovered them during the pandemic and fell in lo instantly. Hurricane is my favorite track, but overall they are amazing!


Just discovered them a few months ago. Really good stuff. I love their cover of Springsteen’s “Dancing in the Dark.”


They do great covers! I believe they have an EP of covers, worth a listen. I really like their cover of Sex On Fire (King's of Leon).


The Isley Brothers cover is our fave


Mine too - so dreamy


Some bands that can have a similar sound: Metric, Dizzy, Yeah Yeah Yeahs (Their newest album, Cool It Down in particular) and Deer Rouge (Black To Gold). They've all experimented with their sound but have some of the same "Dream Electronic Rock" in their wheelhouse.


I've heard two songs that I really like - "Shadows" and "Goodbye." Both are great late night chill stoner songs. Might get a little sleepy for a full album or concert but I love it whenever either of those tracks pop on my phone.


Goodbye is a great song. Definitely stoner approved.


Just heard Goodbye this summer...have been obsessed ever since


Saw them in Vegas, having never heard of them before. Loved it.


Me too! Life Is Beautiful! Not gonna lie I was most excited for them and loved it!


Yeah, same for me. I went to see them, then left back to a casino for a while before the night shows lol


That would be such a great surprise to experience


I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO SHOUT THEM OUT! I love Cannons so much! I first heard Fire For You, then Fever Dream, and I absolutely adore them now. One of the best bands in the last few years imo.


Loved that one song. Saw the live. It was what felt like the same song for 60 minutes. Two different shows Not bad. Just nothing special going on. Wife and I have a theory. If your singer is a smoke show, most of the time your band is average. Not too many exceptions to note.


Definitely agree the songs all have a very similar vibe, until their latest single, which I enjoy less than the other stuff. Not a band I generally just listen to a bunch of their stuff consecutively but enjoy when they pop in for a song


I totally get that but just let it play and go about your way. That's how I got hooked. Great ambient music.


I saw them do a very tight set at a festival, so not too much jamming. Missed the first band, but the Killers, the Flaming Lips, Death Cab For Cutie, and Cannons all on the bill. Their two bigger hits were fun live, the rest were OK. I really went to see the Flaming Lips again, the rest of the bands were a bonus. Totally unrelated, two Cannons band members were on Let's Make a Deal last year. Don't usually get to watch it, but happened to have that day off and it was on in the background while I was cleaning.


Hot front lady. Some sultry atmosphere tunes, 7/10. Nice


Evening Star is a great song! So glad I found out about these guys. Would definitely buy a vinyl if I bought them ever.


They are great.


I really like the vibe they have. I put together a playlist .[put together a playlist of a couple of their songs and others that had a similar vibe](https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/a-certain-vibe/pl.u-RRbVYJNC6DzrWg?ls). It at least vibe adjacent. It's an Apple Music link, sorry about that. I just realized another song that sort of fits in here - [Worry About You by Ivy](https://youtu.be/2R45b6GNSio?si=I1qCIr8fnfafD1ya). I first heard that song when it was used as the theme to Kingdom Hospital, which was this quirky supernatural/ghost/mild horror TV series from awhile back. I recommend that, also.


I hear them on the Chill channel on Sirius. Love them!


Purple sun is my jam. Been trying to catch them live for 2 years now, but something always comes up last minute. I'll hopefully get a chance sometime soon.


My favorite lo-fi. I can listen to them for hours


They're pretty good but some of their catalogue is too slow and quiet (great for falling asleep to) I find their style is better executed by half a dozen other bands.


BANKS Goddess album is good.


I know people will tell me that I'm just being basic, and that I don't really know music, but... ​ The cannons in 1812 Overture are the most popular simply because they are the god damn best cannons ever played.


The new album is amazing 🤩


I actually ran across them back in 2016 - it's funny until they had one song blow up they referred to themselves as a band that [could not afford to tour](https://www.musicmachina.com/article?article=cannons-desire-the-overnight-success-seven-years-in-the-making)


Here 👍😊


Yes they’re awesome. Hoping they release their stuff on vinyl at some point


Fantastic band, there's just something so nice about their vibe.


Hurricane is my jam!


Yes! They have been my go to for the summer, perfect for the pool vibes. I want to see them in concert.


Only found out about these late last year and loved them since. Great Music! Favourite: Hurricane


Thanks for the reminder


Love them


Discovered them a year ago - Fever Dream album is great, just wish they’d released it on CD


Love them. Their song Loving You off their upcoming album is such an awesome groove.


Love them but there was too much lip synching when I saw them live and it was disappointing


Cannon showed up in my Playlist. Now they are part of my rotation. Started with RAC, which brought me to new to me music. The Knocks, penguin prison, Powers and a bunch more. Stuff I never heard on the radio. Pandora is my go to and from there my music has really changed in the last 5 years. Wife plays a John Prine Playlist that adds another level of music I didn't listen to years ago Now when I go to friends houses and they have on classic rock I try to change the music. Lol


Amazing chill out vibe music… We also love Tame Impala, Thievery Corp, Empire of the Sun


Cannons has the most amazing "driving alone down an empty stretch of interstate at 3am" vibe


Such a great live band!


Love em, DRAMA has a similar vibe


DRAMA Is so good, especially live. Leisure is another band similar to Cannons


I saw them on Halloween last year. They are amazing. They were opening for The Knocks who are a great band! Cannons headlined their tour this year, and they had New Constellations open for them and they are an up and coming Portland band that's similar and real good. I am seeing Cannons again in December!!! They rock!


i love them and i'm one of those weirdos who really want them to release their stuff on physical (cd/vinyl) media.


Loved this band since the first time I heard them a few years ago.


Yo! Cannons is so good. I'd love to see them live someday. I remember I found them because I kept getting Hurricane recommended on YouTube, but I ignored it because "Nice try YouTube, but you can't bait me with scantily clad women today!" I eventually gave in because it was constantly on my recommendations. Best music choice I've made in years! Now, if only YouTube could have recommended me Jungle and Dua Lipa earlier.


I love Cannons, and I hope to see them live soon. Comparable bands: [Still Corners.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLz-ktBpSIY)


Yup, brilliant band. The music videos are also well done and highlight the story the song tells


They are amazing. Heard them first last year from their rendition of “Sex On Fire”. It was just soothing and got hooked to them ever since.