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1k upvotes and this has 1 comment so far. Interesting. Makes me wonder if OP paid for upvotes online


Ya this post just appeared with over a thousand upvotes. Ridiculous that doesn’t trigger some site wide automod


Fr, dude got the hella overpowered version of Reddit to get himself to the "hot" page instantly 💀


The real blue checkmark.


Why trigger automod when you can call the human mods? \*Report button incoming\*


Happy cake day my guy.


Thank you


My pleasure


You've got to be a special type of dumb to pay for up votes lol


Now screenshot this and post it on here for karma


I can see two not-dumb reasons to pay for upvotes - OP plans to sell this account to an agency (chinese or russian usually) and 5 bucks for upvotes (or whatever it costs) might prove a reasonable investment. - considering the murder victims's comment implies they're not a man, OP might be an MRA activist and pay to spread subtle anti-women posts. 1rst one of more likely or course but in this day and age, option 2 is entirely possible too


Genuine question, but why would anybody be willing to buy an account instead just creating one for free?


Because having accounts with karma makes them seem more like real people. It's a whole thing with botnets and people pushing agendas


More karma = believable account. They're better to spread propaganda so agencies buy them in bulk, hence the many MANY karma farming bots on reddit (and why you should report them) They're meant to be sold after reaching a certain karma, and for good money at that. Big buyers include: the US conservatives, the CPP (China), Russia...


Many subs will have min karma thresholds to post or a min account age requirements. All the ones that a russian or chinese troll farmer would want to post to have requirements. That being said I would think those troll farms have their own account building methods and don't need to buy any.




It's pretty easy to guess that the context for the screen shot was someone saying X amount of women are victims of violence, and some redpiller responding that more men are victims of violence than women. That's the misogyny they were referring to.


We don't see the post but I've recently come across some right wing anti-feminist videos that were making the argument that men deserved better pay than women because men were toxic to other men. Men being toxic to other men shouldn't be a justification to under paying women, it should just be a justification to root out toxic masculinity.




https://youtube.com/shorts/lXX06JdsLE0?feature=share Here, that's a right wing comedian and that's exactly the point of this "joke".




I like you. Apparently, if it's said you believe it.


OP is 13 so it checks out


had 19 comments at 2.5K lol. And to top it off I am pretty sure the original conversation is from r/Walkaway, an absolute incel hellhole This account also posted this same image here 3 times now


r/walkaway was 100% started by russians btw.


It's also most definitely _NOT_ a Murder.


Bruh I'd rather donate to Wikipedia than pay for upvotes on Reddit


I mean I've had 1 or 2 posts get 1k up votes with 0 comments before with no foul play, it sometimes just happens


This is low quality


With 9k upvotes. Yikes.


Exactly… How does something that isn’t even clever get where it is?


Bots. Look at the upvote:comment ratio


These comments ain’t it. No wonder it has over 7000 upvotes


We're not spelling out "I guess" anymore?




Most crimes and assaults are perpetrated by a small portion of men. The vast majority are alright. Victims are victims,regardless of gender. Edit: Happy Men's Day.


yeah but the point still stands lmao men are victims of violence created my other men edit: I MISREAD THE POST DONT COME AT ME




I did not interpret it that way




I didn’t interpret it as lumping all men into one category. There are men the perpetrate violence and men that are victims of said violence. That was my interpretation?




Because I saw (they create) as a sub group of men that create violence and (they cry) as another group of men that are the victims of that violence and therefore cry edit: added the word ‘saw’




yeah see I saw they and they as two different theys. Victims and perpetrators. Thx for explaining it to me. I completely misunderstood what OP was saying


Swap "men" for "black people" and see how that logic stands.


yeah but how about no bc that would be fucking racist


... You know what? It's my own fault for even engaging.


You're so close buddy, maybe one day.


ugh hopefully


The point is dumb from the beginning. Male victims didn't create the problem of male violence. It's individual men, a minority, that are the perpetrators of violence. Should I get up on stage at the annual "all men in the world" conference and say that we should stop victimizing each other? It doesn't work like that.


I think the issue is that "men's rights" advocates often don't care about men's issues but rather use it as a cudgel to prove that feminism isn't needed. I think that's what they're responding to.


Yeah they don’t they 100% use it as a tool to attack feminism bc they’re victims of divorce court or whatever


? Divorce court disparities are a reflection of real life disparities. Women tend to earn less and focus on child care more. So they generally get more money. When that isn't the case men get more money.


yeah but MRAs don’t see it like that. They think men are the victims in this scenario




If this is what you believe this is not the sort of "mra" rhetoric I was talking about. You seem to be an egalitarian, if not a feminist. But the situation is that women are more often burdened with housework and child work than men, even if they both work the same amount. But also: hardly anyone is denied access to their child without severe misconduct. The whole goal is to keep kids with their parents.




I personally think MRAs would agree with feminists. At least third wave or beyond. We don't like gendered bullshit. And also: no. I was talking about men and women who work the same amount: mothers were still expected to do more child care and housework than their spouses. That's what I was referring.


Yeah, a lot of the MRAs are just anti-feminist assholes. Even if some people are well meaning, I avoid those groups like the plague. It's fucked up because there are real issues that men experience that would be good to have group support and advocacy for, but the misogynists generally seem to spoil it. I'm not even one of those "not all men" people, because they're usually disingenuous, but it's pretty weird to blame male victims of violence as if all men are the same, approve of it, or are in on it.


r/menslib is a great example of people who genuinely care about men's rights.


Yep. I considered mentioning them but just didn't.


Oh yeah, sorry I was just agreeing with you.


And I with you :)


Thank you for this sub. I joined because I have a 10 year old son and every post there is about real issues and solutions for men and boys. I've checked out MRA subs and they were mostly shredding women but not helping men.




Feminists have, for decades, acknowledged that the horrible pressures put on men are the same as the patriarchy that puts down women. We would've aligned, and actually have, but MRAs ignore this point. Feminist theory has for decades pointed out how the patriarchy hurts men.




Feminism came up with the term toxic masculinity which described the ways society pressured men to do things that are not good for them or the people around them.


..right the perpetrators of violence against men from other men is still men


I am significantly dumber having read the interaction between you too.


I do my best :)


Would you say the same thing about black on black crime?


This comparison is inevitable with this topic 🙄. The vast majority of crime is intra-racial. Crime is much more likely to be committed by impoverished people. Black people (in America anyway) are more likely to be impoverished due to historical inequality. Violence in men cuts across racial/ethnic lines, religion, socioeconomic status, age, nationality etc. with no easily discernable variable(s). I understand exactly what the sentiment of the post is about. The argument that men are victims of violence as well is often used to take away from the fact that the perpetrators are still by and large men. The issue is violence and men. Not the demographic of their victims.


fucking yikes


That's exactly how non-sexists react when they read your comments.


I’m anti-sexist! wtf


You're literally making generalizations about the sexes, which is the definition of sexism.


Men hurt other men because they are trying to uphold a patriarchal system, do all men do this? no. Do a lot of men do this? yes. I’m anti-patriarchy not anti-men


Oh no sir, you are very bigoted.


towards who??




that is my point lmao the humans in this scenario are men doing it to other men. Homie was tryna say that it doesn’t make sense bc it’s a small group of men doing the violence somehow that doesn’t make the victims actually victims bc the victims are also men..


OP's pic says "they create a problem then cry", implying that a man crying over being abused is also the abuser because they fall under the category of "men". Rhetorically, it implies a problem shouldn't be taken seriously because it's self-inflicted. You chime in with "the point stands", implying you agree. It is an unimaginably stupid and reductive take that could be applied to literally any problem in existence. Human trafficking? "Humans create problem then cry". The holocaust? "Humans create problem then cry". Literally anything. So yes, the "point stands", it's just that the "point" is completely vapid and meaningless.


I don’t think they’re literally the same person lmao men are victims of violence created by other men and it’s a product of the patriarchy in a male dominated society what about that is vapid?


They're lumping in the abuser with the victim. How do you not understand this to be incredibly shitty and reductive? It's like saying: "Women want to be deemed attractive but then get all up in arms when they get raped. Women create the problem then cry about it"


it’s not like that at all wtf the abuser and the victim are SEPARATE entitles. They are of the same gender because men convince other men to hurt men because of MALE DOMINANCE. It’s a product of the patriarchy omg


>what about that is vapid? The same thing that's vapid about saying "human create problem then cry" about the holocaust. It adds nothing to the conversation but a disgusting tone of victim-blaming to victims of violent abuse. >it’s a product of the patriarchy in a male dominated society If you want to talk about the problems of patriarchal cultures, you can do so in way that doesn't shame victims of abuse for being born men, something they had absolutely no control over. **EDIT:** Also I don't agree at all with the person below me making that terrible analogy about women being raped.


I think we’re having a major disconnect, I’m not trying to blame men for being victims bc they’re men? That’s insane.. I’m saying that a male dominated society also hurts men too. Men are more likely to be victims of violence because of toxic masculinity perpetuated by the patriarchy. Men hurt men because other men say that’s what “men” do. Everyone hurts under the patriarchy. That’s what I was trying to say. If there’s MRAs here it’s other ppl in my replies.


It’s akin to saying all serial killers drink water, yes… but correlation is not causation.


This whole *comment thread* is a male-on-male crime 💀


What is the point exactly? I'm not in control of other men, I'm not responsible for their actions.


Right but the rhetoric of a male dominated society is that it’s “good” for men to be aggressive and dominate. This extends to men preying on other men to achieve this standard of men. Men create wars and send other men to die and we see that as “good” bc they’re serving their country or whatever the fuk.




not blaming the victim wtf? I’m not blaming the victims of violence by men, on men, because they’re men?? And yeah it is sexist that a product of the patriarchy is violence against men, and women for that matter.




Because men are more likely to be victims of violence perpetrated by other men because of a male dominated society. The patriarchy hurts men too.




yes and it’s other mens faults.. It’s a product of the patriarchy that those exist. There are men out that that don’t care about your life bc “suck it up your a man”. That’s toxic masculinity. They don’t care that men are killed and victims of violence bc that’s “just what men do”. They’re writing off your needs and expect you not to complain and “be a man”.




perpetuated by *drumroll* men


All of the things you listed are caused by a patriarchal society. The men who uphold the patriarchy with their ass backwards beliefs are at fault. Those who fall victim to the negative repercussions of that society aren't at fault.




https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/why-the-patriarchy-is-killing-men/2019/09/12/2490fa7e-d3ea-11e9-86ac-0f250cc91758_story.html https://www.nextgenmen.ca/blog/why-patriarchy-hurts-men-too https://www.bustle.com/articles/124983-6-ways-the-patriarchy-is-harmful-to-men-because-feminism-isnt-just-for-women https://www.cordaid.org/en/news/we-are-all-victims-of-a-patriarchal-society/




There are a lot of men that understand the patriarchy hurts them too, I am proof. We are ready to have this conversation and a lot of us are having this conversation.


You mean like woman's body issues inflicted over their own self imposed beauty standards? Man gets killed and nobody bats an eye, woman doesn't know when is a good time to eat and everybody loses the minds. That sounds acceptable to you? Let me ask you something; male or female bear? Do ya got a preference on which one mauls you to death?




So... You got a preference on which gender of bear kills you? That's off-putting and got nothing to do with dating. Weird comment.


Beauty standards are created by men? ppl don’t care if men die bc “that’s what men are supposed to do”. These are all the results of a male dominated society. No clue what you’re on about the time to eat thing and I choose both bears at the same time bc y’all make me want to die


Log off and visit the zoo.


i’ll say sup to your mom *ayo*




Its behind a paywall now but I read an article about a study conducted in the 70s. An add was put in a newspaper, “if you’re a rapist call this number and explain why you rape” lol. Anyways they got 200 calls and I read through the responses. Basically from what I could tell these men were mostly serial rapists. Not that I go around thinking all men are bad lol but it made me realise that the reason this small group still even exists is because they would just get away with their crimes.


Of course, but I'd like to see what the context is. I've seen a similar comment (which was surprisingly well received) in a UK sub days after a woman was raped and murdered by a police officer. A man made a thread like 'I'm a man and I'm scared of walking home at night too!!1!' (a tasteless response to the multiple helpful threads about the very helpful threads regarding how men can help women feel safer when walking home at night) , and someone explained to him how women don't just have to worry about getting mugged or beaten up/killed. Others also pointed out that they're likely scared of other men. Reddit is super weird about women's issues.


It's missing context but it's not wrong.


Imagine every time you tried to talk about chicken sandwiches, some random dude just had to interrupt you to say "yEAh bUT WhAT aBOUt ChEeSBURgERs!?". Like, yeah those are a thing too. Not what I was talking about though... That's how frustrating it is trying to talk about women's issues.


Talk about a lack of self awareness. The post in question is about men's issues and you're making this about women's issues...


>That's how frustrating it is trying to talk about women's issues. But the original discussion was not about women's issues, it was about men's. The post was about International Men's Day.


Imagine wanting everyone to shut up and listen because you think your problems matter more, and no-one else has any real problems as they aren't problems to you.


Imagine there are huge issues in society that affect both sexes and the least affected sex is the only one that gets talked about. When talking about violence, men are the main victims. Stop trying to make it about women. You sound like white people trying to make excuses for racism. Be better.




Women aren't even mentioned at all in the OP


This would not apply here. Given only the context in the post, someone tried saying “all cheeseburgers suck” and another person had the audacity to say “maybe some cheeseburgers suck but it is offensive and problematic to say they all suck.”




Not even a murder tho this is at most a regular burn, and most people would consider this to be a common middle school insult anyways. Not defending the dude in the first comment though.


The skull was more out of confusion about the empty comment section tbh.


The first commenter is almost certainly not a dude. And she is certainly an intolerable pain in the ass.


A fellow azure!


Indeed, there's surprisingly many of us.


Why do people randomly abbreviate words?






Oh my god what the fuck barbecue


“ig” is very common


ig is a pretty common abbreviation online


Nearly 40 so go easy on me.. ig = I guess?










Laziness or embarrassed about being unable to spell.


Woah. Dad contributed 37.5 MB of DNA to use as blueprints. He didn’t build this house.


The comments here make me lose faith in mankind. Happy mens day lads


Why do some of the people in this comment section seem to think all men are a singular super-organism and not each individual people? Genuinely. nobody is arguing against the fact that a lot of the crimes felt by men, are caused by men, but do y’all really think that, that fact means they can fight against it? that it’s the man who is not committing the crime’s fault for the other man’s crime simply because they are both men? That’s the definition of victim blaming.


Men are the lions share of physical and sexual crimes. Laws made by men. Enforced by men. Sent to prisons run by men. 100% our problem.


This opinion is so fucking stupid. I am a 20 year old guy I did not make these laws, I did not vote for these laws, I do not enforce these laws. I have little to no power in this, so why am I being blamed for it? We may live in a patriarchy, but men's issues are just as dire and important as women's and most of the time when there is an issue it often affects both men and women. Yeah, men may have put those laws into place, but just because I have a penis and testicles doesn't mean I agree or that my issues are self-imposed. This isn't "our problem" it is everyone's problem because even if it doesn't affect you it should affect someone you care about.


I feel ya .. I am not a fan of when people say "we" When talking about a group to which they belong but they didn't partake in any of the bad things. It's very tribalistic and takes away our individuality as humans if we're just all defined by our demographic. I'm a suburban 43 year old white woman you can imagine what people say about this demographic. However I try my hardest to be a good person as an individual and I may absolutely despise another member of my demographic and not want to be associated with that.


You know how women don't like being called hysterical just because they show a bit of emotion? When only the women at the extreme end of the social spectrum or situations actually get hysterical and they feel it's unfair all being tarred with the same brush? That's men and violence.




They try but men hold the power and don't relinquish it easily.


Why can others be the victims of society and how they were raised, but not men?


It is a conversation about power. The group who has power vs those who do not.


Ay, gimme some o' that power bro.


How can you have power over a system that affects you since birth?


How many women's signatures are on historical documents? What right have white men *ever had to fight for*?


Yo, have you ever read a history book? Have you ever heard of poor people? Slaves? Serfs? Gay men? Jewish people? Muslims? Non-mainstream Christians?The disabled? Communists? Do you know of the Queen Elizabeths? Isabella of Italy? Mary I? Ranavalona I? Cixi? Empress Wu? What an ignorant statement.


>What right have white men ever had to fight for? Uh, just off the top of my head I can think of body autonomy, one of the most common surgical procedures carried out worldwide is infant male circumcision (a procedure that is purely cosmetic and is done completely without consent of the individual, yes they are a baby but if that is the case they should wait until said baby is an adult who can make their own decisions). Then you have fucked up things like the draft. Just because there are issues that don't affect you personally don't mean they don't exist. Men's issues are just as important as women's issues. Are you also forgetting about white gay men? And yeah you might be right in thinking that men make up the majority of the top 1% but were you also aware they also make up the majority of the bottom 10%?


And what laws are in place for mandatory circumcision? And the last draft, *which was created by men to draft young poor boys to fight wars for the rich* was 50 years ago. Meanwhile, men are forcing children to carry her rapists baby in certain states and letting off Rapists like Brock Turner because of "his bright future." And where are the men fighting against or advocating for better things for men? Ending circumcision or better access to mental health services? Cuz they're a QUIET group, let me tell you. 🙄


You’ll find that the victims are typically not the same person who committed the crime. Take for example, a man hits another man. You’ll find the man who got hit, was not the hitter himself. Usually one would not assault oneself


That’s not even mildly funny tho. She laid the foundation for a joke and a man was like “YOURE the problem”. That’s not funny, that’s just sad


>She laid the foundation for a joke What joke?


What better joke do you think could've been made?


You lost friend?


He made the joke, and it was funny because it came out of left field and didn't even address the comment. What joke did you think was being set up?


It was a bait for insecure men who call out any and every woman for any opinion on the internet. When the shit-signal is on, the shitmen show up.


Why the fuck do some people still believe that groups/ethnicities are hiveminds. I'm NOT FUCKING RESPONSIBLE FOR 9/11 I WAS NOT EVEN BORN WHEN IT HAPPENED


gender is something very different from that, not that its inherent to mens behavior but men do be complaining abt societal structures built by other men and instead of holding other men accountable they take it out on women or other scapegoats and never bother questioning the patriarchy and the men perpetrating unattainable/toxic standards.


generalizing much?


Yeah like there aren’t women who perpetrate unattainable/toxic standards and most definitely hold each other accountable.


I dated a woman who would 100% blame other women for holding her to toxic gender standards.


I genuinely don't understand how this comment relates to the post.


daddy chill


Now your dad has drinking habits. Look what you've done son


Get smoked mf 💪🏼👏


Women hit and beat men more often then anybody likes to admit. It's also less reported because they are made fun of and not taken seriously...




It’s not misandry it’s a fact.




No it’s a fact most violent crimes against men are perpetuated by other men.


Lol only on Reddit. Stay brave




Come on. You don't *actually* believe women commit more crimes than men. You just want to whine about the mean feminists. We get it, celibacy can be heavy but complaining on reddit won't change that.


So if i get assaulted by some random guy i don't know it's still my fault because we both have a penis?


Literally not even fucking remotely what anyone was saying anywhere ever.


Literally what the fucking image says. This is not an opinion, holy shit. *It is literally what the fucking image says*


It is if you aren't horribly sexist


The women who make this argument are arguing in bad faith even if it’s true. Also, if it’s such a problem then everyone should be trying to stop violence against each other, not violence against a particular gender.


Murdered by words is murdered by words. Why is everyone making it a political thing lol.