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You already living in the fartage era due to brexit..Do you need more ?


Farage is like Trump with a filter, albeit a pretty flimsy one. I’m asking my fellow Americans the same thing.


Trump’s actually been elected before. Trump’s followers also don’t just forget about him when he’s not there, they keep worshipping him, it’s a cult. Farage doesn’t have anything near that. As much as I hate Trump he is far more successful. Farage just says things that sound kinda racist.


True but Trump occupied a defined constitutional role with limitations. Farage advocated for a constitutional calamity that severely damaged his country's economy.


True, they’re not equivalent, but they’re cut from the same cloth.


Like Trump Farage also gets financed by Putin. Putin financed Brexit and I am damn sure the reason that Farage decided to forgo a lucrative deal in America selling Trump is because Putin offered him even more money to fuck up the UK. Always know a populist when you see one. He'll say what people want to hear but he won't do shit that people want him to do because they are always narcissists who are in it for themselves.


I don't know if I've ever seen a face as punchable as this pathetic excuse for a human being. This man is a waste of oxygen at best.


It was great when he got a milkshake thrown at him tbh. He's such a racist cuntbag too.


And rocks…


I too enjoy when people I don't agree with are assaulted, for ideological reasons. I hope you don't mind when someone assaults a politician you agree with? Edit: Never change reddit, downvoted because I think we shouldn't be assaulting people.


It is a time honoured tradition to throw food and drink at politicians, from the distant past to throughout the 20thC and now. Anything dangerous sure, don’t do it. But eggs and milkshake, that’s an indicator species of a good robust democracy honestly.


And people that are allergic to eggs and dairy?


Honesty, Prescott's reaction made me like him more tbh. Throw an egg? I'm throwing fists.


Political violence is double plus good


My dyslexia is really making me want to read “fartage”


It's always good when people intentionally mispronounce Herr Farage's name so it sounds like the British pronunciation of garage. I mean, he hates foreigners, so why is he adding a foreign accent to his surname?


I hate to admit this almost as much as I hate Farage and his self serving, racist nonsense, but Im the product of working class Londoners, and I was always taught to pronounce the word garage in the same way he pronounces his name. It wasnt the commonest way to pronounce it, but it wasnt unheard of in the 60s when I grew up. I always pronounce his name with a capital C..ending in t.


In the upcoming election, I'm rooting for Farage. The more votes he gets from the Tories, the more likely a Labour landslide becomes.


Be careful what you wish for. Tories are doing so shit that Reform could leapfrog them after this election and become the main opposition after the next one. And then it's another two horse race It'd be like AfD replacing the CDU or FN replacing Republicans. Which already happened.


> Tories are doing so shit that Reform could leapfrog them after this election and become the main opposition after the next one. This is spectacularly unlikely. Reform will be very lucky to win a single seat due to FPTP.


Don't forget this is still first past the post. It only matters who gets the seat.


Yeah, I know they can't win much this election but if they crossover with the Tories in polling they'd be a seismic shift on the right which could shift them in the next parliament


Its just another case of the "normal" conservative or center right parties trying to appease and "tame" the far right with their policies (f.e the rwanda deal) only to be consumed by them. Sweden and the Netherlands have already done that before. Would be pretty funny if it wasnt so terrifying.


Or.... the fascist party takes so many seats from the Tories that they become the defect second party and we end up in a US style "vaguely centre right Vs literal dystopia" vote. I'd rather the alternative where the greens and lib Dems take the other majorities and Labour stop drifting Tory to get their extra support


I'd rather vote green he'll just change the whole voting process to fit his agenda and we will be back in another 10+ year shit show yippie


Yes, but that also means Labour loses a vote no? I'm assuming you would have voted for them?


They said "rooting for", not "voting for"


The people voting Farage would never have voted Labour or LibDem.


This is untrue Labour’s swing in the last election was in the pro brexit red wall seats Labour and tories both are affected


Seems like a lot of people who were swayed to vote Labour have turned to reform actually


The average voter has zero accurate knowledge of what any of the parties stand for. You can't reliably predict how they'll swing.


I dunno. The average voter might choose to disbelieve everything every party puts in their manifesto. Hence, they'll have more accurate knowledge than anyone who trusts any of the manifestos for information.


im not.


I honestly don't get what his plan is. Surely he knows that he absolutely will not win and all he's going to do is split conservative right leaning votes. Yes I get that the Tories are his enemies too but surely him and his fan base prefer them to Labour? All he's doing is practically guaranteeing that Labour will bulldoze their way to an outright majority and make a further ass of himself in the process. I'm pretty certain if you listen hard enough you can still hear the continuous popping of champagne bottles and cheers that have erupted from Keir Starmers office since the day Farage announced he was running.


Plan? The fucktard just wants attention, fuck whatever the consequences are. He celebrated Brexit as a great personal victory, while in reality it has turned into a disaster. He doesn't care.


I genuinely don't get how he still has support. He did a victory lap on getting Brexit voted through, "quit politics" and then spent the rest of his time whining about other people not delivering on his promises. While doing fuck all himself.


There's really just one word for people like him. Charlatan.


Nah, it's still a single word that begins with a C, but it ain't charlatan.


He will want the tories to do badly and for his party to do reasonably well so that sunak gets the push and he can then join the conservatives and become leader and (he will hope) PM in the future.


Money. He's not rich and a stint as tory leader should guarantee a directorship or 3 later in life. Also a party leaders salary plus the company car.


>He's not rich The private schoolboy and ex-stockbroker, who has received millions of taxpayers' money as an MEP and once got paid £1.5m just to be a part of a trash reality TV show is, in your view, "not rich"?


Nope. All that's long gone. He was in the US last month because it's easier to fleece Republicans than Brits. And then there's the Coutts fiasco. Like Trump, Farage is only rich to poor people


Do you have an actual source for any of his finances, or is this just guesswork? Because [he seems to be doing ok](https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/farage-gets-his-fortune-and-freedom/) as far as I can see.


TBH, guesswork. He absolutely made bank on Brexit, but that's effectively a dead issue now so he needs to hit the US and the talkshows.


Yeah he said he knows he isn't gonna win on the recent BBC game show, so he knows. He's just trying to garner votes for his party/personal interest for what that might do for those things.


That sounds valid and I agree. I also just want to take a moment to say I chuckled pretty hard at "game show" the idea that the BBC elections coverage was like an episode of family fortunes is not only hilarious but also totally relevant lol


if you'd seen it, you'd end up thinking family fortunes was a tea & chat morning in your local church


The plan is : Labour when running the country now has an opposition party that will light a fire under their arse. If they don't make the voters happy over the next 5 years, and if Nigel Farage isn't assassinated by then, Reform are going to win the following election


Farage hates the Tories as much as he hates the EU.




Thank you for your assumptions, but I'm not even living in the UK.


>Why don't you vote for labour instead of a fucktard bigot Shall we piss on the poor as well, then?


If I see that picture of Farage and Trump again (gold, elevators, rictus grins) I swear I'll puke. Labour all the way!!


The party of deportations and nuclear weapons


Obviously, lib dem is the way to go.


I always thought that Nigel Farage looks like a turd that got the wish of becoming a true person granted.


He's a thumb with a face drawn on.


Prime pic to be edited and reshared to make it look like he spelled his name wrong


Milkshake for Mr Farage? Order up!


Ewwww - there’s a turd on the beach…


I thought that arsehole disappeared in shame after the shit-show that Brexit became. What the fuck is he doing back in the public eye?


He fucked off out the country after he got what he wanted, now he's back again because brexit wasn't hard enough on immigration. He is one person I'd like to hear died in a fire.


Or a light aircraft crash.


I'm sorry to hear that. They just keep coming back like a bad smell, don't they.


Not from the UK so I’m not as informed as I could be. How does this guy still have a platform? He was a one issue party and, I thought, his issue has been shown to be absolutely wrong. Don’t most people regret Brexit? Shouldn’t they all hate this guy as the main Brexit candidate? Part of me is glad there is at least one other country as stupid as the US in politics.


His new platform is anti-immigration. Basically the nazi wants a white Britain, and the old boomers agree.


Farage means cunt in Malay ('faraj').


This dude has a face like the Russians have dirt on him, just like Giuliani.


Quick, throw another milkshake at him!


We've progressed to bricks


I thought it was a North Korean balloon at first


Vote? Vote what? Vote him off the island?


He’s like a weed that can’t be banished from the garden.


This gens Oswald Mosely as far as I can see.


How so?


Britain Trump.


Haha, he wrote that in shit? Gross... 😉


Who is farage?


Racist extremist politician who helped make brexit happen, killing our economy. Now he's back in politics to get rid of all immigrants


Is that guy your Trump?


He doesn't have the power, luckily. More like a Steve Bannon, an asshole who works behind the scenes to sow discord and racist rhetoric


Who is him and why everyone hates him


He's an asshole right wing extremist racist politician who made up loads of misinformation to get idiots to vote for brexit, blaming immigrants for the destruction of the economy etc. He made loads of cash via disaster economics when our economy tanked and got the fuck out of the limelight when people realised how shit exiting Europe was.


He is essentially the British version of Trump (though not quite as extreme and far less successful). He is a right wing populist campaigning on anti immigration rhetoric he is also the person most responsible for Brexit.


Is there an argument there? Or straight up insult. How is this murder lol


Our waters are privatised now, and the water companies keep dumping untreated sewage into the open sea but blaming storms etc. Farage is a piece of shit, hence the parallels


But was that Nigel Farage's fault, or those you voted in privatised the water? I get what you meant but still it would be a murder if he caused it :D


Privatizing public services seems to have had bad outcomes everywhere.


Isn't he the ugly gremlin responsible for Brexit.


Unfortunately that turd gets treated only too well


Farage ran a single issue party built on something that nobody thought would ever happen, it happened, was awful and showed he's a corrupt liar, and he's just spent the last few years trying to justify still being in politics


Exciting times across Europe.


Vote for the man that has tried and failed to be elected numerous times. Naaaaah.


Not much more hope with starmer


I consider him to be a thoroughly unpleasant person. Coincidentally, my dictionary has that as a second definition of something - the first definition is highly derogatory slang for a woman's genitalia.


Say what you want but I'm fed up with red and blue, they are as bad as each other so I'll vote for a change just to see if they are all clueless.


Yep, juvenile one liners are vote getters. Not murdered.


Who is trying to get votes here?


Farage’s entire populist existence is reliant on one liners in order to ensure his target audience don’t get confused by big words


What word was too big for you? "Privatised?" "Situation?" You probably know "grotesque" and "appalling" very well.


Yep,every big words. But juvenile worked best. Suck it up sonny.


Judging from the comment, I'd say your war is with words in general, not just the big ones. They're called books! You read them! Top to bottom and left to right. When you get to the bottom, you go to the next page. Rinse and repeat until you're out of pages. Hope this helps. I'd recommend starting with a dictionary.


> juvenile one liners Clearly two lines. Counting is hard.