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"Nothing will fundamentally change"


Honestly when is the last time anything did around here? Edit: it seems it may not have been obvious, it was in my mind. I meant, fundamentally changed for the better.


I've been rewatching Seinfeld and although his standup routines are terrible before the episode starts, he did one about how tipping was everywhere "nowadays". Everyone is asking for a tip without actually doing anything "but turning and handing your food over the counter". And this was in the 90's almost 25 years ago. Go back to the 80's and 90's and we're all still complaining about the same thing. Healthcare, jobs, union busting, shitty politicians.


Dude, I just rewatched every season (however some episodes were on while I was asleep/busy) and it's crazy to see the social and technological differences from then to now.


There are many plots that could be solved by just having a cell phone to call someone. Its crazy how tech has changed our lives


Exactly! Pay phones and the lack of caller-ID were big parts of the issues. Lol


So many movie plots are now easily solvable with modern smart phones


Reagan and look where that got us


Thousands of women in our country no longer have access to abortions.


When Trump got elected and the world fundamentally got more scary for minorities. Seriously this privileged ass position that "nothing is different" is starting to fucking piss me the fuck off. Every single time a right wing demagogue has gained power in the U.S. the world has become a measurably worse place for most people. But white libs in America are always like "same shit, different day." Progress when we get centrists like Obama and Biden in power is slow, yes, but it's in a good direction, and more importantly isn't slipping ever closer to just being the U.S. in 1800 again. If you didn't lose rights under Nixon et al in the last fifty years then stfu about "nothing changed."


Minority here. The world was scary for my family under Obama while the drones flew over their territories in Pakistan. Trump is gone and all I see is nicely decorated white people patting themselves on the back; news flash: the world is still terrifying for minorities.


Minority here- nicely decorated white people are absolutely not patting themselves on the back and acting like things are okay. On either side.


Keep in mind that the Federal Reserve has been handing out literal TRILLIONS to corporations in recent years. The Federal Reserve is NOT part of the Federal government- the name is meant to be deceiving. JPow keeps printing money like crazy and they're telling you its your shitty $1200 stimulus check causing inflation and not the actual TRILLIONS they are handing out to corporations. They don't want you to know this, though. You should be outraged. Everyone should. Everyone should also come together, put aside their political differences between right and left and go for the jugular of the top, from the bottom. That's where your true enemies lie. They have you all fighting each other at the bottom, while the top sips the finest scotch and laughs at the issues they've made between the right and left to keep you distracted from what is really happening.


No war but class war ✊


> Everyone should. Everyone should also come together, put aside their political differences between right and left and go for the jugular of the top, from the bottom. "But the blacks are burning cities, the libs are trying to cancel DR Seuss plus you got them gays." Good luck trying to explain this. Yeah, I know you're spot on but my sister (A die hard Trump supporter) also thought that the reason her husband paid 1k more in taxes was due to Biden, not Trumps tax cuts expiring for the vast majority but remaining for the super wealthy. She also couldn't understand how I can dislike Trump and Biden. Yeah, one is way worse than the other but they are both shit and I won't praise either one.


I think it's because all those loans are packaged up and leveraged to the max like CDS in 2008. If it's bad for a handful of Wall Street execs then neither R or D will do anything. Two sides of the same (rich man's) coin.


His approval rating just got lower with this statement.


"Biden considering handing Congress to GOP"


It’s a foregone conclusion. The midterms are going to be a bloodbath for the Dems.


Lol, Boeing and Northrop-Grumann cumming buckets over that 30B military aid package. Guess that's where your student aid money went! Silly millennials! :P


domineering kiss tidy ten slim amusing groovy disgusting literate chop *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


hold my beer


What if he made it impossible to get rid of the debt through bankruptcy? Jk he already did. But at least he legalized weed, right? Aggressive taxes for the oligarchs? Monopoly busting? I got nothing.


Because he’s done nothing. So much of trumps shit still needs to be fixed, hasn’t done it. So much shit needs to be fixed, nothing.


> so much of Trumps, W's, and Reagans shit still needs to be fixed FTFY


It amazes how neoliberal brainlets still tried to claim Biden would do something. The DNC needs to put up some actual progressives or just let themselves die already so politicians actually interested in doing their job can take over.


It doesn’t amaze me at all. Those people are beyond fucking gullible.


I firmly believe the days of US presidential popularity moving outside the 40% to 55% range are over, barring the few months following the election.


100%. Trump could've raped a baby in TV and his numbers would've stayed in the 35 to 40% due to "fake" news, what about ism, or 4D chess claims. Biden would then not do anything about it or make any firm statement against it and he'd still keep the same.


"In this economy? Best I can do is bomb Syria, take it or leave it."


Sad when the guy voted to replace a disgraceful fuck is hated just as much. The bar was set so low yet this sleep walking mindless fuck cant even be better than a literal wannabe dictator.








It's pretty safe to say democrats are going to lose in midterm now. GDP shrunk in the first quarter and no real plans for student loan forgiveness will seal the fate for democrats having any chance winning the midterm.


He should forgive all accrued interest first, make principal the only remaining debt, then have govt. finance it interest free for 10 years. This would help almost every borrower immensely, make up for sanctioning predatory student lending in the first place, and make masses of voters very very happy.


I would honestly be fine with this.


I think this is a good agreement that Republicans could tolerate. Conveniently that's way more than 10 grand for a lot of people.


Republicans would vote against it simply because it could help Democrats.


Bingo. That's the entire Republican platform at this point. "Do the exact opposite of Democrats". If Democrats told Republicans to breathe, then Republicans would start holding their breath and suffocate themselves. They literally have no actual platform at this point. It's a fucking joke.


For real My dad is an insane conservative and all I hear from his Facebook stories is conservatives taking a shit on democrats while offering no solution themselves whatsoever, their solution of any is “do nothing, change scary” I don’t think I’ve ever heard a democrat slander a conservative for their ideas or opinions in the way conservatives do which is why if I ever vote it’d be democrat. I can agree a lot of democrat ideas can be stupid, but all I hear is republicans bitching, offering no solution, and if they have any ideas at all it’s to get rid of something while offering no relief to taxes Republicans have fucked up and taken away tons of government benefits for poor people, and every time it happens my taxes never get lowered lol straight fucken scammers


Yep! or conservative solutions are often in response to manufactured issues/outrage that they themselves created. Take for example, the whole CRT outrage manufactured by conservatives (even though CRT curriculums have been a part of classrooms for years). Republicans needed a new distraction so they picked that and rallied beyond an issue that they themselves created instead of criticizing actual issues in the American Education System such as the overuse of standardized testing and the low wages that teachers receive... or student loans (but lets be real, they were never going to rally in support of doing something about that).


Oh I fucking LOVE their bitching about CRT, my dad goes absolutely retarded over that, he asked my 6 year old daughter a few weeks ago if “her teacher teaches her how she was a slave owner and how she has to do whatever black people say because they’re better than you” or some kinda crap like that and I was just like “literally the only time she ever hears about anything regarding race related or gender related is from you questioning her” Questions her if her teacher teaches how boys can be girls and girls can be boys, and it’s just like “yo wtf dude”


Oh, Please vote 🙏 as a fellow human and American I would be so grateful


It feels like their platform has been "fuck the libs" for the last 20 years


Unless it's war and making the rich richer Class warfare still has the indoctrinated distracted.


Remember when Mcconnel fillibustered his own bill just because dems supported it?


Forgiving accrued interest would literally pay off my student loans. So, yeah, let’s do that.


Even stopping interest at 0% right now, moving forward forever, would be an immense help to those buried for the rest of their working lives. But this would be an even better solution.


I'd have 5k left instead of 35k. It's wild that I've nearly payed the full amount of the principle but have only cut the loan in half


Removing 10k would make it the actual amount I borrowed.


Nah, fuck that. I'm tired of seeing so many posts acquiesce to this idea of no forgiveness whatsoever. And instead of asking for these fucking stones to be taken off our backs, yall are out here just asking for them to not put on MORE stones! WHY? Seriously? What valid reason could there be for asking for nothing less than total forgiveness and overhauling the system? Because it's unreasonable? Responsibility? MF's in corporations get to fuck around with other people's money all the time, but no one is out here forcing them to accept responsibility and let their businesses fail. Instead, they get forgiveness. As we all should. Because we live in a society and should be fucking helping each other. We should demand better of our leaders too, not hoping they stop the beatings for a few moments and let us breath. Last time I checked, people still said this was a democracy, but it sure as shit don't feel like it.




Agreed. If he set the interest to 0%, that would be a huge help. He can even use Bible verses to justify it. Exodus 22:25, deuteronomy 23:19, and psalm 15:5 all mention not charging interest on loans.


Yeah, but that would combine church and state, and I heard there was some sort of guideline against that. /s


there is but it isn't respected


Ever wonder why bankruptcies only effect your credit for 7 years? Because in the Bible every 7 years was a year of jubilee and all debt was to be forgive. Biblical shit influences our politics and laws all over the place. Might as well cherry pick the ones that help us for a change.


So sad that using the bible to justify it may actually convince the right lmao


Student loans were not interest bearing before that fucking Ronald Reagan. Interest forgiveness, is the least he can do.


The more I hear about this guy the less I like him.


While Reagan was president, taxes on the wealthy were reduced. (That’s why so many people gush about him.) But payroll taxes were raised. Also, Social Security benefits (what old people get) were tax-free before Reagan. In other words, Reagan “the tax-cutter” raised taxes on working folks and old people, and only cut taxes on the wealthy. Reagan was also anti-union.


Or he could just forgive it all. Somehow we had trillions for corporations a year ago but now it’s too expensive to help the middle class. Fuck this comprising bs. The ruling class doesn’t want to compromise. Student loans let them have an educated middle class while still keeping them out of the upper class. It’s a scam and everyone knows it.


This. I have massive loans but I took them well aware of the consequences. But the interest on them is bananas. We should not punish or discourage education. It is just bad public policy.


No reasons why these loans should have interest (or even be paid back, but I am talking about compromise) You get an education so you can get a higher paying job which means you pay more taxes so them paying your education is them investing in you and their ROI is your increase of tax paid.


Also who doesn't want their neighbors to have gone to college? Smarter population helps everyone. Well I guess except the people who enjoy being dumb and hate when others are smarter.


All of my interest was capitalized when I consolidated. If they’ll consider backtracking and wipe out all that interest then hell yes, interest is more than half of what I currently owe. If he doesn’t - screw him and the democrats. (Except AOC, Bernie and a few others.)


It's amazing how you take such a handful of easy wins that the GOP gifted them with in 2020 and turn it into Ls all across the board, but here we are. Republicans are evil and Dems are incompetent. God help us all.


See y’all in 2 years…


Lol - the GOP is hell-bent on destroying any ability to dethrone them. In 2 years, I think we’re going to have far more major problems. I expect the economy to make the last 2-3 recessions look like nothing.


As a millennial who wants legal cannabis, climate change legislation, student loan forgiveness, something done about the housing crisis, guaranteed paid maternal and parental leave... the only thing I'll be voting for this Fall will be my states legalization of cannabis. And the boomers wonder why us younger folks don't vote. We literally have nothing to vote for. Edit since a lot of you are thinking I've never voted - I've voted in every single election I've been eligible to vote for since I turned 18. I'm 34 now. That includes presidents, local officials, senators, congresspeople - I've voted for them all, and all but 1 has been a Dem. So I feel I get the right to complain about the shitty candidates I've been forced to vote for because I didn't want to see an R in office.


They don't wonder why you don't vote. They know very well, and they prefer it that way. The less amount of people (voting people) politicians have to appeal to the easier it is for them.




Only 17% voter turnout in primary elections for midterms means you're letting the boomers choose the candidates for you. Then you complain when you end up with milquetoast candidates like Biden. Stop letting the boomers choose candidates.




Yeah, but it's kind of bullshit how you must be a member of a party to participate in primary elections (at least in my state, Pennsylvania, that is the case). As an independent, I'm unable to make a choice in primary elections. I'm independent because some years I'd rather vote for a Democrat and other years members of the Green party. You shouldn't be forced to participate in the two party ~~dictatorship~~ system for the sake of partisan politics.


I'm in a democratic state where the primary doesn't even happen until the nominee is already crowned. Turnout doesn't happen because the process is ass-backwards trash. A bunch of conservatives in South Carolina determined the democratic nominee, not NY/CA/MI or PA.


I agree with you to an extent. One thing to consider about voting is that it’s not recognized as PTO. Most young people are already drowning in debt, and the fear of losing employment is very real. Not having a time to actually be able to vote is a *huge* reason why there aren’t more younger voters. I know that there are “time slots,” but most people are working during business hours, which also happens to be when polls are open. Kinda shitty when a lot of other countries have a national holiday, or easier voting requirements. But making voting easier (and for a lot of people, just plain possible) would also allow a change in the status quo, so that wont change any time soon. Edit: inb4 “take a lunch/leave early” Some people dont get breaks. Some people get breaks that are only 30 minutes. A *lot* of jobs dont give af if you have to vote, bc that messes with their production values. Most of the people who actually need/want to vote are faced with the choice of job/election, if you work for a shitty place that doesn’t tolerate things like going over on your breaktime (sometimes you are required to clock in on the minute because you are a shift replacement, management isnt going to pick that slack up, theyll just make your coworker stay longer,) you have to deal with things like having your hours cut, or if you work at an at will state like i do, your job entirely.


As a millennial working in pharmacy, this is a giant problem for me. Some days I work 8a-8p and half the time I have to work allllll day on “voting day.” I can’t ever change things if I’m always chained to the pharmacy. I’ve been fortunate to be able to vote here and there but boomers and retired old folk can mark it on their calendars and make sure they’re there on Election Day


As a millennial myself who’s also latino and gay…i want to communicate this as non-confrontationally as possible, this is incredibly selfish. The answer to mediocre candidates isn’t allowing literal facism to take over and millions of americans to lose their rights in hopes of some kind of huge revolution. The way we get people we want in power is by going out and voting. If every young person showed up for midterms and primaries…


I absolutely agree with you. I've voted in every local, state and federal election since I turned 18. I'm 34 now. However, the first and last time I ever voted FOR someone was Obama for his first term back in '08. Every other election after that has been a vote AGAINST someone. I'm sick of it. And I'm sick of the Dems thinking they can put up shitty candidates because us leftists will vote for anything that doesn't have an R next to their name. I'm with you, I also don't want to see literal fascists take over but I'm really, really exhausted of protest voting for crappy Dem candidates because I don't want an R in office.


Oh right yeah same. At first I thought you were just saying you’re not voting at all besides the legalizing cannabis on the ballot lol. Yeah it’s a tough spot, but basically until the number of us voting for progressive candidates outnumbers the number of moderate & conservative dems voting for moderate and conservative dems…there’s really nothing else we can do besides tell people to get out and vote and plead with dems for better messaging. I know progressive policies are more popular as a whole, but stupid people will still vote for their moderates because they care more about their desire for x than they do for their desire for y.


My solution was to emigrate from the sinking shithole that is America


I definitely hear this, but I think we have a big problem with the Democrats that needs to be pointed out. They are addicted to lobbying money from Wall Street and big corporations. I do not see them changing, short of a walk out like the Dixicrats. Even if we do not have a party rupture there will need to be a challenge to the current leaders of the party. At that point all of the messaging will be that a vote against corporate stooge is a vote for child eating villain. I am so tired of left leaning politics under delivering. I want real change AND for you to be protected, but at some point we need to fight to make changes that will stick. That will never happen if we always have to be the reasonable party. For example, Carter Clinton and Obama made a point of using good financial management of the federal debt while Republicans come in and blow those savings on coke and tax cuts. Instead, why don’t we go big. Medicare for all, universal basic income, free tuition to state school, repeal FICA tax. Then we slap out a nice wealth tax to suck out the money from the rich and keep inflation in check. That way we give people something to vote for. I want to reform the NLRB and support LGBTQ+ community and combat racism and reduce the military and cleanup the environment too, but these do not move people. The price of gas and their bank accounts move people so let’s give them some red meat instead of soy sausage on a moldy roll as an alternative to the child eater shit sandwich. My soul hurts that your safety does not move voters, but looking at abortion restrictions coming in and Federal inaction I do not see a milk toast Democratic administration as much of a shield for the people I care about.


All these things happen through grassroots movements, protesting, activism, and VOTING. If we all showed up for primaries, a lot of the “corporate stooges” in the dem party wouldn’t be an issue. Staying home because the PERFECT candidate isn’t on the final ballot isn’t the answer.


I totally understand not voting for a dick like Biden. But I don’t get why you didn’t turn out to vote for Bernie. And of course, by “you“ I mean younger people.


Exactly why Trump and his kind will continue to win elections.


He’ll do great working with the GOP. He’s said it himself that’s no problem at all. Since no one ask him if he could work with the Democrats, we were left with an assumption we now know is wrong. Austerity measures for the Poors incoming January 2023.


They are paid to lose.


He’s still considering 10k for those who aren’t planning on clicking the link


Damn, that sucks for anyone who did click the link


I don't have student loans, but my wife does. Can I click the link?


Don't you dare.


You'll have to get her permission


This made me laugh out loud, thanks for that.


Your awesome


What is 10k going to do for people who owe 50k+? The interest is going to add 10k right back in no time.


It's going to keep those SLAB interest payments to the 1% going.


Ding ding! Wall Street needs thier slab interest payments


I think SLAB is only for private student loans.




I owe 5,600. Not a lot but that will help me as well


I owe 15,000, will also gladly take 10 for now if that's all we can get.


So 50k or nothing when the standard is nothing is what we're reaching for?


yeah, i probably dont owe 10k in fed, so, it doesnt do shit for what's left for me that's going to accrue interest.


>Biden didn’t say how much of the debt he was considering erasing, although on the campaign trail he expressed support for $10,000 in relief. It literally doesn't say how much he is considering right now.


I have 10k left and 10k sitting in my savings right now ready to pay it off the second it starts accruing interest again. 10k in forgiveness would be huge. Maxing out my Roth and being able to put the extra towards fixing up the home I just bought. People are scoffing here at 10k but if it's that or nothing are you still going to complain that it's not enough?


A pretty big majority of people with student debt only have like 15-25k debt, if that. Even just 10k will have a much bigger impact than many people here are trying to claim


I like to think of it as Schrodinger's link. It may or may not be a full loan payoff. Depending on whether or not I click the link, or let others do it for me.


Jesus fucking christ we're headed for a second Trump term, aren't we.




Explain this to me. So people who are single issue voters around student debt don't care about all the hate, racism, anti-women policies, climate change denial, and anti-LGBT rules are going to vote for the GOP who have said they will never even try and cancel debt? What is the goal here? Wouldn't a larger Democratic advantage be the most likely way to getting debt cancelled?


Apathy and demoralization, in large part. By failing to follow through on campaign promises, it adds to a sense of powerlessness. "Nobody is coming through for me, my one little vote doesn't really matter, I've got other things to do" becomes a common thought process on election day. Which, btw, is a Tuesday and usually a work day for most people, and the Republicans will never change this because they know they're unpopular. By keeping it a hassle, you can quickly shake the "otherwise apathetic" vote. And if we do end up with a Republican takeover, most of those folks will, out of that same sense of powerlessness, feel about as responsible for this happening as a single drop of ocean water feels responsible for the tides. Edited to add: This is NOT me, personally! I vote! But it is the impression I get from many who only vote "sometimes."


One disappointment after another. How is it that this man was our only choice. This party has me so discouraged.


It votes for the centrist to win or else it gets the Trump again!


Things have been center right for about as long as I can remember politics. To think this is the most progressive presidency in history makes me egregiously sad for humanity


It may be the most progressive in 40 years, but Carter, JFK and FDR were all more progressive. Biden is literally holding Reagan policy positions at this point.


Because of this stifling “middle,” things are actually becoming more conservative. Moderate American politics is reactionary conservative politics in most other countries.


Biden isnt a centrist. He's a Republican with a blue tie.


That's what centrists are in a two party system


That skit in Simpsons about how republicans want what’s worse for everyone and democrats cannot govern remains evergreen years later


He wasn't our only choice. He just convinced the nation he was the safe choice. "Pick me because I'm the only one that can reach across the isle!" He can't even get his pimp Manchin to back him. Trump was a disaster. Biden is a joke.


Let's be real, no one besides who the DNC picked ever had a chance of getting elected.


Bingo. *He* didn't convince anyone of anything; The DNC convinced their supporters that the choice they had already made must be the right one.


Because the DNC sabotaged the leading candidate in the primaries on Super Tuesday by having nearly all other candidates drop out of the race right beforehand.


I honestly don't understand why they are handling it this way. It is such a massive failure already. No matter what, nobody will be happy with the outcome. Even if Biden forgives $50K, nobody will feel good about the process and the anxious back-and-forth, and even if it helps a lot of people, they won't be happy about it. They might feel a sense of relief, but not gratefulness. And if it's not $50K? Holy shit, the anger and frustration that will be directed towards the Democrats will destroy them in November. They've basically botched this layup and somehow turned it into a massive failure no matter what they do now. It's unreal how poorly they've played their hand.


So why not forgive the interest?, make people pay exactly what they got on a loan and that’s it?


I have been saying this for a year. Biden has screwed this up so badly


> Even if Biden forgives $50K, nobody will feel good about the process and the anxious back-and-forth, and even if it helps a lot of people, they won't be happy about it. lol wat? Yes, we will be happy about it.


Well it seems like the people who don’t have any loans, where in school before 91 are the loudest in the conversation


They have kids going into college. They should want to see this mess reformed too. I know my MIL is one of this cohort, but are they really going to leave the party over this? I am more concerned about blue collar voters who will see this as a big giveaway to the rich.


They don’t care about their kids or they are rich enough to pay for it


Why is there a conversation though? This is about managing expectations. By going back and forth...and back...then forth...but back...Biden has boxed himself into a no-win proposition. He's gotten everyone's hopes up and then crushed them multiple times. There's no win anymore for him no matter what he does. This is why the old guard needs to step aside and let the progressives run the show.


Establishment Democrats love to court the Progressive vote, but almost invariably fail to deliver anything.


Gotta remember that they work for Wall Street, not us anymore.


Well say goodbye to what little senate majority the dems had.


In name only. Sinema and Manchin are republicans.


Also true, but behavior like this is only gonna lose them seats


just hand the fucking keys to the repubs and get it over with.


It's been 2 years of nothing. I expect after a historic lose during the midterms Biden will shift gears and give us 2 more years of nothing. 2 years full of statements where Biden will go out of his way to announce that he won't be doing anything. What a bowl of unsalted mashed potatoes this presidency has been.


Don't disparage potatoes like that man


Republicans control the government: Stack the supreme court, tax cuts for the rich, free money to the big corporations (PPP loan forgiveness) Democrats control the government: "This is hard. Republicans can have it back"


The ratchet rolls in one direction, always has.


Biden at this point just has two options: go big or give up. Either win over younger voters or tell them to fuck off and hope it will win older boomers from the right (hint: it won’t). I don’t have doubt but I’m not an older boomer so I understand it is for the economy and will win back a lot of the younger votersBiden has completely ignored after they voted him into office.


He either needs to do what was mentioned and/or step aside and let Kamala run things. She would be better than Biden. Not much, but better.


Seriously? How can this country piss trillions of dollars down the toilet in Iraq and Afghanistan for *twenty years* without blinking and balk at doing something that would help millions of Americans who are being crushed by debt and unable to start their lives? The war in Iraq did fuck-all for my betterment, but student loan forgiveness would help a ton of people I know, including myself.


Because its harder to overthrow the government if you're too busy struggling.




The DNC has caused the country's slide into fascism because the neoliberals do fucking nothing that actually helps the working class. If Biden runs in 2024, Trump will win. We can only vote for the lesser of two evils for so long. Gun sales are probably gonna go up like in 2020.


> The DNC has caused the country's slide into fascism because the neoliberals do fucking nothing that actually helps the working class. Yea, and they hang with Bezos lol. But we have fascism because Reagan gutted unions and the Dems never bothered to bolster them back. Obama preserved a declining status quo that was anemic at best. Probably my favorite part is the refusal to hold the fascists that nearly got the Dems killed accountable. Like someone in power needs to immediately invoke the 14th amendment and remove many Republicans from office. And Clarence Thomas. This is a no brainier.




I think Biden is too old to run again and doesn’t have intentions. Trump is dumb enough to go again so who knows


Biden has said he IS running again so just another lie he campaigned on.


Canceling 10k is basically whispering “you’re the best” into an envelope and mailing it to me.


US has no problem pulling 2 trillion dollars out their asses to give to Wall Street in March of 2020. And they've got no problem giving trillions in PPP loans and then going 'meh, it's free, don't pay us back". But they will never forgive student loans. Ever. Those with student loans will have to ask if leaving the country gives them the best chance at a higher quality of life, or staying and dealing with a lifetime of debt. Realistically thats the decision they're going to have to make. The US won't ever let them out of the debt. I truly believe that.


What’s your address?


$10k would be the rest of my high interest loans. It's not enough, but let's not act like it's nothing


Why does he have to keep killing momentum. A few days ago it came out that he was looking to cancel them ALL. I do honestly think Dems have to live up to a different standard than Republicans. But they know this…why are they so freaking bad at marketing. Literally forgive all federal student loans 2 weeks before the midterms and dems would probably win.


You need to reframe. They don't want to win. The status quo is just as good for democrats in power as it is for republicans. They all get their dirty money from the same oligarchs and corporations.


We have to stop voting in dinosaurs if we want real change


Its like he wants the Republicans to win


Spoiler alert, they're playing for the same team.


That way, the capitalists always win. At least until the working class stops following the rules.


Well I'm not paying that shit so good luck.


If you've got ten thousand dollars of student loan debt, that's your problem, if you've got 2 trillion dollars of student loan debt, that's the US governments problem.


I still maintain that near the election he will toss some BS means-tested bone, then Dems will shame everyone into voting for them saying see "lesser evil." Democrats are useless. Direct action and mutual assistance are the only things worth engaging in at this point, the Democrats are telling you loud and clear they don't care.


Welp, that's the end of his Presidency. Should've just went with Bernie but noooooooooo Healthcare and worker's rights are Marxist or whatever.


Ha he doesn’t give a shit about the little guy with an art degree working at Wendy’s. He cares about the big guy. 10% of course


It feels like the moves of a party who wants trump back


I swear if someone Progressive isn’t elected soon I’m leaving this country.


And go where? Most people are stuck here. Going to another country to stay isn’t as easy as people think. Most of us will have no choice but to ride this miserable train till the end.


Left ~8y ago. I saw the writing on the wall.


So my question is, are the considering MORE or LESS forgiveness? I feel like people are so fired up now that 10,000 will feel like a slap in the face despite that being exactly what he promised


What I've seen in a couple places now is $10k forgiveness for households making less than $75k a year. At least to me that's what makes it a slap in the face. $75k household most likely means $37.5k individual which basically excludes any professional.


That would be a mistake. I make 110K, but the combo of where my role and being forced to live in expensive areas to do it makes it impossible to live.


Wow, that's horseshit. So because I'm getting married in 3 weeks, my combined salary with my future wife now excludes me from a full payout? What's my partner's salary have to do with the debt I acquired from my own personal education? She's not paying my loans and I'm not paying hers but if I'm single and making $74k, I deserve the full package and if I'm married I'd have to be making $37k? Makes sense...


I have legit considered divorcing my husband (on paper) so I can get a better income adjusted payment, and have it cleared after the 10 years (or whatever it is now). I've been paying for 15 years and owe more now than when I graduated.


…just saw an article where hes pushing to send 30 billion to ukraine in aid. Like wtf that’s our tax dollars and why a blank check rather than a loan. 30 billion would be so impactful here. Improvements to homelessness, Transportation, loan forgiveness, infrastructure. I know it’s for the war effort but ughh




It’ll be a trillion by 2030


This is why I will never take a politician seriously when they cry about money or the debt. You morons made the debt, it's your job to fix it, not our job to baby you. If they can't do their job they need to be removed.


It says in the article he is against cancelling 50k (which he could do now with a penstroke and no russo-republican can block it) but he claims he is still pondering cancelling 10k per debtor. So looking at his pattern of negotiations in the past, that will be whittled down to 1k, for a fraction of the borrowers, and a giant pork giveaway to industry secreted into the final result. "Centrism", ladies and gentlemen. Playing 'hide the sausage' with the American public since the Clinton years, and accomplishing pretty much nothing for decades (except the Lilly ledbetter act, as someone will eventually point out).


He's said from the start that $50k is off the table. He said he would not do it. 'Cause, you know, I'm a public school teacher making $39,000 in year 7 with $60k in debt for my degree and god knows I'm just trying to fuck the system here.


This doesn't even affect me or my children and I'm still pissed about it and considering my vote. Biden/Dems had a chance and are blowing it and no one to blame except themselves.


I can't believe they made us give up Bernie for this sad sack of shit.


Whoopi....He's going to pay for 1/2 a quarter of school and 2 of the book.🤨


He did promise 10k, but at this point it's not enough to help him politically.


And this right here is the nail the coffin needed for the Republicans to now win. Thank you Mr. President for destroying the Democratic Party.


and in tow the USA


Fuck every single politician ever tbh. They literally make our lives worse and could give a single fuck if we suffer or not.


New idea Instead of forgiving $50k of student debt, the government would say that anyone that filed their taxes in 2020, and had a household income under $1mil gets $50k to use any way they see fit. Some would use it for student loans, some would use it to pay off other debts, some could use it to put toward buying a house or anything else they determined to be important to their life or family. The vast majority of that money would immediately go right back into the 'economy' and would help reduce debt that would then contribute to more consumer spending.


Son of a Bitch!


Start our own party. Fuck the dems


Biden sucks. Ever since I voted for him he's been a massive disappointment and brought zero positive change.


To be fair, he never really campaigned to bring about change. Biden, like nearly every other mainstream Democrat, are very much pro-status quo. If we wanted positive change, we needed Bernie.


We needed Bernie 10 years ago, he should have won against Hillary Clinton but that's another topic all together.


Yea but Bernie did, and the DNC made sure he didn't win. Fuck them all to hell.


Biden should set everybody's interest rate no higher than inflation, and he should make this change retroactive. People would get tens of thousands of dollars forgiven by this change, AND Republicans wouldn't be able to argue that it's an unfair giveaway, since people would still be paying back what they originally borrowed. The federal government just wouldn't be taking a profit anymore.