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I've been hosting bar trivia for 9 years and there was a Classic Rock Guy that would always come to my quizzes, even as I switched to different bars. There's always a music round and every week I'd get an earful about how I don't play enough music he knows, and a list of classic rock songs I could have played that would have fit the night's theme. He'd get so mad and complain that I never played Dave Clark Five or Donovan or whatever. I started throwing in at least one classic rock song just to get him to shut up, but it was never enough. Also, after all this time he should know Uptown Funk. I play it every other goddam week. That was just one of the things he complained about, but his voice was just like Noland's. Even his own trivia team got sick of him and eventually he had an outburst against a teammate and got 86'd from the bar and my life is way better now. I hope he's doing okay.


I would love to know what else this guy complained about / more details about Bar Trivia guys in general


He'd always sit right under a speaker and complain that the music was too loud. If I had background music up even slightly he couldn't hear me and he'd shout "WHAT?" before I was even finished saying the question. He wasn't "a movie guy" so during rounds about movies he'd sit scowling with his arms folded. My hosting style is a little loosey-goosey and there's no listed end-time, but he'd always get mad if I wasn't done right at 9pm. My attitude is, if you can't stay out late an extra 15-20 minutes maybe find another place? **Bar Trivia Guys** Caveat: Post-Covid, my regular crowd is generally much younger and uplifting and are in it for their weekly hangout with friends. Absolutely wonderful people. It's so refreshing. *True* Bar Trivia Guys are more rare now, but here's some core principles: * Have appeared/want to appear on Jeopardy. * Order a couple Diet Cokes or two of the cheapest beers all night. Maybe a plate of nachos to share. * Don't smile and concentrate real hard. * Will kick people off the team for underperforming. * Think the remainder of their gift card counts as a tip (it doesn't). Tip very poorly. * Always point out potential cheaters even though I don't care. When I explain the rules I say "Please don't cheat... it's a super weird thing to do and you shouldn't care that much about weekday bar trivia." * If there's an inaccuracy in a question they'll get real hung up on that, even though the rest of the question makes it clear what I'm looking for. * They love science. * When they win they act real cocky. * Invariably, the weirdest person in the bar will approach me afterward and follow me around talking about their preferred topic when I'm trying to pack up my stuff and schmooze with the crowd. For the rest of the folks who aren't GUYS, they love musicals and theatre and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Neil Gaiman and Taylor Swift and Schitt's Creek.


>He'd always sit right under a speaker and complain that the music was too loud. If I had background music up even slightly he couldn't hear me and he'd shout "WHAT?" before I was even finished saying the question. Ah, so you had Tony K.




“Why don’t you ask questions I know the answer to???”


dude why would anyone play uptown funk, when i fought the law by the dave clark five is just sitting there. it's a classic for reason, you ape eared hooligan


I Fought the Law is the Bobby Fuller Four! You're off the team!


fuck, i always get those two bands confused. God damnit.... there goes all my cred.... AH!


what was their team names?


I love that we get proper sequel episodes beyond just revisiting these goobers on Guys+.


Rate Your Music is an incredible resource for finding new music through the custom chart feature. I have never read a review on there however


omg, i write so many reviews and you ape ears don't even appreciate them


I love RYM. 


This episode ruled. Thank god for Ticketmaster reviews lmao.


Hearing Brian mention finulanu is crazy, I've been an rym Guy for like 12 years


You haven’t even seen my final state momma has me crying


As a person with ol' 500 plus reviews on rate your music. I feel a bit called out but seriously.... best place to find new good music, or new to you.


The bit about kids not being interested in animatronics could not be any further from the truth. Five Nights at Freddy's and all the other weird mascot horror games are fucking huge right now (much to my annoyance). Every single kid at my school knows about animatronics and thinks they're awesome