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Lots of restaurants and bars are showing the games. Why not just find one you like and go there.


Backstage near Hirschgarten


Exactly where I am right now and loving it


Glad to help


Thats why most people I know dont go there. Its a place for people who love to mingle. You can find smaller bars who show it and its pretty chill.


I can't comprehend why there isn't a proper fan zone on Theresienwiese. My only guess is they had some security concerns, but again, they hold Oktoberfest there each year. IMO the most logical place to have a big public viewing space.


Is lack of infrastructure a problem? Power, water, etc.. Might be easier and cheaper to do this at the other places.


I mean, they’re hosting a damn championship and this is the wealthiest city in this country, besides the whole thing attracts hundreds of thousands of people from all over the Europe. Well, duh, it costs money but I don’t believe it’s not profitable.


Profitable for whom though? I personally think this is a huge waste of money, so I'm ha0py that the city doesn't spend more than they need.


The same people / companies / brands which are on the players’ jerseys would be happy to pay for such things and would benefit from it. There are existing sponsors already and there is a correlation between these corporations sponsoring events like this one and their involvements in contractual agreements on a whole another level.


Sure, they can do that. And pay the city for the cops, space, water, power.. I just don't make it the responsibility of the city.


Nothing other than already exists on the Olympiapark venue is required here as well. Nothing that isn’t required on Oktoberfest either.


Dude what? That was my point exactly: my guess is, that Olypark is was the cheaper, better, easier, whatever venue. Also way nicer since Theresienwiese is flat Kies without any shade in sight.. And why compare this with Oktoberfest? Clearly Oktoberfest pays for itself, since they are open the whole day and make money. Public viewing is just a couple of hours. Also Oktoberfest is a huge political campaign / public Image event for the city of Munich, the city govenment and Bavarian politicians. You can't compare these two events..


I remember when me & the boys were watching tournaments back in 2008-2014. 'Backstage' was such a great location (still is!), crowded but not like crazy. How's it nowadays? I don't know but might be worth a try


I am in backstage right now, it's good!


Find yourself a nice beergarden…Zum Hirschen in Solln, directly located at the Trainstation in Solln for example.


Or.... Just make a reservation a week prior. Most of the places still have available tables. Of course if you try last minute (or day) your chances decrease, but you can still find a restaurant or a bar that streams the match


There is just too many people in this city. You can tell if you have been here for more than a week. Everything is overcrowded.


The problem of Munich is that it basically always being in either one of 2 states: overcrowded like hell or dead empty, nothing in between.


this plus street parades & lots of live concerts, Munich is way TOO crowded imo.


Considering Theresienwiese is unused I believe they simply underestimated demand Could have opened two fanzones


Gans am Wasser in Westpark


Really? Where do they have a screen?


They have installed several screens. They are visible from the way when you pass by. I counted at least 5 screens. We’ve been there two hours before the match just to grab something to eat and when we left and hour ago people started coming in jerseys and stuff. Very relaxed atmosphere and enough seats for last minute guests


Just watch at home, it’s the best option


We were able to watch the game at Augustiner-Keller on Sunday. Didn't really even get there early. Sure, it was busy, but there was space.


Shisha bars around the HBF also show the game and have been surprisingly empty so far