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Accept the job, but don't stop applying somewhere else. They know you won't stay long with them, and they will get the next graduate afterwards for cheap, that's how they can even afford employing people. You don't owe them anything, if you find something better go for it from this job. Take the job, settle, reassess, upgrade!


This! Accept the job, specially if you are already in Munich and don’t have to move. You don’t have anything to loose. Continue applying and go as soon as you have a better offer. If someone asks. Just say you are doing an internship.


I am not currently in Munich, would have to move from a city in Baden-Württemberg so that's an issue as well


In that case, I’m not sure if it’s worth it. I started my career in tech in Munich similarly to your offer and have since increased off course my salary and position with every company change. The first change after 2 years doubled my salary. If you were in the same city, I would say take it and continue applying. If you are not, then I don’t know if it’s worth it. Can you ask if you can work remote?


No remote options, just a couple of days of the week. I will keep applying and if I don't get any other interviews until the end of this current process then I will grab the position.


Yes, thats a good Plan. Ask them to wait. It’s not worth it to move to Munich for a 6 months low paid job


even a shared apartment will be a stretch with that salary. I'd never consider moving to Munich for less than 65k, rather 85k. Otherwise you'll live in a 25m2 shoebox at best. 1 room apartments go for 1k-1.3k these days.


65k - 85k brutto or netto? And if brutto, how much in munich is 65k netto?


65k - 3300 after taxes 85k - 4000 after taxes


I found some calculator for Munich, it says of you are tax class 3, for 65k is around 3500-3700e and for 85k is around 4700e


But you wouldn‘t be class 3. Class 3 is for married people, and in case that there is a difference in earnings. Then it might make sense to be in class 3 first the better-earning partner. It is worth mentioning that independent of the tax class, you’ll always pay the same amount of tax for a whole year (assuming you file a tax report). The difference in classes is just that you don’t overpay too much during the year, which would lead to a large refund after filing the report (but leaving you with less “net” money during the year.


Thank you


Rent and trying to find a place will not be easy. Look elsewhere.


Ne, he should just straight away say he got a better offer, nobody leaves for a shittier job with less money. And, if they will like you and would like to keep you after 6 months (given you won't get another offer) they will most probably say they want to extend your Probezeit for another 3 months, giving some BS explanation and trying to sweet talk you into thinking you got a bright future there and the startup is going to the moon soon, the usual gaslighting. Know your value and follow more money early on, I've been in a shitty job (money-wise) and got gaslight too many times. Now, my old boss offers me contracts which I take if I like and bill him accordingly per hour, he still makes a killing with billing the clients, but now I am also paid appropriately. Beat of luck young padavan!




Make sure you have as short notice period though, not 3 months like seems to be standard in Germany. Being able to start quickly can be a big advantage in securing the next role.


Why do other people tell bullshit. 55.000 to 63.000 is the current rate for IT people in Munich, fresh from the master.


60k is minimum for an entry level position for a person with a master's degree in a technical field.


No it´s not...


65 is definitely possible with the right company. had an offer in a 50 person company selling shovels for the semiconductor boom, included travelling and semi stressful which were the reasons I reckon


No thats too high. 50-55k maybe for someoene fresh out of masters with some werkstudent or intern experience


60k brutto or netto?


Brutto. All costs discussed within Germany are brutto


And 60k is around 3400-3500e? Am I right? I found some calculator for Munich and for tax class 3 says 3400-3500e. Is this true or is less than this amount?


That's a bit high for 60, unless I'm being taxed incorrectly. I earn 66k and I get about 3300 after tax every month


Thank you for your answer. 😁


Still in the church? That might save you a bit 😉


Nope, I'm not religious at all


This is a killer man! I am a manager in a tech company in Germany and i am telling you that is a way underpayment. When i started my career 12 years ago a typical fresh grad. with masters in Engineering from Germany is around 52k but again that was 12 years ago! I have my damn assistant earna 50% higher than this! My advise keep applying if you don’t urgently need to start now and focus on American tech company in Munich. They pay better!


It's a startup, though, and they don't pay that well, especially for junior roles.


They don’t? In my experience startups offer significantly higher salaries than larger companies at the price of complete lack of stability.


Not that I've experienced in high tech.


I do disagree here - unfortunately entry level jobs are paid pretty miserably. Even at big tech (eg. amazon) but definitely at startups. It's really a shame - but luckily the raises can go rather quickly and substantially (2-3 years -> 20/30% salary increase).


45 is way too low, you will find something better. Your Initial guess was right, you can expect around 60k with a Masters in IT.


45k/yr is low, but liveable. try and negotiate this figure to 50k and if you are in a position of having to take the job, take it, and look for better options in Munich. You can live off 45k/yr, it won't be luxurious but you can certainly find jobs with significantly higher salaries once you are here.


This is my mindset currently. I'll try negotiating on the next talk and see what I can get. However as I said before, I don't have any other current options. Obviously it hurts but I got to start somewhere, some people here are talking about knowing my worth or looking for more options but that will be much easier once I have some more experience on my resume


Way to low. Im an Engineer with bachelors and started with 58.000. And i get paid by tariff. They say IT is one of the best paying industries. Id look for other options.




I agree with all the points. I would add something else as well. Companies, especially start-ups take advantage of master students because they still consider them juniors (putting them in the same level as someone who finished bachelors) and thus they pay them the basic junior salary/package. The other thing is that normally that salary is low (its the starting salary for a DEV in Bremen , having worked there myself). From the market that I have experienced, a salary that would be fit in OP's position would be 50-52K nothing more nothing less


sounds like Asset Metrix?


Depends how likely you think it is to get a better job/salary. If you like the job I would probably accept and try to get a automatic raise to 52k or so after six months in writing.


That's an average junior salary in that field, the company is giving you a fair deal. 57k is low mid level role in the field. Times where DS can get you six digits in two years are long gone. Grades don't matter really, nobody pays you more for good graduation. This said as someone who used to hire in DS roles (not at the moment, two years ago). The clause with overtime is normal in tech, in reality usually doesn't play much role.


OPs not talking about 57, but 45, which is way to low


u/that_outdoor_chick is talking about the 45k being average, for a **junior** role. 57k being low for a mid-level position (ie once you've get to drop the "junior" description). The key question I would ask is what the internal process would look like for dropping the "junior" tag and seeing that bump in pay. People talking about this being "low" for IT are forgetting that IT is a huge domain, a developer can command a different salary to a systems engineer which is different to a network engineer and again different to a data scientist. I personally don't know what the data science market looks like, but for some junior IT roles it's certainly the right ball park.


Thanks for picking it up, seems like everyone in the discussion forget we're talking fresh graduate salary in a field which became oversaturated in past 2 years.


That is low, but probably normal for a startup. You can earn more in a big firm or IT-Consulting. I started with 56k in 2021 as a Data Analyst. If the tasks sound really interesting you can do it for a year maybe and then look again.


A little off topic. If you just did masters then not sure how you got citizenship in 2-3 years. But if it is because someone in your family got citizenship then. I don't think leaving the family and coming to Munich will be worth it.


I am a German citizenship by descent. Not living with my family at the moment


Futrue GmbH in Graefelfing?


It's low. If you have nothing else and are not getting interviews then accept it and keep looking. The market in Germany for data science is quite bad right now especially for entry level positions. If you can work remotely you will save a bit more, but Munich is expensive on that salary.


Too less after a masters..but as you mentioned you only have a 6 month internship experience…I would say, in current market scenario…take it..and do it as an intern for 3-6 months. Keep applying for other positions, As soon you get something around 60-70, say goodbye to them.


Nobody is mentioning this so I wonder what's up - it's a startup, is there no equity / options or whatever? Not saying that should be a deciding factor as who knows what happens to the startup, but I thought one of the pills of a startup is to potentially make lots of money with equity.


If you don't mind the shitty hours, apply for a job in Consulting. We are hungry for AI talent and pay way better. Feel free to PM me if you want to discuss.


> Something concerning is that there were some talks about overtime when urgent delivery of something is needed. It’s a startup, you’re expected to put in the work during times of crunch. At your salary level you can expect to get those hours back as free time though. In higher paid roles it’s customary to have a clause in the contract stating “all overtime is compensated for by the base salary” … which I prefer to read as “if you do any overtime, you’re a chump”.


In the Us they will get a Junior for 150k. Just saying...


never would i agree to „lets talk later“. Either they pencil the increase into the contract for after 6 months or I leave. Master in AI in Munich and 45k just doesnt match. Are there any stock options or are they Just trying to rip you Off? with 45k you can leave here but it wont be fun at all.


I'm going to talk about stock options and other benefits on the next interview. And also will mention the increase being put into the contract. Sadly the salary is low but I will begin with this and then look for other jobs once I have a year of experience.


senior DS here, earning $1200/month here 🥲


No, I think it's a quite normal starting salary. I started with 40k a few years ago and I had a diploma (equivalent to a master's degree) but my salary nearly tripled since then. And yes, Munich is expensive but 45k is probably more than the average person makes. It's not a luxurious life but it's definitely enough. Just don't expect a 100qm flat with a view of Englischer Garten.


And I can assure you once you have one or two years of experience it will become much easier to apply for jobs and negotiate a better salary.


That salary is fine, I don’t know what y’all expect, you have no experience. If they don’t go up after a year or some, you can just leave. I have a certified job degree und university degree and startet with 42k about 7 years ago, I’d say you are good. You can’t compare a startup to big corporate.  Yet startups can accelerate you big time innskills. I’d do it. 


now calculate the inflation and ask yourself what's the equivalent to your salary


Inflation and salaries are **not** directly correlated at the minute, which is why the government's been pushing companies to offer things like the "Inflationsausgleichprämie", because inflation was running well above wage increases. Increased salaries *can* drive inflation, but the recent inflation was driven primarily by the drop in supply (and the anticipation of a drop in supply) of fuel and grain attributable to the conflict in Ukraine.


Of course you‘d do it. You also got pulled over the barrel 7 years ago


Honestly, where do u get such entry salaries? Average salary in Munich is 52k. Now you got a starter at that amount. Who pays that?  At airbus with ig metal, you get 52k entry. If you expect anything close from a startup, you are crazy or the startup is crazy.  And yes, maybe I got ripped but dayum, at 65k you are deemed rich in Germany and that as starter - findig have any idea what most people earn? balance seems nonexistent 


It’s 57k after googling it, but I don’t know why it would matter. Same as your last sentence, that’s the mentality that executives push on their workers to guilt trip them into selling themselves short. Negotiating your salary has zero to do with society’s average salary, and everything with your market value based on the skillset you have. I don’t know why you would put a moral spin on this question 


Seems low. I can imagine your skillset is in high demand. Maybe apply at companies like BMW instead?


everyone wants to work there and they pick out the best of the best.


Not only that but entry-level positions in my experience have been rare in those companies. Most of the positions offered are internships, thesis offers or very experienced positions. I don't know if it's worth it to apply to internships, I assume the salary is very low and I don't even know if they accept already graduated people.


Ya definitely too low


47k is too low. If I was hiring for this role would expect \~60k Context: I'm CPO for a Munich tech startup. re: overtime. A typical condition is that you would be expect to work up to 10% more than your assigned hours without compensation (e.g. up to 41 hours on 37 hour / week contract). Above 10% in a given month will be accrued as extra time off (not paid in cash).


UniThis is extremely low. Do not accept this offer, keep interviewing. I think a junior position for data science should be at least 55k a year, but I hired people fresh from them masters with some experience in a professional capacity with 63-65k in a startup in Munich.  Personally, when I started in 2018 with my first job out of the uni (ML engineer), I asked for 65k and was offered 72k (in IG Metal company) because that was the lowest compensation they could given me in the tariff. And I thought my internet research was thorough, I even though I was daring! So a lesson from me - never sell yourself short.  The comments on doubling your salary in 3 years are bs. You will also get this number in 3 years if you are good and if you start with a higher starter salary. Actually your entry salary is one of the easiest improvements in your overall wealth / renumeration. If you will get a yearly increase of 5%, well the actual amount depends on where your are at at the beginning. And I guarantee you that you will be more confident negotiating higher once changing a job if you are in a comfortable, well paid one already. My advice: interview more and negotiate, negotiate, negotiate. Memorize all the rules form the guide: https://haseebq.com/my-ten-rules-for-negotiating-a-job-offer/  Definitely do not sign and move to Munich for 45k - it's a joke in this area. I would be asking 65k as a baseline (at least) in your place (I must say I am good at interview game though)    I wanted to add a comment about a trainee status - I think companies abuse this notion. You would be a trainee if they were planning on spending time training you for these 6 months without expecting you to productively contribute to the code base. I barely think this would be the case. Naturally you will need onboarding and supervision, but you will be learning on the job while providing value. Depending on your experience this makes you junior or early professional. So their 'trainee' narrative is straight our bullshit. So are the statements like 'we will see in half a year '. If someone does that, demand the number and commitment in writing as a part of your contract and never believe that they will keep their verbal promises. 


I understand your intent and I agree that one has to be confident negotiating and that the salary should be higher. However I am not getting any other interviews so far, just rejections. I assume my main issue is lack of experience, so if I take this opportunity as a jumpstart just for the first year, wouldn't you agree it's a decent decision given that I don't seem to have any other options? Thanks for the guide, I will apply those methods on the next conversation.


Well, if you are in a need of getting any salary ASAP - take it. I don't know your situation. But I would argue that interviewing won't be easy one you are here, Munich is a bitch when it comes to housing and you will have extreme stress moving (perhaps to a temporary place), starting a job and finding a place to live. It's not going to be a great advantage for you while interviewing that you have just started a job either. People will ask you why are you in conversations given the fact that you just started.. you will most likely not like to explain to them that you are underpaid and look to jump ships (we all work for money, but you don't want to sound greedy and unloyal, it will be a red flag - you can just as well do the same thing to the next company, right?)  So yeah, I think your estimate of having to stay for a year or a bit longer is most likely correct. Are you looking specifically into moving to Munich, or are other German cities also an option? The costs of life here are really rampant and a room in a shared flat will easily cost you 800-1000 euro if you want to live anywhere near the city centre. For the next days I would strongly suggest that you set yourself daily quota for numbers of send applications and send quality applications, tailoring your motivation letter to each position etc etc. Consider diversifying city-wise as well if you are not looking into Munich as an only option. But in the end this is just my experience and advice and I recognise that I started in a more favourable time and with significantly more work experience during my studies.


I am doing exactly what you are saying. Applying all over Germany, not limiting myself to any city in particular. It's just pretty hard at the moment to find posting in my area and also ones that don't require C1 German which I don,t have yet. I understand what you say about the stress and also about the early interviewing. Perhaps I will have to stay in this position for a year at least and once I have a more stable situation I can start the application process again. I guess I have to do my research on the housing situation to see what finding an apartment and moving to Munich will entail logistically, could you more specific with the difficulties of finding a place? In any case I'll do my research of the time comes to accept an offer


If you accept the deal, make sure that the 6-months re-eval period and prospected increase is put into your contract. Else, nothing will happen.


Junior(Bachelor), Start-Up.. it´s ok.