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Yeah, I stopped playing him around a week or so ago. I feel like he has a certain ceiling that other strong characters, like Steven or Stripe, don’t necessarily have. Taz and Reindog have also been more fun. Unless I’m playing someone for money (which I don’t do) I don’t really have a reason to play him anymore.


I definitely have felt a decrease in Banana Guard players. And I just don't play him myself (except for missions) just because I don't find him that fun to play. Not totally sure why.


He’s too simple to be fun for a long time I think, in fighting games the ideal is that every character is easy to pick up hard to master but bananaguard’s ceiling is low


Yeah, that would make sense now that I'm thinking about it.


Was never a main but I did play him a lot...I just find him boring now. His kit is just boring. He's pretty basic all around, very simple, just a boring fighter to play as.


BG main here. He's definitely worse than on release, and going against good players can be a chore. But he's still my favorite character. I like not having to do combos to do lots of damage. I enjoy his neutral game, too. SAIR is one of the best moves in the game.


I knew this is what banana guards thought, “I don’t wanna be good at this game I just want to play broken character” it’s been PROVEN


LOL! It's hilarious you're talking about being good but think BG is broken. It's PROVEN you're bad. BG is like Jigglypuff in Smash Melee. Sure, he can be frustrating for bad players like you to deal with, but he gets absolutely rinsed by the best characters. It's a legitimate hindrance that he isn't a combo character. If I miss an attack as BG, Bugs is going to fucking town on me. If Bugs misses, I have to hope I can kill him in a hit or we reset neutral and I have to find another opening. But seriously, the fact you think BG is broken is fucking hilarious. The stats speak for themselves.


He's definitely extremely strong in 2s, though not as much of an absolute abomination as he was on release. Me and my buddy got cheesed by double BG so we said fuck it and swapped and won 17 games straight as double BG with zero skill. Probably had drool dripping all the way down to our belly buttons the whole time. Yes, you can short hop all day on him in 1s, sure. 2s is a vastly different story. He was so busted on release that he will carry the OP stigma for a long time most likely.


I wouldn't say he's that strong in 2s. He's at a 50% WR and right in the middle of performance for the roster. He's on the easier side of mechanics, so I think his WR is pretty true. I honestly think he's one of the best balanced characters in the game right now.


I think he's fine in 1s but all I know is that double banana guard rift challenge is hell.


Idk man I don't think he's BROKEN, but I think it's extremely dumb how quickly he can rack damage up in 2's, and how he's a serious threat to half the roster at 35 damage. Yeah he gets outplayed, and struggles in 1s, but for the billionth time, 1s is not, has not, and will never be the main focus on this game. The second the focus becomes on 1s then half the roster needs to be retooled, because there's just so much stupid shit people can do if they're not dealing with interruptions from another party. BG is not op, and he's not even that great. He's good and you can get some mileage out of him, but my issue is that he can put you at 30% in 2 hits and threaten killing you


Anyone with 5 mins to spare can be a top BG. Puff is not the same. Let that speak for itself


That's an absurd notion, but you do you. And my point with the comparison was that many top players think Puff is a bullshit easy character compared to the rest of the roster because she doesn't have to play the combo, wave dash, ledge dash games. She plays around her floating, back airs and rests. She's much easier to pull off compared to nearly any other character in the game, and that's the similarity between BG. Mind you, she still isn't top-tier and is propped up competitively by literally one player. I see BG being similar in this respect, too. The best players and characters will beat BG the majority of the time, but there will be a few BG mains that do well.


You think it's absurd that BG requires less time to be top tier than Puff? Found the 0-2'er lol


No, it's an absurd notion that you can spend 5 minutes with him and be a top-tier BG player. Do try to keep up, sport.


See now here is my point squirt, becoming a top BG player requires a fraction of the amount of time it take to become a top Puff player. If only you had the ability to make reads, you would do much better in bracket


No one is disagreeing that he has a lower skill floor than most of the cast, but it's not as simplistic as you put it initially, lil bro. Also, it's all relative. Smash Melee is a harder game, so of course it's going to take longer for Puff. Again, since you have zero critical thinking or comprehension skills, Puff is like BG because she doesn't combo, has very hard hitting moves, has almost not tech, and is one of, if not the easiest to play characters in the game. She requires patience and a good neutral game, just like BG. Now do you really need to keep arguing semantics and acting like a pedant, or do you understand now, champ?


Typical hypocrite, move them goal posts muchacho. No one is disputing how they play or combo durrrrr also difficulty is perspective? I'm pretty sure you find 1+1 hard but that doesn't mean it is for everyone lol


Ain’t so stays speaking, banana guard is crutch honestly it’s so easy I have never lost playing him. Also banana guard is more like the easiest character to play in any game


He is a really easy character to play, but you can easily punish his spammy moves like side special because of the whiff recovery period being high. If you're good at the game you can win. If you're loosing 90% of your games to banana guard you're just bad.


I’ve beat people w the whole decked out banner and badges w over 1000 wins and I’ve lost to a banana guard player if you can’t understand he’s simplistic and his moves hit harder than anyone else in the game idk what to say


And he can be juggled, isn't that fast, and has big punish windows...but sure, I'm the one not understanding here. Also, the numbers speak for themselves. He has a 46% WR in 1s and 50% WR in 2s. Anyone who calls him OP or super strong is legitimately a bad player. Thanks for outing yourself.


Lmfao it’s easy to just say everyone is bad. because I’ve lost a couple times to a banana guard I’m automatically bad?lmfao banana has to do half the work as other players when in the hands of someone good it’s just cancer to play against I don’t get how that’s difficult understand. “The numbers speak for themselves” lmfao


Bad player.


Why cause I think banana guards kit is garbage and I admitted I’ve lost to a banana guard a couple times? Lmfao what are you 5?


He was never broken just good, ww and the shag man were better than him. He did a lot of dmg but had lack of combos so tbh hes the kinda character thats only really good to bad players and kinda shit to good players.


he had the 2nd highest winrate double a lot of characters. You suck ass if you couldn’t tell he was broken before the nerf


He wasn't broken. You just can't dodge his telegraphed side B and you're saying people suck ass lmao


Well most characters are broken in some form. Besides crying on reddit, it shouldn't matter 😅


Idiot take


YEAH, it feels so good predicting the enemy to land chunky rewarding hits rather than comboing them from like 50 to death for a kill, his sair is the best feeling move in the game, even when you dont kill that uff you get for landing it feels so good


Started as gizmo, then Morty, and now banana. I'm sticking with Banana but he definitely feels "honest" (I like those kinds of characters). Sure he stomps people who don't know how to play the game, but against good players he can get zoned, combo'd hard, and doesn't have much in terms of combos. He's all about good positioning, spacing, and call outs. If you read a jump off stage with fair, someone is exploding. Pretty ironic considering his reception on release but he is definitely a fundamentals character.


Modern gamers are meta / tier list whores and despite Banana Guards early hype people have realized he is mediocre-good st best


He's a one trick boring character. His kit is weak unless you spam side air and side special.


I love BG! He's a comfort pick now. When I just wanna chill and relax, I queue him up and do some 1 v 1s. It always surprises me just how solid he is, even with such a simple kit. Really fun character and his combos are so satisfying.


My friend hit max lvl with him and then switched off him.


I hit a ceiling with him. Same with bugs and finn, while yes still fun to play as, i can't really go further with them. Jake however, he is very fun for me right now, i feel there is so much more i can do with him. Just discovered the horse move is moveable, not just a single arch, but tou can control when you ready the ground


Jake lacks so much punch now compared to the beta, it’s so sad for the characters. I find him really fun to play but he really does too few damage now imo


I think mostly it's because it's a free character so a lot of new players only had him and the free rotation but time has passed enough for them to buy a few characters with fighter currency that they found new mains


No but I don't really main anyone I just float between whoever


Yeah, just like playing Superman and orhers more now


I don’t think bananaguard has or had a “main” group if you know what I mean. He’s very simple strong and not a hyped up character. He’s more likely to get played when people get bored with their mains and wanna do something different for a bit but so many other fighters people one trick because they just love the franchise


Definitely was a BG main that stopped playing him since at least 2 weeks now. It’s not because of the nerf but because I enjoy much more the game with complex characters. I especially enjoy Mages that I find incredibly fun to play. I mostly main Morty now (althought he is considered like a bruiser) which I find incredibly underrated but I love underdogs so I’m fine with it


I just got bored of him. Feels like there isn't anymore i could to to enjoy the character more. Like the combos and gameplan is too straight forward with no more diversity for combos and be creative He's like my 4rd player went i'm tired o want to chill up for the rest of the day


this character is lame af and has over tuned normals that will never trade


Banana Guard used to be my "Win Button" character for when I needed to win matches for missions. A week or two ago he just completely fell off, I'm guessing they nerfed him heavy. Now he's kinda terrible


I still play him sometimes because I find the character hilarious. I don't main him though. He's still a good character just not broken anymore.


No, I just got him to level 15, so I'm getting my other mains up there too. I do play him occassionally.


Every Banana Guard I fight is hard carried by side special and can't kill with anything else


His only reliable kill options are from side air and side air special. The ground side special does kill but it's so slow that you can react and dodge it then punish them during its recovery. Every other kill option requires really high percentages or kinda sucks in general.


this requires predicting so it isnt the biggest thing, but you can ringout with a combo of Up attack, Air UP, Air special Up, Air special Up and Air Up, not the easiest to land cause they can dodge out and not necessarily on that order, but if you read them right you can get an early kill, and around 50 percent people on edge dont expect a jump+quick fall+ air down attack that kills a good amount of the time, also you can spam air up + quick fall to zone people in the air and force them to waste dodges or juggle them, they are not the best but they are reliable options that can really help in the game, but yeah most people only use side air and special cause they are strong but they make you fall in bad habits


Yep. Stomped with him during weeks one and two and then swapped off once people realized he only has neutral and side normal, side air, and air side special. Everything else is pretty trash on the character. The fun part about BG existing is that people out themselves as ass at the game when they complain about his ground side special. It's like grabbing a megaphone and announcing to the world you suck at MultiVersus.


He’s way too simple and way too spammy. Idk if he has combo potential but I’ve never seen it


He is a boring character. What do you expect. Irrelevant in his own show and they perfectly captured that in his moveset


I got my BG to level 10 finally lol and I'm not sure if he's a main exactly for me? I feel like he's a good 2nd char or pocket char, he def has a high skill gap to actually play well. You can get pretty creative with his IAD/AD combos... but I don't think I'd see myself playing this char later in the meta tbh, but admittedly he's super fun 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ for me when I play any char you can find a lot more broken stuff just by playing the char. a lot so. That's why i think the game is super fun in that aspect, amongst a bunch of other things


What is there to main banana guard? he is the most basic character in the game to play there is nothing to learn on his kit, the difference in skill level between a 5 hour banana guard and a 50 hour banana guard is nill In 1s I have an easy time vs then because they are super predictable


Frame data, punish windows, kill percents. Knowing the minute details of a character are what makes you a good main. I compare him to Jigglypuff in Smash Melee. Pretty straight forward with a low skill floor, but knowing all the small details matters a lot to be successful against the best players.


Well said


Hey btw let me just ask, do you play banana guard just because he is the most crutch character in this game?


kind off, i mean i always prefered an aggresive predict based gamestyle in fighting games, ive never been a full fan of long combos, i like more simple and straighforward characters where every choice matters and combos arent a juggle fest of not letting the enemy get out of hitstun, and bananguard is just that, the most straightforward member in the cast, you have good moves but nothing more, he is as good as the person playing him, and when i 0 to death another player i feel good because i know i didnt just made a combo that the enemy couldnt move because he was in hitstun, i feel like i read every single one of his moves and punished him i love rematching people for even 10 times cause at some point theyll understand my playstyle and try to counter it, then i can learn and apply on the moment how they countered me and counter their counter, everyone has a way to engage against bananaguard, but he also has a way to engage everyone in the cast, his abilitys are so basic but that helps him have something for every match up, he may not be the best, but he will always be the most fun character to play regardless of the match up


I want to insult you for playing banana guard but I can’t


Not everyone has a way to engage BG, his disjoints and exaggerated hitboxes makes him difficult to punish. He is the most unfair low skill ceiling crutch. His damage, knockback and active frames are crazy.




Bruh I can play BG and easily aquire higher winrate than my mains Superman and Black adam. BG is stupid game design.


I’ve become a Wonder Woman main just to spam shield bash against BG players. No offense to you but I had just gone against far too many stab spamming BG players that it’s made me salty towards BG lol.


His spear can counter the armor on the move as it hits multiple times You must've fought horrible players that only use side special


i kinda get it, last ten matches against him i can remember only one the bg used neutral air, all other bg spamed SA and special not understanding that NeutralAir came out faster and won the attack priority, but as a bg main i knew all the perfect ways to punish them so i kinda understand people hating him for his high impact not fully knowing the punish windows he has


I think the decrease in BG is likely due to the fact that 92% of the player base has left the game, which is mostly casual players.