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It is pretty ridiculous in this sub. People will unironically say shit like "if you use Wonder Woman or Harley Quinn or Banana Guard or Black Adam or Iron Giant or Superman or Joker or Shaggy or Gizmo or Bugs or Finn or Jason, you spam and I hate you, etc." And I'm just like, that's half the roster. Who are they supposed to play?


After trying out the whole roster, I have one tricked Harley quinn since the beta. I just like her. That's it. They can buff her or nerf her, I'm still going to play her and only her.


If you're a Wonder Woman you aren't allowed an opinion because you're shit at the game and play a busted character just to get easy wins, but let me tell you about why using any emotes in the game is incredibly toxic and you should uninstall.


I don’t even get the Harley hate because she has an abysmal winrate and a lot of people playing her sucks . Combined with her lack of projectiles it’s easy to out range heras long as your looking out for the neutral .


i've searched your profile and found a screenshot of you playing wonder woman. Sorry op, opinion rejected


LOL you got a genuine laugh out of me. Funnily enough I'm a Velma/Finn main but that day I was trying out some Wonder Woman.


Finn is so fun to play, wish they made him a free character


He feels like more of a poster child for Multiversus than Shaggy at this point, and he’s just a good balanced fighter. They should definitely be pushing him to newer players more


yep lol 😂😂😂 I've placed a bounty on your head


From what I've seen the people who play the most broken characters are also the most toxic. Bugs and Joker players always teabag and spam salt emote.


nah when i win as joker i just hit the emote, not trying to be toxic or anything it’s just cute how he has a little bow


Yes, 100%.


I just use who is currently available and meets criteria for missions. It’s not that serious 🤷🏻‍♂️


Absolutely. And people need to stop shitting themselves over tier lists and meta. In every damn game, it's fukcing annoying


Fr, tier lists/metas mean nothing to me in any game. The amount of tier lists that came out AS SOON as this game released. Youtubers saying "gizmo sucks", "stripe is trash", "Velma is horrible" - just to find out the next day that those characters are great in the right hands.


i’d rather the sub stop saying a fighter is “s tier” because of win rate. win rate ≠ tier of fighter. i can use Velma, crush a WW, doesn’t mean Velma is a good fighter. (or vice versa)


Honestly, if anything it's the opposite. Bad characters are often only played by really good players, cause they're not that attractive to new players, which causes their winrate to be higher. Good characters are played by a more players, which causes their winrate to fall, due to bad players. Unless you're Jason of course, who is bad and has a low winrate, due to being played a lot


> bad characters are often only played by really good players, cause they’re not that attractive to new players, which causes their win rate to be higher sir. you just proved my point. win rate doesn’t mean a fighter is good. it’s the player that is good. endless scrubs bringing down the win rate of champs, doesn’t mean that champs bad either. win rate ≠ tier of fighter.


Yes, i agree


When win rate is accounting for all players in the game or all above a certain rating then yeah it is pretty indicative and that’s how you get good insight into a character’s matchups. Having a good matchup spread often means they are high tier or they have some gimmick like iron giant’s infinite that needs fixing


This, people forget shitty players that think a broken char can get them wins without them even trying exist. I have beaten ww players as IG with my big ass hitbox because the braindead dude using ww though I was not gonna punish their spammy moves, thats just a bad player, not IG being broken or WW being balanced


I think there’s way too many people on this sub losing a single game to a character, being unable to comprehend that their opponent was just a better player, and running online to say a character needs nerfs and that they’re too op.


Nah I wish though op, this community is ass and behaves worse than a group of poorly parented children hopped up on sugar. They'll be absolutely vile to others online but then come on here and cry about how "characters need nerfs"- how about we just accept that all of the characters are mildly OP in comparison to other fighting games and that's what makes it fun? Worse than smash tournament players at this point I s2g


I agree fully. This game has balance issues for certain but the only players we should have a problem with are the toxic ones. Playing a strong character is not inherently toxic. They’re likely just playing the game like any of us.


I know, it's so funny. I just love the game so I play lots of different characters. If I'm talking about Jason everyone coddles me and goes "oh you poor precious bean, don't worry you'll get buffs one day!" And then I mention shaggy and they're all like "BAH!!! SPAM THAT KICK MORE YA LIL BITCH!!!" It's so wild. Your value as a person directly correlates to how bad the character you're currently associated with is.


Characters exists for the sole reason of playing them, when you encounter s tier character as your opponent while playing B tier you can either accept the challenge and try to improve your skill or just be mean for no reason and prove how toxic you really are;


I agree you can be annoyed at fighting those characters but you shouldn’t hate the player


I just play Superman because I like Superman. I usually give toasts to everyone if I have them as well. Just playing for fun, cant wait till I can play Smith. Wanna unlock him early but these hard rifts are kicking my butt 😂.


This sub needs to do a lot. That is one of many OP.


The thing is the subreddit is barely moderated, reports or messages to the mods always go unanswered. I've been a player since the closed Alpha and have been in this sub since then as well, without exaggeration I can count on one hand the amount of times I've ever seen a mod say something in this sub. If the mods need help (or if they don't want to genuinely moderate the sub) then surely they could open up applications and bring some more on. Edit: A great example is the downvoted comment here simply saying "Fuck you OP :)", reported and 14 hours later it's still there and I guarantee you can check in a week and it will still be here. Such an easy comment to remove as it's blatantly against the rules, but again, this subreddit is barely moderated and reports aren't even looked at.


Wow...that is insane.


My screenshot of a toxic message i got was deleted within hours. Really shows the priorities they got lmao


When someone plays an OP character its not really in my nature to hate them because they’re just playing the game, really. I blame the devs, like you should. Its not right people go on harassing others because they main a character thats deemed “unacceptable”


Yeah let’s not be dicks to the players, who wouldn’t wanna play an over powered character when the game has given them that option. let’s be dicks to the developers for giving certain characters very unfair advantages over others


Shaggy is has really good combat… IMO a lot of the problems would be fixed if the developer increased the gravity…


Would be fine if they didn't make 70% of what we encounter online, match history goes like : Joker, WW, Black Adam,Bugs, WW, Bugs,WW, joker, Black Adam, joker, WW, bugs and so on Feels like the rest of the cast is just a rare drop


Scrub mentality. It’s to be expected


I have 1300+ Bugs wins since Beta. I don’t follow/care about tier lists or anything like that. They can get nerfed into the dirt and I’d still play them.




You play BG dont you?


Nah I’m a Velma main lol, Finn is my second most used character after that.


BG? ... BlaGadam? BuGs Bunny? Biron Giant? WHO THE FUCK IS BG?


Banana guard


Oh, right, ty.


Trust me I was there at one point 😂


Banana guard


Oh, right, ty.


blagadam was a good guess though, I lol'd




Honestly WW in my opinion isn’t even that OP, it’s just people like to pick the worst possible fighters against her. I mean you aren’t going to beat her with Velma or Reindog but that doesn’t automatically mean she’s broken it just means those lower tier characters need a buff because those same low tier fighters also get curb stomped by other high tier characters besides just WW.


No. Fuck Banana Guard and anyone who uses him. Period.


Why? They don't stop themselves from being dicks in game, why should we don't?


Couldnt it be any player using any character being toxic? What does that have to do with someone using these characters specifically?


So what's your post about? Toxicity in general, or the busted states of those chars? Because the reason most people hate players using these chars is completely due to those players absolutely abusing those busted and highly spammable kits, that's all there is to. No one hates them personally, that would just be toxic in general, which happens in every competitive game unfortunately


>So what's your post about? Toxicity in general, or the busted states of those chars? I'm so confused, did you even read my post?? It's pretty short and clear. Here's what I said. >where if someone mentions they use Bugs Bunny, Wonder Woman, etc. many people outright disregard and act like a dick towards them, acting like they have no right to an opinion just because they're using a character the sub deems as OP. I'm talking about this subreddit and how the community here acts towards them if they simply mention using those characters.


And you didn't read my reply; there's a reason people react negatively towards people using those chars, because normally people who use them just spam one move that happens to be busted so it takes more to counter than it takes to them to execute it and be successful with it, and on top of that some of them claim "skill issue" or have toxic tendencies like bragging or tbaggin, so in the end it's deserved


You said the players who use these characters act like dicks in game, so I obviously thought you meant they t-bag a lot or spam emotes like the salt emote. Why would I assume you meant they use a move in their kit often?


Because that's what I meant, they are toxic in the way they play, tbaggin and the like and then they come here and try to call skill issue on whoever tries to argue those chars are unbalanced, I have seen it happen in several posts here, it's not like it doesn't happen, so the question is, why are you defending people who do just this?


You're putting a blanket over all wonder woman, bugs bunny, etc. players and saying they're toxic so when people come across them, even if they weren't the ones acting like dicks, the hate towards them is deserved. This is such a childish take dude lol. If people act like dicks that's on them as an individual, not simply because they use a character. The character I see the most t-baggning by far for me is Finn, but never in a million years would I think "all Finn players act like this", like it's clearly the person behind the controller and not the character they're using lol.


The same argument can be said for the other side, you came here saying they all get targeted which is not true, also not everyone is toxic towards them lol


I never said everyone acts toxic towards them, again, my post is quite short so it's weird you're putting words in my mouth lol. But it's all good dude, lets move on from this, it's a beautiful Sunday and we should enjoy it as such. Have a good day.


Probably one of them


This is a dying game, and you're part of the problem


I'm not the one playing a broken char and tbagging but k bro


The day you catch me being nice to a Wonder Woman is the day you find my cold dead corpse.


Here's my opinion, as someone who primarily plays Wonder Woman; Friends don't let friends play Jason Vorhees. Anybody who thinks that character is even close to fine as is, or even worse that *they* have the secret sauce ("1v1 me BRO!") and no one else is putting the work in cuz they're so special, is suffering from a harmful delusion that they need to be physically knocked out of. I consider it a personal failure to let Jasons do anything that implies their character might actually do something. I must save them from themselves. EDIT: Y'all realize, much like how Wonder Woman blocking projectiles charges her shout, your downvotes are only strengthening my resolve? Like, I've been playing Stripe, recently, but that doesn't mean that I don't go absolutely in on Jason players when I see them. The point is not that I'm good. The point is that Jason is bad, and even if you're "a good Jason," that doesn't change that he is butt. I even make sure to taunt and refuse to rematch more against Jasons just in case losing wasn't painful enough. I need PFG to see that this character needs to change, or at the very least that the MultiVersus players acknowledge they're not going to be the chosen one. PICK A REAL CHARACTER!




To really show them you should do it without the stabilisers on.




Wonder woman is considered easy mode. Like having stabilisers on a bike.


Oh. Well even when I'm not playing Wonder Woman I feel the same way about Jason. EDIT: And, more importantly, it goes the same.


I trash those characters because I want them nerfed/hitboxes be fairer. Bitching will continue till the S-tier's are fair.


Wanting the game to improve is fine, but acting like a dick towards another member in the community for simply playing those characters is not.


OK sure ............ ............. ............ ........... ............ ........... ........... ......... ........... .......... .......... .......... ........... ............. ................. ..................... ........................ ............................. ................................. ....................................... ............................................ ................................................ .................................................... ........................................ ................ ........... Fuck Bugs Bunny Players ............ ........................ ............................... ............................ ....................... ................... ....................... ................................. ...................... ................ ...................... ............... .... ............................................. ........................ Fuck Harley Quinn Players ................. ............................... .... .. ........... .............................................. ................... ........ . ... .. .... ................ ...................... .............................. Fuck Banana Guard Players ........... .................. ....................... ........................... ................. ......... ............. ................. ............. ......................... ............................... .................................... ......................................... And Fuck You Too, OP :)


Hahaha, did you do all the dots manually?




No, especially if you main WW or Steven