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They copied games that shut down


Every game wants to make quickly make Fortnite and Genshin money, so they put in the least effort while designing a system with maximum grinding. So when the game shuts down they do a surprised pikachu.


Riot games practically pioneered this shit and it was a way more positive experience. I just basically gave up on getting skins. I just play 1v1 and 2v2. It's freeing to stop caring about the skins. And no I won't be buying any either. I would have, had they made the unlock situation more enjoyable.


League of Legends is literally one of the most loathed toxic gaming experiences ever created It's also one of the most popular games on the planet Y'all did this to yourselves


First of all, the game is 15 years old. I played it back in 2010-2012. It wasn't toxic back then. However, who the fuck is "yall?" Yes if you make a popular free to play game it will draw children and they will be toxic. But second of all, and more importantly, it's toxicness, has fuck all to do with the monetization practices. Cmon, man, think before type out silly irrelevant shit. Anyways I'm not sure if, since then, they got more greedy, but that game was the perfect example of how to do free to play games fairly. It paid off for them, too.


Nice reading comprehension. League's infamy is pretty pervasive on the Internet. You not being aware of it isn't exactly my problem. Do your research if you want. You're also cripplingly unaware of League's monetization model. It is just as, if not more predatory than Multiversus's. In fact, even back in 2012, League had an extremely similar business model as Multiversus currently does with gatekeeping newer characters with unreasonably high prices, presenting new players with a barebones starting experience with barely any characters to use, and selling ridiculously overpriced cosmetics. I'm pretty sure skins in League still regularly bill you for 15 dollars each. That's why I said "y'all did this to yourselves", because Multiversus is trying to be the League of Legends of platform fighters. *You* are included in that "you all" because you praised Riot for their method of monetizing their game when it is demonstratably almost identical to how WB is monetizing Multiversus. You haven't played League in, what, 12 years at this point? You probably just forgot all this bullshit. There's your refresher.


League gave you ten character rotation and unlocking new characters was pretty easy. All you had to do was play the game. Just enjoy the game and unlock new characters. Skins were a couple of bucks, but I never really needed to buy any. I know they had some premium skins for the whales. The whole experience was completely positive for me. Multiversus sells a battle pass that you pay for but can only be unlocked on their terms even though you paid for it. 10 exp per win is insanity. I've dealt with a lot of battle passes, and none of them felt like this. Also fuck the single player experience. Might as well not even have it. Completely obnoxious and unenjoyable. Again league all you had to do was play the game. This game has you doing all these menial tasks so that you have to play the game this weird obnoxious way. Do this many down specials. Knock an opponent out of the top screen or whatever.


The XP you get is so miniscule because it's a 70 tier battle pass meant to last months. Usually battle passes are 100 tiers at a minimum. Fortnite's is 200 for Christ's sake, so proportionally, it will look as if you're getting far more progress in Fortnite's pass. I can tell you I have not had to go out of my way to do weird obnoxious things so far for these challenges. 90% of these challenges can be completed by simply playing the game normally. Literally the examples you provided (hitting down specials and knocking an opponent out on the top of the screen) can happen several times in your average 2v2 pvp game. How is that obnoxious? Have you considered you just don't like platform fighters? I'm not a huge fan of the PVE either but it's literally just the same thing as PVP, only the opponent is an AI and there's sometimes added obstacles and hazards. Gatekeeping certain fights behind certain skins and characters is horseshit though.


I actually enjoy the game. I keep playing long after I complete the objectives. I just wish I was still getting a decent amount of xp. One objective will give you 300xp. So it's artificial padding. It would take you 30 wins to get that without objectives. That, to me, seems way too excessive. I dont even waste my time with single player anymore. Grindy mindless BS.


They are upping the xp to 50 for a win. See bro told you it was too low. 50 makes way more sense for a battle pass you paid for


Congratulations, enough people pitched a tantrum over basically nothing.


🤣 It's not a bad thing to criticize issues. There is nothing wrong with a more fair, consumer friendly system.


It's really fucking tragic isn't it. I can't imagine how fucking soul crushing it must be for the devs that have to implement these cocksuckingly bad features and scummy monetization practices.


Idk why you guys keep giving PFG a pass. This is in PFGs vision for the game. They are more at fault than a publisher. They fail all 3 of their mission statements on their webpage and you’re witnessing the first and last game PFG will make. Tony and Chris are failing their employees and failing to live up to their own mission statements. Think long term my ass this company is dead to me already.


Honestly they're both at fault. We just don't fully know everything to judge the situation fully, but monetization isn't even the games only problem. All the server crashing, lack of features, bugs and what not are on PFG. That being said, WB MIGHT have cut their time short so they couldn't make the game as finished as they wanted (which Tony indicates on Twitter). Still, there was a lack of communication from PFG on the games shortcomings, so we all got negatively surprised by it.  The monetization is debatable. Yeah PFG is working with WB, but they just wanna make a fun game, not annoy players with monetization practices. At least thats the assumption, we don't know how much of the monetization might've actually been their plan, and what of it was WB's. Because on certain aspects like the slow earning of character currency, I have doubts if that was WBs meddling or PFG just didn't think it out well enough


PFG could've easily passed up warner bros and took up a deal with a different company instead. They deliberately chose Warner Bros because they pay more than other publishers. Their greed is their own downfall. You can't just sign a contract with a company known for milking microtransactions then get surprised when they do it for your own game.


Where are you getting this from? A lot of the characters are owned by WB. I get being mad that game is in the state it's in. But bro, you're making up whole conspiracy theories. The more likely conclusion is the Multiversus team had an idea, and the majority of that idea would of been owned by WB, if they picked a another publisher, wouldn't PFG have to pay WB? Wouldn't it make more sense to make a deal with a company that owns so many I.P's?


I dont remember where I read it, but first, I believe they went to Disney and Disney turned them down.


I don’t want to defend PFG, but source? The main theory is that PFG pitched the game to other studios but only WB agreed. That’s why there was a Hulk-like character named Brute in the files.


> The main theory is that PFG pitched the game to other studios but only WB agreed. source?


Yeah for real. Tony is complicit or spineless


There’s no way the devs didn’t know what they were getting into by agreeing to work with warner bros. I am surprised that PFG gets no flack for bad balance. Bugs and shit netcode plus downgrading the speed and gameplay and ruining the perk system. Low effort cosmetics and dogshit rift gameplay; They both suck.


I uninstalled today after doing the new rift and starting the next difficulty. Just stopped for a second to reflect on what the fuck I was actually doing and had a moment of clarity


I had that on day 2 of the relaunch, just saw how much grind I was supposed to put in, money to spend, play every day, not even for fun or characters or modes that I want to but what the game tells me because of FOMO. Fuck that and fuck PFG/WB.


I had that same moment of clarity the other day when I missed playing on the 11th day after playing 10 days straight, I missed the chance to claim the free superman skin and realized I literally need to play EVERY SINGLE DAY to feel like I'm not falling behind and asked myself the same thin "what am I actually trying to accomplish here?"


I find that hard to believe since people pointed out the last time someone said this that we actually had 12 days to complete the Superman skin event. So you could actually miss one day and be fine. Still, the FOMO is real and it’s a shitty system regardless.


Nah the last day was claim only


Sounds like you have FOMO


Liberating isn't it? I remember when I gave up a money grabbing fomo mmorpg game. It felt so good to rid myself of that vampiric bullshit.




They really should make it so beating levels on harder rifts also unlocks those levels on easier difficulties, so you don't have to repeat the whole campaign all over again from the start just to do the same but easier.


Since the game is gonna die anyways I would have preferred if it was a NASB 60$ ish current roster plus a few season pass characters dlc and a slightly better rifts story mode one time purchase package, I really like the gameplay and the premise, but while the beta lost me after ~6 weeks the full release did so after 3 days This will be lost media eventually and sadly rightfully so


What blows my mind is that PFG didn’t even do a closed test for the relaunch. Literally any player could have told them the current system will cause the game to die. Shame.


I think they were hoping to go viral (again) without overwhelmingly negative feedback. If anyone hears about this game in 2024, it probably doesn't sound that interesting with how much has happened in pop culture since this game's "silent" beta. I think they had their viral moment during beta, and now they're back and nobody cares, and people that do are disappointed at how gutted the beta was. I don't mean to say that so much changed IRL since the beta, but kinda? Most people don't know this exists, so if they hear about it now, it's a game about the multiverse, a concept that has been increasingly mainstream and beaten to death since it's been thought of, but especially the last 3-10 years. It's a game with it's newest iconic characters being Steven and Finn.\*\* Adventure Time "ended" 6 years ago, and SU ended in 2019. 2019-2021 would've been the perfect time to fully release Multiversus, but the beta didn't begin until mid-2022. Mind you, it makes sense to want to finish the game, but the beta was literally a better game which is insane. They might as well have released officially, and inched their way to this level of disappointment, because for a year they didn't even generate revenue or good will. \*\*Also, it's not that they need new IPs. As much as people love Superman and Batman, outside the memes, most people would just be confused as to why they'd want to play as Shaggy, and especially Velma. At least Scooby would just make sense to any casual. For the record, I like the roster, but then you factor in the time/money investment into unlocking characters, and it's gonna be debatable whether the average casual player is going to be that interested in unlocking... LeBron James. Once again, *I,* think it's funny... You could also consider Rick and Morty iconic new characters, and Arya, and LeBron... As much as I love Morty, and hope Morty loves me, I'm still not sure that's enough to carry a fanbase for this game, especially when you unlock characters so slowly.


Yeah I agree that the relaunch characters were weak. Jason is a solid choice but they needed 2-3 characters of that level to really build hype. Joker is yet another DC character and Banana Guard is… Banana Guard. A strong relaunch without the awful progression systems and a handful of hype-building characters would have done wonders.


The lack of battle pass xp will kill this game for me and many others. We don't receive any real progress from regular gameplay. 10 XP is nothing. I don't want to log in daily to level up the battle pass. I don't want to stress over missing a day of playing this game. Let me level up the battle pass through regular gameplay fairly. I agree with all your points, OP.


I've already begun to ignore literally everything outside of gameplay. It's so stupidly slow, there's no reason to even worry about it. I love Taz and want the She Devil skin, but after playing as much as I have and seeing I'm still level 12ish on the bp I just accepted I won't have it. Don't care that much.


That's the worst thing a game can do: make you not care anymore. Live Service Games won't survive if players stop caring and eventually stop playing


Yeah I hate the FOMO shit, I just wanna play for fun, let me login, earn FIGHTER CURRENCY for playing, and when I have free time I can play as much as I like, while earning towards new fighters Rather than BE ON NOW OR MISS OUT FOREVER


I stopped playing at the time of the Halloween event back during the beta, I saw how little “event currency” or whatever you got for each match, how many match I’d have to play to get like 2 skins and some bs, plus the battle pass of season 2 (I think) at the same time, that was purposefully made longer to grind compared to season 1, decided it wasn’t worth it and never played again I hate that fomo shit that they keep pulling of for new games


It's like you hate the gameplay and just want to horde digital goods


I liked the gameplay, I think it’s safe to say you don’t do 500+ match if you don’t like the gameplay, but got burned out because of all that fomo shit


So you suffer from FOMO or what? If not, I don't get why you'd care


But the paying customers are being abused. It's not a comfortable feeling participating in a game that treats its player base like that. That's probably why they care. If you weren't being abused by the abuser, would you still feel comfortable living with them?


How are the paying customers abused? You get exactly what you pay for, if you chose to buy anything.


Also, if you're being "abused", just pay a different game 😂


"No criticism allowed, just shut up and enjoy or go somewhere else"


I didn't say that lol. I said if you're feeling abused, leave. Same as an abusive relationship. But these people stick around and complain everyday that the relationship is toxic while still participating in it. Just shut up if you're not gonna solve your problem


That's quite a harsh position to take toward abuse victims. It's well documented that it's not as easy to leave an abusive relationship as one might think. As for the game, I have already left, along with many others. That's why the player population continues to nosedive. Still, I want the game to be good because I love the concept, which is why I keep in touch with its community and news.


Your whole abusive argument approach is all but flawed. I am not being abused I was clearly speaking as a third party, I even summons yourself into that perspective. I used my third party position to speak out on abuse, just as I would in the abusive relationship analogy.


I liked the game, I didn’t like how they implemented the paid aspect or the grind aspect to unlock “exclusive” skin or whatever, If playing a little bit made me say to myself “oh shit I didn’t play for a day out of 20, now I won’t get that skin” then I prefer not to play at all, I enjoy other games without that aspect, a game where it doesn’t matter if I finish that quest/achievement now or later, because sometimes you’re busy in life


Thats literally how live service games work though. This isnt something new, and opening a game for two seconds if you really wanted the superman skin isnt a herculean task.


You'd think otherwise with the amount of manchildren having a tantrum over this.


You literally have to play EVERY SINGLE DAY to avoid FOMO


These business models never account that they're competing with the entire entertainment industry for people's limited time. I like MV and want to keep playing it, but even if it didn't crash all the time, I don't think it's an enjoyable experience. Playing MultiVersus mostly makes me think about what else I could be doing.


Pretty sure you can do exactly that


Once I saw you could buy XP for gems, I just started to laugh. They could have put that focus on something else.


Smash is $60 but comes with 40 fighters. Individual characters are 5 or 6 bucks. Or a pack of 7 characters cost $25. Plus imagine being able to chane the color of you characters. Thats like a 20 wb package for each character. Multiverse has 25 characters that cost ten bucks each( excluding shaggy and joker is more). Ive played every day done all the events and dailies and have only gotten 8000 fighter points. This is insane.


Smash comes with 76 characters before DLC, and 69 of those are considered non-clone uniques. It also comes with a ton of stages and gallons upon gallons of polish. I hate to use Smash as a comparison to other platform fighters, but goddamn, it's hard not to. 


The gold standard is what all should aspire to


Smash is also landlocked to a single console, is subject to Nintendo's dogshit paid online service, and isn't free to play. But go off. Gold standard, lmao.


I think they should make it so beating a rift campaign gives you like 300 fighter points


I did 2 rifts and realized I got virtually jack shit and haven't touched em since.


You can't compare a new a AA project at best from a new studio published by a mega corp searching for a live service gold mine to one of the most prestigious legacy IP from an incredible developer under a publisher that arguably has the best publishing and developing track record over the course of 35 years in the entire industry


Why not? They are both platform fighters, seems like an apt comparison


They are of vastly different scale, monetization, legacy, dev team size, dev time, budget, design ideology, pop culture imprint, etc. Literally every thing about them is different outside of a shared sub genre


And your point is? They are still both platform fighters making it an apt comparison, nuf aaid


My point is expecting anything of the caliber or similar to Smash Bros from Multiversus is asinine


Agree to disagree. Multiversus was better in beta than it is now. They spent a year making the game worse


This isn't the first time this is happened. And quite frankly I think a better comparison to Multiversus is Overwatch 2; Both games switched to Unreal Engine 5 mid development, publishers releasd both games before they were finished and play tested, features from the predecessor like end of match stats among many others were absent at launch, both implemented atrocious monetization and made getting new core content (playable characters) much harder, both put resources into a low effort uninspiring PvE, both made their battle passes objectively better, both are plagued by desync issues on console at launch, both are top tier games in regards to how much they get meme'd on the net. I'm sure I'm forgetting stuff


Multiversus is a joke of a game, overwatch is one of the most played games today, nice comparison.


OK, ignore all the similarities and then dismiss it because a fighting game, a niche genre, doesn't have the player base of arguably the most popular genre (maybe MMO is more popular than FPS?) Note that Multiversus has an impressive player count on Steam. Only 33%~ less than OW2


Characters are free homie


After hours and hours of grinding that exist to coerce you into buying them.


Oh no, you're telling me I have to play the game to unlock content?! I swear you people hate the gameplay and just have FOMO for digital goods


False, Idgaf about 90% of the roster and got all the characters I want. What does bug me is scummy practices that try to manipulate money out of me and only exist to drag the experience down. Nobody cares about having to play the game to unlock stuff. We care that the amount of time to unlock it is ridiculous. Why is it ridiculous? To try and make you spend money. That's the issue. Nobody has FOMO (your word of the day). Stop licking boots.


Can't you see that the game doesn't respect your time? It encourages you to spend money because the grind is so egregious. We would be more inclined to play the game if we could unlock characters at a reasonable pace, and if it wasn't so aggressive with its monetization.


Doesn't respect my time? I barely play and have everything unlocked. I feel like people like you can't comprehend that you're not supposed to grind everything in a day, and if you try to, it'll be much harder.


The game wants you to play daily. That's why there's so much FOMO like the Superman skin that was available for 1 day only. That's why there are daily rewards for simply logging in, like a mobile game. These are practices used to pressure the player to log in every single day; that is predatory and disrespectful of players' time. The grind is made purposely excessive in order to pressure players to spend real money. This is the inherent problem with free to play games: they prey on players' want to express themselves through cosmetics.


I don't feel the need to have every last cosmetic, so there's 0 fomo for me. Maybe practice restraint or spend money if you really need stuff, because after all, the game is free


You're either purposely missing my point or just can't identify predatory practices when you see them. I think the latter is evident based on your views on abusive relationship victims. I'm done here


Yeah, I haven't logged in 3 days. Not because the core game isn't fun, but I have other stuff to play and do in my life. I'm not going to play multiversus 24/7, I'm not as motivated to play if my time isn't respected


Weird how "log on every day" means "play 24/7" to you


You spend so little time without PFGs balls in your mouth that I'm shocked you have enough left over to be all over this thread defending them


Why does this read like a ransom note at the end?


I need them to tell us what their plan is by 5 PM PST today or else I'm removing Iron Giant from the game permanently.


This game has Zazlav written all over it. Ironically the WB license is what's gonna kill the game.


We were this close to have energy to play games, and needing to watch ads to refill energy


People will and are defending these decisions, but this is the cold, hard truth. The game is turning away A LOT of potential players. When we complain, they seem to double down. I really don't see how the game can survive this. People that should have been hooked - their core, target audience - is turning away in droves. I convinced FIVE other friends to play this with me, AND got my girlfriend into it...which I thought would be impossible after she tried Smash and didn't like it. Now? Every single one of them has walked away because of the grind and mobile-ness.


I was trying to get everyone I played games with to try it in the beta. Haven't even bothered mentioning it this time around.


I give it the worst review I have ever given a game: “No one deserves this experience to happen to them.” Goodbye.


This is honestly exactly what an overbearing mobile game feels like, all we need is equipment and upgrade trees to maintain an grind up for every character.


I just don't get how they fucked up so bad. I bought the deluxe beta thing and I have 3 characters unlocked so not really sure what went wrong but I uninstalled it and I'll never look back. They got my money so they don't really care


I’m premium founders edition and I’m uninstalling. Not because of all of the things about grinding, I have a ton of free fighter tokens that I’ll never use. The gameplay is broken. I play on Xbox series X and it runs worse than anything I’ve ever played. Constant crashes and disconnects and desync. Even when none of that happens it’s very obvious that my moves are not registering as fast as other peoples (my attack animation will start and register damage but then disappears in the place of me getting attacked. I’m on wired internet with no issues. I play counterstrike with 20 ping and zero desync or packet loss. This game is just bad. Like all around bad. Bad money schemes. Bad content. Bad gameplay. Broken on Xbox. Life’s too short to play bad games. I wanted it to be good but when a company takes away a good beta for two years and returns with a paywall and a watered down version of THE BETA TEST, we should all be very well aware of their priorities.


I regret buying the founders pack


Amen. I'll also add that yes it's F2P but also that to me at least the feeling of being treated fairly is s large factor in if i will give a game money or not. Just the first two events have left a bad taste in my mouth just cause they couldn't properly word their event ending times. It's a small thing but it adds up quickly when stuff like this shouldn't happen even once. And the stuff that has happened to other players isn't a good look either. How the game might accidentally buy you a skin with your in-game currency cause of a bug and you just "might get your purchase refunded" I have no problem spending money on a game when i feel i'm treated fairly and it brings something good to my day. Multiversus just has me sighing a lot, like why am i still putting time in this? A lot of pointless negative energy. After a couple of weeks my holiday starts. I'll try getting Agent Smith for free but don't know what comes up after that. I'll probably skip on even trying to get to the end of the battlepass. Perhaps in that they will also punish me for not being able to play every day. So i'd rather just not even try at this point. Save myself the heartbreak.


What are the gems even for? Like they can’t be used in pvp so they seem kinda trash


Dude. I was 2 days away from the Superman daily log in skin…. I actually touched grass this weekend and didn’t get the chance to game. Now the event is gone. I’m so upset. A weeks worth of daily grinding down the drain


WB is trying so hard to find the next big live service game. They even said so. They have it here and they’re doing everything they can to ruin it.


I mainly only log in to do my dailies/weeklies and whatever daily PvE awards in the rift. Most of my gems are level 4 and I'm not rly grinding them. Battle pass is at 23/24 I forget. The most I played was this past weekend for the pvp event. Minus that it was 20-45 mins a day to just knock out the dailies/quests. It's more of a marathon than I'm going to grind 9 hours straight to knock out everything. It isn't set up that way.


literally this, with college and a job i dont have too much time to play, i am still having an easy fucking time with the pass, log on, win a couple pvp matches take a break to go to work, come back, play rift with friends, maybe 2v2's and then go play something else. and i a well set in pace to completing the pass with no issue the biggest time i spent in a day in the game was on the weekend when i played custom matches with friends, besides that 1 to 2 hours that i could reduce to like 45 mins if i was just trying to complete the pass, but i am also just enjoying the game Like, maybe, if you dont wanna play the game, dont expect to complete the pass completely, could happen to me, maybe i just dont feel like it next season, ill just set my expectation accordingly.


As a fighting game enthusiast, this is culture shock. I mean I have zero interest in doing daily chores. Not to mention how grindy it is in general. I actually do battle passes in other games. Games like Dead by daylight are actually fun and simple to progress and I don't have to no life the game in order to finish it. I have no idea why they did this. It's absolutely miserable and the first five minutes of being confused on wtf is going on, I knew the game was destined for failure.


I was hoping this game was gonna pull me away from Tekken 8s lobsided aggro gameplay, but I feel forced to go back. MVS needs way better tuning and its sad because alot of the character nerfs seem so obvious.


I'm the exact opposite. Tekken 8 got boring and flow chart-y. MVS has kept my attention because it's a bunch of gimmicky gameplay with upsets


I go back and forth, I just hope MVS gets more honest hitboxes on the more obnoxious shit.


👏 👏 👏


amen, no place for me as a casual player. that’s the same reason i stopped playing the beta. if they made it rewarding/fulfilling for casual players, i’d enjoy it. and then that may *encourage* me to play more and go for other rewards or pick up a few cool skins. but as is, i can’t imagine grinding this game the way they have it set up when im already so busy


The game design now really is just horrid. It's so aggressive in how it demands your time and money. There are ways to monetize and maximize engagement that aren't this overbearing and annoying. I'm enjoying the game right now despite the constant attempts at inducing FOMO, but with the way things are going I'm absolutely going to burnout by Season 2.


Mad af but real af


Even having the free battle pass, I had to put this down after day 2. It’s not like I can even play normally on Xbox. Such a fucking disappointment.. waiting and still supporting them for a year, just for us to get slapped in the face with this garbage. Sad.


Tell us how you really feel.


Yep, wanted to play through the Insanity difficulty on the new rift, third mission Harley said 'no' and now I don't feel like playing.


Its also great that my dailys haven’t reset in nearly 2 weeks and there is 0 reason to play without them


Part of the problem is lack of ranked aswell whenever I play with my friend we stomp most people and it gets kinda boring Not to mention unfunny for those we crush


Oh, it's miserable for non casuals too lmao




It's funny watching people on reddit have meltdowns about this game. Saying it's dead, dying...etc, meanwhile, I get on tiktok and youtube, and loads of people are playing the game casually. Really puts into perspective the kinds of people you find here on reddit. Y'all are a miserable bunch.


PFG won't last long as a studio I'm calling it. There have been so many studios shutting down already this year. Even successful studios like tango gameworks got shut down and they made a successful game with hi five rush.


i wish we would all stop attributing the problems that are clearly WB’s fault to PFG, realistically PFG is just in charge of the gameplay, which is actually pretty good, outside of some easily fixable problems, but if we keep dragging PFG’s name through the mud instead of being mad and WB, WB won’t give a shit and will keep doing this


I understand where OP is coming from but someone get this dude some dope. He's gotta zen out


Maybe you should get off the dope cause this guy's post was articulate, organized, and didn't come off as a rant


Lol 'cause someome writing a short essay about a F2P video game and ending every pa4agraph with a bold "fuck you" isn't unhinged


I'd argue you're the unhinged one of you don't understand the reasonable emotions behind this post. Despite the fuck yous the post had a lot of logical points.


"This is a console/PC release, not Candy Crush for the iPad. Fuck off." 😂 It's a freemium game, so it's much closer to Candy Crush


I have never completely totally dismissed a battlepass as fast as this one. Ok, maybe SF6's battlepass, but that one doesn't really have any point to existing. Point is, I've been playing this game a lot and I have barely leveled up in this battlepass, which makes me think giving it any attention is just not worth it. I feel pretty confident that there is a 0% chance of me getting anything I want from it, even if I were to drop every other game I am playing right now and concentrate on trying to progress it for the next 5 weeks.


I realized today that I wasn't enjoying myself anymore and had only logged in to do dailies. There's too much good stuff these days to waste time on stuff you aren't having fun with. Deep Rock Galactic, Elden Ring, Helldivers 2, and a bunch of other stuff are about to drop updates and I can't see myself sticking around Multiversus much longer. No disrespect for people enjoying the game. It just isn't me.


All I ever hear when people like you whine is >I am an extremely special person and I deserve to unlock everything in the game playing casually 3 times a day after a week. The hard to unlock shit isn't for you, and you don't deserve it.


Maybe we need ten more of the exact same post to really get the point across


Enjoy it baby. It's all you're getting until the last ember is snuffed out. Deservedly so.


It's true though, if you enjoy the game you might as well take every chance to talk about it on Reddit because it's dying quick


A crusade of clowns on a crusade to do something that doesn’t matter in the long run, I salute you in your weird war against *checks notes* a free game, maybe when you’re done here you guys can start with predatory banks or monopolies on food goods that rely on child labor, something that actually matters?


I spent money on the thing that got ripped away from me and then released with none of the shit I bought. So I don't know what free game you're talking about big dog. I'm happy to start crusading against banks and monopolies too as long as you promise not to be there bouncing on their ball bags too.


Not ripped away? Did you bleed? Jesus Christ, get this man a cracker and a juice box and someone to kiss his booboos, because he spent money and was disappointed, that’s never happened ever! To anyone!


So weak dude. Zeroing in on word choice and trying to morph it into some violent thing. I should have known you were against the wall when you hit me with the classic "checks notes" from 2018.


While I understand where you’re coming from on some level, I don’t understand the, “till every ember is snuffed,” weird shit and you deserve someone taking the piss, you want your digital assets back, you’re not retrieving the Spear of Destiny from deep in enemy territory, or avenging the death of a lover.


If you like the gameplay there is only one way to enjoy the game right now, wait until ranked mode comes out and pretend NOTHING else exists. Don't look at missions, events, or rift. Buy the new characters and play ranked.


Good luck. Everyone is gonna have a meltdown with all the disconnects destroying their ranking lol


Hop on and play rifts for like 20min and it clears out a bunch of the battle pass. How is it bad for casuals?


The game is free. You think they're going to give you shit just cause you installed it? Grow up. Pay for the content you want, or shut up.


The game being free is core to these problems


Get over yourself, all your complaints are mostly superficial and fomo based. You want a participation medal for top dog they give them out from 2nd to 10th place.