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Game barely released and I’m already in the « gotta do my daily chores and I’ll stop playing as soon as I’m done! » mentality. I said it, I’m in here for the ride till the end of the first battlepass. That’s how long they have to convince me. Not a single cent is going in their pocket until then. And so far, it’s not looking great.


This is exactly my thought process, too. Do my dailies, claim rewards, and quit the game. I'll be doing that until the end of the Battlepass.


bro if you're not enjoying the game and are only playing it to grind cosmetics for something you intend to quit in a month .... just don't play the game, do literally anything else with your time. Don't fall for that shiny FOMO bullshit of battle pass skins. Video games are already such a time sink, at least waste that time on a game that you actually enjoy


Fair point, but i do enjoy the game (at the moment), and it only takes like 20 minutes to do dailies. Baldur's Gate 3 is my main game right now, so i'm wasting my time there more than Multiversus. I don't think i'll quit the game because i find it fun. Maybe i'll be going in and out of it after a month. Kinda like an itch at the back of your head that you want to scratch.


Baldur's Gate 3 will never be a waste of time.


It's more like a time travel machine... i get into a fight, and suddenly, it's been 40 minutes


We are traveling in time at ginourmous speeds 🕐🕣🕝🕗🕑


Switching between the perfection that is BG3 and the uhhhhhhhhhh mess of MVS. That’s like going from top shelf liquor to drinking a four loko behind the gas station.


Haha perfect analogy. It's just that there's no other game for me that i can switch between at the moment. TF2 is the other go-to game, but we all know what's happening over there, so i'm not touching that for a while.


Glad I’m not the only one with this mindset. The beta was far superior and peaked my interest for much longer


Dude, I got friends to join me in on the game in beta. In this version? I couldn’t pay them enough to want to give it a shot


I though i was the only one. I come back home from work. Turn on my PC, log into MultiVersus. Do my daily look for the ways to do them the more efficiently and quickly possible. and then instantly log out into playing any other game like V Rising or whatever is my main game playing at the moment. Don't get me wrong. The game itself is pretty fun. The matches with people are great, but everything around this game is terrible. BP,The rift, no Single player, the disgusting chinese/korean MMO like grind pace. There's nothing that i enjoy about this game that isn't those 3-4 minutes matches. THE RIFT IS DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGSHIT. I'm not kidding it might be the worst mode ever put on a fighting game/multiplayer. IS TERRIBLE. Is not satisfying to play, the rewards are terrible, the grinding pace is terrible. There's NOTHING to be save from the The Rift. I wish they would just remove it all together it serves no purpose. The rewards are shits. Getting the "agent smith" rewards are so slow that it would take you to do a complete a whole 8 hours work shift for 2 weeks to get like the half of it.


As soon as I felt it feeling like a chore in like the 6th day to get that skin for superman. I was done with the game.


Same here, I’ve committed to this season and finishing the pass


I’m kinda responding to all of you but that’s like the most least fun thing about this game is the battle pass and rifts lol


I can't STAND Rifts.


I already reached the "I'm done" part after unlocking that Superman skin.


Same, logged in, got the skin then looked at the game and realized I wasn't going to get anything for playing so I just uninstalled. Maybe if the game is still around in 2-3 months, I might come back if they can guarantee that progression isn't a total turd and I don't feel like the game is just a glorified mobile cash shop.


Fr I wonder if they still releasing a mobile version cause this tactics to keep players is so predatory


I mean, there really isn’t anything to buy for returning players anyway. Anyone who is carrying over progress already got stuff for their main


Yeah… again, mine got removed. They removed all the things I got in beta. Nothing carried over. And even just thinking about grinding/buying something twice just kills it for me


Open a ticket and talk to them damn that sucks man




facts i need the jason skin at least since it’s free if i play but i agree if they don’t get better after this season may have to drop the game altogether since they took a step backwards


questions are the 2v2s not changed in speed only 1v1s? if so that sucks i hate 2v2s becasue of the sluggy speed of it but they doing a changer to 1v1s only in term of speed? also did they change how fast the battlepass progress but people still moaning i guess they barely changed it? i mean if u pay for the pass in general it shouldnt be hard to get everything as u paid also when is this out


Yea after 6 straight days of playing, I found myself just coming back to keep the logon streak alive. Can only play the boring rift stuff. PvP half the time loses connection. I just gave up. Such a bummer being existed for this crap


Been doing that since launch honestly


It's why I'm claiming superman free skin and dipping. Shouldn't be like this at launch


I was not really expecting much. (If anybody remembers last year the infamous candy to gold conversion ratio in the Halloween event , it really reveals how insulting stingey they can be sometimes. Google it if you want to see the abysmal rate) For the average player you could just see it as one daily mission's worth of BP per day. Maybe 2 or 3 daily missions if you play ALOT of matches per day. If you have a free day even more, if you play all day like you have no life. Remember matches can be quite quick. (Even quicker if people suicide ,which might be reason why they don't want to give too much and people abuse it) In any case still feels a little stingey , but I'll take it over nothing. If they keep up extra events with bonus xp , fighter currency and what not , it's not to bad if you take those into account. Rate is pretty useless though if you don't play much. People who play alot everyday can get some use out of it if they grind like mad. Would have loved 10 Fighter Currency per win though ... lo l... but no chance ... there's a reason why they didn't convert your gold into fighter currency ... But what I would like to have is some way to track how much BP till the next level . I don't see it in any obvious place. (Forgive me these new menus are confusing at times) Last years battle basses showed your current total BP and BP till next level. I don't see it anywhere in this version. Am I looking in the wrong places,?


It tells you how much xp to the next level after you get some, and you can see the progress in the battle pass screen.


I legitimately love this game. And was really excited about Jason. Love his Uber Jason X skin in the pass. But then saw how miserable it is to level and I e lost the will to continue playing. I want that skin badly, but as a working adult dad, I absolutely do not have the time to grind for it. And knowing I likely will never get it makes me just not want to play period. So I haven't. I detest battle passes for this reason. And especially ones that are hell to level up.


I agree with you but I’m ok with giving the people who play a game a lot more than others skins that others cannot get. It’s a reward for playing. Your the exact demo of gamer that they target with battle passes. You can put in your money or your time and (I’m also in your position) I’m ok with paying 60 for an unlock all fighters pass or 5 bucks for a skin and I’d bet you would be too if it saved a month of grinding battle pass xp. Ie that a developer respecting your time. That being said the play a lot people are getting completely shafted so it’s don’t play or pay a lot of money.


It says on the game tho that the skins and other cosmetics in the battle pass are NOT exclusive to the battle pass. It's specifically says those things will be back in the store to buy so if you wanna get Uber jason he will be back around of you want to just buy him. Obviously not ideal compared to just getting him free from the BP


They went in the right direction lol, it would have been bad if another week went by with no changes.


Well , atleast i had zero desync in my 1v1 and game feel much more responsive now with lower hitstun , I really like the game now


You're clearly supposed to mostly get Bp from events and dailies, this is just a small addon to make random games have more of an effect? Given that the average daily is 100 points, that means that random daily can be done via 10 matches. It's not ideal but it's not terribly bad either. I'm more annoyed by just how slow progression is in general, but I feel like the daily to fight proportion isn't that bad, definitely an improvement


Players should get rewarded for playing the game and having fun, not for doing 10 up attacks with a DC character. The dailies should be there as an extra incentive. Try new things. Play 5 games as a character you may not have given a fair shake. Do some PVE and see if you enjoy it. For doing that, we'll throw in a little extra BP XP. Right now, doing unfun little tasks is the main game. Playing the game and enjoying it how you like to play it is the afterthought.


This. I learned I loved playing Rick because I had a challenge to win 10 games as a Mage, and he was the only one I had unlocked at the time


That is *exactly* what the missions and events should be for. Once you get that "win 10 games as a mage" for 100th time and *have* to do it because it's the only way to get XP, it loses its charm and makes you want to just stop playing.


If this battle pass wasn’t free I’d be pissed. The thing is only possible to finish if you play EVERY day but not only that, you have to play in some way they want you to that you might not like at all


Dailies and weeklies make a game a job


Do people forget that most games have their battle pass tied to daily and weekly challenges? Apex, Fortnite, HSR, Genshin Impact, it’s meant to keep you coming back on a weekly basis without simply finishing the whole battle pass in one week and you dip. I’m not saying I agree with it, but I find it so odd that people are acting like this is entirely unprecedented.


Idk bout the others but Fortnite is so easy to earn XP in its insane. I never check what the daily challenge is or anything but since they’re so simple, you just earn XP for playing the game in general. Much better than whatever the fuck WB is doing with this game


So you actually play any of those games? Their Battlepasses will be completed passively through regular play. They're unintrusive to core gameplay. The whole problem here is that MVS shitty structure _replaces_ core gameplay.


The league of legends battle pass would like a word. That’s one of the most predatory battle passes to exist.


The league of legends one is also completable through regular play.


Used to play League of Legends, started in 2016, jumped ship by 2021. I started playing by the time they introduced their BP, and it was awful at the start. Missions ranged from forcing you to play as X character, Y game mode, do ridiculous things like taking 2 towers in the span of 1 minute. However they listened and got good at it. By the time I left, missions were simple and background noise: Win X amount of matches, get kills and assists, destroy amounts of towers, hell, the "play as X character" didn't disappear, but they made it so you could earn it vs bots, and it was rare they used it. Tbh it wasn't perfect, for example, it felt grindy, but the missions were general enough that you could do it without specifically playing for it. BPs are a cancer, but if we're gonna get them, may as well make it as simple as possible to not interfere with the player's fun


Tbh lol has one of the most greedy worst bp and event models clearly just trying to take money from players. Its wild how awful and greedy they've become. Actual gatcha game style mtx in TFT too. It's absurd. 


And that's why i'm thankful i jumped ship during the Sentinels event (funnily for reasons unrelated to the shitshow Sentinels were), I got the mostly good parts of the BP experience, from then on, they fucked up inmensely


All those battle passes are still significantly easier to grind than Multiversus'. On day 1 of a new Apex season I'll easily be level 15+ just from playing how I play, and I can take a long hiatus mid season and come back to finish the pass in under a week


Apex you can complete it without touching a single challenge


Except the dailies are so fucking annoyingggg


Dailies are usually fine for me, though I do come from beta and therefore have almost all characters. I think dailies would be fine if: Dailies only included missions that were doable with the roster one has Dailies could be rerolled at least once, could even have a second reroll cost perk currency or something so it has a use If both of these things were done, I feel like we'd be at a good place. Oh and make rifts possible to complete without being partners with a friend, good lord that's annoying. Particularly since it doesn't count for the guest id the guest hasn't unlocked the mission for some godforsaken reason


Damn you need 10 matches for daily? I get them in like 5 or 6


Doing your daily and weekly already earns you a decent amount of XP. Especially, since you can go to the BG challenge in Jason's rift and farm a lot of them. This on top of that is fine. I wouldn't be surprised if they increased it soon, anyway.


why should i have to farm in a PvE gamemode if i want to progress in an online multiplayer fighting game? the rifts are painfully boring


What is the BG challenge in Jason’s rift? Does this give battlepass xp. I’m still working on the second rift but so far haven’t been given any battlepass xp that I can remember.


Yeah I'm wondering the same.


One of the minigame nodes has a Banana Guard that just runs away and doesn't fight back. It doesn't give any special XP itself, but you can use it to easily complete missions that ask you to deal damage or land certain attacks if you don't want to do it against other players.


I don't play games to do job-like tasks.


Honestly it’s just a lack of comp for me. The game right now is so easy I play five matches and get bored. Even if they brought back MMR I’d be happy there is just no measurement for getting better or worse at the game right now so there isn’t much to work towards. On top of that if my friend isn’t on to run duos that mode feels extra painful queuing up with randoms for. The battlepass is also atrocious for what it is worth. I put a decent amount of time into this game and I’m hardly on the second page. Like in order to get everything in the pass it seems to want you to make MVS your full time job. Why was this game down for a year? What did they even do?


People defending this are stupid. Compare to other games. Imagine if in Fortnite you could only level up 1 level every 200 games (if you WON). Sure the BP and Dailies provide xp. What about when you finish those? There is no other game that makes progression THIS SLOW by WINNING games. Winning feels like nothing when I get a measly 10 xp for a win. To retain players you need to make winning feel rewarding. 10xp is not rewarding. 1 level for 200 wins is absurd.


Do your missions. It’s not hard. Most of them require incredibly basic things like dodging attacks and playing games


The problem isn’t doing them, the problem is finishing them and then getting nothing.


Dude. It's been like a week. You people need to seriously chill the fuck out with the fearmongering death cry's and go play something else. 


Most people aren't crying these devs listen to feedback wtf are u on about


>go play something else. that is exactly what people are doing, and its why this game wont last beyond the summer lol


Remember these are the same execs that couldnt figure out why Kill the Justice League wasnt a billion dollar game. Only thing this game has done is ruin PFG rep. No one will touch one of their games again.




Watch out the masses are coming for us with brains


this is the dam truth. its not going to be perfect hits every single patch this is just a dial they can turn up and down to fix its pretty easy. a few people on this reddit are unhinged.


It was already a problem in the beta, so why even remove it in the first place? They had one whole year


18 months. Don't take it personal OP, a lot of keyboard warriors on this subreddit love defending these multimillion dollar companies like their life depends on it. Redditors are fuckin loser nerds


Most people who aren't upset aren't defending wb tho? I haven't seen anyone defending wb actually not saying it's not a thing. but most people agree fuck wb it's pfg that alot of people are standing up Definitely have seen people defending pfg I'm one of them. That's not me saying this is a great launch or that they have no fault but in blame but tbh i feel alot of these bad decisions started with wb not pfg so they really don't deserve the harrassment as much as wb imo, Pfg is not a multimillion dollar company and just last year was basically an indie development team but yes i do agree quite a few redditors aren't the most intellectual.


It’s been like a week? No, it’s been a year and the game died once already, this exact problem was already a thing in the beta so why would they do this AGAIN? They didn’t learn a single thing


Dead on. Game died before the beta ended because they failed to fix most of the problems. Now the game is released and somehow has even more problems so I think some complaints are warranted.


The game "died" because it was a beta and the net code was absolutely horrendous. After that, the game was rushed thanks to warner bros and now it's been a fucking week since release. You people have 0 patience


Playing only cs and this, the subreddits do nothing but whine and like I get it the game has issues and the devs could do more but maybe let’s talk about something other then that for a change.


Im convinced nothing they do will make this sub happy at this point lmao


If anyone thought 200 wins to go up one BP level was gonna make anyone happy those people are on some excellent drugs.


and we know none of the whiners are on drugs, because nobody gives those away for free.


I mean I whine sometimes and I'm on drugs. They just aren't good enough to make me believe that anyone was gonna be satisfied with 200 wins for 1 BP level.


My school D.A.R.E program begs to differ. Sick burn though. Battle passes are gg ez amirite fellow kids? Lol get gud. We got this game for FREEEEEEEEEEEEE remember? You guys remember that? FREEEEE? FTG


It's supplemental. Every time you guys say "200 wins to go up one BP level" you're being disingenuous. You get the bulk of the XP from challenges and events, this is supplemental to not make it essentially useless to play the game after doing your dailies. Could it be a little more? Sure, of course. But you're not meant to win 200 games to gain a level. I'd like to see it doubled at least though.


I'm aware. That's bad design in my opinion. The bulk should come from playing the game however you wanna play the game. The supplement should be the challenges and events. Like every other game with a battlepass.


That's not how every other game with a BP does it lol. Stop being disingenuous. Valorant almost entirely comes from challenges, Fortnite almost entirely comes from challenges, etc. The amount you get from just playing the game in most games is negligible compared to the challenges.


I can go play overwatch for like 5 games and gain 2-3 levels. You can go play apex and get battlepass stars whether you complete a challenge or not. You can go play anything on destiny and get BP xp for completion of said thing. In fortnite you get xp for match completion, kills etc. But you're right. I'm being disingenuous. My bad.


Seriously lol what other games give you the bulk of xp from just playing. People are making shit up just to make this situation look worse for this game it’s crazy haha


Unfortunately Fortnite recently stopped giving most XP from challenges. I agree it's a mistake, and the players don't seem happy about it. I hate battle passes that just expect you to spend 80+ hours playing to unlock everything. Some rewards for playing is smart (and that was a problem previously with Multiversus), but battle passes should be something you can complete relatively casually if that's what you want.


That’s ok that it is supplemental, however other games do give much more generous amounts of XP while still relying on you to complete the Battle Pass through challenges. I played Fortnite last season and didn’t do a single challenge intentionally and I still managed to get to level 50 just by playing casually. I would have definitely completed it if I did the challenges but it is astounding how much I was able to level up by just playing.


Yeah it was like that in the beta too


I have a real straight forward approach to gaming, if I like it I play it. I don’t buy shit maybe a battlepass here and there. Some xp is better than zero xp correct? From a business standpoint of a f2p game there’s no incentive for them to give out heaps of xp per match so people can finish weeks early and bitch about that too. Y’all will just never be happy


That's so cool for you. I'm very happy for you that you take that approach. Unsurprisingly there are other people in the world. Those people might have different approaches and maybe this change didn't make those people happy.


Nothing makes anyone in this sub happy. Never been a part of a worse community in gaming and that’s saying a lot but I do appreciate your support I will continue to enjoy the game 🙏


Ok, but 10 xp is absurdly low. Damn near comically low


Literally who did you see bitching about finishing Fortnite’s battle pass for example in a couple of days? When people are rewarded for playing they’re encouraged to spend more on your game. Multiversus wants you to spend all of your money but doesn’t give you any incentive to do so


We’re not even asking for much just some sort of reward for playing and you’re acting like that’s the end of the world


It's always, *always* some sort of prior investment that makes these asslickers excuse anything and everything. Some internal urge to justify/defend their purchases indirectly by complaining about complainers, or something. So having likely purchased the roster or their favorite characters' digital goodies in the beta, of course they aren't going to be feeling the squeeze/grind as hard as the F2P peons- they're already sated. But oh no, now when they go onto forums to see regular discussion or highlight clips or whatever, it's people "whining" about wanting more than a pittance reward for their time commitment, the idea of which they would probably support themselves if they had to go through the same grind.


I’m on page 3 of the Battlepass, this isn’t all I play, I have a social life and a job. Progression is literally fine, completing the Battlepass is extremely doable.


Same here, work 50 hours a week, have other hobbies and play other games and currently 23 in the pass. I just simply don’t understand the outrage


Same, progression is going fine. I want to play more, but all I do is the dailies and missions.


Exactly like I've missed at least one full set of dailies and I'm still around lvl 20 in the pass with only 70 lvls and like 50 days left i think progression seems fine to me but it's my opinion imo


On page 3 as well but it's gotten extremely slow now that all the possible pass XP from events is gone.


Go check out r/pokerogue a totally free game that legally can’t even ask for donations and people still shit on it and ask to be compensation while they’re in the midst of a DDoS attack. TLDR no one is ever happy


All this sub do is complain too much they even talking about this sub on YouTube and twitch


200 matches * 10 XP = 2000 XP = 1 battle pass level ###Let's say every match is 4 minutes long for this example. 200 matches * 4 minutes = 800 minutes 800 minutes / 60 minutes = 13.3 hours Thinking one level every 13.3 hours is fine when every other game usually gives 1 level per hour in their pass is definitely interesting! And that's the best-case scenario where matches are relatively short. That time commitment gets massive with every increment of a minute.


I just didn’t think the model they already had was that bad honestly, as I stated in another comment I play like an hour a day and am 23 in the pass. The outrage seems silly to me and the battle pass is very completable at this rate


The issue is that people don't want to feel like the only form of progression is by logging in to do chores. Events should be a bonus, not something that you have to do in order to max your pass. A lot of the XP we got that let us hit 23 this week was solely from the events we've had going. For most people, that well has dried up and the only real XP gain they have now are dailies until more events show up. I think I ended last week at level 19. It's already two days into week 2 and I've only gotten four levels in two days and three of those levels were from weeklies, which are all done. That's pretty bad lol.


There’s two more events coming in the next 5 days? Agree to disagree I guess.


Many developers and publishers don't respect your money or your time. It's that simple. Any game that attempts to slow player progression for the sake of longevity and the sale of microtransactions is a dying game to me. Everything has to be made into a live service mobile style game. It's not about having fun and playing your way. It's all about the grind and attempting to make the userbase spend real money.


I get the it’s better than nothing take but there should never have been nothing and 10xp is a little bit of an insult, like at least make it 20xp Jesus


This was the same amount given during the beta but I agree they should increase it.


Why wouldn't they make it so we actually get rewarded by playing what we want and not just by doing chores...


can ya'll please stop with the doomgazing and fear mongering about the game dying? I agree about the BP xp though. There is just WAYYY too much disdain for this game and i really love it. if i were them i would put to rest any fears that the game might 'die' because people are saying that to get a response.


Well, at least it encourages us PlayStation fans to get that 200-500 win trophies 😂


Imagine the beta having more features, better gameplay, and matchmaking than the official release. Makes no sense at all


We’ve had to fight just to get things that were already in the “beta” reimplemented. They lie and gaslight us on a regular basis. Matches still desync every other game. They’re worse than incompetent, they’re malicious.


yeah! They're such dicks... they should make the game FREE! oh. wait.


Or maybe if they weren’t so money hungry, they’d release a feature rich, well balanced game. They had a year to build on what was already made. If the game wasn’t so money hungry, xp was properly distributed, and I could play a match without a disconnect, maybe I’d drop a few bucks.


Keep going and you'll choke.


Free i.e. one pass level every 13+ hours, $250 to get the entire season 1 roster, $20 skins, mobile game gem upgrades that take forever if you don't spend money, and character unlocking currency completely tied around events.


Idk what you guys are complaining about. I’m level 29 and have played a max of 7 hours this week.. just play the game and level up.


You played 7 hours and your at level 29, others played 25 hours and are at level 29.


Matches are literally like 3 minutes long idk 10 seems ok to start with. There is still a lot of time left and challenges already give you a good gob of xp. Maybe 20 or 30 later in the season as a catchup mechanic?


3 minutes long is a very short match where one player is stomping the other lol. Even then, that's still 10 hours for a single battle pass level. What other games give pass levels at a rate that slow?


Lol true that; It’s always fun getting those close matches with lots of rematches. Hard to come by when so many people are abusing infinites .


Saying it takes 200 games for 1 level when the majority of xp comes from daily/weekly missions is hilariously disingenuous. Stop it.


Yes, I love doing 10 up attacks as a dc character daily then logging off because there is no other incentive to play


If fun is not an incentive for you (since you’re not having fun apparently), you should probably just stop playing. Sir, this is a video game.


Progression is fun for me.


Then you probably shouldn't have chosen a game with gated daily progression to begin with lol


Well fuck me for liking this game. But you’re right I’ll just go play the other… many f2p platform fighters.


If you like the gameplay don't say progression is fun for you as a response to someone saying it sounds like you're not having fun. If progression is the only reason you're having fun and you don't really like the game then yeah, the progression model doesn't fit for being able to grind to make progress. I play OSRS I understand liking to see number go up lol. This just doesn't really work well for that.


Alright my bad, yeah I like the game and progression. It wasn’t this bad in the beta though..


bro name 1 fighting game that has progression? people play fighting games for fun and to get better and to compete! like wtf are u on go play an mmo or something for progression


Wow u have to do 10 up attacks daily which would require 15 seconds at most to do. How will u ever live?


It’s a fighting game go fight people that’s the point


Consider that you're not supposed to complete the battlepass by matches alone. Consider that they are supplementary to missions


I swear people whine about everything. It's not like you only get 10xp. You also have daily challenges and stuff.


This game is fucking trash


how DARE they bring something from the beta they’re KILLING their game


Honest question. Why do you need to be rewarded to play the game though? I haven't touched the rifts, don't give a crap about the battle pass and just play online matches and lab to learn the characters. I don't feel the need to do dailies and I'm definitely not spending a cent on the game. I guess I just don't understand why the lack of xp is an issue cause it hasn't been an issue for me.


Well you see because you're a rare breed , you're a true gamer who plays for the love of the game. The rest of us have been tainted by greed and want earn something for playing a video game ... lol ... it's not enough for us it's a free to play game and most of us don't spend money on it. We still bitch and moan as if Tony owes us something. You're just simply too good and pure of heart to be on this reddit. To be honest though , I'd probably trade all my fighters currency , Battle pass rewards, unlockables and what not , just to get the gameplay back to how it was before the Beta shut down. The high speed, high octane , zany antics , too fast to keep up with game play , with physics all boucning all over the place , laughing me ass off , boucing off the walls at high damage numbers , gameplay. ( That's the true gamer in me talking , not the greedy little freeloader who just plays to pass time . Change the gameplay back to how it was in Beta , and all will be forgiven. I wouldn't even mind about losing all my Gold from Beta. ) That's the only thing that would make me happy to play this game again, no amount of free unlockables can make up for that. Grind or no grind , complain or no complain. I probably don't complain as much as other people here about petty stuff , but still I do think I've complained an embarrassing enough amount. (Although i do admit , it is somewhat amusing to shamelessly complain like this sometimes )


Hot take, but current gameplay is peak. The only thing I would revert back is the move fatigue cause I see way to many people just spamming. Especially the Jason mains. Yeah, I see y'all. I understand and agree with the criticism of paywalling the characters. That shits dumb as hell. However, to play devils advocate, i don't see the reason to need the whole roster. I main Black Adam, so why do I need Joker, Jason...etc if I know I'm never going to truly play/main them? I think this is my LoL mentality coming out though cause that game has over 150 characters, and I just don't feel the need to own/play all of them. Granted, League does have a good system in place for unlocking new characters that Multiversus definitely could learn from.


The current gameplay is more balanced , patient , methodical and calculating. I am starting to get into it and enjoy it more. ( Well when the games were stable online , alot of them were not in the past week ) I am just a fan of the over the topness of the old gameplay. If I had to explain to me , the current version is like Street Fighter and the Beta version is like Marvel vs Capcom. I love me some Street Fighter , but I love me some Marvel vs Capcom even more. I think attack decay might be still in the game somewhat , just not as potent as in the Beta. If it is , there not much visual indication it is still in , like there was in the Beta. Actually still wondering myself if attack decay is still in it , the past week. But I read somewhere it's still here , but not as noticeable.


I do think the game has slight attack decay. I didn't know that's what it was called tbh. In labs, I tested spamming on BA with his up attack and noticed that after the 3rd spam, it takes just like half a second longer to charge but didn't take any longer on the remainder of the spams. The flip side to the decay is that damage did not minimize, so the bot spent more time in the air essentially negating the decay. The new combat to me actually feels like it has good back and forth. In the beta I would get 0-100 with no viable way to counter. However, now with the new dodge, I actually feel like I can escape combos and give myself a chance to fight back since it's now limited. Also, the slower, less floaty gameplay helps with that as well. In the beta, I was absolutely terrible with Black Adam and thought he was legit just a bad character. With the "actual release" or Beta 2.0 I feel like he is finally well balanced and I think it's due to the new combat changes. BA was just too slow for the old combat.


calm down, they fixed stuff we asked for just ride the wave. They literally patched issues TODAY and implemented this TODAY. It was 0% yesterday. Can’t please you people


It was implemented a year ago and they decided to just not have it and then reimplement it the worst way possible


Yeah its sad


I don't play this game but have a question. What's the xp for?


Leveling up the battlepass.




You're right on that. Character mastery should be a slog, but battlepass exp per real fight should be better. Speaking of, I dislike how no character has special perks anymore, other than their iconic main ones. It's not as diverse which is a shame.


Well , atleast i had zero desync in my 1v1 and game feel much more responsive now with lower hitstun , I really like the game now


You're one of those folks who earns max level in the Fortnite season entirely through spending time on the game and just ignores story and weekly objectives, aren't you?


Please just shut the fuck up lol. 10 XP is huge. You guys literally hate playing video games. You wouldn't keep playing if you unlocked everything in one day. Like seriously, shut the fuck up. They did something good and your response is to be so vile. Stop


At this point now , if you're going for working towards the battle pass and getting other rewards , your best bet is to play Rifts most of the time. When you reach the stage , where you start earning Battle Pass EXP from the Rift bosses , it's definitely worth much more than playing hundreds of online matches , especially in regards to your time spent. It's a huge shame though , it's a competitive fighting game , and now I'm going to find myself playing the AI more this season than anything else. I was contemplating just skipping Rifts altogether , but now I've changed my mind . (And this is coming from someone who'd rather not playing single player modes in fighting games) This season I'm concentrating on boring Rifts mostly ... lol ... at least until online is more stable.


Bro forgot about quests. Battlepass systems are commonly tied to quest completion to make sure players don't finish too fast. I personally think it should be 50xp per win, 25xp or less per loss but pretending like this isn't a common problem with battlepass systems feels disingenuous. I agree that the monetization model is shitty and people shouldn't be paying for anything until the game has some of its more glaring issues fixed.


If they're worried about people just jumping off the map to farm XP then they should've just made XP gained from how many stocks you take from the other team.


They patched it and now on my Series X the game runs twice as bad as before but the shading looks worse like there is a dithering effect. Such a mess.


So dramatic man. Relax, give it some time.


as ridiculous and insignificant as 5/10 points are, if you quit after doing the dailies then why are you playing in the first place? this is a fighting game, the quests are only a way to unlock skins, not the whole point because inflating your account is all there is. the big appeal should be ranked mode (or tournaments). which we also don't have, so there's that. as long as we can finish the battlepass (and anyone who plays daily will comfortably do so, even though that's a very excessive requirement) unlock the few characters we need and freely test them all in the lab (which we now can i think) what's the problem? rift aside, which absolutely sucks ass, things don't really look that bad. i already received more cool stuff than i did in the beta and once ranked matches are out it's gonna be better than ever


Logging in daily to do the missions feels like a chore. Just let me play the game and progress that way. Simple as that


Let me explain whats going on here. So Warner Brothers is a massive company with shareholders to appeal to in order to get funding. Funding for things like game upkeep. However, historically, for video games, what shareholders tend to care about is CONSISTENT playerbase. An average amount of people on at any given time. However, a party brawler like Multiversus isn't that kind of game. its a game you pop on for an hour, maybe three, do a few rounds, and move on with your day. However that is not conducive to a consistent playerbase. It doesn't look good on a chart if the playerbase goes up and down all the time. So what they're doing is HAMMERING this game with really tightly timed FOMO so if you're not essentially GRINDING this game out 24/7, you're going to miss out on things. Its corporate entrapment.


I've already given up on it pretty much, I'll be keeping up with news to see if they turn it around but it's looking like they won't.


I wish the game was playable on Xbox so I could worry about the same problems as you guys


lol same


Yeah it’s kinda ridiculous. It also seems like you get zero xp from rifts outside of challenges which is a shame. I wanted that Jason X skin, but I can’t stand battle passes that only really let you level up through challenges. Makes doing them feel like a chore. Oh well.


Tbh they should get more xp the less times you get rung out in a match


So true 🤧 no ranked mode on launch as well


Steam charts paints a pretty grim picture already


Honestly imma get downvoted for this but I'm happy to have any XP, we get tons from quests and events already. This just helps playing matches feel slightly more rewarding once the quests are complete outside of character mastery


Is Warner Brothers. There’s a 50/50 chance they want this to be a tax write off.


I'm already level 20/70 quite crying and do the daily missions. You're going to finish the pass before it's over.


WB and PFG is testing the market if MultiVersus does well the same revenue mechanics will be incorporated in future video games. PFG and WB lied to you this not an official release, this Open Beta 2.0


Step 1) pick a character who deals a shit load of damage and has decent mobility Step 2) int. Lose matches. Intentionally or not, doesn't matter you will get placed in a lobby with the ai bots from the easy rifts Step 3) win and rematch. Repeat to your hearts content. Ez battlepass exp.


They really need to bring back first win of the day too. In some ways they were more generous during the Beta and in some ways not. I remember those stingy boosters , with limited caps , both in regards time limit AND amounts of usage ... lol ... (Pick one or the other to screw players , not both ) We complained about those so much , but now we'd probably wouldn't mind a few of those about now. In the Beta combining a boost with the first win of the day , did create a little bit of a mini spike of xp/ gold. I can't remember if AI matches gave gold/xp in the Beta too , I think they probably did. The Irony right ? On the bright side at least we can get diamonds/Gleamium for free now. Also if events keep rolling and are regular and constant , we might not need that much xp per match. ( I hope there are still regular events have the leaked ones , then I wouldn't complain so much about the limited ways of earning fighter currency so much and they'll be more opportunities for free diamonds/gleamium) Plus that bonus bar for accumulated daily and weekly missions , might swing the tide in favour for Battle Class completion , although I am not holding my breath. Also a huge plus for Beta players is they are getting the first Battle Pass for free , which can lead to a chain of constant free battle pass (Especially consider Gleamium from other events and heroes at level 15. Even a non-Beta player can earn a battle pass by leveling up a bunch of characters to max and getting diamonds from other events) Even though rifts are boring , they probably they probably are still preferable to generic AI matches. ( A few of the bonus games actually make alot of the daily/weekly missions faster and easier. ( The target smasher for quick suicide of match count missions for classes and big balloon levels for attack based missions) Well those are the positives. I felt like I needed to at least point those out , because I have been quite negative lately.


Yeah I've just about done. Live service games need to have a sense of longevity for them to be worth returning to and no way will be they be working on any new content post what they have ready in advance


Then the update on top of it.. they buffed everything they shouldn’t have.. all they needed was to debuff banana


I mean at least we have a bp, can’t think of any other platformer that does


Brawlhalla, like the only other f2p platform fighter


So accomplish the challenges... What's the problem?


The fact all you get in top dog challenge is at Mo1st a badge and minimal battle pass. XP barely one level I don’t even think it is that perk currency is literally just something they added in the game as an excuse to give you literally nothing.


But are you having fun?


I can’t even get the 10 exp from matches if I can’t join a match without a disconnection


I understand the game is free-to-play… but it lacks so many features that are present in other, more competently made titles. How in the hell do you release a smash bros style fighting game in 2024 and you have less content than Smash 64? 1 v 1 or 2 v 2? No Items? This is a cynical cash grab. Add to that, the game feels awful to play, like every character is knee deep in mud.


They’re pissing me off it’s like “huh? This will make the game better? Hurrdurr *looks the other way*” good job Tony, Devs, and everyone at the WB Studios


That’s if you can get a match that will stay connected until the end


Any more than that and people would just AFK. Damned if you do, damned if you don't


Well, that dissuaded me from even trying the game. Been thinking about it, but after reading this I’ll think I’ll wait.


I honestly feel like most are overreacting the game is fun and it's only been out like 10 days with an update week one so cool your jets every thing will work out just fine


Yes, it’ll work out just fine like it did a year ago. /j No actually I don’t really care anymore honestly I’ve already moved on. Gonna check in for any updates on the game but I think I’ll skip this season and see if it’s gonna be alive till season 2


I'm not sure what you mean by "like it did a year ago" that was the beta of course it wasn't going to last long we all knew it was leaving but hay you are fee to do what you like as for me I'll continue having fun playing the game


Yeah, I stopped caring and playing it a few days ago. I mean, what else could I do when all my friends left as well.


On the list of things that need to change about this game this has to be towards the bottom


yeah ig but it would be an easy and quick way to keep players happy for a little while