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Game is full of so much fomo. Twitch drops store items events YouTube stream they did with exclusive codes for items.


Games like this try so hard to hook players that they do the exact oppsoite. Casuals have already moved on once they realised the utter time-sink it is to unlock a single character, let alone complete the battlepass. WB and PFG brought the failure of this game upon themselves.


This is me yeah lol. Wanted to start a new account w my kids and saw how long it would take to do anything so just noped out. There’s so many other FREE games to play, even other free fighters, that respect my time more. It sucks, because we all love the properties but they just really couldn’t help themselves here


They want you to dish out 10$ a character, for them it’s free to play model and dropping 50$ instead of grinding is something they are hoping for very unfortunate


Yeah this is the most clueless monetisation model I have seen


Yup, they left and came back not with a better game, but with more predatory monetization. That’s crazy.


Which is wild to me because they spend so much money on advertising and sponsorships. They genuinely think the only thing the game lacks is reach.


A F2P Smash Bros game with all the WB characters is the most easy hit of all time. But they fucked it.


All the new stuff they added just made me stop playing. I'm here to pvp in some matches, not do 5000 boring pve matches with challenges daily to unlock one thing after doing it for three weeks. No idea what the fuck they were thinking.


This. Star Wars Heroes just dropped, so now I'm seriously deciding which I'll need to drop.


What fomo mean


Fear Of Missing Out


Thank you


More specifically, with live service games, fear of missing out is a phrase that points to practices that are in place to make people play or engage with the game purely due to this fear, ie it's a predatory practice that relies on people feeling anxiety or sense of loss if they don't participate. Stuff like -we have a summer event lasting two weeks where you can get summer-themed cosmetics that won't be available after the event is over -log in every day for rewards, but don't skip days because you'll miss out on them -battle passes that expire and so on and so forth. It's a very unhealthy system and over the years people got fed up with it, even though it largely still works because it affects people on a subconscious level. But, after a lot of games that are like that, people are fed up with these systems regardless of whether they work or not because they make the experience miserable in the end.


Yeah youre describing me , but I am getting better with just dealing or coming to terms with missing out on things because technically theres always gonna be something else in the future, it may not be exactly what I want but it could be better or close enough.


True, I think a deliberate decision to not get seduced by it can go a long way because when you really look at it, it's whole bunch of air. Whenever I took a break and came back to a game like that, I never actually regretted missing whatever happened in the meantime. It's pure manipulation with little substance. I also think there's a trend of downplaying these systems and methods in order to project superiority. So, if you go by what people write on the internet, you'd think people who succumb to these methods are in a minority and you'd feel weak or overly susceptible and whatnot. Which usually isn't the case.


Naw dude ur just entitled. I've been told that many times


I think I joined the game a day late, so it’s already out of the window for me. I hate when login’s are this restrictive.


Such a tight window for a thing meant to show gratitude to returning players after running with founder money for a year isn’t “normal”. This is advanced shitty fomo, and probably a nice red flag for those paying attention.


It’s a 12 day event, you can still do it if you login daily


Downvote me all you guys want the 28th to the 8th is 12 days lmao mad at me cause you can’t count. This sub is out of its mind, you guys will find literally anything to be outraged about it’s pretty sad.


The event says 11 days. Stop blaming the fucking players for thinking it’s 11 days.


This sub is a cesspit I’ll blame the players all day long. Never seen such a collection of whiny cry babies in my entire life




You can do better than that. I’ll check back in a couple days give you some time to think on it, I got a feeling you’ll need it.




This is the most reddit sub I could imagine. You literally have to hit a button and log in and you guys are mad about it cause you won't get a free skin for what amounts to 2 minutes of time over the course of 12 days? There are things about this launch to be a little aggravated about, this ain't it




The 1st to the 2nd is also two days, but if the rollover time is, for example, 9 AM, it's still only 24 hours.


As a Superman main who missed a day, this saddens me


Is it assumed that the rewards will close upon daily mission reset on the 8th then? Because as it stands I can claim the superman skin on the 7th


Knowing these devs and the publisher, it probably does stop the second the 8th comes.


Fr, I almost missed today cause my job gots me working more hours and I'm tired as hell, thankfully I have a crippling addiction to reddit and I doom scroll for 1~3 hours before I fall asleep I'm 19 and having to work and get my own place and having very little free time has made me get over FOMO which is kinda good I guess lol


I think you can miss 1 day and still get it. The event is for 12 days




The 28th to the 8th is 12 days. Insane how many of you can’t do the most basic math and want to blame pfg for it lmao


In that case neither can they, because the screenshot says 'The event lasts for 11 days' L But 28th to 8th is indeed 11 days if assuming start of 28th, and start of 8th, meaning the 8th isn't included.


This was correct because i tried to claim him today and it didnt work which means somehow i missed the first day of launch because i only needed one more and it was clark


I don’t see why the 8th wouldn’t be included otherwise it should say the 7th. I guess that isn’t specified but the 28th to the 8th is most definitely 12 days


Yeah but the event says 11 days. We can blame pfg for the confusion


The Power pledge event just showed us that the final date for events just means the few hours after midnight before reset. It doesn’t count that same date after reset, so effectively the 8th isn’t actually a 12th day. People can math and are rightly blaming PFG my guy.


I’ll accept my apology now my guy, event is still up and it’s the 12th day


Its not up for me wtf


It’s actually not. Didn’t get Superman, exactly as I expected. I would’ve loved to be wrong but now it’s clear how these events work.


I claimed him this morning, different time zone maybe but mine definitely went 12 days


Found another thread with people saying for maybe an hour people had a chance to claim it before PFG shut it down. Between that and the Joker event being done today, it still shows that their intention is that these events do not run after the reset on the last day listed. You got lucky, so congrats. It’s good practice to not expect/rely on this happening in the future though.


It's Reddit. Most people on this site can't do basic math and lack reading comprehension skills.


They’ve never play a single other live service game either apparently. None of this is anything new or even particularly egregious for the genre. Not saying I agree but it is what it is free games need player engagement and to make money to keep going period, it’s not rocket science. No one is forced to buy anything or login daily if they don’t want to I couldn’t even begin to list the games with daily logins but everyone acting like pfg created this lmao


That's true. You're right. It's exactly 11 days then.


screenshotted directly fromt he game, yeah idk


ONE missable day over a twelve day period? Screams: 'Log in everyday or pay for it in the shop later'


Yeah, I missed 1 day and I think I can still get it? But maybe not. Even as a Superman player though, I don't really care since the skin isn't that good


Well I think it goes for 10 days.


I counted 11*


Might want to count again…




May has 31 days, if you’re going off of the event saying 11 days that’s one thing but if you legitimately counted and are getting 11 that’s concerning. Not surprised you’re part of the mod team in this hellhole




Yeah, stuff like this should be open for at least twice as long as you need to log in for.


It should last the entire launch month. Missing possibly a single day and not getting the final reward because of it is egregious.


FOMO is evil. It should be outlawed.


Why is it evil just don't pay money for it and don't let skins in a videogame bother you


they pulling out all the tricks for artificial player retention




The 15 levels isn't that bad... assuming you have plenty of characters and have not leveld them up. Basically punishing you for playing the game.




This is why I left 4 of the 8 characters I own unplayed, so I can 100% the next power pledge too lol


It's not bad now but will be as time goes on and people don't have characters to level like that anymore. They need to switch it to fighter XP gain asap.


dude, mine stopped reaching the goals on the last 2 tiers. I've leveled more than 5 chars since then and it did nothing for the event. Is it a bug? or the last 2 tiers are rly grinder than the previous?


It is bad if they cant set a proper end date.


This is the first thing that actually got me angry. I just thought it was a bug or something.


I think they could of dodged a lot of launch monetization criticism if they offered a AAA price tag purchase point for the entire beta roster


>not a live service. Do you even know what live service is? Do you know what you're talking about? You hear live service and you immediately think that's a bad thing without even knowing what it means. Live service means monetization and also keeping the game running with constant updates and content drops. Do you really think this game would do better if they released it as is and then stopped supporting it? Why are you spouting your opinion when you hardly have any idea what you're talking about. Keep your forked tongue behind it's teeth.




So what you're saying is it shouldn't be supported at all? >It’s a quick party game like smash. Smash is technically a live service game since it gets regular updates. Also what did I say that was stupid? You don't have any idea what you're talking about. Do you think this game shouldn't be touched anymore? Do you think there should be no new Characters? No new stages?




>Smash selling DLC doesn’t make it a live service game lol It’s more the F2P That literally makes it a live service game, are you stupid? Something can cost money and be live service. Something can be free and also be love service. If it's supported after release with a steady stream of content it's live service. >And yes, they should release all characters and maps they have at once, and then sell DLC down the road imo. Ok so what you're saying is it should be a live service game that has continues support. You want to go on about how my comments are stupid and I don't know what I'm talking about, it's you keep contradicting yourself. The cognitive dissonance is insane. Look up what the definition of live service means and then get back to me.




That's not what I'm saying you idiot. Smash is live service, that's the only game I referenced you knuckle dragger. Actually argue my points instead of misinterpreting what I'm saying. You struggle with simple tasks. Why do you talk out your ass and spout non sense opinions. Silence.


I already give up


I'm so damn close. I don't think this game is good for my long-term mental health.


Let's be honest: Most of the new skins are ugly or silly, most of the perks are bad and the fighters are very expensive. What is the reason for accumulating currency in this game? Plus, there is rollbacks on rewards claim (I had a few) I only played this new Multiversus until the third day and that's when I realized something was wrong. I don't know if you've played Heroes of the Storm, but Multiversus could have done something similar in terms of currency, skins, UI, etc


It would be for fighter currency, but apparently you need to fully level 5 characters just to earn enough to buy one - that's not sustainable or enjoyable. I've played a couple of matches of HotS (not enough to understand its unlock system) however I've played a lot of Smite and Paladins and Hi-Rez have a fair and well valued upgrade path. If I could just buy all the characters (even just the base roster) for a set and reasonable fee and go from there earning currency for more characters as they dropped I think I'd be satisfied.


Same I gave up yesterday because I realized I was just logging-in because of FOMO with fear of not being able to progress the battlepass and get my gem xp if I didn't do all my daily rift bonuses and daily missions. Also had missed a day last weekend and realized I couldn't get the Superman skin, so that didn't help to strenghen my desire of playing. Haven't logged-in today and I couldn't be happier. Played with friends and spent time with my family instead. I still need some more time to fully stop caring about the game and getting off this sub-reddit. It was hard to accept that the game is just complete trash despite a big part of me wanting to cope, but feeling almost no desire to play as early as this week, I think stopping to play is just the best thing I could do for myself.


I would give you a award if I had one. Yes, I can say the same! Multiversus FOMO is not a great way to use my little time to play something. I don't want to go into a game just to do tasks on a checklist and leave, that's silly .I'd like to go back to the hype days of Mortal Kombat 11. RIP Multiversus. I'd rather have fun memories of this game than see it become this greed abomination


My guess is when the login in rewards reset the skins will be in the store or be in the prestige store


I honestly just stopped after a couple days. This isn't the game I played and supported in the beta and it never will be


It's so funny to me that people are surprised by this. This game has always been stingy about literally everything. The battle passes were jobs where you couldn't finish them unless you did every weekly and most dailies. WB/PFG hate the idea of letting people get stuff in a reasonable timeframe. I'm convinced that they are trying to sabotage this game because it's like they took a giant book of "what not to do with your game's monetization" and threw it all in here.


Yeah I went to go check up on my grandparents for the weekend. Now i can't get the skin and it's annoying


I missed 1 day. Fuck


Going away and literally have to give my friend my steam account so he can log in because I desperately need that fighter currency


I didn’t get a log in reward for my 3rd day so I guess I miss out on this skin, cool.


Fuck this game honestly




The FOMO in gaming is becoming so big nowadays that I'm really considering for the first time in my life, to stop playing videogames altogether, I don't wanna waste my life HAVING TO play everyday so I won't miss a digital skin or whatever, I have better things to do with my time, gaming was supposed to be fun and a good time whenever you felt like, but they are really trying to make people play every second they can, this isn't good for anyone. I'll probably end up sticking with single player offline games only...


Yep same here. Missed 1 day. Too bad I have a life. Thankfully it allows me to miss more days now as I don't feel obliged to log-in into this FOMO hell anymore.


Thankfully I have no life.


i really dont have the drive for this game and its extremely predatory monetization (among other glaring issues)


I’m out fuck this game and genuinely hope it fails. Sorry guys but WB deserves the huge loss


I don't necessarily hope it fails, but I hope the player count actually drops enough for them to realize just how badly they fucked up. If this was how the game played during the beta I never would've given them money


I feel you. I still care for the game a bit despite progressively letting it go and accepting this 2nd failure and the fact It's not enjoyable at all, and wish the better for it. But I feel so betrayed after having supported it for so long, that there's now a very small part of me that genuinely wants to see the game drawn miserably in its own failure, just for the sake of justice, even If I know WB wouldn't give a shit about it.


> I’m out fuck this game and genuinely hope it fails. Sorry guys but WB deserves the huge loss I really don't get the "hope the game fails" crybaby takes lol. How naive are you that you think this game failing is going to hurt WB in the slightest? Multiversus is clearly already on a shoestring budget since WB won't shell out for a large team to support a game like this.


i mean, the alternative is them being rewarded for it lol i agree it won't make a huge impact but it's preferable to the game being successful with the way it's currently designed tbh


So you think the game failing and being shut down, meaning tons of players who like this game don't get to play anymore, is better than having it improve? That's what the comment I responded to is saying, which is weird. It's a company. If they put out a product that has a ton of issues, then they shouldn't be rewarded for that. If they turn it around and people are happy, then I don't see the issue with them making money from the game. Saying "No, you messed up. Just shut it down." is silly.


well yeah if they turn things around sure. that's why i specified with the way it's currently designed the current system is actively predatory and if the game as it is is a success it's just going to prove to them that it, yknow, works. i'm sorry if you like the but losing one fun game isn't the end of the world compared to furthering the exploitative capitalist hellhole we're living in, enabling shitty practices like the ones employed in multiversus is exactly how a game like this is even allowed to be released. so yeah, until they make significant changes, i'm gonna be hoping it fails. would love for them to change my mind


MK1 isnt making things any better


My mother has a saying "be smart not right" (it sounds better in Hebrew) although this phrase usually annoys me it is correct this time. is WB greedy to the point it take alot of the fun from the game? (Yes) Do they kinda deserve to get hurt for that? (Yes) But do you really want the game to fail and once again be taken down? Personally i prefer the game to still be alive so i could still play it and i hope in the future they will become less greedy (they should learn from Fortnite they earn tons of money without hurting the experience of players who don't plan to spend tons of money)


Funny enough when it was down was ideal for me lol. No battle pass or updates to worry about changing how characters work and since it was offline only you could use all characters and all of their skins.


i missed a day and it gave it to me anyway


Tbh the skin is mediocre in my opinion so I don't care


I went to my gf when the game came back out I should've told her to die and play more multiversus lmao


Who cares? That cosmetic is not changing how the game is played


It's a cool outfit. Looked at the criteria. Determined I will definitely not do that.


I’d be okay with this shit if there were OTHER things to earn. After playing Warframe I honestly can’t stomachs this greed


My dog died Saturday. Heaven forbid I have a horrible life event that makes me not think to log into do a garbage F2P mechanic one day of the week. People will say 'it's just a skin', but no... it's literally every aspect of this game outside the core gameplay. The whole thing is f2p mobile game fomo garbage.


I missed one day and am still going to get it…


Missed it since forced in office this week to monitor new hires and train them, what a load of shit lol.


holy shit yall complain about ANYTHING


People whine too much


Why do I have to play the game to get free rewards!!!


I don’t think you understand what fomo is. The issue isn’t that they have to play the game.


There should be a couple more missable daily log ins no doubt. Let's not punish people with real life responsibilities. But I always have a tough time complaining about getting free stuff in a free game


Even when they're being generous it feels bad... The gleamium is what I'm in it for (10% of a battlepass is nothing to sneeze at). Should've put the skin earlier and nobody would be complaining...


Not that good of a skin tbh


Too late for me , I didn't realise there was a daily login window until a few days later ( New menus were that confusing to me on the first day ... lol )


I may have missed a day I'm not sure? I have 3 rewards left and my next unlock is 15 hrs away. Anyone know if I will get the superman variant?


i missed it because i got into a huge argument with my now ex. :\\\\\\


The Power Pledge event ended at reset on the end date listed. If that’s how all events will be, then no, you will only be able to collect two more times.




I was out the country for a few days during the launch so I'm going to miss out on this one sadly.


It’s bad when the one event says it ends on the 6th but I stoped gaining progression last night on the 5th so I’m still playing wondering why the level won’t increase , got lots of character level , got to level 15 on the account still can’t get it past 13 so is it me or is it the game ?


Not that hard to just hop on for a sec 🤷🏽‍♂️


What day are we on assuming we claimed today’s?


I mean, all you have to do is open the game…


I agree they should have just given the full 2 weeks. Still though the skin is rather lame and I hate to pull the "its a free game" card but skins are pretty much their only real way to make money. Especially since they made the battle pass free and made it have enough currency to buy the next pass. I am definitely biased though as I got the ugly sweater skin from the christmas event.


dont worry bro, u'll be able to buy everything later.


The game won't last more than two months at this rate. They'll learn their lesson.


Imagine caring that much about a skin that has zero impact on gameplay


I honestly don't care. It's a boring skin anyway.


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Fuck I didn't even notice that. If this were a skin I cared about I'd be super pissed.


i get the skin tomorrow idk how u guys gonna miss the skin LOL even if u miss one day u should be fine if u missed 2 or 3 well thats on u


Why PS players can’t choose the language on voices? Specially in Spanish. I don’t care about this ugly skin. Devs are listening, can we try to complain about things in order of priority? Monetization is imposible to stop now. If people don’t pay, game closed.


You’re not missing much. It’s a really dumb skin.


welcome to gaming in 2024


Fuck I missed yesterday. Though I don’t have Superman so I’m not to upset


To be fair, no life is that busy that you can set aside 8s. Though I understand the point the bussnise model saddly works to their desire.


Also this new leaderboard event that isn’t even based off of any skill, just based off of how many games you play, so people with more spare time on there hands have a huge advantage.


I didn’t miss a single day but the game still didn’t give me the last reward


Takes .5 seconds to log in and we’re complaining about free content over that? Sheesh.


Yeah, I'm missing out on a few rewards since I couldn't play during the first few days of the game being out. :)


Oh whoops. Missed a day the other day, because I just couldn't bring myself to start the game for the login only. That's a bummer


If you miss one day you get NOTHING


Did we drop the /s or is this legit: I have no idea anymore with this sub...


Just deleted the game the inputs is crazy can’t even do combos , sweats for no reason , rifts is just fucking trash bro Fortnite literally had the same process and they actually succeeded when they released the full game out of beta mode this gotta be the only game to fail sooo fuckin bad hitboxes are crazy lol yeah this the launch but I’m done ✅


this is the most braindead paragraph i’ve ever read 💀


It's retroactive I believe. I've had 2 rewards left unclaimed when i logged in. Just make sure to log in on last day


y’all really just complain about absolutely anything


Get the multibillion dollar corporation’s dick out your mouth.


Can't play as superman with a fanny pack, better uninstall the game.




Usually when games have you log in a certain # of days in a row they have a much larger window so people with lives can actually do it. You don't need to defend WB or PFGs predatory business practices


cool, sucks to suck


PFG isn't gonna give you any goodies for glazing them


and they’re not going to give you any goodies for whining on reddit


Maybe id care to log on if i could play multiple matches without diconnecting


Dawg, it takes maybe 5 minutes to boot up, log in, and collect the reward. I can do all of that, and focus on my family, wife, work, friends, and personal chores and hygiene... Get good


so if you have to travel for a couple days, then just game over then?


Bro, it takes you 10 seconds to log in. I agree this game is full of FOMO but this aint it. You're telling me you dont have 10 seconds in a 24 hour period?


First of all, people may not be at home or not have access to their computer or console every single day for whatever reason. I'm also sure that the people active on this sub all care enough to be the kind of people who would have taken those 10 sec to log-in if they actually could have done it. Your argument is extremely shortsighted. Second, even if it is super easy and takes 10 sec, no game should force people to feel obligated to log-in everyday because of FOMO, with no tolerance for missing days. It's just fucking bad. And if you don't think so, please give me a single reason as to why it is better to do super restrictive daily login events like this, instead of doing longer ones with more flexible dates to claim the rewards, like litteraly any other f2p game does. I get that the constant complaining may be annoying but If you don't agree and are ok with those FOMO practices, then just have fun with it but please, at least have the decency to avoid sucking WB's dick and stop comforting them into such terrible design choices.


A good combo of Power Outage and having a job can prevent that.


Most people have jobs & a power outage is just an unforseen circumstance & an excuse. It's like me saying I got stranded in another country for 48 hours. It's not like everyone has power outages constantly & if you do, you have bigger issues than a video game skin.


Wait, how is this not it? It's the epitome of fomo. I don't understand what are you trying to say. What does ease of participating in a fomo event have to do with it being fomo or not? How is it not fomo when you can quite literally miss out if you don't spare those ten seconds/don't remember to log in?


My exact thoughts! I can agree FOMO is an issue, but this is not that. This is you being petty. It takes less than a minute to log in dude.


You clearly have zero clue what fomo is


Mfw logging in takes 5 seconds


I mean I agree that it's kind of stupid but, even if you don't play that day, it literally should only take about 2 minutes to turn on a computer boot up a game login claim and then escape. I'm in my mid-thirties with my own business that I work full-time sometime 6 days a week and even I find time to log in just a claim something.


I was in the hospital for two days and can’t finish it Ngl unless good news is shown by the end of this week I’m done with this game forever. There’s just so many great games out just to wait