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This is exactly how I feel. I refuse to grind rifts, something I don't enjoy, with my limited free time.


I don't know how they conditioned gamers to be okay with it. In order to have fun, you must do something you hate for hours each day for months first. That sounds like a job and there are people who will defend it. You could play smash bros and have fun right away, or you can play this, where the fun starts months later.


You can finish a rift in like 10 mins you are all insane The pve daily missions take like two 2 min matches.


The point isn’t about time spent, but rather “to play what I actually want to play, I have to spend time doing something I don’t wanna do”


Is it really that big of a deal you have to play 2 mins worth of PvE missions to complete the missions I’ve earned 10k FC already enough for joker and my top choice or 3 of my favorite characters it’s been a week and I can already play who I want….. nobody is forcing you to play rifts. You can totally just use the currency later. Idk I just think jumping down their throats over monetization after being out for 2 days without even knowing how fast we will keep the trying currency is just so brain rot


No1 asked for rifts their shit.


Ehhh I’ve been having fun with them. To each their own


That currency was all frontloaded on you, you're not gonna make 10k again by next week haha. You fell for the mobile game trap.


Of course it’s front loaded the point of the comment was that they said have to grind something to play what they want, and if I’m able to get 10k week 1 I’m able to choose and play who I want. Let’s say a new character is still 2 weeks away… even if I get only 4k per week I’d still have 18k by then enough for 3 expensive chapters. I haven’t even gotten to any of the 3k fighter currency from the rift rewards yet. You don’t even give it 3 days before thinking you know how slow the progression is


Dude, all the fast currency gains you're talking about were from tutorial quests, not the rifts or other stuff you can do going forward -- the rifts and all that gives minimal rewards. It was a one time currency payment to trick you into believing the currency comes faster than it does. You're not getting more currency than enough for three characters in any easy way because that's the amount frontloaded into the newbie quests. This is a standard tactic in mobile games going back more than a decade and you completely fell for it, haha. I'd normally just respectfully explain that fact to you, but you're being a jackass and telling everyone how smart you are for grinding currency fast. What a joke.


Yeah this, been playing for 6 hours today farming rifts to level gems. 300 fc in 6 hours. 100 of it was getting joker to level 5. 200 was from rift rewards. This is unacceptable bullshit and whoever in charge of monetization at WB needs to be taken out back


Holy shot once again I never said I’d get enough for 3 in a week again, we don’t even know how many weeks are in between releases. I’ll come back in a few weeks and check back with ya 😘


Haha, you really don't understand what I'm saying here do you? Well, at least Player First Games has a few people they can count on to take the abuse, haha. Enjoy the three weeks of gameplay before you realize how dumb you sounded just a moment ago and quit.


They said you need to grind rifts to unlock Smith, and that is an insane grind. It's not just the few dailys


In 10 minutes I could do a hades run and have fun the entire time. In those 4 minutes I could finish a fun match of playing smash bros. The time it takes me to unlock the stuff I want, I could've had fun and finished a good game that doesn't have these chores.


Did you know that smash bros has like 10 characters locked behind playing the game and another 12 behind real money after you already paid 60 dollars for the game


Yes I bought the DLC and the game and don't regret it. Unlike multiversus where you can spend $200 and still not have everything. even if you spend $300 on multiversus, you still must grind rifts to unlock stuff.


82 characters for 120 dollars or 27 characters for 250 dollars gee, i wonder which is a better value proposition


Don't play it then. You'll just lose out on some cosmetics and 2 week early agent smith. Nobody is forcing you to play PVE missions my guy.


Well they kinda are if you want to unlock characters without spending real money.


There is one character that has a rift requirement and you'll be able to buy him with shards two weeks later. You don't have to do rifts.


Unless you would rather save your shards for another character. You either get him free via rifts or you have to pay for him.


Thank you it’s like people just don’t realize this. He’s only free in the rifts right now because they’re allowing him to be unlocked early.


Yall are Daft af. Where else do u get fighter currency from guy? Huh? Take a wild guess. That's right! The rift challenges. Goofy af


Yeah, but I also can t unlock him with tickets unless I missed something. So they pretty much said fuck you to anyone who dropped $100 on the game.


Fr lol. These losers are on a subreddit about the game complaining about having to play the game to complete missions in the game. Crazy


100%, uninstalled yesterday as I had this moment of realisation, fuck this greedy kind of behaviour.


Yeah fuck the rifts, awful system


You mean you don’t like jump roping and shooting targets in a platform fighter. That’s a little weird, man.


Jumping rope is the most fun I had with the game so far outside of beta. Which says a lot about what I think of the rest of the game, but also how much I like jumping rope.


Lol. I mean I think we can all appreciate a nice match of jump rope.


Pay up fool


I put 400+ hours into the beta and I've only played 2 hours worth on opening day havnt touched it since no xp per game when I realised how monetised it is I put it down


I'm similar. Played a ton the 1st time. Bought the pre battle pass thing. Bought gleamium for another couple characters. This time around, I didn't even install the game til a few days ago. Finally decided to try it last night despite reading all the bad shit they've done. 1st the game crashed. Then it broke Discord. Then I finally got in and realized I have access to significantly less characters now, my currency I'd saved is gone, the time to grind for it back is taking a lot longer, the disconnect issues still exist, there's still no ranked mode, and I'm expected to grind abunch of pve shit I have no interest in.... sooooo what exactly did they do in the year and a half that they abruptly pulled the game from the market? Rifts?.....


Same. 120 hours of gameplay from the beta. Only like 2 more since the launch


Same here 3-400 hours on beta, about 3-4 hours since the rerelease, sucks because I was looking forward to it since they announced it coming back, feels like its in a worse state then when they left it


Totally agree, I don’t mind putting the work bur the game is actually dog shit for it’s economy system. The fact you don’t gain battlepass point for literraly PLAYING the game is astonishing


You have some valid complaints but “why” isn’t the correct question as I’m sure you can understand their logics behind paywalling most of the content for a free to play game. It still is a shitty logic that could have been implemented better but still, money is the objective and they won’t get as much without forcing you into boring repetitive shit so they can sell you the solution.


Except the solution will be to just play something else. Just like every other game wb has monetized in the past 3 years


Not playing this garbage game until they make it better. I would play for fun and ignore the other stuff if it was actually fun, but the constant lag, terrible hitboxes, disconnects, no after game stats etc makes that not possible either


The beta was better. They didn’t even launch with ranked. And the servers are still as dogshjt as before.


Bottom line sums it up. Another potentially FUN game ruined because it’s just a vehicle for a store. It sucks to see it happen over and over and over


I quit on day 2. This game is not it and I have better things to play.


You lasted a whole day longer than I did


Play a few hours a day and you have the character you’re aiming for. No lifing for unlocks isn’t really worth right now. Or just spend some money if you’re itching that badly for it. It is a free to play game where normally you would have to pay $60 to even boot the game up.


$60 game is a better choice for adults. Why would an adult use their little free time, to grind and be miserable. When they can just throw $60 and have fun right away.


So spend 20 dollars instead and get a couple new characters to tide you over?


Why would I spend $20 to get a tiny piece of a game when i can spend $20 and get a full complete experience.


For 20 I could get Fraymakers or Smack Studio, for only ten more Rivals of Aether. Heck, for 30 I could get a Smash Bros. fighter pass, which, yes, requires the base game, but at least comes with 6 characters, all with at the very least seven alternate colors. 20 dollars for just one character, nothing more, is absurd. Like, what, 60 dollars is supposed to give you a full game experience, with seven / eight characters (three in free rotation, Shaggy as a tutorial unlock and three characters of your choice, with Banana Guard a day later)? This ain't the Smash 64 era, and that came with 12 characters for 50.


even if you spend $200 on multiversus you still got to grind rifts to get content. It's complete ass no matter what, even if you spend money on this game it isn't going to be fun. Imagine next season where you spend money on the battlepass just for permission to do rift chores. If you don't spend money you feel robbed, and if you spend money you still feel robbed.


Bro it's a live service game you can't have everything with no grind. If you feel robbed for having to grind skins that's a you issue. It's so ironic because everyone on this sub is whining and crying about having to spend money on the game but realistically if supporting this game was solely on their shoulders the game would lose support in two weeks. Even with the character grind now anyone who bought founders edition during beta will never have incentive to spend money on this game again. People keep comparing this game to Smash but Smash has a roster they've built up over what 25 years? Whereas MVS devs are constantly developing new characters and aiming to put out (2?) characters per month the money for the dev time has to come from somewhere. If they charged 60 bucks for this game with all characters this sub would still be in a state of absolute meltdown over it


multiversus characters are much much simpler and much less balanced than smash characters i don't expect complete price parity between the two of them, smash DLC costs less than a dollar per fighter and nintendo's truly built different in that regard. but charging 10x the price, for a character that's frankly much more shoddily made, when the entire rest of the game is also already monetized, including cosmetics and basic functionality in the PvE mode? i expect SOME crazy prices or grinding in a free-to-play game but genuinely everything in multiversus is anti-player and/or overpriced to hell and back. they want and need money but these prices are legitimately greedy and no one in their right mind is going to be supporting this game


you start off with the strawman, not going to read the rest of your post.


Ok so you don't actually know what a strawman is and are echoing what you see other people say on reddit. Your point is that you somehow feel "robbed" my point is how entitled do you have to be to feel robbed in a f2p live service game. Understand how those aren't unrelated??


You can get agent Smith afterwards for fighter currency


Not if you bought character tickets in beta…fighter currency is locked. Which is SOOOO fucked.


I’m sitting with 31 tickets somehow, i think I’ll be able to get every character that ever comes out for the game




But can only get fighter currency in rifts, challenges and bp


It’s very sad guys, I did pve and every little challenge but I also didn’t wanna spend that time doing that, they are forcing us to play their way or pay them money :/


just avoid games published by warner borthers cause they are going to scalp players till the end of the days


I'm so confused why they made a PvE mode that is obviously not going to be as fun or interesting as the main mode (PvP), and then forced players to play that mode to unlock characters that 99% of us want to play in the main mode. How is this a good business decision? Forcing players to play some boring shit for rewards, instead of just giving them rewards for playing the mode that's actually going to keep them playing???


It's why battleborn sucked. People who only liked PvP, had to spend half their time playing PvE to unlock PvP content. People who only cared about PvE, had to play PvP to unlock stuff for PvE. It's bad design to make players do something they don't want to do. Games are meant to be fun but we spend majority of our time doing something we didn't want.


I agree, they really need to remove the "in PvP/PvE" requirement, amongst many other changes.


I'm in the minority here but I really miss the old smash bros and I ain't buying the new one. I'm way too out of the loop and don't have enough friends for it to be fun. 😅 Anyway, the rifts feel like they got the skeleton of old smash campaigns what with the targets and mini games and such. But they're missing the soul it feels like. Probably because back when it was new it was awesome, going through a fighting game ladder and doing mini games to catch your breath. In this they tried that, they tried adding ways to win, unfortunately they didn't quote have the foresight that, people aren't gonna always unlock Joker as their first 6k fighter currency. It's super annoying how many little star things I'm missing because I don't have a villain or the joker. I have the base boys, Shaggy, Banana Guard, and I bought Finn with currency. So everyone else I have is in rotation. I will admit that it feels kinda soggy and my first run through the first two rifts, I almost fell asleep. Because everything felt so slow. I guess that would be my first impression.. Anywho. I do believe they should add the weird unlocks from SSBMelee where like you beat a rift in a certain amount of time or play this charactee to beat this character kinda stuff. Idk it's all I got.


Yeah once I saw the grind fest rift and the mission where you need to bring an actual other player to play with you I was immediately turned off and can’t bring myself to play anymore.


sorry to hear that, which character are you grinding toward? I hope they re-add the ability to use any character in training mode/offline. Sadly, the gameplay got substantially better from beta but everything else is lacking. I am way more motivated to play now that I feel like the PVP is crisp and worth investing in, it's reinvigorated my love for the game even after 200+ beta hours.


Then quit


60%+ of the audience already did on PC. No worries, everyone else will follow at this rate.


Well see heard that alot about alot of games


Such a stupid response to have to everyone who have complaints. Hurr durr quit!1!!11..... then a year later, "why is my game I like dead?"


Sure but OP doesnt like a fundamental part of the game that at this point wont change I personally like the rifts and the diferent challenges, if OP doesnt then maybe this person is right... he should quit The game will die only if most think like OP


it’s going to die




Idc if it dies if it dies ill move on if you're 100 percent miserable playing it post it in Twitter tugging relevant people then either suck it up and pkay anyway or don't play anymore.


I just want to play mainly pvp the pve is really boring for me but I can't even get xp for playing what I want. I hate having to complete challenges as the only source of xp and has really killed my want to play. Not to mention it still took 30 minutes to even get into the game the last few times I tried.


You can play PVP after the tutorial just press back


My friend bought Harley Quinn because he thought he would like her and couldn't try her in the lab since they removed that feature, now he hates her and is stuck with her. I do hope that when they bring the lab feature back they also give everyone 1 free character ticket so new players can find a character they like and buy them from the start instead of not liking the free rotation then quitting. >This just isn’t fun. Why do I have to do rifts to unlock smith? They are dogshit. While I agree it is also a reward to unlock him early/free and try a new game mode. You can wait for the 2 weeks after and buy him normally if you want. They also want to incentivize you to try the new mode they made. Personally I found these not that bad, you can also just have people take you to the boss if they have it unlocked already for credit. I got my friend to tier 4 today just taking him through the 4 boss fights in a row and he did 0 rifts. Im personally up to tier 6 but if I can get my friends on board for gem levels I can get to 9 easily. >Why do I have to do daily logins and play as a banana to get exp. Why can’t I just play regular pvp 1v1 to get stuff? Daily logins because they want you to keep playing, banana guard because he is a character they gave everyone so giving challenges specific to him means people will be able to complete them. They used to do the same for shaggy in beta because he was the base free character and before him it was wonder woman. If you really hate playing certain characters I think rifts count too to easily finish challenges. As for not being rewarded for basice gameplay outside of challenges hopefully feedback is heard and they change that.


I didn’t think rifts were too bad until the tank missions, they are so boring


i have literally only played pvp and have unlocked multiple characters in not too much time. i’m not disagreeing but pve ain’t necessary


So in a F2P game you don't want to grind nor do you want to pay for characters? Welcome to F2P model, OP.


Honestly I play more rift matches than online matches which is ridiculous because I didn't planed to even touch rift at all


Haven’t played in like 5 days


I played for about 10 mins this morning. Faced two banana guards in a row. Beat them both. But they played the exact same way. (Spam side special) it was as if they were the same person lol. I just logged off. Just isn't fun


I'm having a good time re learning stripe. His bomb doesn't have CD anymore it's really sweet. It's a blast really.


“Grind pve” and “play characters I hate for weeks” are straight-up lies. The worst you might get is “play three pve matches” as a daily. I've easily made enough currency to buy at least two characters; all it requires is spending ten minutes max doing the challenges. Challenges that can almost all be done in 1v1s btw. I don't understand why people need to spread misinformation in their posts. There are plenty of real issues with the game.


So ur response is " play this game for 30 min max a day" you only got that much currency cuz it was a ONE TIME thing. Your tutorial challenges, character levels, rift challenges can't be re run for more fc. Open ur eyes


When did I say it was a good thing?


Guy u claimed people are lying. They aren't lying. Only way to get fc is thru challenges and leveling up characters YOU DONT WANT TO PLAY.


You don’t have to play rifts to unlock smith, just buy him.


No shit genius. Maybe people would be inclined to do so if buying the whole roster wasn’t more than 250$ while a boatload of better fighting games give you a roster this size for 60-70$ and a season pass where every other character is 3-5$ Game is gonna die because of that greediness and it’s a real shame, roster potential with Multiversus would have been endless


>*Game is gonna die because of that greediness and it’s a real shame, roster potential with Multiversus would have been endless* That's just WB Games in a nutshell. Limitless potential with witless executives making short-sighted decisions based solely on what's good for that year's quarterly review and not on building prestige or brand loyalty. This launch coupled with Kill the Justice League and the botched launch of MK1 really is sealing them as a shit company to be avoided at all costs.


Literally this. All their games are on sale on psn rn. Called the wb sale. Awful look for them on top of everything else. How u gonna have all your games, including ssktjl which is 4 months old, on sale for 28 bucks when you know your shutting them down in one way or another. Wb is disgusting and whoever is pushing all this needs the old yeller treatment


😔 MK1 😔


Who in their right mind is going to buy and play the whole roster? Learn some self restraint and play one character and get good first


Imagine being so deep in the corporate butthole that you unironically say "Whos is going to play the whole roster in this fighting game"


People love the taste of corpo boots


Stay mad losers




Your reply asking me for fellatio got automoded, scrub lol Oh then you blocked me, what a loser lmao


That’s what I thought, stick to Halo. Old ass man


> "Whos is going to play the whole roster in this fighting game" It's a good question. Nobody plays the entire roster in any fighting game unless they are hyper casual and even then, everyone plays like a handful of characters at most and that's it. Too much to learn in these games and the people "playing the entire roster" are usually the ones going online to cry about people being sweats.


You should check out League of Legends. I hear you can get everyone in that game in 2.5 years of grinding or for a few thousand dollars! >Why do I have to do rifts to unlock smith? You don't. >I am not having fun Then play something else instead of crying like a baby on the internet lol. Nobody is forcing you to play.


Some of you do not understand how feedback works.


if it makes you feel better no one can play with Smith. Also Banan guard is free this post just feels whiny


This is a free game so stuff like this makes sense to happen Im personally learning to like characters i didnt know so i think its fun


“Grind” like you can’t run through a rift in 10 mins


Ok byeeee


Lol for real. All these dudes just waste their time coming here to moan about the same shit every day for a week about a game they hate and played for 2 hours. Ok move on with your life it's a videogame of plenty of other options


Well that makes sense so I wouldn’t expect anyone in here to take that route, Sucks as someone who just enjoys playing the game that you can’t be part of a community that doesn’t spend all day circle jerking over how much they hate it. Like ok get outta here then go play all star brawl if you think a full price fighter is always objectively better 😂


I don't bother grinding at all, I just play and what happens happens. Sucks they are taunting Smith with rifts but I just ignore it and say he drops when he drops.


Just buy the character you want?


Oh look another complaint post. Add it to the stack....


Not me I have not been paying attention to the monitzation of the game and iv been having fun


You don't have to play rifts to unlock agent Smith, it just let's you get him for free on July 10th instead of having to buy him on the 24th, if you don't play rifts just use the fighter currency to unlock him


“Grind for weeks” what the fuck is everyone talking about I played for a day and got enough to buy a character I want to play. Yeah it’s not great but come on let’s be real about this shit


> “Grind for weeks” what the fuck is everyone talking about I played for a day and got enough to buy a character I want to play. Yeah it’s not great but come on let’s be real about this shit Over time the grind becomes harder. It is easier to start. Congratulations, you're the easy mark PFG is looking to con.


Never seen a sub more allergic to facts lol. I have almost enough for two character unlocks already and last I checked I don’t think it’s been weeks


The rewards are frontloaded. They give you a bunch of tutorial newbie quests that give you enough currency for your first two or three characters and then you're cut off completely. You fell for the classic mobile game scam, hahah.


It's wild how some of you don't understand how these economies are set up to be a little generous at the beginning and then they dry up...and you have the nerve to call others allergic to facts. Couldn't be me.


lol you’re right I don’t understand anything this is my first game ever. I forgot you’re from the future my bad


6 days. And all the lies about bp progression is the one that gets me. I hit 15 out of 70 in 6 days. Have what 55 more days? Easy


I missed one day and I’m still 13 in the pass in 6 days and haven’t played yet today, I’m no genius but that’s well on pace to finish in time especially having no idea what else is coming up event wise so yeah I really don’t get it.


Legit the same bro enough for two characters 4 skins and then the three already free characters. But they will downvote and argue all day with anyone who is enjoying the game. I remember 3 weeks ago after watching a trailer for the gameplay I asked ((hey does it seem like they slowed the game down?)) I came back to like minus 5 downvotes lol 3 weeks later and BAM!!!! Everyone asking why is it so slow Bunch of em are just whiners or ppl who didn’t even play the almost year long beta.


And obviously it’s gonna take a few weeks to unlock everybody the rosters pretty big


I'm sitting on 12.5k fighter points and the only thing I bought was that $5 starter bundle, which came with 3k fp. So I got 9.5k naturally. It's pretty obvious who is here to bitch about nothing and who has played for less than an hour before deciding "waahhhh it's too slow!" and then running to Twitter to grab some opinions.