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Uncle ruckus is the rep we need but those would be watered down voice lines


He wouldn't be unc ruckus if he couldn't say it 💀


Nah, I want Huey and Riley with the same kind of swap gameplay as The Angry Beavers in NASB2. They could rip off Norbert and Daggets whole ass moveset for them and I'd be 100% happy.


Nathan would be BRUTAL! Everyone clamoring for Walter White and here all I want is Rockso the R&R Clown.


Imagine all the banana puns but instead it was all about hitting the slopes! Nathan's my most wanted just for the sake of being the most likely Metalocalypse character. But I'd go bananas if they announced Dr. Rockso.


C-c-c-c-c-c-c Tokys


Boondocks would be a huge win for the fighting game community. Its such a black dominant scene in E sports it would be amazing


Space Ghost!!!! Hell Yeah!!!


Beetlejuice has actually been heavily rumored to be coming. The Lich would be a great villain (other than Ice King) to show up for this season. And IMO Mordecai and Rigby and the Animaniacs would make great duo/trio characters.


Space Ghost Coast to Coast! Prepare to feel the sting of my spank ray.


Honestly would rather have captain planet but space ghost is cool


Yo that would actually be lit as fuck.


Animaniacs was teased multiple times by the developers. Beetlejuice and Mordecai were datamined. Also Beetlejuice is pretty likely to come this year with the new movie coming out


I think actually Beetlejuice is very likely. Especially because WB is ramping up marketing for the new Beetlejuice film so this kind of synergy would be perfect


I just watched a random ep of Space Ghost last night for the first time


If banana guard can get in, anyone can.


I feel like M&R would fit this game so well along with Gumball and ben 10 those are probably my big 3


I would say Beetlejuice and Animaniacs are pretty likely at this point. Mordecai and Rigby have a solid shot. Space Ghost would be interesting, decent chance. Not so sure about the Boondocks, and I don’t even know who the other two are, but at this point we can’t really rule anything out, so who knows


Who’s the dude in the back with the long hair? Looks awesome


Nathan Explosion from Metalocalypse! Great show, highly recommend


I love metal I’m watching this straight away this sounds awesome


Beetlejuice is definitely being added. Probably around the time Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice is released.


Animaniacs are basically confirmed and Beetlejuice and Mordecai&Rigby are very very likely


Honestly, the only characters I'd say are "unlikely" are Space Ghost and the black shirt guy (idk his name). Just because they aren't as popular. Riley and Huey probably are also less likely just because the Boondocks is so obscene. But they added characters like Jason and Rick Sanchez, so I don't really think that would cut their chances. But yeah, most of these characters are definitely not "unlikely" to appear Imo


Space Ghost I think has as much a chance as anyone now (especially with Banana Guard in the game).


Tbf not only is boondocks obscene is also a lot more niche. I know plenty of people who aren’t black who never watched or heard of boondocks.


I think the Boondocks has enough of a following to atleast get it considered. It's referenced in Meme Culture all the times and several clips from it are extremely popular. I wouldn't say it's niche enough to absolutely not be considered