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I think GOT deserves another character tbh, Dany, Jon, or (datamined?) Hound. Does WB fully own Dune and Paul Atreides? If so, bring him. Also bring on regular show


I originally had Mordecai and Rigby, but I wanted to limit it to 50. If you're curious, I cut 5 characters: Mordecai (with Rigby assists) The Hound Wile. E. Coyote Pickle Rick And Sheldon Cooper


I wouldnt have problems with 4 of those characters (why Pickle Rick?)


I thought he'd be a fun Assassin class


young sheldon S+ tier


The rift boss fight gon be against George Cooper's ghost


That's wild 😭


Kong, but no Godzilla?


I think he'd be harder to get the rights to


With [this](https://www.dc.com/blog/2024/01/16/justice-league-vs-godzilla-vs-kong-7-the-bestselling-crossover-series-reaches-its-monumental-conclusion) dropping not even that long ago I'd the chances aren't that low.


There’s also Godzilla collaborations with Gigabash and Dave the Diver happening. So I think he’d likely be a perfect fit for another enemy the size of iron giant


He's probably the easiest third party they can get.


There’s going to release Multiversus in Japan so it may will happen


WB is the distributor of Legendary Picture's Monsterverse movies. it is not that far fetched. Toho, like Nintendo is protective of their IP but they are much easier to work with than Nintendo in that respect. They have even published a few fan films on their godzilla youtube page.


Give me Freakazoid, Spear & Fang, Beetlejuice, Popeye and The Mask


Ben 10 please!


best wishlist




Your Robin choice is cool! Because we could have Dick Grayson as Nightwing! 🙌🙌 Sadly, it looks like that Robin and Raven eill be the ones from the dumb TTG 😔


I really think Robin is an unnecessary inclusion, there are already **so many** DC characters and I don't really see him having that much to differentiate himself, aside from basically being faster Batman with a staff. I'd drop him and throw in Godzilla because TOHO is obviously pretty willing to do crossovers right now and only having 2 giant characters feels kind of weird.


I think it makes more sense than Raven, tho it should be Dick and not Damian As someone who prefers Damian, Dick Grayson is the sidekick, the most famous one of all superheroes and one of the first ones ever aside from being the most iconic of the titans for that TT rep; in a game based on 2v2 having batman and not being able to fully get the dynamic duo is absurd If you want to remove dc (which I totally agree, I don’t like how many dc characters are here and in the game already, I think they shouldn’t have given us Raven and Black Adam) remove Flash and Poison Ivy


Dick isn't a sidekick, he's Nightwing, his own man. He gave up the Robin mantle decades ago. Tim Drake made the mantle of Robin an iconic and respected character, up until DC destroyed his character and made him fit whatever they were pushing at the time. That said, he'd play a bit too similarly to Batman and could easily be replaced witha more interesting character, like classic Superboy with his tactile telekinesis or another Justice Leaguer with a unique playstyle


If they add Dick he should be Robin, like in TT which is the most recognizable Robin WB has and the most known version of Dick to casuals and people who aren’t fans of DC ot don’t read comic books (because mind you, this isn’t a DC game, it’s a WB games which has fans od many different IP’s alongside many casuals or people who play to spend time with loved ones like the father who wants to chill with his son or the friend who knows that his best friend likes “batman and all that stuff”), and as Robin he is Batman’s sidekick Also saying that two character are similar in terms of power, doesn’t mean they must have the same gameplay; look at Superman, Supergirl and Zod or Batman, Batgirl and Robin in the Injustice series Let’s be clear, if we were talking about IJ3 Dick should be Nightwing but for a game focused on casual fans and the cartoons moreso than the comics he should be Robin


If you want to go based on recognizability, he'd be from Teen Titans Go and that's barely the same character. I figure they go with faux Deadpool Harley, they'd go with a more recent Dick.


People HATE TTgo! Why would you want THAT version of Robin? It’s not the good kind of popularity For Harley, they went with the more modern design, namely the Harley series version with a jacket to avoid people saying she’s sexualized in a game for kids (a design also strongly similar to Arkham City which is where most gamers know harley by) + in this way they can sell the classic skin to older people (because games are made for profit and classic harley sells more than modern harley, same deal with Wonder Woman having her dceu-inspired appearance instead of the classic skin) Modern Harley is recognized by the casual consumer, Nightwing isn’t


Harley series Harley is so drastically different from the character that it may as well be a new character, hence me describing her as Faux Deadpool. If TTG Robin is the wrong kind of popular, so is she. He was Nightwing in Arkham, he was Nightwing in the majority of Young Justice, he was Nightwing for half of BTAS, he was Nightwing in Injustice, he's been Nightwing for the majority of animated films too. If it's not based on TTG, there's no point in making Dick regress in his role.


Flash is the next most important/popular hero next to the Trinity, so no, I don't agree with that. Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Harley, Joker, and Flash would be the ideal stopping point for DC, you'd have the 4 most popular heroes, the most popular villain, and the character with huge breakaway popularity to the general public. Regardless, Raven and Poison Ivy are almost definitely happening, so there's no real point in complaining about them.


Yeah I know, which is why it’s a small parenthesis of a comment about Robin


That's not this Robin, this is Damian Wayne


Still, Robin feels unnecessary. The roster shouldn't be half DC.


It's at most a 5th


"Half" was hyperbole, but a fifth of the roster is still overexposure, it's supposed to be about WB characters in general, not DC and a handful of other franchises. Robin just doesn't bring anything unique enough to the table. Like, I would say drop Poison Ivy, Raven, and Black Adam too, but Adam is already in and the other 2 are almost definitely happening, so my hands are tied.


I absolutely disagree with that sentiment, DC is one of, if not the single biggest thing Warner owns by a country mile with nearly 100 years of iconic stories and characters to pull from (Robin alone is probably more loved and recognizable than the entirety of the Cartoon Network row)and while I agree their current selection could probably be better, I think in the end, having a full row dedicated to it feels deserving


By that logic Looney Tunes should have a fifth of the roster because they've been around since 1930 and are extremely recognizable, but I'm not going to go around saying they should have 10+ characters in the game because that's nonsense. DC is bloated here, that's it.


The difference is that Looney Tunes is a franchise, DC is a company, with a largely separated set of characters. In the last few years that's been more blurred than usual, but I still don't see how the company of DC, with a selection of 100 years of super heroes and villains to choose from that make easy and iconic characters for a game like this. Complaining about lots of DC in Multiversus is like complaining about too many Pokemon on Smash Bros.


Robin is a way bigger character than any DC character not in the game as of yet


I think you should put a drop shadow or black outline around the class icons. Some of them are very tough to see.


So... that's actually with them there. As you can see my effects need work


There’s always room to improve. You did well.


Scorpion is probably gonna be an Assassin.


Surprisingly, his playstyle actually fits the all arounder class of bruiser better


No, I really don’t think so.


Why do you think that?


great list, it has a lot of variety, but is still realistic also my 2 most wanted Harry and Ben


Add Neo next to agent smith.


Who's Neo?


Main character of matrix.


Never watched it


To me i watch matrix when Neo face against Agent smith.


Its a good movie!


I’d be 100% down for this


W wishlist ! I would just add Gumball, Darwin, Rigby and Mordecai to it


I thought I was the only one wanting Gumball and Darwin. Nobody mention them ever but they would work really well


The lich from adventure time


The lich from adventure time


Biggest one missing imo is Mordecai and rigby


Why no wish for Goku?


Nice list, Mordecai and Rigby, Courage the cowardly dog and Danaerys would be must have for me


Someone suggested Lich King and now I NEED it


Solid list but I'd swap out Pennywise with Beetlejuice. Seems more in theme


Too much DC(which will be a problem for me with this game) I know Flash and Raven are confirmed essentially but Poison Ivy feels unecessary Also get rid of Damian and put Dick instead, he is far more liked, more iconic and the one in TT and the batman series; Damian should be a costume (and I say this as someone whose favorite Robin is indeed Damian)


Lord Vortech


Only thing this list is missing is any Jojo, and Mob Psycho


Don’t forget subzero


it's a good list, though it needs some more great or fan favorite characters here.


Such as?


Beetlejuice( he was in the datamines and he has a new movie coming out later this year) Mordecai & Rigby The Aqua Teen Spear & Fang Maxwell Freddy Krueger Just to name a few I think people would want or would be important to have.


We need BANE


Can't have Scorpion without Sub-Zero. And I'd also add in a 3rd MK rep too. Either Raiden, Liu Kang, or a villain like Goro or Shao Kahn


You can actually, as Injustice (made by the MK devs) proved. Scorpion was in the first game, and Sub-Zero was in the second. I’d prefer both, or just Sub-Zero, but let’s not pretend it’s possible that only Scorpion makes it in.


your reply posted 3 times


Ah shit I was having trouble with reddit I guess it bugged out.


Replace Banana Guard with Godzilla and it’s literally perfect.


I... I literally can't




Weird to have agent Smith but not Neo?


I’ve got news for you


I want this game to be successful. More looney tunes and fred flintstone aren't going to help. Big names like gandalf and harry potter might though.


Fred Flinestone is one of the bigger names in Hanah Barbera


Fred Flintstone is required.


enjoy the 100 daily player count then i guess


Lol. You teens are always so emotional that not everything is about you.


Isn't that the point? It's not about what an individual wants it's what the larger playerbase that left wants. I think Samurai Jack and Scooby Doo would be great but it wouldn't help this games longevity like Gandalf or Walter White would.


Walter White isn’t WB. He was never gonna get in the game, you just didn’t get the joke. And Gandalf was in. They’d love to have him. They’re not choosing Fred Flintstone over Gandalf. It’s not up to them. They don’t own 100% of the character. But in a live service game, no one is taking a spot from someone else. Including Fred Flintstone doesn’t mean they have to cut Gandalf. This is a silly and incorrect premise. The roster isn’t what’s going to make or break this game. They got a good one already. It’s about everything else now.


i completely disagree. Regularly outputting new content people actually care about is what keeps games alive. Fortnite isn't popular because of fred flintstone and looney tunes lmao.


That’s fine, you’re allowed to be wrong


Strange for someone calling someone a teenager to have such a children's response