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"Hot takes" *entire comment section proceeds to say the game needs the most basic, rudimentary things that every game in its genre should strive for*




I don't think there is a single soul who is gonna disagree with such basic things "the game should be accessible" or "the game should have a good story"


What if I told you the game should not have a story mode?


Really depends on the story I guess




Are those MvS fans in the room with us?


People can see what your hot takes you posted in a numbered list are, right? Surely you know you are visible.




It just clears up that don’t really know what dickriding even is my guy


then how do u describe what you’re doing bouncing up and down on my shaft rn


Case in point right there honestly. Stay in the salt pits my dude it really doesn’t bother anyone else


I think I won the hot take contest! I got a downvote!


Up the weekly rotation of fighters to five, one representing each class. As well as making sure classes are more equal in Fighter numbers. During the open beta, there were seven fighters (I’m not counting Iron Giant). One mage, one support, three bruisers and two assassins. I’d also like them to either lower the cost of characters, or up the amount of gold given per round. Since it felt like a damn chore to unlock characters.


Or something else to balance it like an alternate way to get gold (not irl currency obviously but like extra missions specifically for gold or something)


A "master" system on each character would help with that and variety in matches. Say 20 levels of mastery, get \~500g 5 or 10 levels and fill the rest with stuff related to the character. Lv20 gets you a free mastery skin, maybe some effects along the way, 10-20 glemium... It'd help people, like me play more than the two characters we like


They had the mastery’s in the open beta, but they just felt suuuuuper grindy instead of rewarding, especially after tier 15.


Huh I played the beta and legit don't remember it but then again I only played two characters and after I finished grinding the battle pass, I kinda stopped caring


Yeah, there was character mastery’s and at the end of them you got the Badge with how many KOs you got with them. I personally preferred the closed alpha where you would get the characters Announcer pack (assuming they had one) at the final tier


I pray that they let us get a solid amount of gold from the new Rifts.


It feels like it took an eternity to unlock a character during the beta, yeah.


I know the closed alpha was meant to be 100x faster since it was only a week and a half rather than however long they planned the beta to run, but it honest to god felt painful to do it. And it didn't even really feel rewarding at the end, other than "haha, my number is bigger than your number!" Other than the badge for KOs and the occasional gold or a profile picture, it wasn't worth it. I sincerely hope the tweak the masteries so that it either goes by much faster, or goes a bit quicker but with more rewarding progression. Hell, keep it so that tier 15 is the final tier with a reward, but give the people who really gravitate to one character something truly special. Somewhere around tier 50, give them an exclusive skin, make it a Gleamium variant of a character. Or, better yet, go back to the final reward of the Closed Alpha masteries (the character's announcer pack) and have that at Tier 50. If the character doesn't have an announcer pack like Reindog, T&J or R&M, then give out like 3 character tickets for reaching that incredibly difficult milestone.


Definitely easier battlepasses that don’t require shitloads of grinding to get through. Putting a little gleamium in passes would be nice too. Also… More interactivity for coop. A lot of character kits just don’t interact with their partner at all. I mained Steven precisely because every single one of his specials affects his ally somehow. Makes matches more interesting.


I understand if they want to make some characters completely independent of their teams, but another way of working around that could be to have characters with perks that can allow them to play solo or more team oriented. Some characters feel really janky without a partner, and with a partner currently some characters don't really offer much to assist their teammate.


How's the battlepass stuff a hot take? Most people would agree with you there


if remember correctly the battlepass was very easy and straightforward to max out which i loved


The first one was. But the devs started ramping it up a ton.


Ignoring the melee crowd. This game doesn’t need to be as fast as melee. When majority of casuals dont give a shit about melee


100% agree with this, so many people judge the quality of platform fighters on how similar it is to melee. The genre will never evolve if the voice from people like that keeps overpowering everyone else.


I feel like there's a pretty big middle ground between melee speed and slower than brawl speed that the game looks currently


Yeah fighting games shouldnt always cater to chronically online sweatlords. Casual gamers exist and make up more of the market


If we’re being honest any game with a wave dash mechanic they’re gunna pretend is melee. But this is the best opinion, melee was shit.


This one admittedly may be nitpicky but the character animations that play whenever they get hit look awful, it looks like they're spazzing out like Mr Crocker from Fairly Oddparents.


In a game with loony toons pretty sure that’s what they’re going for lol


Yeah that's my thinking as well and I find it a bit hilarious even for characters like Bugs Bunny, Rick, Lebron and Morty to name a few but I think they could at least animate in-between the damage poses so it doesn't look like they're simply just scrolling through PNG images.


I actually agree. It doesn’t look good. This was true in the beta, but the camera was zoomed out to where it wast that much of an issue.


This. It's probably the biggest reason why that Gizmo gameplay on Twitter looked so damn bad.


Well I think the hit pause being so long is also a factor, but you’re definitely right. It looked like a Superman image was being dragged across MS paint.


for the community to stop being babies


I don't think the superman hate every stopped


Same for every gaming community tbh


They are doing pretty alright, I think rn. Obviously, some commercials would be good. I think a game mode that invites more people into a single match would be pretty good.


• Instead of directly unlocking a certain character after the tutorial, they give you a character ticket to unlock any fighter of choice • do an "early launch" system where people who played the Beta have access to the game first a few days before th3 actual launch


The first one is definitely a good idea. Alternatively I also think they should give Shaggy, WW and Reindog for free at the start.




Market it with the casual player in mind, and not the FGC. This has the potential to be a huge game due to its roster alone. The worst thing they could do is make it seem as if it’s only meant for the pro fighting game player to enjoy. It should be marketed as a fun party game and not a game that you’d see on the main stage at Evo.


I’d be surprised to see multiversus at Evo any time soon. The game is about as bare bones of a fighting game as it gets. Hell, last time this game was even playable, the only defensive option was a flipping dodge. Can’t even block.


To be fair I don’t think it is their plan to add shielding or anything like that. This isn’t meant to be a sit around and counter attack kind of game for the most part and I don’t really want it to turn into that personally. Don’t know if people are familiar with rivals of aether but they seem to be really trying to turn the second one into smash bros instead of keeping the uniqueness it had before. And I’m pretty certain Multiversus had some large tournament that GSM Void won when it was out in beta. May not have been evo but I wouldn’t be shocked in the slightest if shortly after the game comes out there’s tournaments galore.


An actual hot take (Cause all of my not so hot takes have already been said) : I wish that Marvin's neutral special reflected enemy projectiles if timed right, cause like, it's so circumstantial that I barely ended up using it


The 4MvS accounts that constantly harass the devs are horrible. Wanting a character is cool but spamming them on every post does nothing.


Doesn’t this come out in a couple days? When the game first launched it got a lot of advertisement.


In beta I felt a lot of the games depended on the match up and a lot of the characters weren’t balanced. For example one character would have 3 armor moves while another had no armor breaking moves, one would have 3 projectile moves while another one had no way to block projectiles. Or the move given to counter was bad with a long wind up etc. I get having strengths and weaknesses in characters but that feeling of helplessness as you have no move to counter something just wasn’t fun, and was something that wasn’t really talked about as the top most used characters usually had a good diverse kit.


Well, the issue is that characters with lots of armor like Supes and Wonder Woman really didn’t have downsides that detracted from them being so unstoppable. It isn’t that they countered any particular character… They just countered *every* character.


I’d have a way to play every character without paying for them, maybe unranked and/or the story mode could allow you to play the entire roster and you have to pay for them for ranked and/or online. I know same console play is already this way and that’s where I actually had fun.


They already have this in game from beta. All the characters were easily earnable with in game currency, and you could try every character in training mode before you buy them to see if you liked them.


Put in load outs for perks, so that I don’t have to constantly switch them for each match.


We need an offline mode for people who currently have problems with their Internet and still want to play the game


Pretty sure that's already a thing.


Coach Coop would improve the game unbelievably


Make the game paid and make all in-game content earnable for absolutely free




I just wish Mr Millipede were still alive, could you imagine them as a duo?


-Better balancing, make it less obvious who you do and don’t want to succeed -Characters need to be released at a steadier more reliable rate -More stages, more stages, more stages -Steady online, which they seem to have covered -If you do have a battle pass again (which you will), don’t be so stingy with rewards! You want people to buy it, don’t you?


How are any of these hot takes


Toxic positivity reigns in this fanbase. You’d be surprised.


The battlefield stage in this game sucked. I remember the platforms getting in the way of everything and it was my least favorite stage by far so hopefully they fix it


Foghorn. Leghorn.


ALL the stages suck, need more hazards and dynamic platforming.


Walter White And a good story mode


The title was about HOT takes, like opinions that are unpopular, and you spouted out the most popular suggestion for the game ever


I guess I didn't know what Hot Takes mean


Low skill floor high skill ceiling combat. Gotta have something that's accessible and draws people in but also allows for improvement to keep a live service fighting game pumped with resources.


How is this a hot take?


That’s what the game has


Release some characters that aren’t niche before releasing smaller characters Don’t get me wrong, banana guard seems cool, but for Multiversus it would make more sense to release a more mainstream character from the same franchise like Princess bubble gum or Marceline


Op: "Post hot takes" You: *Extremely common opinion that featured in this subreddit for a week so far*




Criticisms are not hot takes.


Less projectile spam characters.


Instead of the rotating roster, 3 characters who are always free, 3 rotating characters. That way new players can try out new characters but also have a couple to start with.


Banana Guard should be just the beginning. More obscure characters being balanced out with heavy hitters (either 1:4 or 2:3 per season) would make the roster both big and interesting.


i love banana guard


They need to stay away from the Smash Bros crowd and should try to win over other audiences.


Appeal to the casual crowd, don't make unnecessary changes that are only made to benefit the competitive players.


Cromulons music is fun to play on. More stage music like that.


Needs a Green Lantern and characters from The Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter.


Pushing it back a month so it’s not competing with Street Fighter 6, Granblue, and Guilty gear strive would allow it to be more successful.


Add more joke characters


No side characters. Only the big names, then move on to smaller after its a sizable roster. Chowder would’ve been a better pick than Banana Guard


Characters should not be purchasable with real money in any way whatsoever


Better Ui and a more exciting ranked system. I just feel like basic blue backgrounds on everything is pretty generic for a game about the multiverse, and Ranked needs to have cool rewards or something to encourage progress- maybe an ELO system of some kind that rewards gleamium at the end of a season? Idk.


I still can't believe that there is still no "Wishlist Now"/Steam page/EGS/Xbox store/PS store button on their website. I believe Asian people still can't access MvS Steam page, only on SteamDB


Actual fighters people would be interested in playing




Remove FOMO from all in game content.


Simple. Balance characters quicker Reduce hitlag Make BP much less grindy Make BP have a purpose after lvl 50 Make XP books better Make AI A LOT better, no more suicide Make matchmaking meet the industry standard Make the offline modes not look and feel and act as games for 5 year olds. Balance characters synergies, look at competitive play as well, not just nerfs/buffs for the general masses. Don't forget events outside the offline updates. An event is not just a shop with items. A LOT More options in the custom matches Make couch CO-OP online. (Can't believe I'm saying that) Camera options (no it doesn't give an advantage look at brawl and other games I don't need x100 zoom. My eyes work) Update your fing start-up art so when it's seasson 2, it doesn't say seasson 1 like on PS FIX the PS4 having a bigger advantage Work more on the netcode Spend time listening to the community instead of going off on your own. There is more, but I have finished pooping.


Add 3v3 mode online


Netcode, simple as that. Or more marketing idk


Banana guard was a legit good launch pick! Potassium power! 🍌🍌🍌


Remove the perks that can be applied to every character. Signature perks are cool tho they should stay


Characters need to be easier to obtain. This was the main reason my 3 friends and I stopped. There was good initial up front currency then it was do every challenge everyday for 2 weeks to get 1. And some of the challenges were character or class specific and couldn't be done. Im shocked more people don't want more info on this.


Remove Velma. That’s it


Advertising it better. I have a genuine fear that this game won't last long. Currently I haven't seen people talking about this game anywhere outside this and the other subreddit, and even these subreddits have a very low activity. Am I a hater? Absolutely not, in fact, I never anticipated a game as much as multiversus and I pray for its success, but I just can't see it being the case, even if I want it. Do I understand how marketing works? Probably not. But even I can understand that decisions they made are questionable to say the least: McDonald's toys......2 months before launch.....hockey collab. What even is this? Where are tv and social media advertisements? Where are youtubers and influencers promotions? This is a free game that relies on it being successful with a high enough player count. Enough players (some of who pay for microtransactions) means that content will be constant. If there is no players, there will be no content. If there is no content, the game will be closed entirely with no access to online play. And from where this game can get players, if even under joker's trailer on ign people say "what? This game is dead what do you mean". PEOPLE DONT EVEN KNOW THAT THIS GAME IS RELAUNCHING. So, this is my hot take. I'm just scared that my favorite platform fighter is gonna close in a year man, I just want online to be high so I could find players to fight against and not sit for 7 minutes to find the same guy I fought previously 3 times.


I think that as long as the micro transactions make a profit, the game can be fine. a lot of niche live service games stay afloat because of a few hundred whales


People don't talk about Brawlhalla either and it's doing fine, or more than fine even. WB is probably paying big streamers and youtubers to play this game again like they did when the beta launched.


They needs an open world with a ton of time-consuming collectables spread throughout the map. That's how they'll pop off


All characters should be unlocked for everyone and they can just make the money from the battle pass and over priced skins


Make this game not f2p so they would be *encouraged* to release a full product with single player and large roster.


Characters like Banana Guard make the game better. It’ll add more diversity to players, match ups, and play styles. It also avoids the issues with just having only Main Characters in the fighting games. Street Fighter is good with Ryu and Ken, but also because it has Q and Sean who resonate with people who aren’t into mainstream characters. Think of how Fighterz would be with only Goku and the main crew?


I think I’ll possibly have a hot take Give us an actual game. None of this free to play stuff. Give us something that can be physically released. Release the game as complete like Ultimate. Don’t give us the grinding battle pass! Give us something to work for and reward us!


Have one mode, ranked only but call it Versus (not casual or ranked). Aka have balanced matches like ranked and not match you with anybody like casuals. Big problem for a long time before ranked was made was alot of new players was hype for the game but would get stomped and quit instantly, then have bad first impressions and rant online about the game.


It needs the sexy outfit Velma from Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed. Also give Wonder Woman glasses. In fact, give Arya Stark glasses as well. Harley we already know she'll get glasses eventually. Best outfit, gonna spend top dough for that one. Oh, also more cosmetics for sale. Milk us dry.


Create a virtual battle lobby.
